Is the Punisher the only MAX series worth reading?

Is the Punisher the only MAX series worth reading?

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I remember liking a few others like the Zombie duology, Man-Thing, Devil-Slayer, and Howard the Duck.

maybe someone should post born?

Fury: My War Gone By is possibly the best individual story in the Max line.

Supreme Power was also pretty good before JMS quit midway through, like he does with nearly fucking everything else.

Squadron Supreme is really good.

The Hood was pretty good, shame Bendis got a hold of it

supreme power and fury my war gone by

Marvel Zombies

Supreme power was the shit

Alias, Supreme Power and Fury My War Gone By

Some of the other stuff is not bad. But none of it's GREAT except for My War Gone By.

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You're missing Blade

I don't think Blade was MAX?

Fury: My War Gone By
Azzarello's Cage mini
First two Marvel Zombies minis
Alias is recommendable.
The Hood
Deadpool MAX

Marvel Zombies was never MAX

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He had a MAX series that lasted a few issues.

There were two minis about the Marvel Zombie, Simon Garth.

-Ennis Punisher and Fury: My War Gone By
-Howard the Duck if you liked Gerber's run on Howard (since he also wrote the MAX series)
-Supreme Power was decent
-I remember liking Apache Skies but I haven't read it in a while
-Shang-Chi: Master of Kung-Fu is a great epilogue if you enjoyed the Moench run from the 70's and 80's

There was also that old man Fury thing which was great.

I went back and tried to re-read Alias a year or so ago and I don't think it holds up. That might just be because Bendis dialogue long since became torturous though.

Both Fury MAX's are good.
So is Foolkiller MAX
And The Hood is cool because it's a main continuity story but a MAX imprint.
Wolverine MAX is alright, but it's a bit slow.
>Deadpool MAX
It's very mediocre. Really it should've been in the Fury MAX and Punisher MAX universe.

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>It's very mediocre. Really it should've been in the Fury MAX and Punisher MAX universe.

It doesn't really fit there, though. Deadpool MAX is even more cartoonish compared to Fury MAX and Punisher MAX.

I first read Alias about 2 years ago and the first TPB holds up, but I can't imagine trying to binge the series.

THe Platoon.

Destroyer MAX

Isn’t max Fury just a punisher spin off character?

Isn’t max Fool killer just Joker as a good guy?

Fury came before the Punisher MAX series.

War is hell was great as well. I didn't know it was from Max.

My War Gone By was a decade after Punisher MAX. The original Fury MAX was crap.

Cage was one of the worst things I've ever read. I mean check it out if you want to see how bad it is.

>Both Fury MAX's are good.
Also Fury Peacemaker, it's Marvel Knights but still Garth Ennis.