>my favorite characters are John and Terezi
How much of a fucking NPC can you be lol
My favorite characters are John and Terezi
Other urls found in this thread:
The lesbo mommies only 2 characters I liked through the entire comic and epilogue
The Flighty Broads and Their Snarky Horshit-ometer was the best arc
>Best characters are your favorite characters
Gee, who'da thunk it?
Vriska is still the 8est character.
>I understand my original summaries missed some key plot points, like how dirk wasn’t actually headed for candy earth and shit, but like, listen: I’m not fucking stupid. those things were badly communicated. it took me a frankly unfairly long time to realize what callie!jade was eating at the end. someone’s going to come in trumpeting that it’s not the author’s fault I didn’t understaaaaaaaaaand their vision but like.
>sometimes it is, though.
>Favorite was Roxy because she actually made the alpha kids tolerable
>tfw the epilogue fucked her
>ARADIA: HES coming through there isnt he
>ARADIA: your brother
>JADE: that’s correct.
>ARADIA: are we in danger?
>JADE: he will certainly be very angry.
>JADE: but he will also be wounded.
>JADE: and even on his best day,
>JADE: he would be no match for what i have become.
>ARADIA: what will you do when he comes
>JADE: consume his body.
>JADE: absorb his essence.
>JADE: and then using this host, i will generate enough power to move beyond the staggering pull of the event horizon encasing this world.
>JADE: a prison of my own making, which can be escaped only through the supreme unification with my other half.
>>"I’m not fucking stupid."
Honest question, did anyone liked Jane at all? If you did fucking why?
Honestly I struggle to think of a reason to hate her, she's such a nothing character.
Remember when she liked detective movies?
I originally liked her as a potential straight-man and for her potential Life powers and how that might relate to a new perspective on the world, but she became a slave first to her hormones, then to the Condesce, then to Dirk and her own hatred. The irony of a person whose superpower is to bring back the dead enforcing birth control and genocide in a parallel timeline is funny though. She doesn't even think to resurrect her dad, just use him as a martyr so she can declare war.
>John and Terezi
NPC is liking Dave and Karkat and shipping Davekat and drawing them as black people.
People actually have to have some sort of different tastes or personality to like John even though he's the bland everyman because they're conditioned for MUST CONSUME MOST POPULAR GAY PAIRING. Terezi is also subject to this though because of Vriska, and how they're draw Terezi and Vriska as perfect lesbians who could do no wrong when they've massacred hundreds together and are completely dysfunctional with each other. I legit saw a drawing of Terezi saying "fuck all cops" even though her entire aspiration is to be an alternian lawyer equivalent who's entire job is to try and get people the death sentence. But sure, the character who literally wants to grow up to work for the government and kill people who don't deserve it would hate government workers who kill people that don't deserve it.
here's the patrician pairing, user
I hate fishboy but he would probably turn into an good character if he turned into Dave bro instead of Karkat. Being constantly mocked and slowly realizing the massive uncool faggot he was while developing modesty and altruism would be interesting.
Hussie's notes on Eridan actually illuminated some of the aspects I liked about him without realizing, while also exposing how much of a hack nuHuss is. He unironically calls Dave a "wokeboy" and Eridan a "nastyboy", but by doing this he also explores how similar Dave and Eridan could have been, had they gone on different paths.
Plus, two douchebag assholes mocking each other while also providing some support when needed would have been neat.
>NPC is liking Dave and Karkat and shipping Davekat and drawing them as black people.
damn user are you gonna be okay bending over backwards to put your head up your ass like that?
>even though her entire aspiration is to be an alternian lawyer equivalent who's entire job is to try and get people the death sentence.
I'm not even sure she even believes this anymore herself. Sure it's what she grew up wanting to be and what she keeps saying, but any time we see her get someone killed or hurt she gets extremely upset and guilty about it, even if the death is justified. I think she doesn't know herself what she wants to be, only that she doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore, and that aspect of her was part of the "mask of coolness" she wore.
I think he just hates Davekat. Every good person hates that ship.
Also, a friend of mine did a quick doodle of them once that I really liked.
So what the fuck is Terezi's personality exactly? I genuinely don't know because I casually skipped over most of what she had to say and what others had to say to her.
However my query is legitimate and genuine. Even if I appear arrogant. So any hypothetical Terezi fans out there; why do you like her so much? Hardmode: you absolutely CAN NOT list physical aspects like having a big ass. That's a fucking cheap answer, that doesn't even make sense because she didn't look like she had that in the comic. Unless I'm wrong and you'll post some incredibly elaborate dialogue that basically only you cared about.
every davekat shipper I've ever met has never been a homesuck fan, just a davekat fan, if that makes sense.
My favourite character has always been Terezi, but fuck pairing her with John. Awful fucking chemistry. She had all the best moments with Dave or Karkat. Endgame should have been Karezi.
Her personality is being a main character and dabbing on Vriskucks and Karkucks for being the posterchild of Act 5.1.
Big fat milky crocker tits, no other reason.
