DCeased #2 Storytime

Night of the Anti-Living Dead!

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>DC copies Marvel’s Marvel Zombies

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Why is DC obsessed with being edgy and grimdark? When will it end?

>They are not zombies
>They act like zombies, they have all the characteristics of zombies but they aren't zombies

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Why are comic writers like Tom Taylor and Bendis obsessed with “destroying the Internet”?

I wasn't expecting this from the guy who wrote Injustice (aka Batwank: the comic) lmao.

Did Zack Snyder write this?

Why are people always whinning about edgy and grimdark when they don't even have to read those comics? It's even a fucking AU!

This is fucking retarded.

I want more Hal, Ollie and Dinah hanging out minus the zombie bullshit and preferably a good writer handling it.


It's quirky. The notion of shutting down or breaking the internet is something that a non-reader who watches Big Bang Theory thinks comic books are like. These writers cater to that crowd.

Another thing that irks me is Millennial writers like Taylor projecting their Millennial speak onto characters where it doesn't fit. We had Darth Vader say "garbage" not long ago, and now we have Batman saying "literally."

every step I take
every move I make
these niggas show up in a comic I read

why not just bring back iZombie

They hate getting mean comments on the internet and not constant dick-sucking and thus think it should be removed entirely. They are that insecure.

>Both The Joker and Harley Quinn get Zombified fast as fuck when one of them should've made it into Top 10 Survivors.
>Joker should've made it into Top 10 Survivors just for the Writing fun of it.

This fucking project is faster than all the Speedforce, wasting potential concepts here and there without survivors.

It just doesn't feel right, you know? I can see Marvel working better with this retarded concept but not DC

When did Harley get zombified?

I'm going to make a prediction; all the obvious heroes are going to die. The last survivor is going to be some random kind of like how Magneto was the last survivor in Marvel Zombies (although that didn't last long).

How unoriginal.

That just sounds kinda predictable at this point.

Please, let me hope she did.

I guess that's uhh an interesting idea? I think Taylor really likes Black Canary.

>Harley is a main
>Batman is out of the game
You turned me against and back into the story in the same issue

It's Kite-man.

>DC copies Marvel
>And doing it poorly
Well that isn’t surprising in the least.

Tom's just making an Elseworlds book. You dont have to read it. It affects nothing.

>Harley gets killed on Issue #03 by a Zombified Ivy.
Screencap this.

A Real Bad Elseworld Book desu. At least Marvel Zombies got multiple series to exploit all the concepts it could. This shit is doing nothing, just killing everyone for Shock Value (Like Injustice, but worse).

Eh, if what you are saying it's true, it's probably going to be someone who died early on in Injustice.

No no no, you don't understand. They're not zombies but are instead infected with the anti-life equation.
Totally different.

Because it wasn't Batwank, you stupid cunt.

Zombies aren’t allowed to be called Zombies in Zombie media. They have to be called stuff like “Walkers” or “Infected” or “roamers”. So that everyone knows how deep and adult the Story totes is.

It completely is. If you aren't Batman you:
A-Become fascist
C-Job horrendously

I like it. Its obviously a bad end being a dark multiverse entry. I want to see how much they will struggle. especially it doesnt seem as bleak as Marvel Zombies yet.

Bats obviously kills Alfred and uses Brother eye to broadcast the corrupted antilife equation to the rest of the universe

Batman's plans is always met with spectacular fails and everyone blames him for everything bad that happened and keeps on happening. If anything, it's Superman wank because the narrative bends itself backward to keep him as the big dog.

>and everyone blames him for everything bad
This is the biggest proof that it's batwank.

You're wrong. It's Superman wank. Everyone is thrown under the bus to excuse his behavior. He's a DINDU NOFFING in the book. Everyone gets the blame, but him. He's just a poor victim of circumstances.

Just like Metal, it's all about making Batman the center of attention.

Thanks for the storytime

>He's a DINDU NOFFING in the book.
What are you talking about? Superman is called a fascist by his parents.

Who then blames Batman for Superman becoming a fascist.

I'm ok with this, just wished we could've gotten a last glimpse of Hal's personality thanking her.

