why is she ugly in rebels
Why is she ugly in rebels
She isn't a cute loli anymore
She isn't, but contact with her future self, tragically stunted her lekku growth.
ugly is the norm in rebels
>Ruins TCW season 7
Thanks ahsokafags
Her head dealies are way too long on the left. Imagine trying to swing a lightsaber around when your brain tentacles are dangling down to your waist, it’s way too hazardous.
You are a creepy pedo.
bitch on the right is uglier than this nigga
What a fucking poof this faggot is
I wasn’t aware Ventress so in so much. I thought she was just for the animated series
George Lucas matched the show budget for TCW with his own equal contribution, so they had better resources and talent to work with. Rebels was wholly Disney funded and they are tight-arses with show budgets, wouldn't even go up to half of TCW budget.
I hate Rebels but her orignal adult design was shit.. Anything (including rebels) is better.
Who is best waifu in the whole Star Wars universe (EU counts)?
>t. Poofter
Rebels is a worse show with a smaller budget.
Would you have preferred her to look like this?
More of this?
All I got bud, sorry.
Orange Buttcheeks
No! No! Oh god, no!
Unironically would not be able to contain my boner.
As someone who never watched either Clone Wars or Rebels I'd say she was never attractive.
>He doesn't like orange
Padme a shit
>why is she ugly in rebels
Who isn't?
She got old
Drug should not have I done, hmmm, suffer the consequences now I have
Friendly reminder that Ahsoka has lips.
too bad that there are so few fanfics of this based ship
The things you want are bad, and they bring your family shame.
The space nun had nice lips too. The whole series was swarming with pillowy full lips.
Aayla had a really nice ass in TCW.
Best girl
This is why we can’t have Star Wars threads anymore
Even the droids have full lips. A quality product no doubt.
>dies after fanfic tier romance with Quinlan "Stop dragging this nigga into relevance already" Vos
They brought direct attention to her lips a couple of times. Tarkin and a Mandolorian both grabbed her face to emphasize her lips. Anyone got the webms?
I liked Ventress better without the drool tats
Fuck George's fat daughter forever for this
>not the version with buldge
for shame
Eh her getting out alive kinda didn't make sense with Sheev 'rule of 2 rulz' palpatine and Anakin 'literal murder machine' skywalker ruling the galaxy.
All this thread is doing is making me miss when Star Wars was fun.
That old EU line where she decided to just leave it all behind worked great
Ventress basically being a bounty hunter/budding moralfag in the show was fine, but honestly I never liked all of the Nightsister stuff that came before
The old EU line is what I was referring too.
Sideous didn't like her and Darth Vader hated her before he ran on hate. Just walking away doesn't really seem like an option in that respect.
Everyone thought she was ded, no?
>abducted for snu snu by ayy lmaos on rancors
wew lad
How things should have gone with Ahsoka after confronting Vader.
Thats not an image of vaders lightsaber being driven through her user
>tfw Sithsoka will never step on your balls while accusing you of being rebel scum
I miss real Luke.
Why are you like that?
this, Yidsney has made me resent it all to the point where i have trouble enjoying older stuff
>hawaiian wookie children
They missed an opportunity to have "Dark Side" Ahsoka return from time to time. No. Not missed. Fucking flew past it on an Apollo rocket.
from the wookie arc we woulda got .
Ahsoka will never be dark again She's literal the vessel for the daughter of mortis the avatar of the light . thinking she'd ever be an inqusitorious member is laughable . thou there is some bullshit to say the son survived Anakin killing him but was trapped in the shape of ahsoka as he was connected and obsessed/loved his sister so imprinted on her new vessel . if u wanted dark side ahsoka return
>A space biker nun will never invite you to ride across the country on her bitch seat.
how were the Rodians' eyes so dope in TCW?
it would be hard not to improve on the rubber suits of the original trilogy.
>ahsoka gets less sexualized as she gets older
star wars really is all about that pedophilia
I still would tho
what is that think on her head?
haven't that guy died or something?
The tiara is some kind of rank insignia from some Mandalorians..
thats not what I'm talking about
part of her head, dummy.
the big pointy horn-lookin ones on top are hollow inside and help togruta with echolocation or some shit. the long ones hanging down are called lekku, and they're basically just fleshy extensions of their head skin and fat. same as what twi'leks have.