/dc/ - General!

> Favorite/best Dc comic currently being released?

> Anything you are particularly pleased with or pissed about?

> Any specific creators you would like to see on specific books/characters?

> Characters/teams/series you would like to see get used more?

> Your general hopes and ideas for Dc and any of it's characters?

> Your hopes and ideas for Dc's films and tv series?

Have a great rest of 2019 anons.

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I want Didio to be fired

>> Any specific creators you would like to see on specific books/characters?
Liam Sharp on a canon Martian Manhunter series.

Fuck Didio
Fuck King
Fuck Snyder
Fuck Bendis
And fuck DC collection department

Don't forget Lee

marvel is better

Make your own thread

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> Favorite/best Dc comic currently being released?
Green Lantern for both.
> Anything you are particularly pleased with or pissed about?
Really happy Young Animal is coming back. Kind of irked only DP is returning from the original lineup, but the two new ones sound promising.
> Any specific creators you would like to see on specific books/characters?
Wonder Twins has shown me Russell deserves to be writing Young Justice instead of Bendis.
> Characters/teams/series you would like to see get used more?
I'd like to see a return of Animal Man, just someone other than Lemire. An Inferior Five book would probably fit pretty well in the upcoming YA relaunch.
> Your general hopes and ideas for Dc and any of it's characters?
I want to see Batman have a rotating cast of writers, rather than have one person try to make the next grand tale as a personal vanity project. And not give the title to someone like Bendis for as long as he wants.
> Your hopes and ideas for Dc's films and tv series?
The DCU streaming service stays alive and we get more DP, an Animal Man miniseries or even miniseries for other lesser known but interesting characters.

I love Priest's Deathstroke, but I'm also warming up to Morrison's Green Lantern.

I was pretty pissed that Kyle's GL run being collected in trade stopped dead at volume two, despite them soliciting vol.3.

Started reading Resurrection Man the other day and I'm really digging it.
Got almost the entire first series at a swap meet.

I'm interested in the return of Young Animal.
Got my eye on the Lois and Jimmy books. Probably gonna pick them up if they're divorced from Bendis' stories.

>Wally West
Why King, just WHY

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Wonder Woman x Batman is a great ship but should never be in the comics

All Trinity shipping is cancer

> The gapping plot hole from the end of Rucka's Wonder Woman run is finally addressed and Diana uses the lasso to force Cale to explain how to restore Cheetah or state her hunger.

> Olivier Coipel gets a notable interior work assignment. Aquaman, Wonder Woman or New Gods ideally.

> Superman or Wonder Woman get anime anthology films like Batman Gotham Knight from Madhouse.

> Manhunter gets a new canon series maybe with Miss Martian guest starring? Ivan Reis or Liam Sharp on art would be ideal.

> Martian Manhunter is not used in Bendis's Superman run again or at least isn't with anything approaching the terrible characterization from his recent cameo by said writer.

> Starfire gets a new series that is more serious cosmic sci-fi & not slice of life-ish & will dial Kori's sex appeal up from her recent appearances.

> The Mister Miracle & Martian Manhunter limited series are not canon to Rebirth.

> Mister Miracle & Barda's post Darkseid War status quo is addressed & perhaps resolved.

> Stan Lee's "Just Imagine" version of the Dc universe get used for more then just a cameo, they perhaps get a mini series?

> We get a bunch of Multiversity one shots for various different alternate universe DC characters or teams, most importantly the gender swapped Aquawoman.

> Aquaman Earth One gets a update & release date soon.


>> Favorite/best Dc comic currently being released?
Can't choose, I'm not a person of favorites
Maybe The Terrifics
>> Anything you are particularly pleased with or pissed about?
I love that Young justice is such a trainwreck, the rage is so fun for me plus Bendis sometimes is so bad it's funny.
I'm glad Hawkman has a series again but it isn't too good
>> Any specific creators you would like to see on specific books/characters?
No idea
>> Characters/teams/series you would like to see get used more?
I'm not really sure
>> Your general hopes and ideas for Dc and any of it's characters?
I want Helena Wayne to be Robin but that'll be complicated
>> Your hopes and ideas for Dc's films and tv series?
I don't care about adaptations unless they're cartoons.

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No u

WW goes back looking like that, ditches the sword/shield and the WARRIOR! narrative. She also gets her origin back.
oh, and she will be decently written for the first time in what? 15 years?

Fuck off Wonderautist

>Fuck off Wonderautist
fuck of Azzarello

Wonderfag, why must you shit up EVERY fucking thread that mentions Wonder Woman? Azz has been off the book for years, and most of his shit is gone anyway. Furthermore, the WW you hate was actually written by Geoff Johns. So yeah, I think you’re just a faggot who hasn’t read anything over the past few years and just want to whine on principle

Not him, but the origin, background, and setting is still fucked. The sword and shield combo is still there. And now we've the Jason fuckery on top of things.

> She also gets her origin back.
oh, and she will be decently written for the first time in what? 15 years?
Read Rucka's Rebirth run.
The warrior stuff is still intact but she has her old origin back and the Amazons are very much pre-new52-ish.

