> Favorite/best Dc comic currently being released?
Unironically Justice League. Yeah, yeah, I know. Most of it is crazy confusing mess but still I can't stop falling in love with insanity of it all. Fun stupid shit.
Also Batman now that Tom King has finally been fired and is no longer writing it and Deathstroke.
> Anything you are particularly pleased with or pissed about?
Me, I'm pleased that Justice League is back to being one of biggest sellers in comic book charts and that I can finally get some decent Mexican in mall close to where I work.
Me I'm pissed off Dan Dido. Tom King. Bendis. Ice Cream Tacos still not being thing where I live and that Vertigo line is shutting down after twenty six years.
> Any specific creators you would like to see on specific books/characters?
Because Didio is so convinced that DC legendary characters like JSA and Jay Garrick are lame, I would love to see somebody like Gerard Way on Earth 2, or "Earth Square" title just to prove how wrong the ass pulling cock sucker is.
> Characters/teams/series you would like to see get used more?
Atari Force. Jemm Son Of Saturn, The Martian Manhunter. Any of members of Green Lantern Corp besides Hal Jordan, John Stewart, or Guy Gardner.
> Your general hopes and ideas for Dc and any of it's characters?
That Superman, Batman, finally get some decent fucking writers. Flash writers stop tying outdo what been done before with speed force. In parody of Wonder Woman mythos, Gorilla Grodd to amend for his past mistakes sends his own superhero ambassador to outside world and ends up defecting, living in semi detached apartment with Cheetah.
> Your hopes and ideas for Dc's films and tv series.
That Crisis On Infinite Earth doesn't blow chunks.