Avengers 1:

Avengers 1:
>more stylized, comic-accurate appearance
>motivated by his love for death
Avengers 3 and 4:
>Purple Josh Brolin lol

What went wrong?

Attached: avengers_thanos.jpg (640x360, 132K)

nothing, it's just that something that is for people who are not fans of comics is better to just put simple motivations

fuck normals

Why the FUCK is the best thanos the thanos from MVC

>more comics accurate appearance
>has blue eyes

pick one

Attached: angry thanos.jpg (357x500, 62K)

The courting death line was certainly more of an easter egg than something more serious, though I do wonder why they skipped her sometimes. I guess it simplifies things, and what we got still worked, but it is a bit of an odd omission.

His helicopter was missing

Attached: tod9xk5165h11.jpg (1031x582, 469K)

>not bringing Hela back as Lady Death

huge missed opportunity

Does anyone actually like this idea that isn't Jason Aaron

What's hard to understand about someone who would want to annihilate half of life in the universe because they are in love with death?

People would be calling Thanos an incel cuck.

Because maybe the initial intention was to use Death, and the line was open-ended to mean that.

Then many years later, they decide it wasn't the way to go so it doesn't mean anything outside of Thanos being evil.

That's basically what Thanos is, in the end.

The kind of people that would say that are not the kind of people billion dollar franchises cater their writing around.

No. It's stupid and what normies wanted. Curvy woman with a skull and a black robe was what was promised.

He kinda is. You know why Thanos is liked? He's overconfident madman with the power of an omnipotent god. Infinity War and End Game should have power level wanking all over it. The only ones that was even close to that was the Dr Strange vs Thanos moment and only two or three of similar power wanking scenes was present in combined two films.

that's lame, user

Do comic book losers really not see how silly it would actually play on screen if Thanos was motivated to kill half of the universe because he wants to literally fuck the personification of death? It's like these people have never read a book that wasn't a superhero comic before.

The MCU. The MCU went wrong

Well he said "MORE comic-accurate", not "comic-accurate".

Infinity War has a scene where an brainwashed emo with a metal arm with soviet imagery printed on it picks up a talking racoon and they spin around in a circle shooting aliens together.

It's always about execution. You can make that desire relatable with the right scenes. Doesn't Thanos have an origin where Death is the reason why he's mad since he met her when he was a kid?

>/pol/ and Yea Forums

I don't know why people post this like it's old.
It's from a relatively recent Deadpool issue.

Attached: flanos thanos gross jelly pudding.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

Yea Forums is retarded and has a low IQ
Nothing new there.

>I don't want people to think my children's movies about adults in bright costumes is silly

As opposed to a character who wants to kill half the universe because of a retarded population control idea?

Who cares if it looks silly, don't you faggots always say how you should not take these movies seriously.