> but the origin, background
No its not. Rucka erased the N52 origin & version of the Amazons.

Holy fuck cool it. She’s not a goddamn murderer like you keep screeching, and she still uses the lasso

Still a daughter of Zeus, and now with the added information that her mother threw her twin brother alway for having le penis. Still no higher purpose other than to work as A FUCKING SOLDER for the US government. Still saddled with poor man's Amanda Waller and poor man's Rick Flag as supporting cast.

A DC general? Jesus how pathetic can you DCucks get


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Everyone agrees Jason was trash and will likely be forgotten so I don’t know why you’re crying so hard.
>Still a daughter of Zeus
Who. Cares? And Green Lanterns aren’t weak to yellow anymore. This is the biggest case of not muh since Shazam

> Favorite/best Dc comic currently being released?

Unironically Justice League. Yeah, yeah, I know. Most of it is crazy confusing mess but still I can't stop falling in love with insanity of it all. Fun stupid shit.

Also Batman now that Tom King has finally been fired and is no longer writing it and Deathstroke.

> Anything you are particularly pleased with or pissed about?

Me, I'm pleased that Justice League is back to being one of biggest sellers in comic book charts and that I can finally get some decent Mexican in mall close to where I work.

Me I'm pissed off Dan Dido. Tom King. Bendis. Ice Cream Tacos still not being thing where I live and that Vertigo line is shutting down after twenty six years.

> Any specific creators you would like to see on specific books/characters?

Because Didio is so convinced that DC legendary characters like JSA and Jay Garrick are lame, I would love to see somebody like Gerard Way on Earth 2, or "Earth Square" title just to prove how wrong the ass pulling cock sucker is.

> Characters/teams/series you would like to see get used more?

Atari Force. Jemm Son Of Saturn, The Martian Manhunter. Any of members of Green Lantern Corp besides Hal Jordan, John Stewart, or Guy Gardner.

> Your general hopes and ideas for Dc and any of it's characters?

That Superman, Batman, finally get some decent fucking writers. Flash writers stop tying outdo what been done before with speed force. In parody of Wonder Woman mythos, Gorilla Grodd to amend for his past mistakes sends his own superhero ambassador to outside world and ends up defecting, living in semi detached apartment with Cheetah.

> Your hopes and ideas for Dc's films and tv series.

That Crisis On Infinite Earth doesn't blow chunks.

Lol John’s decided to tie up his 3 Jokers loose end from Darkseid War but not changing everything about Diana’s origin. He instead shipped that resolution off to a guy who hasn’t written anything good in years. Fuck him and fuck DC for allowing that to happen

What are you talking about? Johns’s Diana was shit, he didn’t write the origin (Azzarello did), and you’re giving him shit for something other people could have changed?

Laddernigger pls

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> Furthermore, the WW you hate was actually written by Geoff Johns.
Nah, I hate both

>Read Rucka's Rebirth run.
>The warrior stuff is still intact but she has her old origin back and the Amazons are very much pre-new52-ish.
I've read it. He spent so much time dancing around the things that he couldn't retcon away that he forgot to write a compelling story. But it wasn't bad per se. It just wasn't good (despite having many things I liked)

>Wonderfag, why must you shit up EVERY fucking thread that mentions Wonder Woman?
Because you don't get to mention postflashpoint WW as she is the real WW without real fans pointing out that she is not the real WW.
Just deal with it.
"I like nuWW as an elseworld WW" would get no reaction

Did...did you not read Darkseid War? The extra brother plot point wasn’t his?

>Real fans
>Just deal with it
Only childish characterfags talk like this

>>Still a daughter of Zeus
>Who. Cares?
People who know how WW was a.d should be.
>And Green Lanterns aren’t weak to yellow anymore.
Comparison would be fitting if GL was now weak to willpower

I didn’t say it was?

So again, just not muh characterfags

>Only childish characterfags talk like this
And only "she is still the character because it's still called like said character" people, aka BRAND! people, talk like you

>So again, just not muh characterfags
And I am right.
Liking anything no matter what as long as it's called the same way does not make you openminded.

Nice strawman

user I’m not some sort of brand loyalist taking a blind eye to stupid creative decisions. There’s a lot I hate with current DC. I just fail to see the uproar over the daughter of Zeus thing when both origins serve as a means to alien Diana from the other Amazons. I’d like to discuss this further if you like.

The Zeus thing shits all over Hippolyta character.

Would you care to elaborate?

To me completely destroys the character and made me drop the book like a rock.
It's like making Superman being revealed to be born on Earth and being Dr Mahattan's son with Martha Kent, while the Krypton/Jor-El/all the alien stuff being a lie.
Even if the rest is somehow identical to the usual Superman, no way this character would still be Superman

Okay I’m still not seeing how this destroys the character, and that’s really a false equivalence/really bad example. Either way Diana’s origin is divine by nature

Hippolyta, Diana's mom and the queen of the amazons, was a follower of Hera, her matron goddess. The Zeus thing made her backstab her own matron goddess, by sleeping with her husband, not to mention that Zeus is a known womanizer and rapist, thus making her betray her own teachings and people. Then you add her keeping the truth from everyone - of course -, including her own daughter, and that goes without saying the fact she threw away her own son all because he sinned by being born with a penis.