She's kind of a loudmouthed weirdo who likes the fuck with people. She's brash and annoying and pulls the I was only pretending to be retarded card on occasion.
Who the fuck cares about the Beforus trolls?
Reminder when Karkat was actually funny and not just a gay baby loser?
Remember when people drew art and wrote fics of things other than the post-retcon boring bullshit?
She's a coolkid justice aficionado with a strong sense of morality and a very sharp mind. I like her because she's the most grounded of the trolls, extremely concerned with doing the right thing, yet still makes stupid decisions because she's not perfect and isn't clear what the right thing truly is, like most people.
Hussie whitewashed his line lmao.
Some of them are hot
They're all obvious joke characters though and the only people who would actually be into seeing what their session was like are either
>Act 5 trollfags who want relationship drama and more pussified trolls so they can relate more
>Funbros who realize the bullshit they get up to would have probably been hilarious because they're all joke characters
>Some of them are hot
I mean, obviously user, I want to get rammed by Cronus, but they're just pointless imo.
>So what the fuck is Terezi's personality exactly?
She is the closest of the term "internet troll" from all homestuck Trolls, she feel pleasure on getting a reactions from others.
Also ironically even though she is overall the most mean troll when chating she actually seem to be the one of the most benevolent ones as well, always caring when others die or get hurt.
What was it originally? Or did he change it from that one?
I mean they're mostly just joke characters who are literally only there for a few laughs so I'm alright with them, the problem is they're soaked in just slightly too much relationship drama shit which makes the tumblr crowd go "wasted characters why didn't hussie elaborate on them more" when the alternian trolls were already basically skipped over to begin with considering A5A1 was a fast paced recap of what Homestuck Gaiden: Hivebent could have been.
>Awful fucking chemistry.
nani the fuck
they have great chemistry
Hussie went over all Karkat's early 'problematic' statements and painted over it so that he could be safely consumed by sensitive audiences. Karkat calls Nepeta autistic in a clearly derogatory fashion later on and he plays it off by saying 'well she is' to offset it was originally meant as an insult. He also takes a red marker to any early Karezi shit to remind the readers that Karezi is bad all the way up to that initial
seething fangirls trying to spin it
>great chemistry
Only in the epilogues,John only had good chemistry with 2 trolls in the comic, Vriska and Karkat.
And that really helped save his franchise, huh.
Their interactions were fun to read before Davesprite cockblocked us from future John-Terezi banter
>barely reached the same peak as last year
But I hated Karezi, too.
>Her personality is being a main character
And I'm supposed to find that interesting somehow.
>she actually seem to be the one of the most benevolent ones as well, always caring when others die or get hurt.
Now here's something that has been bothering me. Which makes it really hard for me to believe that the kids (all of them) are actually friends or just essentially random people who have to work together. Because despite the numerous deaths, none of them seem to care all that much. Even though they're supposed to be 'friends'. I mean given which comic are we talking about (alternate timelines and universes, multiple selves, ghost selves, dreambubbles...) it's not unreasonable to imagine that, at one point, maybe they were sad about each other or something.
But Hussie's big flaw comes up yet again, which is telling but not showing. We're supposed to believe that the trolls have reconciled multiple times after their deaths in the dreambubbles, just because Karkat said so (something like not being able to spare enough poignancy because he saw the same 12 trolls multiple times in the dreambubbles). There was Aradia's coprse party, but that really was just: "shit everyone is dead" "guess Gamzee is not a threat for now... wait where is he?" "im a necrophile 0u0" and then they just move on, literally and mentally, like it never happened.
Did they really care about each other at all? This might seem like a small nitpicky thing, but I saw people calling them 'friends' in the comic and on the internet so many times. And all I can think about is that when they say that is "no, they're not friends. they murder and fuck each other over, and never care to look back".
Candy Dad courageously took a rocket to the face. There's nothing left to revive.
>still the best girl
How doesn't he do it bros?
The twelve Alternian trolls likely aren't all friends, they're compatriots banded together for a common purpose. When that purpose is removed, their personal strifes and drama flare up and devolve into infighting. Like, Sollux and Eridan were by no means friends, Karkat just got them to stop fighting each other for the moment.
So it seems likely that
Karkat and Terezi are friends
Karkat and Sollux are friends
Sollux and Terezi are friends
Karkat and Kanaya are friends
Terezi and Vriska are friends
Karkat and Gamzee are friends
Nepeta and Equius are friends
Sollux and Aradia are friends
Feferi and Sollux are friends
Eridan isn't really friends with anyone.
And I'm not sure who Tavros was friends with.
The kids were all friends, even if we never saw Rose talk to Jade. The trolls not so much.
You forgot Karkat and Eridan being friends.
I wouldn't really call their "pact" as "friendship", but it was the closest thing Eridan had.
Didn't Eridan refer to Karkat as his "nubby-horned bro" at some point? I think Karkat saw their pact as something more neutral while Eridan saw it as an actual friendship.
I like John and Aradia what does that make me?
>his favorite characters are Karkat and Vriska
You guys are fucking based.