As says it doesn't matter if he loses if he always keeps being good, doesn't die and he is always the center of attention. Metal and Injustice are the biggest batwanks I have ever seen on DC.

>what if DC was Crossed?!!!!

It is garbage like this that causes stuff like Brightburn to be made. Directors are literally making fun of how stupidly immature and dumb DC is and how unheroic their heroes are. And yet DC never learns and keeps making cringy stories that are the equivalent to a emo hughschooler’s fantasy.

What about Doomsday Clock? Final Crisis? Or every other big event where Superman is the center? Even in INJUSTICE Superman is the center. Every one in the Justice League bows down to him be it from adoration of fear. Even Batman is tsundere for him and is only trying to "save" him. The tries its damnest to make his actions excusable by blaming everyone but him for everything. Because Superman has to be redeemable since he's Superman.

Even in METAL Superman is the one who rescues Batman.

I dig it

Nah senpai, you can tell Taylor is playing with his favorites
Harley is probably the last survivor

I never said Supwank didn't exist. At least it's more justified because Superman is the first modern superhero.

Being a central character doesn't mean you're the center of attention. With Metal and Injustice the fact that Batman is involved in every facet is what makes it Batwank.

Oh, so you're a Superfag. Should have known.

oh look, it is another “DC tried to look deep but comes off as tryhard” episode. Change the channel.

Metal was a Batman event. Are you going to cry that Aquaman was the center of attention in Throne of Atlantis or Drowned Earth? And INJUSTICE also had Superman being the center of attention. Superman and Batman shared the spotlight.

Ignore Batwank and Supwank. Post Doomwank, the best type of wank.

Just toss him in the Lazarus Pit

That cover lied.

user, comics have ALWAYS obsessed with being 'grimdark' and edgy when it comes to multiverses. Marvel has been killing Spider-Man and doing depressing endings in what ifs since the 70s, And in fact, a lot of the comparisons back when Perez did JLA/Avengers was how the DC Universe seemed utopic in comparison to the dark, chaotic Marvel.

>It is garbage like this that causes stuff like Brightburn to be made. Directors are literally making fun of how stupidly immature and dumb DC is and how unheroic their heroes are

Yeah, it's not like we got Marvel Zombies or Punisher vs the Marvel Universe a decade ago, or something.

I'm developing a mental block that when I see Ivy and Harley sharing a scene in a comic I literally can't read any further. I don't think I've missed anything of value yet.

Not a bad costume design. And I like the idea that in a world full of heroes, the ring doesn't have to look far to find a replacement: Almost any long-time super-hero in the immediate vicinity is a suitable replacement because they're all such exceptional individuals.

>Strong independent womyn kill a man who she previously stated as being weak willed then take his everything


An awful idea and yet still only the second worst female human GL.


Superman zombified and travel back in time when

I strongly doubt alfred got it in him

Alfred has been in wars. He has exactly that in him.

>inb4 amazon island survives because lol no technology
>inb4 cyborg is necessary(whether dead or alive) in getting rid of the equation

Lmao shut up, these three have had this dynamic for 40 years. Also that was Ollie who called him weak willed and Ollie constantly shits on him because they're best friends.

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>Jon is the same age as Damian in every non mainline appearance he makes
Holy shit Bendis shit is going to get retconned so fast isn't it

I wouldn't mind seeing this happen for a bit in the DC universe proper, honestly.

We don't need any more Earth Lanterns.

Why does Taylor write Hal so whiny? He did it in Injustice too

This is a fun idea but it feels like more of Taylor wanking off his favorites at the expense of everything else. If Harley and Dinah end up as BFFs again I will scream

> black canary OS HAL FUCKING JORDAN

>feels like more [...] wanking off his favorites

That's DC right now user. Every comic is meaningless fanservice.

Oh shit, that was heartbreaking

How'd he manage to get inside that fast thing enough? Seems people go nuts within seconds of infection, and he got jumped by two not-zombies.

This costume is fucking great, and I like the idea of Dinah getting the ring a lot.

Cute and wholesome.

Taylor should just write an in-continuity Green Arrow + Black Canary book instead of this edgelord shit

? Supposed to be a dumb what if/else world story. Marvel also does it all the time.

