The Boys (2019)

Is there no hype, or has it come and gone?
Or is Yea Forums just refusing to acknowledge anything on Prime?

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I want it to be good, but they're going to tone down the edge, and we all know it

There's going to be buttload of shit added to Hughie's and Starlight relationship, just for added drama

I'm also not sold on frenchie's actor

At least it can't get worse than Lucifer

Lucifer is barely an adaptation desu, i think with Boys they are sort of trying

Lucifer is comfy, I'm confident that this show will not be

Lucifer is "House MD: LAPD, oh and i guess he's a demon too"

Uwe Boll couldn't do a worse job.

I forgot this was happening. Remind me again when it comes out so I can torrent it.


i cant fucking wait for it in all honesty
im skeptical because preacher was a shit adaption imo
im worried theyre gonna tone down the homophobia and racism and and hit

No, I mean like literally make another thread when it comes out. I forgot about it completely since the trailer came out and I'm certainly going to forget about it again by the end of June.

Not sure how i feel about preacher, it had the element, the story and a few scenes were spot on but it did feel a bit.. frankensteined.
They did ruin KC, from the nastiest shit of them all to the not so bad guy,

I'm pretty sure the rapes will get cut

Honestly im baffled what they want to do with Starlight then

Does Starlight get raped? I thought a-train and homelander try to get her to suck their dicks and she like blind A-train then Muave tells them to knock that shot off?
Been awhile since I read The Boys though.

She did sucked their dicks for the job (which fo sure will be considered rape today) and A-train did try to rape her later

I dunno, Starlight basically gets #MeToo'd, that shit is relevant or whatever.

Not really, in the books it's shown more as she's more dissapointed in herself than pissed at Homelander

Like she get it that he is scum, but she thought she would be better than this
Shit won't fly today if they don't paint ONLY homelander in the wrong

Doesn't Hughie act like a little bitch when she tells him? Probably one of the few times I didn't like him. Like bro she sucked a couple of dicks under duress chill out.

Not necessarily, a commonly cited reason by the people who came forward for not coming forward sooner was that they were ashamed.

They might not make a joke of it later on, but I can see the event itself still being in.

Where's the Aquaman guy with the old timey diving suit? Am I thinking of a different "Justice League are actually assholes" pastiche? There's like fifty of those.

all the characters from the 7 are mocking certain heroes
and the deep is the guy in green iu guess the helmet was abbit much

She sucked a dick of a man who killed his girlfriend and a dick of the biggest scumbag murder supe there is

It was shortly after he discovered she was a supe hereself

he had his reasons to react like this
Jesus, he seen pictures of homelander fucking a guy in the back of the head and eating a toddler, and now he finds out his girlfriend sucked him off for a job at basically team of the worst people on earth

Also butcher put in his head that she is either toying with him or too far gone to notice that she done something wrong

>A-train did try to rape her later
>Black guy goes in for the rape of the pretty young blonde woman
Yeah, I don't think so.

not that user but i like lucifer for the sole reason that it got me laid

I think their going with Translucent being the major creep

I like the change in design from an alien looking guy with indestructible skin to invisible guy with indesctructible skin

I don't know how i feel about the change from hedoistic trans loving faggot that Jack was into a major creep rapist

the have pics of the boys themselves? I feel that'll be a bigger tell if I'll wanna watch it or not

Why do they do that? Because A-Train is a featured player and The Deep barely got any screen time?

i dont but
>butcher looks great and sounds british as fuck
>hughie looks timid and weak
>frenchie does not have goggles and just uses raybans
>m.m isnt a hench black guy hes jsut a generic black guy
>the female is the only one with super strength but is a small asian
>terror is a bulldog
they dont have teh classic trenchcoats and 12 hole combat boots

>the female is the only one with super strength

I'm sorry what
Is this confirmed?

yes urban mentioned that they dont have superpowers but they have a secret weapon hinting at the female
either that or hes being esoteric and reffering to the explosive V compound

The "you" Urban referred to was Karen Fukuhara, who plays the only woman on The Boys, aptly named "The Female." In the comics, her defining characteristics are her penchant for ripping the faces of her victims off, as well as explosively eviscerating certain people who come into contact with her.
found it

Jack was one of the best developed characters on the Seven. It sucks that they are taking the easy way out and probably transferring the rapist stereotype onto him from A Train because they can't show a black man being a rapist.

Shouldn't have dropped the Deep either

Ennis is a retarded manchild and his fans are even worse.
Kill yourselves.

teh deep is still there he jsut doesnt have the diving helmet
you see him showing you how to stop drowning in a class in the trailer

Then what is Frenchie even doing there
Is he just female's handler?
Who the fuck thought it's going to be a good idea

What about the fight with stormfront, or whateve his name was, the nazi?
How will hughie kill blarney cock?
Most importantly, If MM has no powers than his moms milk just keeps him alive?

dont ask me mate, all we can do is wait for it to come out

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also, pic of the boys

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>doesnt have the diving helmet
But what about the ancient Atlantean curse?

so far this show has been keeping me asking "but what about this and that"

>hey let's option an ip -- then change everything til it barely resembles the sour-

I don't even have the will to finish that.

Yeah I am disappointed he isn't being faithfully done also.
He actually looked cool in the comics minus the exposed legs.

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have some faith user
i despised most of preacher but its kept me watching

>what about the ancient Atlantean curse?
All bullshit, every origin story is.

He was a literal nobody tho
Like, if he wasn't there the only change would be that they'd have to be called the six

Why would anyone fucking read this shit

They are 12

because it's fun!

To see supes being assholes and then die in humiliating ways.

becasue im english and i like edgy british humour

I was hype... then they cancelled The Tick now I have no interest of anything on Prime

Isn't British Humor notoriously terrible? I just want to know.

no ? if anything ive heard that we have the best humour and id agree considering america seems to copy every decent british comedy show

I like Karl Urban but I don't see him as physically imposing like Butcher should be.

If he can pull off Dredd, he can pull off this

We'll see

No hype because it looks garbage.

Why isn't he smirking? He's 10 steps ahead. It's when he's not smiling that you know shit is fucking going down.
>Why'd'you kill me dog, mate?

>Why would anyone fucking read this shit
To be edgy and superheroes suck, I'm a adult now

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Retard alert

Did you watch Xena by any chance?

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Is that big to you?

Not really, I watched Hercules more often. I'm just looking for Butcher to be like a square-jawed WWE type in terms of look.