War Of The Realms - New Agents Of Atlas #3

Asians of Atlas time

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Master of bullying

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>future avengers
From the anime?

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>Sindr wants to burn everything
>Melts the polar ice caps, which would raise the sea levels and make burning everything a lot harder
She took science lessons from Team Magma I guess.

>From the anime?
I guess so, I've never heard of this Codec. This is what happens when the only Japanese heroes Marvel had (aside from Sunfire who is stuck in Age of X-Man) were stolen away by Disney.

is there something I don't know about asians and spam?

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Those spike titties

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I am enough of a D&D nerd to to understand this, wonder what ungodly optimization Amadeus could bring to the table pending edition, and question if this also means he has a predisposition to liking chunkier ladies.

A pox on all the lore related to Giants and the Ordning WoTC stuck in my craw with Storm King’s Thunder

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We full kumiho now

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She is so small

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Come to think of it, the Future Avengers anime is getting an English dub.

She cute

spirit bear loli

Americans brought Spam with them to the Pacific in WWII. It kind of took off after that in some spots.

Has Fox went full fox before?

Nope. This is new

I feel like it would have come in handy against the Void Symbiote hybrids

We got monkey king? We should use him more. Like Hercules .

Imagine a Comic with Wukong and Herc

The story of how Hercules became Vajrapani

If I were Marvel Studios and wanted to pander to China, I'd use Monkey King, because he actually has name recognition in China, which Shang-Chi obviously does not.

They've had lots of movies and shows based on the Monkey King though, only difference would be the Marvel label

Magic must defeat magic!

Holy shit that cover is atrocious

Feels like a souless New Super-Man

Nah, I'm enjoying it

Did somebody storytime War of the Realms #5 yet and I just didn't see the link? At least Shang got a 1 panel cameo in it to reference the events of this issue here. Almost better than nothing.

>Shang Chi sings Make a Man Out of You

That's not even the real Monkey King. Just a human that he granted a portion of his powers to.

I'm not an expert, but isn't Monkey King's hair inappropriate.

Americans literally ruining everything

Cute Asian girl with mask and spirit bear friend? This has to be my new favorite character, I've never seen her before this.

>Lin Lie
>Lei Ling
>Pearl Pangan
so many alliterations!

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That would be great.
China (and probably some other asian countries) love Sun Wukong. And they also love MCU super heroes. Mix the two and you get a hit.
He could have Purple Pants Foom as villain, and also some connection to the Jabari from Black Panther

Why is everybody always laughing to Luna's shit jokes?

>Those spike titties
I'm your basic Muspel Girl and I'm here to burn the world
You can't stop me 'cause I'm Queen of Cinders

Jesus Christ, what an awful cover.

Personal conspiracy theory? Pak is going to use this series to pull a Jean Grey on Silk. Either full-on lesbian awakening or bisexual realization, but the fact that she’s fawning over Luna is too much of a coincidence to not be leading up to something involving the big gay for Silk.

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>She still hasen't said "Begone from my realm insects" or "by fire be purged"
This makes me mad

When did Sun Wukong got hit by the nerf hammer?

>Silk is bi

How many centimeters is it, in the civilized world?

She's not the only one
White Fox was also laughing to her stupid puns

Its not the real Sun Wukong. He is just an avatar that is hosting a portion of his power. Sort of like the sane situation that Juggernaut is in.

asian people can't compete with superior asian-AMERICAN

Shang-Chi isn't American though. Born in China, super spy for the British, on a super team in America, and current on an Asian super team.


Silk is suppose to be a fangirl for I believe


She's a korean mobage OC along with the fox girl and icy pop star.

White fox didn't start in the mobage. She started in those Korea only comics. Like how the sword guy and wind girl are from china only comics.

This book would have been to bring back those chinese twins that they introduced in one of point one issues from way back.

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>This is what happens when the only Japanese heroes Marvel had (aside from Sunfire who is stuck in Age of X-Man) were stolen away by Disney.

there was Tako Shamara/Dragon-Lord but he's dead from the first Civil War, and he should be revived.

then they'll just make Shang-Chi into an A-lister like GotG and Black Panther

Fox Girl is actually from a manhwa, not a mobage.

What happened to the original Agents of Atlas members? More specifically Namora, M-11 and Venus?

rank the waifus

He died in the Initiative

His son wanted to replace him though

Not diverse enough.

White Fox

Well she does have nine powers.

Forgot about these guys

Supreme Radiant Friend

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So did marvel comics, and gazillion too since they were supposedly created for marvel heroes chinese release but then never put them in the game.

Last thread someone listed some of the powers she has in Future Fight

>Summon foxes
>Drain life
>Makes Crystal erupt from the ground

That along with the powers we already know she has
>Talks to animals
>Turns into a fox

Leaves about four more powers?

Would her physical animal abilities, claws, enhanced senses and physical agility and strength, count as a one of the powers or do they not count because she's a half nine tailed fox?

If there one thing this comic has going for it, it's all of the new asian hunnies.

Future Avengers OP
The three main kids are directly trained by the avengers to be “future avengers”.

This is the second time that Shang has trained a spider person.

She's 10, ten year olds are usually short. I want to see her team up with Pei from the Iron Fists mini, they're both kids with kung fu magic and cool masks.

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How long until the disk wars kids become canon?

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Sadly we will never see Spider-Man and Silk tag team a group of Hand ninjas with Spider Kung Fu

Pele is best girl

Uh, this instance is the exact opposite.

They're still around. This mini will get an ongoing after the War if the Realms event and the of Atlas team will star in back-ups.

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Venus may have died with the rest of the Olympians

If she did then she might have been reborn alongside the others, most likely it was Aphrodite who on olympus when it razed by Nyx.

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Fuck off.

Crescent is the cutest
white fox > silk > luna > wave = pele > aero

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Funny how a pretender is calling others mortal.

Maybe he got some of Sun's arrogance along with the power.

I wonder if Sharon will show up in the ongoing, she is technically korean.

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Can't have an asian fighting comic without some food porn!

is that a fannart cover or the real one they printed?

Honestly who thought this team was an okay concept?
Seems VERY manipulative

Ummm... The writer who is an asian who wanted represent asians.

Wait, didn't he JUST watch all his Champions buddies die? Is this becoming his thing?

All my phone game characters are here!

This sudden Spam product ad is curious.

What's with this DC-tier cover chyron

She wants to melt everything, so the water has to be gone.

I’m surprised that it’s monkey king and not the Collective man representing china.

Wait why isn't he a hulk anymore?

Looks like a MOBA character.