
Attached: 1377356.jpg (1155x892, 313K)

Other urls found in this thread:

REMINDER: 16 episodes left and you pieces of shit finally fucking die forever.

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I'd like to rip your intestines out

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get fucking hanged

Attached: Screen Shot 2012-08-11 at 4.16.35 PM.png (997x285, 59K)

Weird knowing this is ending soon.

And thank god for that.

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Burn alive, freak of nature

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>implying the autism will leave
As long as barneyfag and G15 is alive, mlp will still cause butthurt all around the internet.

die in pain

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I know just feels weird is all

>tfw almost 10 fucking years

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That would be really hot

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I'd punch your fucking teeth in fag

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>mlp will still cause butthurt all around the internet
It's fine to be pissed off at abominations made by low-life scum that infects society and converts unknowing citizens into members of their obnoxious and malicious cult.

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have your limbs torn off

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>tfw this thread just reminds you of /trash/
>tfw you realize that you've written multiple fics for /trash/ that have a very fat Trixie in them

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I'd like to drive a tank over your scorched remains

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-10-03 at 6.28.18 PM.png (751x72, 21K)

go ahead, they're in good shape

Attached: ff.png (1280x720, 613K)


What if Barneyfag and Murrlogic were the same person?

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I'd rip out your fucking lungs faggot

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What if Barneyfag has a connection to the mods and the janitors? Because he clearly does. There's a conspiracy afoot.

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just die

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I'm glad Yea Forums is fucking dead.

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Barneyfag has been banned more than any user in Yea Forums history, possibly more than any user of any platform.
The mods do not like him. He's been harassing Yea Forums for years.

I'd crush your bones, pounding them to dust

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My dream is to bring the most autistic spammers together in one thread. Barneyfag, ACK, Obsiddian/Epic spammer, /gw2g/ bot, Eric, Bethendorf and others whose name I can't remember right now.
Imagine them fighting each other.

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The world's biggest thunderdome

>caring more about "muh culture" rather than construction on-topic discussion relating to the board topic
Literally the cancer shitting up the site.

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ACFag too, sure, why not.

XVkun vs Barneyfag would be the match of the century.

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Destroy the scum infecting this earth

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It is time...

Attached: 41448F9A-6BB3-40B7-A2D8-5BA0C4F21700.jpg (920x1211, 373K)

Peel this human scum from the surface of the world

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It wouldn't have to be in Yea Forums, it could be done on one of the random boards (if there was a way to get the spammers off their home boards).

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fucking get stabbed repeatedly

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How come jannies haven't deleted this thread and ban OP for posting in wrong board?

>Thread theme:

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i forgot, you're a fucking nigger

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Cus they're laughing at this shit too

die and bleed

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Daily reminder!

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>implying hiromoot won't merge /mlp/ and /co after that

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Of all the fucking things to rightfully throw OP over the wringer for, you pick it being "on the wrong board"?


One day user. One day.

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If I was a mod I would rangeban everyone in this thread from all boards, even if their posts were on-topic.

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I hope and pray this was made ironically

True shit.

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>this entire fucking thread

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Someone would track him down and butcher him alive for doing that.

Not the Barney Rapist, but someone that’s just as autistic.

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Doesnt that mean the board itself will be deleted after that.

If you were a mod i'd mock you for doing it for free


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You know, I always wondered that as a child

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Mods get a free Yea Forums pass and hotpockets without even needing to do anything. Meanwhile, you are working for google for free in order to shit post.

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Nobody's entirely sure what will happen after the last episode airs.
It could very well be that mlp and global rule 15 get deleted.
The board and rule may stay in place as well. Whatever happens, it'll be interesting to say the least.

Fucking choke on your own vomit

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