>ring working while Hal has no will of his own
>Canary cry actually penetrates through a GL shield
>Canary becomes the next GL
Taylor really loves his waifu huh

>Vines enjoy crushing people

Eh its ok, anything can work if written properly
Though i kinda wish it would've been Arrow, because he's already green and because he might be a bit useless just with a bow in a zombie apocalypse, although giving him superpowers might take away from his character.

There is only one explanation: he was already inside the suit when he was infected for whatever reason
>hal has no will of his own
Just throwing an idea out there but that doesn't seem to be how anti-life works in this. Bruce implied the virus was converting his mind to make him *want* to kill. Hal wasn't being enslaved by the virus, he was being convinced.

Ehhh. Who knows, I say he has no will of his own since he went zombie but whatever. The halloween issue zombie issue was way better than this tho and everyone died in that one

Go to bed King.

A bow is a top tier weapon in a zombie apocalypse. Silent with re-usable ammo.

Would have been more fun to give him the ring though I agree. Maybe he gets some empathy having to carry a nuke around all the time.

fuck you

another week with more feminist crap

Blackest Knight done it better

See this shit right here is why DC is going bankrupt

While isn’t wrong it also can’t be ignored that Tom Taylor is quite possibly the most self hating white man working in comics at the moment. The guy can’t let up for five seconds anymore.

Badly copying Marvel is what DC does

With how fast they're losing money probably a couple months

>Why is DC obsessed with being edgy and grimdark? When will it end?
Marvel it's always Marvel and it will only end when Marvel finally dies NEVER

You already posted that

Damn the Batfam really did not fare well with this particular zombie apocalypse. Things aren’t looking good for Damian, he’ll probably turn and Jon or Alfred will have to put him down.

He's probably not zombified actually.

He just looks like regular ol crazy joker here, and doesnt even have the red eyes like the other zombies do.

Hell, it wouldnt surprise me to find out Joker is actually part of the problem, like Darkseid came to him to help make the anti-life equation spreadable by blood or something.

I guess that's the answer to years of homolust between Green Lantern and Green Arrow

>Alfred fucking Old Yeller's Bruce

>transferred by blood
>alfred just splattered bat-brains all over the cave and himself
>you know he wouldn't be able to bear not handling his son's corpse to give him a proper burial
alfred is already dead user

So from Batman's explanation of the virus can we deduce Hal got infected trying to look up titties on his phone?

If they actually go through with this and have Bruce dead next issue I'll be impressed

Anonymous Darth Vader was actually talking about literal garbage when he said the word garbage.
It's not some word the evil millennial invented. There was even a 90's rock band with that name, remember?

Am I reading Crossed? Because this looks like a slightly less edgy Crossed.

I really like this alternate ending to Final Crisis setup. Darkseid gets the Anti-Life equation and instead of using it as is, he changes it.

How is this any different from Blackest Night? So far it seems like a cheap knock-off.

>Metal was a Batman event.
And that's the problem. This dark multiverse is built around Batman and the regular multiverse is built around the Dark multiverse meaning it's dumb as fuck Batwank lore.

>inb4 zombronie batmanned himself out of the way from a point blank shotgun blast

Dude, shut the fuck up. You've a bunch of fags cumming in their pants over the idea of Superman taking the Forger with a single punch. You're all rubbing one out over Superwank. You can't say shit.

Theyre like 28 days later type infected its clear there not literally walking dead

If you are going to stick to the literal meaning of Zombies then you will know that originally "Zombie" is what they called people that even when they were alive they were robbed of the will to think by means of drugs and magic rituals, your definition equates a living death.

In fact, the concept of this story is more attached to the concept of zombie that people have mistakenly adopted as such.

It is garbage like this why Disney should buy out DC. So edgy Guro porn like this isn’t made and so the characters get the respect they deserve.

>How is this any different from Blackest Night?
Other than it is an elseworld and Heroes can die for realsies? Nothing really.


>You've a bunch of fags cumming in their pants over the idea of Superman taking the Forger with a single punch. You're all rubbing one out over Superwank.
You made the classic mistake in assuming that I like anything about metal.

