Emma Frost broke and betrayed the mutant race by giving the mutant vaccine to the government after only a few days of...

>Emma Frost broke and betrayed the mutant race by giving the mutant vaccine to the government after only a few days of solitary confinement
Character assassination of the highest level. She is officially a worse Uncle Tom than Beast ever was.

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Did anyone ever make an essential Emma list?

And it turns out that she was also working with the Marauders, you know, those psychos that have killed dozens if not hundreds of mutants for fun.

She is bitch. She was always a villain, take that

God this fucking run. Rosenberg is just so bad. In order to make this run work he has to make every single villain the most competent badass on the planet while at the same time making his 'heroes' a bunch of brain dead morons.

She did the right thing. Mutants are scum. I mean, what's wrong with being human.

Geez if that is the case why didn't the general kill her after getting the vaccine?

>ruin Cyclops
>now going to ruin Emma

Haven't had a Marvel comic on my pull list since AvX.

Emma, Marrow, Elixir, and Vanisher were basically turned into the General's slaves, he'll trigger explosives he's implanted in them if they don't comply (Vanisher was blown up). He's forcing them to help track down and capture all of the mutants still on the run.

>God this fucking run. Rosenberg is just so bad.
I'm not sure why anyone was bothering to read it BEFORE it became clear that the whole current X-Line is set for a Hickman Reboot.

Has this been storytimed yet?

So, you think all humans are killing machine? Typical mutie. Humans aren't killing machines. Those are mutants.

>he'll trigger explosives he's implanted in them if they don't comply
So, he went Full Waller?

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>Humans aren't killing machines.
Of course not, user. They're killing MUTANTS!

Emma: > So, that's it huh? We're some kind of mutie squad?

> Emma: So, that's it huh? We're some kind of mutie squad?

Taking the LARPing just a bit too far, bub.

I never really liked Emma Frost, Morrison giving her diamond shifting ability was dumb and she having a relationship with Scott was even dumber.

Medusa could have saved you from this

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Emma was always discount Jean for hipsters anyways.

>overpowered strong guy
The hell?

all secondary mutations are stupid

Toad gaining his movie powers, like the prehensile tongue, was OK though.

>What’s wrong with being an inferior species?

>Character assassination of the highest level.
thats all marvel does now

This inferior specied build everything that you know and love. Honestly, muties should be thrown out of planet and see how much better their lives would be without humans and human inventions.

hopefully Hickman salts the earth when he takes over

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It's actually kinda cringe inducing, like fuck off dude I want to discuss how shitty this comic is.

Love how you missed the part where she thought Hank would try and stop it before it got too bad but Disassembled happened.

To be fair emma always been an asshole for the most part and she has a better reason for doing this then beast had for all the shit he pulled so there that.

>all secondary mutations are stupid
Morrison gave Emma the diamond skin because Colossus was dead. Instead of adapting the story

Without diamond skin Emma would certainly be dead by now...

Well at lest this sort of explains where Magneto's new brotherhood went.

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Is Mahvel, committing an atrocity isn’t a real crime it’s just a way of telling the serious power players you’re playing for keeps

>Omega level mutant with complete control over biological material who has gone on record stating he could bring back the entire nation of Genosha after everyone got bombed to shit then left to decay for years
>Can't bring back someone from a melty bomb
>doesn't just remove the bombs from people heads with his complete awareness of all biological material

Rosenberg you hack why even include one of the true Omegas if you are gonna pull this shit.

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Christ what even is the point of the X-men anymore anyway , every one especially the humans are evil, there is nobody worth saving and there is no hope for a better future ,no fun weird shit and most of all no good writing just misery porn for middle class white people to LARP as the oppressed what's the fucking point just put the series down, I'd be a mercy at this point

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We should stop reading them. There's a lot of good stuff there

Who dies next time!

They went nowhere lol

It's the basis of Rosenberg's run. Everyone has to be incompetent and out of character in order for the plot to work.

Seriously. If humans are being this bigoted Xavier is an asshole for trying to not go full Magneto on their asses.

That’s like arguing mutants should care what an inferior species thinks. They shouldn’t.

Based. To hell with the muties. Those abominations should have been exterminated the moment it was discovered that they're literally an alien lab experiment gone wrong. They're not the next step of human evolution. Nothing about them is natural or should be considered a progression of humanity's future. Mutants are just a sordid whimsical fascination that should have never existed in the first place.

>medusa will never flip emma over on her belly and hairfuck her diamond asshole

This run is worse than Chuck Austen's prove me wrong

it hasn't, would someone do that please?

you are an idiot, she's totally against a mutant cure and knows it would destroy all mutants as a species. She is all about protecting mutants, not destroying them. Especially mutant kids, she would kill herself before letting this happen

>Having opinions this bad

For fuck's sake.

