Now that we know that Dark Phoenix is complete garbage and that FoX-Men was a waste of 20 years...

Now that we know that Dark Phoenix is complete garbage and that FoX-Men was a waste of 20 years, what are you looking forward to with MCU X-Men?

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Carol and Logan being bros like the comics

Looking forwad to a bunch of teen actors goofing off like RDJ and making constant jokes about their predicament, suits, powers, other heroes, movie format, etc.; funny fish-out-of-water situations of course; poorly made CGI battles that I'll fawn over while in the cinema but call "dated" after rewatching at home; and of course a really great actor for the villain to be completely wasted on 5 minutes of screentime and one lame joke!

Isnt the movie not released yet? Why should we trust a vote being put in 17 times by a samefag?

This boy mad

Watching all the Fox shills on this board writhe in literal agony as FoX-Men is quickly forgotten about and condemned when MCU X-Men comes out. Watching as they slowly realize Disney is inevitable.

>what are you looking forward to with MCU X-Men?
I'm looking forward to this, although i know it won't happen because he already played Bane and is now Venom and he's also a very serious actor that probably doesn't want to keep playing superhero characters every year.

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seethe and cope

If they continue to fail in their picking of actors, they won't go far regardless.
The X-men need a good Cyclops, with the charisma to lead the team, and professor in an advisory role.

the fact that they teased us with the yellow costume in the wolverine and then didn't deliver is such a fucking sin

>poorly made CGI battles that I'll fawn over while in the cinema
Did you fawn over the last battle in Endgame? Because we found pure shit from the start, with many scenes absolutely laughable.

>The X-men need a good Cyclops, with the charisma to lead the team, and professor in an advisory role.
True. We're more likely getting the young X-Men Hank brought back from the past tho.


I wonder if there is anyone who likes Jean's role as a leader. I truly find her the worse fucking x-man to focus the story on, even worse than Kitty who is annoying as hell.

Rightclops btfo'ing the Avengers, as unlikely it will be

nothing. Disney has gotten worse and worse since they just decided to make 5 or so big films a year. Even when they try for originality they come up with shitters.

Not if current cyclops is any indication.

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Worse than Hope?

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Man, you faggots are still angry about being wrong aren't you?

>proper Cyclops
>proper Rogue
>proper Nightcrawler
>Channing Tatum Gambit
>classic Wolverine costume
>third movie is the Brood saga

>proper Rogue
It will never happen.

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>If they continue to fail in their picking of actors
I feel MCU has a better track record of that than Fox. They were only able to nail the 3 characters they only focus on

Hope with Cable is fine. And I think she worked fine in that one X-force run, but that's it.
She really doesn't do well either leading teams of kids or running with the big X-men team.

Yeah but for me a proper Rogue is just a likable strong chick who's funny, I don't really care how she looks like as long as she's the anti-Carol
If I was in charge of these movies I'd make Rogue a funny cute girl who dresses in all black and wears metal band t shirts

Hey, Logan was awesome, but also an exercise in Fox not quitting while they're ahead.

But what I want?

No more Jean.

She's like the Waynes, Like Uncle Ben. They always die. We KNOW they're gonna die. Her presence means nothing but an eventual power trip and death. We have got better shit to do and untapped potential from OTHER X-stories FFS.

Maybe have her have been a powerful mutant in the past or some shit, making her the reason mutants are feared after 10 years of super heroes saving all our collective asses. Maybe you can do something cool with Rachel Summers instead, but move on.

Keep Wolverine's inclusion as a surprise as long as possible. While this has been done once or twice, I guarantee you, the audiences will *still* shit golden eggs if he comes out of nowhere and joins/stays in the adventure.

I also cannot recall when and of the ensemble casts in the past few years have felt... I dunno? Complete? A core cast of 4-5 non Wolverines--and without Xavier hanging out with them all the time-- feels like it shouldn't be this hard to work out. Yeah Quicksilver is a bit of a scene stealer, but I can't even name a core group that's appeared in more than two movies. Pick an X-team with staying power even if new characters join and or leave between films.

Xavier and Magneto need to stop being the focus of everything. They are both fun characters and all that but other villains and other leads need time in the sun.

Actual costumes.

Man, what a life he lived. :(

The best

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Why should he have something he never had in the comics?