If that's not character assassination, i don't know what it is.

I’m not going to defend the son thing because that was stupid shit Rucka did and will probably be forgotten. As for her fucking Zeus I personally give it a pass seeing how long it took for Zeus to seal the deal. She’s not proud of it, and she lied to protect her daughter from Hera’s wrath.

Favorite/best Dc comic currently being released?
Doomsday clock and last knight on earth, grant morrison gl

> Anything you are particularly pleased with or pissed about?
pissed at bendis' action comics because its boring. this whole leviathan thing is street level/organized crime and belongs with batman, superman isnt street level. ive been pleased with grant morrisons run on GL, even though im only 3 issues in, im behind on it. ive been pleased with doomsday clock, except for the wait. an average of 2.5 months between issues is annoying the shit out of me.

> Any specific creators you would like to see on specific books/characters?
take bendis off of AC/superman and put him on some vertigo/black label stuff. he cant fuck up if its his own donut steel oc

> Characters/teams/series you would like to see get used more?
the question and captain atom. i hope black Rorschach doesnt take the questions place

> Your general hopes and ideas for Dc and any of it's characters?
i liked rebirth and i think DC is on to a bright future, as long as the respect their characters and legacies they should be fine in the long run.

> Your hopes and ideas for Dc's films and tv series?
desu id rather DC abandon all tv series and movies and DC be totally comics. youre never gonna get the full effect a comic has with a tv show, and to get the full effect, of say, a justice league movie, youll need at least 7 (one per each superhero) movies to get to a justice league movie and then the villain for the first jl movie cant be darkseid or anything because hes too big to be a first villain.
i will say, i would appreciate a DC tv show if it had no series long arc, and was purely episodic. do the adventures of superman or whatever, and each episode is different and has a different villain or whatever. i hate tv shows with a series long arc.

How did DC became a walking corpse bros, it's not fair

Editorial is a fucking mess and has been for a long time.

She betrayed everyone she knew and everything she stood for, and all for some dick. Come on, man.


not a false equivalence at all. It's exactly like that.

Fuck you and fuck North Carolina.

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Yeah it’s called a character fault
It’s really not. A more accurate comparison would be, say, Jor-El making Clark in a lab and him being half human, then shipping him off to Earth.

fucking republican majority state govt

t. North Carolinian

Betraying everyone you know and all you stand for is a mere character flaw? Even betraying your daughter, your god, your people, yourself? Come on, user. Be reasonable.


> He instead shipped that resolution off to a guy who hasn’t written anything good in years.
Robinson's Squadron Supreme & Invaders were good.

> this whole leviathan thing is street level/organized crime and belongs with batman, superman isnt street level
Opposite here. I really like when Superman gets involved with more grounded gritty mystery tales that he has to investigate as a reporter.
I wouldn't want such continually but it's nice every once and while.

I'm as big a wonderautist as they come and still this guy makes me embarrassed to be one

You try saying no to the king of the gods for a couple hundred years

There is nothing "against everything she stood for" about getting fucking laid.
The amazons aren't anti sex.

So was his Fantastic Four.
He was quietly doing some of the most solid work coming out of Marvel for a few years.

i mean i get it and i understand why superman would get involved in something street level, but coming off of jurgens run when he was fighting monsters and time travelling and going to other planets, the whol leviathan thing is just boring

>more cancelled trades
At least they were just new collections of stuff you can still get trades of, but still.
Can they not go a month without this shit?
Maybe the worst thing about DC.

She slept with a known womanizer and rapist, you stupid daft. Not only that, by sleeping with him she's back-stabbing her matron goddess. That's like a feminist who's runs a shelter for traumatized women victims of sexual abuse knowingly sleeping with a self-confessed rapist. It betrays everything we know about the character.
Fuck, this is akin to Lara cucking Jor with Zod and Superman actually being Zod's son. Imagine that as a backstory.

The use of Question and Manhunter, two characters I like very much, makes me very nervous.

You do realize Amazons still respected Zeus right? You’re trying to make DC Zeus DC Hercules, who was a legit rapist to Amazons. I think you’re trying too hard here

No, they feared him. They always respected the female goddesses, while being wary of the male ones. It was more of a fear based thing. DC Zeus also was always a dick-head.

i hope we get a big splash page of this happening in doomsday clock. such a great drawing.

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>Batgirl in cosplay-tier outfit
Fucking ruined.

skippity bop um boda-bump

1. Sadly none
2. none
3. not on specific books but I'd like to see DC give, at least, a mini to a few of the older writers who still want to work the way they did to Len and do to Neal.
4-6. none

Is this any good?

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Ladderbro owns ya
Roasted pwned ya
Your movies are cringe
That only faggots binge
While marvelchads are in the bedroom
Pounding ur mum's minge

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Not at all.


I thought they got rid of that diaper Supergirl outfit

Fuck it, will leave it then.