Medusa's a look you in the eye while she hairfucks your turdcutter kinda girl

Even if Hank hadn't gone missing, what could he have done to stop it exactly? The government has the cure and people wanted to get vaccinated. What would Hank do? Force people not to vaccinate?

Uh, no? Pretty sure Emma Frost has always been a proud unlikeable bitch who always has her own self-interests at the front of everything.

Rosenberg is one of the worst X-Men writers ever, and that is fucking saying something.

This was a pretty good and interesting issue. Someone should story time it for shits and giggles.

just wait for the cleansing wave of Hickman

I desperately hope everything X-Men related from the last several years is ignored.

they put her in an impossible situation, the kind of situations from Hickman where situations are so extreme that the characters are forced to become edy assholes for the show, but i'm glad that she still have a soft spot for Scott.

being a Scott-Emma fag is suffering.

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The one that destroyed the marvel universe? The one that made Old Steve so fanatic?
the one that forced the Marvel characters to destroy universes for their sake?

Hickman can be good, but actually I'm really terrified about the consequences.

Way I see it, he can't make it any worse and there's basically zero chance he's gonna hit us with yet another extinction story.

Is there a reason the government is constantly trying to murder all mutants instead of having mutant pride week, considering they are reliant on powered individuals to stop bi-monthly alien/dimensional invasions.

A single idiot with enough power and money (like Task, or that crazy governor) are more than enough to create a huge mess. Considering that there are very few mutants left on the Earth, tackling a hunt now or even going into fear of being replaced is just ridiculous.

It could have made sense before Genosha or No more Mutants, but they are now at Indian reservation level. However, if the world does not hate mutants, then things are not "normal" in Marvel.

Nate Gray recently tried to take over the world in a benevolent dictatorship, and his opening salvo of this was destroying every single major religious center on the planet and sending his horsemen out to on global terrorist attacks against oil rigs, major political centers, etc.

By the end of it everyone was pretty thoroughly over mutants.

>A single idiot with enough power and money
But enough about Jordan White

>Wanda 2.0
>Let's rewrite reality to our liking
>what could ever go wrong

Waaaaa, why do people hate us mutants?

no, she put her mutant school kids ahead of everything.

They're both Homo sapiens you faggots. One is Homo sapiens sapiens, the other is Homo sapiens superior (should be renamed mutant).

the dumb thing about this mutant vaccine is that if you have the technology to remove a mutation like this with a shot then you also have the technology to give this mutation with a shot, and essentially to lter any human's DNA as you see fit.
And to cure cancer of course.

But I don't want to cure cancer, I want to get rid of those goddamn muties.

I don't know why they keep it up. Like I get it's stealth /pol/ posting or whatever but I have to assume they like X-men comics since they're coming into the threads

Still not as bad as Lucas Bishop's crimes, and they forgave him.

Fucking this. The fuck with this homo superior bullshit name. It should be homo sapiens mutatis.

Wait a goddamn minute, last issue she and Mystiqe were on top now she's in jail, what the fuck is going on in this shitshow

>thinking a Marvel editor is paid well

It's like this run is a tribute to Austen's run.

I would say he can't be any worse than what we currently have, but then again I didn't think we'd have a writer as bad as Austen again, so what do I know.

>I have to assume they like X-men comics since they're coming into the threads
X-men comics in recent years have started to basically become far right reactionary comics even though the people writing them think the comics are "liberal". A lot of the X-men comics scratch an itch for reactionaries with things like ethnonationalism, shadowy groups trying to keep a superior race down, exctera. The guys pretending to hate mutants are just going right down the middle and shitting on a fictional minority. The X-men fandom is fucking wierd

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>boohoo I felt sad that I chose to kill a man who was only trying to prevent more deaths
Medusa is worse than Emma could ever be

Could someone melt diamond Emma under intense heat?

Flashback she was never in charge.

When was this? This isn't the current Uncanny run, right?

This but me

It is. I didn't even know it was this week. I guess people got tired of storytiming.

It's the issue of UXM that came out yesterday that hasn't been storytimed.

I'm with you, user.
at least they're trying to fix the shit Bendis did to them

shut up Sauron

Broken Emma is so cute.

Isn't Sauron a mutie?

>X-men comics in recent years have started to basically become far right reactionary comics
How far are you up in your own asshole?

