What makes anime so much different from western cartoons and comics?

What makes anime so much different from western cartoons and comics?

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Different cultures

Oh yeah it's summer for you trannies who see this anime girls as their true delusional reflection

Actual serious answer
Western animation focuses on fantasy, surrealism, out-there comedy that could not be achieved with a normal live-action show. Batshit insane stuff that does not have boundaries
Anime focuses on almost entirely human shows that could be achived in live-action but they decided to animate. This results in more dramatic shows
Neither is necessarily "better", just different. People can't take these differences however.

Animation being expensive, I imagine the more detailed characters and background of anime lends itself well to drama where limited animation is more forgivable. This is where you have your Monster, Clannad and five centimeters per second.
Yet, avatar still looks fine. Over a decade later. Not to mention, comedy is an malnourished genre in anime. There's a reason why there are so many westaboos.

Soul - Jap creators want to entertain and be the kings of fanservice (be it lewd content or great animation) while making the perfect waifu.
Soulless - Western creators have regressed and have now settled for ham-fisted faggotry to get praised by shill sites for a shot at meaningless awards.

One group wants to make great shows and entertain us.
the other wants to redefine "great" because they can never reach it and blame you for not being entertained.

Attached: The way i see it.png (997x720, 835K)


>great animation
>not being in it for money

Two A-Bombs.

Another reason why I think Japan chooses animation over live action is because they are a small island nation. Filming fiction would be hard because too many viewers would recognize landmarks and geography, while going outside of Japan to film would be too much of a hassle.

>brainless pandering to thirsty shut-ins is "soul"
this is how anime rots one's brain

Hand-drawn keyframes. Japanese animators don't use shit like ToonBoom, they actually animate things by hand. It will always look way more impressive than moving shit around with a computer mouse.

Attached: sakuga-lilwitch-aca.jpg (2107x1500, 348K)

you have zero idea how animation actually works.

>Anime focuses on almost entirely human shows that could be achived in live-action but they decided to animate
>then i remember that all the live action adaptations are fucking shit

Attached: 1559506066196.png (900x677, 320K)

No, sweaty, that isn't how it works in Nippon anymore. Why do you think modern anime looks like shit?

>Japanese animators don't use shit like ToonBoom
They have started to in recent years.

Do you hear yourself?

>no fantasy and sci-fi anime

It's aimed at appealing to straight men instead of denigrating them.

holy shit. way to have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Disney didn't put out serious TV animation early in its history so American TV got dominated by comedic WB short reruns and barely animated dialogue heavy radio plays like Rocky and Bullwinkle. The Japanese equivalent to Disney, Osamu Tezuka, did put out serious animation early on to Japanese TV, and it snowballed from there.

It's made in Japan. That's literally it.

Western cartoons are for children.
Anime is for obese manchildren.

I love Akko so much

Western cartoons are seen as literally only for children unless they're comedies. Anime in Japan is still seen as childish, but most of it is adult and otaku-oriented at late nights

>that isn't how it works in Nippon anymore
I don't know who told you this, but they lied.
I only saw tweening in some comedy shows and children's programming, and even that was a rarity. Computer graphics are used for inbetweens and coloring of course, but the keys are always drawn on paper first, because it's easier to sketch these complicated scenes out by hand. In comparison, Western TV animation does not involve any actual drawing outside of simple storyboards and digital assets. Hell, modern Western animators don't even bother to make shit on-model, what else is there to say?

Attached: JVBU85x.png (1437x787, 2.16M)

And they are very much grounded in reality in most cases
Which popular anime do not star humans

The vast majority of animation is still done by hand

The Japanese have a very different attitude towards animation.