Whole motivation is saving life by halving it

>whole motivation is saving life by halving it
>at the end just says “fuck it, I’ll make a new universe lol”

What was the point?

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He's literally insane.

Destroying any character depth he had was the goal apparently

I'm sure the people in the Ultimate universe would be grateful

He...literally explains it to them.

After seeing the results of his plan, he sees that it's ultimately a failure. While SOME of the animals begin to thrive, humanity (and likely everywhere else) has stagnated.

So, he decides to kill EVERYONE and shape the universe into his own vision.

This Thanos is ultimately still obsessed with death, but as it being some ultimate solution. He hides behind wanting to save lives by taking them.

It would be excused when he didn't have the universe at his finger tips, but when he had the Gauntlet and Infinity Stones, he STILL intended to wipe out half of all life.

Thanos is just a monster and killed for his own built up messiah complex.

OP btfo, everyone else can go home.

niggerfaggot OP didn't listen

as long as any memory of how the universe used to be exists, life will strive to return to that state and continue to upset the balance he wants

If he can create a new universe why not just create more resources in the first place

Because he's out of his mind.

Oh, because the first bit made so much sense.


Because he's insane and obsessed with death you stupid nigger.

If he's obsessed with death then why not just kill everyone in the first place

>character is a psychopath who likes killing
>"hurr durr why not create infinite resources"

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If he likes killing why not continue using the gauntlet for more killing, why even destroy it out of principle.

He LITERALLY says in the movie that he is going to kill everything in the universe and wipe it down to its last atom before repopulating it with the Stones himself, making him the new god of this new universe.

You are putting too much on him. He'll need to accept that he does all the shit he does not because he wants to help the universe but because he is just a depraved son of a bitch. Thanos is not rational.

I mean at the start of the movie, why did the original Thanos destroy his gauntlet out of principle if hes just a psychopath

He thought he got the job done and didn't want himself or anyone else fucking around after the fact

You can argue 2018 Thanos had been humbled and wizened by his failures up to that point and 2014 did not have that additional life experience so when he ran into problems/heard about how the other timeline's Thanos succeeded but was still being undermined he came to a more rash, cruel solution

I was talking about him killing the universe in the first place and stopping instead of just killing all of it.

They don't call him "The Sensible Titan"

thought it was wrong just to kill everyone.

having doubled resources will throw society into chaos. Economies will be thrown in disarray, there wont be enough places to hold it all, that kind of thing.

Hurting yourself and depriving yourself of god-like power so that you can't be tempted to use it again does not seem like someone who is fundamentally irrational and depraved, the story writers were clearly trying to show someone principled enough and self-conscious enough to sacrifice himself for his beliefs. He may be doing all of his actions more to self aggrandize himself, but he still clearly wanted to do it in a way where people would be grateful to him for being helped.

This stil doesnt explain why the original thanos than didnt just create more resources if he became more humble

I'm pretty sure a society would be less chaotic with double the resources than with half of everyone dying, and that this would be obvious to anyone

just snapping was enough to fuck up his arm. Its obvious that anything more would have killed him and left the gauntlet unattended.

>Hurting yourself and depriving yourself of god-like power
A small price to pay to make sure the people you ultimately hurt by your choices won't be "tempted" (bringing justice to him isn't temptation, it's a direct consequence to his actions) to take back the same unilateral power he brandished without a second thought.

Villains aren't principled just because they're selfish, bruh.

not exactly, what happens when there is so much gold that its everywhere? It loses value. Now do this with every form of resource to an already over populated area. not only do you have issues over trade you have issues over who holds the most power causing economical collapse.

He was also stubborn. His temper was lessened compared to the past but the point is he became convinced that the universe needed a culling and no person or thing was capable to convincing him otherwise. The pride was still there in spite of even himself perhaps

Because it's a shit movie.

More resources would lower the price of the resources and this would also increase the consumption power and overall wealth of the population. I think you are confusing inflation with just a overall increase in production. In fact currency would have higher purchasing power now because everyone can get more things more cheaply

That Thanos was still crazy devoted to his Half-Off plan. I think all the things he did first hand to accomplish his goal solidified the plan he had in mind. Sacrificing Gamora, killing Vision, generally lording his wins over the Avengers, etc.. The OTHER Thanos hadn't done any of that, he just saw it happen or heard about it, so it was as concrete in his mind.

They're both crazy, but they did different things that influenced them in different ways. If this has to be spelled out for you, consider sterilization or suicide.

>4 infinity stones
>fights 1 on 1 with Iron Man on Titan, eventually wins
>0 infinity stones
>beats Iron Man, Thor and Captain America on Earth at the same time, with greater ease than against Iron Man on Titan

What was his problem?

>wasn't trying to kill them
>was actually trying to kill them

It's an extension of his original plan to save Titan. It was his way of proving his rightness to those long dead. Being proven wrong in practice makes him decide to double down, as it were.

Because he's actually a well written character and learned from his mistakes and genuinely wants to improve the universe and just learned he had to go even further.

Retards like OP don't pay attention during the talking scenes.

How did he not realize that Tony stole the gems?
You think he'd feel the omnipotence leaving him.

Bigger he says so right in the film. It might be shitty writing but he does actually explain the reason why he goes “fuck everything”.


>It was his way of proving his rightness to those long dead
literally nothing stopping him from bringing Titan and its people back to life

I wish he had the emotional defeat that he has in Infinity Gauntlet
Where he sees that his goal is unattainable and it breaks him.
Like he sees the future he creates after snapping and he realizes he's a failure

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Why didn't Thanos just tell Death to smile and talk to him?

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>at the end just says “fuck it, I’ll make a new universe lol”
I feel like you missed the entire reason why he switched to that even though he straight up said it

>I wish he had the emotional defeat that he has in Infinity Gauntlet
He kind of does in the sense that they recreate his ending in IW with him sitting down in contemplation except with him realizing he lost and can't do anything about it.

Because that would be him admitting that his original plan was flawed. You dumb idiot.


Instead of killing half the universe, why not simply reduce the physical size of all life by 50%? If everyone is half the size they used to be, they would use half the resources.

How do advanced space farming civilizations run out of resources and die?

Titan, krypton, mars, etc.

Attached: That's now how it works.jpg (650x363, 46K)

Because he wouldn't feel like a tragic hero then.

Something about the secret of nimh

Was softened up the first time by Stark dropping a building on him and having already gone up against Strange and Parker

we won't count the Guardians because they did fuck all

1. Double the bump limit on Yea Forums
2. Randomly ban half the cunts in here

What do you think would be better?

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