>Darth Vader was actually talking about literal garbage when he said the word garbage.
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine the voice of James Earl Jones saying the word "garbage". Does it sound right to you? There are synonyms for common words that many Star Wars characters tend to use because it sounds more theatrical. Vader has always been an eloquent speaker. He would more likely say something like "refuse" or "waste" in regards to a dead body. Not "garbage." Might as well just say "garbo" at that point.

It's 2019 you bigot, the Future is Female, we're going to get a woman president soon, GET OVER IT!

Can't her cry shatter planets at full power?

>Close your eyes for a moment and imagine the voice of James Earl Jones saying the word "garbage".
If you can't do something this easy, you're beyond convincing.
>Vader has always been an eloquent speaker.
Garbage is not a one syllable word.

no? has that ever happened?

Why does this piss you off so much?
Are you a child?

that sounds like a bad idea

Does she know he's infected?

Wouldn't Aquaman have a huge advantage over the zombies the second he's underwater?

It doesn't piss me off, It's just hacky. The anti-life equation doesn't work like a zombie virus and this isn't a lot of tension in a zombie story set in a superhero universe.

Marvel Zombies / DCeased crossover when?

Who says it has to work a certain way, especially if you add random stuff? And tension is subjective in cape stories anyways.

>Who says it has to work a certain way
Why even use it if you're just gonna do a zombie story? Using it for name recognition is hacky.

>The anti-life equation doesn't work like a zombie virus
Pretty sure the solicits mentioned that it's not THE Equation.

So did Alfred kill the robins then?

They don't want to eat you or anything. They just want to infect you via violence. C'mon now.

Have sex

>memetic/biological zombie virus
I'm sure there's an SCP bout this

Looks fun.

>The anti-life equation doesn't work like a zombie virus
You're right, it doesn't.

That's why the first issue starts off with an explanation of how it's not the actual anti-life equation but rather a fucked-up version of it created by Desaad.

Can anyone share the first issue? I could always use more darkseid

Meh. This level of "darkness" takes on a camp quality that keeps it from being annoyingly grimdark for me. I mean it's called DCeased lol

I think it said that darkseid changed part of the equation, like he took out the death part or something and this is the result

>Le ackchually
Fuck off

It wasn't Batwank until AFTER he left.

He has the scratch marks on his face. It just probably means that the Anti-life doesn't change him at all.

Goddamn I forgot how well Tom Taylor writes Ollie and Dinah. They really should give him GA after this is over and the next volume is up and running.

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>This dark multiverse is built around Batman
That's not really true. Metal was built around Batman, but the Dark Multiverse itself isn't just Batman. The Sideways annual features a bunch of Supermen and related characters from different worlds for example.

Am I the only person that thinks this is a good look? Maybe it's just the artist, but the batsuit with the Mignola Freeze suit really works together.

Ollie is too full of doubt and mistrust to be a Lantern. That part of the program he can't get to work; last time he used Hal's ring, it nearly gave him an aneurysm just to make a single arrow construct.
How does Ollie not have plenty of empathy? Legitimately fighting for the poor and exploited is his entire thing since Rebirth, thankfully.

Okay, then don't read it? It's not canon, and has no effect on anything outside of itself. Do yourself a favor and not read or do things that make you angry.

Take one good luck at Yea Forums and tell me the Internet isn't in need of being destroyed

>and the regular multiverse is built around the Dark multiverse
Actually according to the latest Doomsday clock issue it's the other way around, the Dark multiverse is built around the regular multiverse.


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>Yea Forums
Hell look at reddit or Twitter

The truth is the internet is the worst thing to ever happen to humanity and probably does need to die

It helps that the equation for this Earth has been changed, but Anti-Life is an ideological weapon. Ergo it breaks your will and has you submit to Darkseid whereas here there is no master for you besides Anti-Life.

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Every world in the Dark Multiverse is created by a person's fear/bad end that Earth 0 never got. That's why Batman Who Keks is able to use that against the Dark Knights by making them see mainline Earth as being privilaged with good ends. Which it is.

Whatever reddit or Twitter has done Yea Forums has already done it way mroe times nad worse
First issues explained it perfectly well, it's not the equation. But some corrupted version of it