It's not humans themselves that are the problem. The two biggest disasters that happened to the mutant community were not even human work (a detail that no writer seems to want to remember,
suitably). The first: Cassandra Nova, the one and only responsible for the destruction of Genosha and the death of sixteen million mutants is an alien life form, and the second is Wanda, out of control and manipulated by Pietro. That I remember, these were the two most devastating events in the entire history of Xmen.
No human has ever equalized this result, so it a bit irritating when the X-men use Genosha as a reference to human wickedness, because it's wrong as shit.

What i find truly funny is that Elixir was alive... again!!!! Motherfucker has died more than anyone and always comeback.

At least we got a decent reaction gif out of it

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>bring Emma up as the badass Black King, yes king slay
>tear her down lower than she's ever been
Can't there be a happy medium

No. He's a weredinosaur with the ability to absorb life energy.

Elixir is an Omega level biological manipulator, you could turn him into a bloody stain on the wall and he'd still come back.

I know, it's just the fucker was killed "for good" multiple times. The last time he "died", nobody blink and immediately was assumed that he will come back.

He’s been alive. Read more comics, user.

If I had Beast's, Toad's or even Rogue's power, I would take the vaccine. Fuck mutant pride or this homo superior supremacist ideology. It fucking suck balls if you get the short end of the stick. And I would understand why certain mutants would want to remove a curse that seriously hampers their quality of life.


Rosenberg is killing all of Elixir’s closest friends without actually telling a story of how this affects him at all. Love that good writing

Has anyone done a storytime yet?

What would happen when humans manage to become advance enough to have augmented everything either through technology or through genetic modification? Would mutants still be considered homosuperior?

omega level muties would just dab on 'em

How about when humans become Type 5 civilization? Would muties still be superior?

That is a completely hypothetical metric, but still mutants with matter and physic manipulation will still be leaps and bounds better than the average human unless they somehow come up with a way to give everyone mutant abilities. In that case, why even bother if everyone would have them? Seems like a waste of effort over either just letting mutants live or vaccinating against them.

Beast doesn't look like a blue beast because of being a mutant. He looks like that because he was fucking with a transformation potion to hide the fact that he was the human X-Man Beast.

Nah. Must show that humans > disgusting muties.

In a world where Captain America, Iron Man or Hulk exist, mutants are genuinely small thing.
The Marvel world is already strongly enslaved by the fact that super heroes are a privileged social class that, for better or for worse, lay down the law in almost all contexts. if Stark and Reed were less assholes, humanity would have already become "Homo sapien miraculum" .

Why not make everyone a mutant? If everyone is super, no one is.

It would be much easier to de-super mutants than to mutate every human

Yeah but people used to " fly " will probably become butthurt as fuck.

Not hard actually. Reed made a whole city have the power to detech earth poles like a bird.

>super heroes are a privileged social class that, for better or for worse, lay down the law in almost all contexts
I'm sorry, what? They don't "lay down the law", they are frequently at odds with the governments of the world, and even their local government. Superheroes don't run the world (except for Black Panther running Wakanda I guess), all they do is keep it together as best they can.

I was wondering whether there was any point reading any of the current X-men stuff since marvel has told everyone that there doing a complete reboot soon so nothing done now matters.
After they had wolfesbane beaten to death by jock's in a park I dropped Uncanny and I definitely think I've saved my money on this one.

I know that the X-man event isn't selling like I'm sure marvel would like but is Uncanny still doing well even as this story goes into the toilet as they rush madly to finish whatever this story is meant to be before the reboot.

Same here. God, good times when Jean was still dead.

Probably not, diamonds are the hardest metal known to man.

Yeah, heaven forbid that Glob Herman be allowed to walk down the street without people screaming and running, how dare Santo wish to have a dick so he could fucking masterbate, how dare these people who are suffering because of their mutation want to be cured of this disease.
Seriously, fuck muties so goddamn much

>Superheroes don't run the world

And yet we have cases like civil war, we have cases like the Illuminati, we have cases of Namor, Doom, Apocalypse, we have the whole Mutant cause that flows into a nation, before annihilation. We have the whole space ruled by Super Space Heroes/cops/sovereign. Also divinities with a medieval concept of politics.
We have Mutants with divine powers who decide what is right and wrong and change reality based on their whims.

What else did I forget? The Red skull as American governor (although no one knew) we got that. Iron man Secretary of Defense? , we got that too? President CAP? In Ultimate universe and HYDRA CAP 616.

I'm sure the list is still long.

Yes, sorry. I probably should have explained myself better. It's obvious enough that the governments still decide how to run their nation economically. What I meant was that in the Marvel world the super heroes are now so many and so influential that with their actions and powers they can greatly influence the world at their leisure more than any politician.

They are a fairly disturbing presence, necessary, but still disturbing.

