Deathstroke #44 - Storytime

I think he really is dead

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Sorry if it takes a while, my internet connection is getting pretty wonky

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How many issues does Priest have left?

Catlady seems heartbroken about Slade's death, did they fuck?

Probably til 50 like most people

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It’s funny how Slade got killed by some chick with an arrow despite practically everyone else in his life wanting him dead

Who knows? Slade really gets around

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Reminds me of Prometheus, the guy that could take on the JL but almost gets killed by Green Arrow in Hush Returns and then actually gets killed by him in Cry for Justice.

Thanks for the storytime!

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I love how Priest made Doctor Rape Slade's buddy and a prominent figure. I love their friendship.Yes.

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Oh no, they're going to let Dr. Light rape the body!

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>dc civilians
I am in aw at how stupid this is.

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And here's the page whose only purpose is to try and persuade us he's really dead for good. Even though we all know he's not. He's not dead. It's either a cloned body, or he's in cahoots with the legion of doom, or he'll get lazarused. He's not gone.
And given he was offering red arrow a deal in the prison, I'm sure he and arrow have arranged this.

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I imagine funerals are a pain in the ass when they come back half the fucking time

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It's all about how long he's staying "dead".
Would be nice if they al least waited a year.

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No, it'd be nice if he isn't dead at all, it's his keikaku and he'll be back before the end of priest's run. I don't want this to be the end of priestroke and I don't want to wait a year for more slade.

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so casually dropping frost is "evil" again or just another "cannon dosent mean shit unless i want it to like bendis"?

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Except for the Leviathan promos that's enough pages for this month. End of the issue, be sure to tip your waitress.

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Well, both "heroes" and villains were free to attend,

Besides, the evil counsel that this book set up a while ago while Slade was a "hero" even said they they saw it as a phase she was going thought as were just waiting for her and Slade to come back. I think Reverse Flash even offered some pamphlets on the matter or something. Rebirth was a wile ago.

thanks OP

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what does not t'challa mean?

I think it's "villain"

fucking dr. light.

I think it's one of those things where you're a member for life, whether you like it or not.

I get the feeling that Rose is going to try and go after Damian's TT for revenge.

Previews imply that Jericho is teaming up with Luthor.I don't know if he's turned hero or is acting as a spy.

So, we're all in agreement that Wintergreen is setting her up and there's no way he's actually stupid enough to leave some shit like that open, right?

Everything is part of Slade's keikaku, he has made agreements with wintergreen and light and red arrow, obviously. Maybe even the LoD too.

Pasarin surely draws a very Fuckable Emiko. How old is she? 16?

Has him ending his run not been announced? I'm sure it had.

He's said something about getting 50 issues is good, but nothing else since.
We'll have to see how sales are after the crossover

Damn Emiko really looking mighty seductive in this page

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Damit! Fucking brillant Doc Ligth!

>turns out Slade wants to make Joey go nuts and evil so he can actually spend time with him

where di they get all those skellies to decorate the pyre?

I like how Superman is just there like a proverbial Sword of Damocles looming over their heads

No, Jim, NO!

well I'll be damned. Priest did it again.

cool issue my negro

What if Rose becomes the main character?

Man, fuck these nerds.

>This is NFL Ball
What does that mean?

True friendship.

They dig upp all the people he killed

Maybe they realised with all the waifu redemption arcs they're actually running out of female villains.

No that was Manta he said they wouldn't kill Frost when she showed up... But they'd totally give her a reading assignment. Thawne was there too though.

God I hope Red Lion sticks around

Rose is the typical
>angry girl/woman that has been through shit, so she gets to act shitty with no comeuppance and she's a violent murderer, but only to the people that deserve it (according to her), so, it's fine
which is literally the worst premise of a character ever. It's the same shit that makes nu52 harley a turd. Rose is fun when slade messes with her or she's a sidecharacter. Main character rose is trash.

I liked her in Lobdell's Superboy run

As a side character, she works. I liked her in the tt-run where she nearly fucked red devil. But her solo arc of the era was meh.