Best Wonder Woman Costume

> but muh swimsuit
Looks stupid, never made sense,and I'm not calling her a warrior so shut up.
> but muh sword
She's still a diplomat, and is far more collected than New 52 Wonder Woman
> but muh lasso
Still uses it

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I love the original but I have to say movie/rebirth costume is the best.

Careful OP. This board has a notorious Wonder-autist who would “disagree” with you. But yes you are correct on all counts

I'm sorry but I agree with "muh sword". I hate this kill happy, ultra stabby Wonder Woman that's in the comics now. Wonder Woman should be so compassionate and convicinving that she makes you give up, not someone who snaps your neck the minute she's bored.

user that’s an exaggeration and you know it. Christ was Johns shitty Justice League the only thing you’ve read or are you simply parroting shit because the imagery of her holding a sword is triggering you?

No version of the character that sports a sword as her main weapon is worth for shit. Go fuck yourself.

>Rebirth costume
Correct. But I feel there's a detail about it that gets overlooked. The gloves. Much as I love the bracelets and how iconic they are, they always looked a bit plain. In hindsight the solution was all too obvious, garnish them with a nice subdued pair of fingerless gloves.

Kill yourself, fake fan

Best suit ever

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> Rebirth
> N52 #4
> Dceu
> Red Son style Injustice

My ideal would be the Rebirth suit exactly as Sharp drew it with pic related boots extended up to thigh high level and...

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> and...
The JMS gauntlets with cloth extended up from them like the JLWar suit.

And the New 52 choker.

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Rebirth > New 52 4 > JL - Action - Final Design > DCAU JLU > 2019 Alternate Future From Bendis's Superman Run > 2016 BvS > Something Unlimited > 2013 Injustice Red Son Style > JL - Action - Concept Art (long hair) > Young Justice > Kingdom Come 1 > Kingdom Come 2 > Ame Comi 1 > Absolute Power 2 > All Else

> Take ame comi #3...
> Remove shield, sword & boots...
> Give it the boots & axe of ame comi #2...

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Here your WW, and if you disagree you are a nu52er/Azzarellite and part of the problem
>Swimswit is best costume
>sword and shield have no place in the hands of WW (aside some once-in-while extreme situation)
>She is made from clay and blessed by the gods/goddesses
>she is not ancient
>the Amazons live in an advanced utopia (at least culturally, if not technologically)
>being a warrior is barely a secondary attribute
>Her adventures aren't all myth all the times
>she doesn't kill (but the once-in-a-lifetime situation when she does, she isn't autistic about it)
Don't like this? Read Red Sonya

2006 is the last one to matter

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I really miss Al Rio (rip).
He said WW was his favorite character to draw and IMO it shows.

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THIS. Perfect description of my ideal Wonder Woman, with the slight difference that i don't accept the sword under any circumstance and for me the amazons HAVE to be technological advanced.

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We know that feel, bros.

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He was great

The irony is that Azz Wonder Woman wore the swimsuit throughout the run.

>THIS. Perfect description of my ideal Wonder Woman, with the slight difference that i don't accept the sword under any circumstance and for me the amazons HAVE to be technological advanced.
I'm fine with what you are saying, fellow WW fan.
Also she should look something like this

I'm a WW purist but I still really like the movie-inspired costume, I have to say.

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>The irony is that Azz Wonder Woman wore the swimsuit throughout the run.
While I didn't like the color scheme, the metal accessories and all the lines on the upper part, I won't disagree with your statement

I'm okay with almost any Wonder Woman costumes.
Her Villains are all pretty ugly though (I hate early Giganta and Cat-Cheetah with Hair). What are some of their best designs?

>>Her adventures aren't all myth all the times
This. Doctor Psycho, Giganta, and Doctor Cyber all need some love.

Psycho appeared in Simones Plasticman Mini.

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I don't dislike it.

If we're doing this, don't forget #MeToo era Psycho

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This was for Earth-One, right? Not really much of an Era.

