What do you think of love triangles? is there a show or comic that does one best?

what do you think of love triangles? is there a show or comic that does one best?

are there any real triangles with two women and a guy?

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>is there a show or comic that does one best?

I feel like the problem with love triangles is that they're almost always one party pining for the other party's SO and maybe said SO feeling a bit conflicted but mostly just being a giant tease.

Also it's never really a triangle is it? I mean you have the three parties, A, B and C but at best you have A having to choose between B and C. This is kind of getting into gay stuff I suppose by you never see anything between B and C so we're not forming a proper triangle but more like a weird...upside down V.

>What do you think of love triangles?
>Posts one of the worst love triangles to grace Yea Forums

this is my issue as well, it's just kind of mean-spirited and weird.

yeah i'm looking for more examples because they just seem awful to me


No. It's maybe tragic, but it's also part of life and drama.

Isn't logan too old for jean ? Like, he could be her father
And what's so special about jean ? Why are all the guys fighting for her attenrion when there are hotter women around ?

No. They're always forced trash.

>what's so special about jean
She's like Mary Jane but she can turn you gay

No. It's tired as fuck as never works.

the only good love triangles are the ones where all the people are romantically interested in both other people

I've never understood the appeal of Wolverine over Cyclops. It's such a fanboy thing to think Jean would ever actually choose him.

Cyclops is taller than Wolverine, he's smarter than him, he's better looking than him, he's a better fighter than him, he's got better powers, he's not Canadian. He even at least matches most of Wolverine's strong points. He's got a fucked up past too. He was a sullen loner too, but still managed to lead the team. He's easily as much of a brooding bag of dicks as Wolverine is and also requires Nightcrawler or Storm to hold his hand through whatever his latest emotional crisis is just like Wolverine.

Wolverine honestly brings nothing to the table but a stupid haircut (which Beast had first) and knife hands. Wolverine is superfluous.

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>And what's so special about jean ?
subconscious telepathic need to be desired

Korra had two and they both sucked

>are there any real triangles with two women and a guy?
I've only ever seen it done well in Archie, but those are purely comedic and nothing else.

I think it’s cheap drama to stir up during down time and gives the illusion of depth.

Every harem ever made.

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Someone is self-inserting into Cyclops again.

Love triangles are usually either:

>A loves B, B loves C, and C is indifferent to B.
>A and C love B, B can't choose between A and C.

They never feature love between A and C because they're rivals in love.

>Why are all the guys fighting for her attenrion when there are hotter women around ?
Such as? Jubilee is too young and Rogue can kill you with her touch. So among the X-men this only leaves Storm.

Logan is old enough to be everybody's father.

Love triangles can... well, it's hard to make them work. The X-triangle is just kind of boring but at least it actually tries to work by having two heroes each competing for the affections of another hero.

I would rather see that than a love triangle that consists of The Hero, his crush/high-school sweetheart, and some jackass who acts as a rival or outright villain to the hero.

Because with those, it tends to rely on the girl not noticing, not caring, or being complicit with the rival being a complete shithead, which makes her look bad and the audience starts to question why the hero even cares to try, especially if there's some other girl around who would reciprocate his affections.

I really want to see a love triangle resolved with the two guys realizing they're worth more than this and getting with one another instead and not in a shitty comedy series.

Most of the time the woman in the love triangle is a thot who is with one of the guys and flirts with the other so it'd definitely be justified.

t. manlet

sorry your self insert got cucked by a 5'2 alpha, user. cyclops is just a lesser xavier and boring as shit.

They're categorically shit.

this, the best way to handle it is to have the two guys become friends through their competing, disregarding the girl and being huge bros from then on

I don't think the user you replied to meant bros, unless you were thinking

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Here's a new spin on this retarded love triangle. Instead of having the two dudes fight over Jean, they can have Jean and Logan fight over Scott instead. It's quite plausible, judging the amount of unresolved sexual tension in their interactions in the past decade

Reminds me of that one series of based Japanese candy commercials, where the thot gets cucked by the new guy she picked over her original bf(who gets together with the new guy)

Why don't they just take turns inside Jean?

Honestly, i'm still yet to see a love triangle that doesn't make the person the other two people are pining after seem like a total sociopath.
It's always "Oh, i can't decide" or whatever, and, fine, i can understand being conflicted, but when you actively lead people on, and worse, expect people to fight over you, you're not conflicted, you're just a piece of shit.
I think the only one that did it well was Berserk, and that's because all three parties were attracted to each other, but in different ways.

Love triangles are for fags and gags.

What about A and C are total bros who both want the other to get with B because they want their best friend to be happy?

I just did a read through of Claremont's run and it's amazing how much of the love triangle is 90's retcons. Logan flirts with her the way he does everybody but there's no love triangle and definitely no love in the original comics.


Logan/Jean/Scott was never a love triangle.

Logan was the third wheel, Jean was attracted to him('cause retcons) but he never threatened Scott/Jean

Mako did nothing wrong.

Best end, always