Great show, cant stop watching all the time

>great show, cant stop watching all the time
>finally reach season 5 after like 2 weeks
what happened to the fucking quality? this show instantly went to shit this season

Attached: ustv_archer_vice.jpg (1280x1024, 201K)

Plenty of people liked Archer Vice but there's a definite point either here or in later seasons where the writer openly stopped caring and just started doing what he wanted, regardless of whether or not audiences actually enjoyed it.

The characters all act so "flanderized" i guess is the word I heard from some youtuber with a cartoon persona but for real. They're a shell of their former selves. Archer is a retarded asshole, Lana gets shit on by everyone, Pam goes from hilarious to annoying in just a few episodes.

>this season
Nah brah
It was around Season 3 they realized all they had to do is repeat the same jokes and the seals would keep clapping


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Dude are we not doing phrasing anymore lmao

I'm afraid it's not gonna get any better. If anything it gets a lot worse.

>Catchphrase & Callback
Arrested Development was a mistake. In any case I'm glad fX fired Adam from the show.They'll have to write Ray out or have an excuse for a new voice actor but w/e

I might have to stop watching then, while I still have good memories.

season 8 is better than anything s3-7

The show (and the world) moved on from the "office comedy" fad and the office comedy stuff was actually a really good and important component of Archer.

They started relying more and more on catchphrases and running jokes. And this season was just a bummer to watch because they were losing over and over and over again.

The series never recovered. I quit watching when Archer fell in the pool. They should have just canceled Archer and done that Cassius & Clay show about those two women road tripping across the post apocalyptic south.

Attached: archer kirby.jpg (1284x1062, 65K)

I loved Dreamland.

I'd watch it

Is there any reason that show got canned before it even aired?

idk, I guess the execs didn't like it or only wanted one show with the artstyle at a time.

When it stopped being Archer it stopped being funny. Now it's just them taking 70s and 80s shows and making them into shitty cartoon comedies. I'm seriously waiting for the Fall Guy or Night Court season.

>Cassius & Clay show about those two women road tripping across the post apocalyptic south
What the fuck that sounds awesome.

Aren't they actually stuck in a contract to make more show than anyone wants to anymore, which is why they've resorted to just making every season a new show to keep it fun for them?

>night court season
I would Unironicly love the fuck out of that,
Night court was great

When it got renewed for 3 more seasons there was generally a feeling that that was going to be too much Archer

Turns it that feeling was completely correct

Only if Malory plays the role of Salma and Pam is Bull.

I forgot there was a new season. And I don't care.

>Plenty of people liked Archer Vice
No they didn't. It was a huge letdown and everyone complained about all the characters, especially Pam who became obnoxious when she became skinny and hot.

I thought Carol's house was fun