>This. Doctor Psycho, Giganta, and Doctor Cyber all need some love.
I firmly believe that her rogue gallery would be great by now if she had the same level of effort other character got over the years.
Everyone agree that batrogues are great, but that's because they were used frequently for decades. If joker never existed, the idea of putting a clown against batman would look exactly as underwhelming as, let's say, Blue Snowman vs WW

Doctor Cyber is a good concept (cybernetic mafia boss), but she's hard to use because she's outside Diana's expertise. ... Yeah, it sure would be useful if there was like, an island full of ancient women learned in various sciences that Diana could call on for help.

Doris looks best in the jumpsuit.

>Simone using a Wondy villain
Color me shocked.

Wonder Woman used to have Ares.
Was it a bad Idea to make him a good guy? Also, is the current run good? I haven't read any Wonder Woman yet.

Does she kill her villains? I could respect her more if she actually used her sword for its purpose.

It starts off really boring and decompressed, then gets way better.
Right now she's dealing with a town of boomers who've been turned into a free love cult by Hermaphrodite.

>Does she kill her villains?
When she goes full bloodlust she aims for the neck. Other times no.

The best Wonder Woman costumes were all worn by Donna

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Absolute Power #2 is growing on me.

>The best Wonder Woman costumes were all worn by Donna
I like that time Artemis wore her suit.
Also, whatever happened to all the other Wonders? Donna, Artemis and Cass.
I haven't seen them in a while.

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Donna is currently in Titans, Cassie is currently in Young Justice, and Artemis was in Red Hood until she got sent to another dimension because shippers are toxic retards.

>Other times no.
Then the lasso will do on its own.

Scott Lobdell disliked having to write Artemis and Bizarro. That was it. Geoff Johns made him do it and without Johns there enforcing shit he doesn't need to keep the pretense anymore.

>Was it a bad Idea to make him a good guy?
Yes it was.
Making him a physical enemy and not a Sauron-type puppeteer was also a mistake

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>disliked writing Artemis
The irony being that he was really good at it. Whatever, when she comes back after the annual, just put her in Diana's book so they can have some rivalry shenanigans.

Bruh look at superman checking that ass out

Sharp and Future Wonder Woman is SMOKING.
What about Bizarro?

Meh sword and shield make her stand out from the rest of the JL, I'm okay with it. as long as the sword has some amazonian enchantment that means it cant cut enough to kill anyone or otherwise is enchanted to not kill anyone

To me she looks just like any other Xenas or Red Sonyas or any other mythological character. So boring.
meanwhile no character ever had a lasso and the bracers. It's just trading originality for "already seen everywere"


Didn't Donna get married to Not-Marv Wolfman? What happened to him again?

>The irony being that he was really good at it.
Lobdell writes almost all of his characters like dickish 1990’s era asshole superheroes. Since Artemis WAS one of these heroes, it makes sense that he’d write her well.

Died in a car accident along with her kids I believe, long time ago.

Had a kid with Donna, left her, divorced her, sued for custody of the kid, and then accidentally drove a car over a cliff with the kid inside.

>Had a kid with Donna, left her, divorced her, sued for custody of the kid, and then accidentally drove a car over a cliff with the kid inside.
Ouch, why did Marv (?) kill himself and had that whole drama with Child Custody.

I'm not really sure why he broke them up, though I'm guessing it had something to do with Wolfman being essentially kicked off the Titans franchise once and for all.

After that Donna was moved from Titans to Green Lantern/Darkstars, where her divorce and custody battle played out. Wolfman wasn't involved in any of this.
Then she got moved to John Byrne's Wonder Woman. Byrne really hates Wolfman, and also had plans for revamping Donna, so that's why he killed off Terry and their kid.

Ok, I see it now. But why was he kicked off? Didn't he start all of it?
>Byrne really hates Wolfman

Byrne hates everyone. But in all seriousness you'd have to ask more of a Marvel fan for that, I'm not sure specifically what he has against him but I'd bet it has something to do with X-Men.

Now thats some good stuff right there