Genosha used to be ruled by humans that would abduct and enslave mutants from other countries

>we have cases of Namor, Doom, Apocalypse
>Red Skull
I see your point, but why are you using VILLAINS as examples of supeheroes running the world too?

>We have the whole space
Well yeah, space exists, heroes don't exactly have any control over that.

X-Men have been shit as a concept since the 90's, friend.

The abduction of the X-men was part of
extenuating circumstances, typically they only enslaved Genoshan mutants. Which, granted is still horrible.

I have cited every notable example. Villans are commonly those who try to change a status quo to create a new one that sees them at the top of the pyramid, while the heroes fight to protect their status quo.

But there are also cases like X-men VS Avengers, where Scott and Cap are literally playing poker using the world as a table. Because remember ... Scott was right, yes, but using the phoenix was nothing more than a bet ... an extremely dangerous bet.

In comparison, an economic crisis is little thing.

Personally I dropped Uncanny when Nate's horsemen appeared. X-Men Blue wasn't the greatest thing ever but at least keep your shit consistent across runs.

>fight to protect their status quo.
Not really, they fight to do what they believe is right, whether that changes the status quo or not.

Fine ... but that was not even my point. Why the fuck are you so anxious to give me a rebuttal on generic details instead of measuring yourself on what I'm saying?

also... what you say is also a bit questionable, but that was not really my point.

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Fuck off, Claremont. The early 2000s expanding mutants to the mainstream and Decimation raising tensions were good storytelling.

>I'm sorry Anole

Can someone remind me who is this Anole?

That one green lizard kid from New X-Men/Academy-X, one of the few young mutants to get any occasional screentime.

So when exactly does this flashback take place? I'm a little off from X-men events.

It's during X-men:Disassembled, of course co-written by Rosenberg

>implying every change to DNA is a benefit
you're laughably idiots. how about genetic mutations that make you born with blue skin? or mutations that give you butterfly skin? just becaus eyou get a birth defect doesn't mean it helps. you have no idea how evolution actually works.

>being a Scott-Emma fag is suffering.
it has to be. this shitty ship started with cheating

They really want her to be the villian again. Remember when she had sentinels shoot down the Inhumans blimps supposedly full of people that we never saw, killing countless inhumans. No?

Because the writing was shit and no one cared they just wanted it to end. Seriously, how many times have they depicted her as the next big threat but either not followed through because someone else started writing or they had her taking out an even bigger bastard like Shaw or the Inhuman royal family.

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>this shitty ship

I perceive hostility. Not everyone may like Morrison, but I appreciate the work of psychoanalysis he did on Scott. It's also pretty consistent, because Scott has always idealized a little too much Jean Grey.

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I like Age of X-Man, it takes all the dystopian alternate realities and future timelines and flips it on it's head. It's led to some interesting stories. And I really like that the first person to go fuck you to X-Man and start a riot is Jubilee

>What’s wrong with being inferior, having no regen factor or super powers?
Fuck off humans. You’re less relevant to the future than cats.

>tarnish a diamond
Is this code for rape? How much did she get bukkake'd?

Taught the next generation of mutants for 25 years. Co-lead the X-Men for a decade. Literally saved all mutants from a toxic death cloud. Betrayed her entire species because of bright lights.

Fuck this run, it's worse than Austen.

Punished, meek Emma is making my dick hard.

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I also like age of xman but it seems like the first 3 issues of every book was an introduction, like they were stretching out a non complicated story...

>Taught the next generation of mutants for 25 years. Co-lead the X-Men for a decade. Literally saved all mutants from a toxic death cloud.

Trusting her to do any of those things didn't work out so well for anyone, did it?

Not him, but I agree that a lot of them really feel like they're spinning their wheels. Marvelous X-Men is probably the worst in that regard since it's just Nate Grey playing whackamole with the X-Men's suppressed memories. It's pretty clear both that and Uncanny are just spinning their wheels until Hickman takes over, but at least with AoXM it's written a bit better.

>Dont let characters age, progress, or even have development stick for decades
>Cant retread old stories
Its fucking inevitable. Eventually every character will have dated, killed, been the protege of, and swapped identities with every character.
Every character will spend time as a hero/villain/antihero/antivillain.
And every single character will have an amazing, mediocre, clone, and dogshit story arc.

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>Literally saved all mutants from a toxic death cloud.
Pointless when there was a another cloud. The Inhumans saved more mutants picking them in their ships before the cloud hit their town.

ya, but it needed time to establish the world, maybe one issue could have been cut from a few of them but I think two issues to establish the world isn't a bad thing. Plus I liked some of the issues they explored in them.

This is true. I think the events harmless but the introduction is slow as fuck for a 5 issue mini.

>every single character will have a clone story arc
Why do you think this?