Why is the X-Men so fucking white despite being civil rights allegories?

I mean, for a film series that likes to base itself on civil rights allegories,

Why is 99% of The X-Men white? Why did PoC characters like Jubilee got like what, 15 seconds of screentime in Apocalypse?

I mean, just look at this shit:


40 SECONDS IN THE ENTIRE X-MEN UNIVERSE REEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hell, it's 2019 and both Dark Phoenix and New Mutants has more white characters than Loqueesha. LOQUEESHA OF ALL THINGS!

Attached: jubilee.jpg (1280x720, 196K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's not white, it's Jewish.

So that white people can better understand the struggle. It's meant to bring people together.

Little Kyle loves Cyclops and hates drywall. When he sees people being dicks to people for Cyclops for no reason other than him being born different, his little gears start to turn, and he thinks "Hey, this shit ain't cool. Cyclops is cool."

Then 10 years from now, he'll think of how he felt when his boy Cyke got clowned on by some normie, and he'll start to dislike discrimination. Then he'll notice how shitty a character Jean is, and how suddenly attracted he is to Storm...

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>film series

Because you're a nigger

The only thing that you can learn from the x-men is that mutants are dangerous, pic related an innocent man turned gay by a mutant

Attached: a victim of mutants.jpg (620x941, 87K)

Because Singer didn't want it to be a racial allegory. He wanted it to be a gay rights allegory. That way, he could try to sneak in pedophillia as a sexuality as a concept.
Have you tried not being a mutant can be a stand in for a lot of things. Not all of them a witty remark on coming out as gay.

Yellow fever is the cancer killing comics and cartoons.
The X-Men are white because they got to an elite private school in New York.

Which is ironic, because gay whites are known to be as discriminatory as straight whites.

Attached: milo-yiannopoulos.jpg (1024x683, 50K)

Pic unrelated?

It's almost as if minorities are uncommon

Exact same thing

Not the same thing at all. Jews are only white when they want to talk down to "fellow" white people about how they're not letting they're entire country get cucked, when it comes to playing victim they're still 100% yid.

It's ok to be white

beause they're the FOX-men

that's why.

Because for all your virtue signaling, for all your pandering towards minorities, for all your circle jerk of how noble you are, the left and by proxy media entertainment glorifies whites in self narcissism that they are always the hero against the big bad, leading the poor minorities in a "group" effort with them as the center. Even if they make a white man the evil threat, it's always a white woman that understands the maturity in her self appointed anointment and that she, and she alone will bring these clueless mutts to heel and be cohesive.

Hollywood is just lefty retards deluding themselves into thinking they're still appreciated and warranted to love. Couldn't be further from the truth, you sold your country to us, and now you're not needed. These movies are eventually going to be historical tokens of the white race. Where once whites forged empires, now they are minorities in their own lands. White liberals think they're so smart and adult like, couldn't be further from the truth, you're worse than the literal ethno fascists, you're cowards who just have a different way of presenting your ego to the world. But dont worry, you'll be gone soon enough, eventually these movies will be all you have left.


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marvel has always been racist. based marvel.

Because believe it or not, White People aren't all magically seen as "hey, you're all getting the same rights now, you're all superior!".
It's why we had shit like feminism, unions, child labour laws, required education, etc

The mutants aren't a symbol for civil rights - it's a symbol for the struggles of anyone not on the top that fits into society. So the black that cleans your school is a mutie. So is the White Person who's busting their ass 9-5 while their boss is fapping to hentai on the clock and claiming their work as their own

>White People aren't all magically seen as "hey, you're all getting the same rights now, you're all superior!".
Remember when people wanted more quality between classes instead of races, like a decade and a half ago? And then suddenly it became solely about race and gender and sexuality and rich people are even richer in comparison than they used to be but no one cares because a man sat comfortably on a train?

I want to fuck the brains out of that Jubilee holy shit.

Your waifu a shit.

Mutants are allegory for gays, not PoCs

>the left and by proxy media
its impressive how thoroughly the right has managed to convince you to ignore that all mainstream media is owned by rich assholes who provide financial support to the right in exchange for legislative favors

>Magneto literally a vengeful HoloJew
>Totally about gays guys


>its impressive how thoroughly the right has managed to convince you to ignore that all mainstream media is owned by rich assholes who provide financial support to the right in exchange for legislative favors
So they give money to the right while shilling the left as hard as possible? Guess when you're only goal is division of the lower classes that works perfectly.

Its both you dumb shits
X men are power fantasy allegory for whatever is oppressed

Do people not realize the implication of making them the oppressed minority? It's basically saying gay people and black people are dangerous and need to be registered for the safety of good, normal white people.

Honestly a lot of that is just because people give them a platform. If everyone would stop posting and reposting retards a thousand times, we wouldn't have these banal issues and such extreme tribalism.

Olivia munn is Asian.

Nobody likes to address this

It completely defeats the purpose of having a civil rights allegory to teach people that need to be taught that being different isn't any reason to hate and fear someone if they never fucking read your allegory because they hate and fear your characters.

>So they give money to the right while shilling the left as hard as possible?
Pretty much, yeah. They want left consumers, as they're a bigger demographic, and right legislation, because they're a more stable pro-corporate.
Democrats are usually also pro-corporate/pro-rich, but it's less guaranteed. Corporations play both sides so they can make profit either way, but they'd prefer a safe Republican government over a Democrat one.

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None of them are republican donors beside Ike. It's amazing retards like you construct false worlds to inhabit.

>It's basically saying gay people and black people are dangerous and need to be registered for the safety of good, normal white people.
I don't think Marvel is actually advocating for society to treat people the way the fictional society they have total control over treats mutants.

I also think that ties into the main fucking problem with X-books. It fucking never gets better for them. It's a message of the evils of a lack of tolerance with zero fucking hope for tolerance. You can do the "things are starting to get better" ending of a short series with a beginning, middle and end, but X-Men has been going on for multiple real world generations. At a certain point the message you're sending is the opposite of the one you're trying to send. Things can only start to get better so many fucking times. Preferably once. "Hope is a cruel illusion and the various classes of people on this Earth will never get along or stop killing each other" is not something anyone wants to fucking read.

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