Terezi and Nepeta
Tavros and Gamzee
Tavros and Terezi
Tavros and Nepeta
Tavros and Aradia
Would you like me to turn the 99% of the Homestuck fan base NPC ?
No, I'd like for you to learn some proper fucking English, Pierre.
why is John showing off his chest?
That artist draws a lot of exposed-chest bishies.
Better question is he going commando?
even better question why the fuck is John and Aradia in the same picture
you typed Nepeta twice :33
>"nubby-horned bro"
oh shit erikar was real?
Jade managed to turn him onto it.
Eridan kind of has a friend in Karkat but I don't think Karkat likes him all that much
where is kanayanon when lezbianism needs to be erased?
Both of them were romance nerds though Karkat's was more at a scientific approach really you could get Eri, Nep, and Karkat to at least tolerate each other if the topic was romance
I like Kanaya
Why does Rose approve of this?
bleh, for bro-pairs, I prefer eridan with john. dave is a coward who would rather run away than do his job.
Just wanna add to this, literally the only way Karkat got the game running was to split them into two teams. Some wouldn't have played if they weren't going in competing against each other.
Blind girl has nice ass
Eridan should've been a rogue element beyond Act 5
Because now she finally has an excuse to get wombfucked by John
she asked them to bring her the body, and then cried when she realized there was no body.
While it's obvious how we fix Jade, how do we fix Jane and Jake?
aah, a fellow man of culture.
she watches them making love and then gets made love to by john.
Did she really need one in the first place
Kill Dirk and erase her memories of Jake.
>and Jake?
Kill Dirk and Jane.
but this is true. the troll female is by far the more dangerous sex.
Obviously. You can't just admit you're into wombfucking.
That's pretty gay? Wait you can't do that, John and Rose a practically siblings!
Is that somehow different to being just regularly fucked?
Have you taken the vriskatpill yet?
>John and Rose a practically siblings!
Technically since Jade and Dave are married they're like... double sibling-in-laws or something?
Delete this fucking image.
t. Nepeta
>John is the bride
Best timeline. Every boy should be wearing frilly dresses.
How is Davekat anything but the NPC apex
Why not?
Big fat fucking milkers
among other things
>still never had a homosuck gf
I liked the whole dynamic where she was the heir to the corrupt technocratic shadow tyrant of her soon-to-be cyberpunk world yet blissfully ignorant of how sinister it all is,
Why's Rose so cute guys?
>not being a johnrezi shipper in the current year
The "liking homestuck" level of NPC
reminder that there is a Pumpkin Timeline where the true epilogue takes place, but we can never actually see it
Not possible because the food choice was just an analogue for John's choice to stay or fight. There's no third option there.
Daily reminder that these threads should be deleted on sight.
I hope katnep user is doing alright
yeah there is. if a John makes a third choice, meat John still fights Lord English and Candy John still stays to message Terezi. a third John isn't bound by any such false binaries and can come up with his own options to choose from rather than just picking one of what's presented to him.
Tine to shove Mexican Coke bottles and out firecrackers up the asses of Homestuck fans again!
No warning this time either! And don’t be stupid this time Jannies, you know this shit’s not allowed here.
>there's a timeline where hussie didn't go off the deep end
And thankfully The Old Ones destroyed that timeline, Homestuck fans deserve nothing good.
John likes his girls with short hair.
You misunderstand the nature of the choice John faced. John is not a time traveler and so cannot create doomed timelines, he instead overwrites previous ones. Dave brings up the nature of a coin flip when talking to John:
>DAVE: ok so every time you flip a coin youre creating an alternate timeline right
>DAVE: one where it lands heads and one where it lands tails
>DAVE: but while the coin is flipping both possibilities exist simultaneously
And Aranea brought up the subject much earlier:
>AG: You know very well the channels of possi8ility at that exact juncture resulted from her decision paths as well as yours.
>AG: 8ut even so, when it comes to your key decisions, the possi8ilities are pro8a8ly fewer and more discrete than you have presumed.
>AG: Otherwise you would not see results consolidated into those vortices, would you? Possi8ility would resem8le an enormous hazy field of infinitely su8tle variations and micro-choices.
John had already made the decision to fight. This is the result that resolves time loops and fulfills his desire to "feel real". Due to his heroic nature, it's the ONLY decision he could have made from this choice. And reality reflects this; Earth C exists within Universe C, within the Genesis Frog we saw mature in Act 7. It's real. And so the opposite choice is literally impossible, something John will NEVER choose. As a result the universe that manifests from this choice can only exist in an equally impossible place - within the event horizon of a supermassive black hole, where "Truth" is nonexistent, sustained by the dark goddess that consumes it. It's a fake universe that needs to exist to close time loops, but it's also a universe that was never meant to exist otherwise.
That's why there can't be a third epilogue. Because there is no third choice. There was no choice at all, really. One is the path John took, and one is a fabrication created from a false nature, a critical error in reality resulting from a false binary.
>there's a timeline where Hussie decided to wait until Homestuck was over to even think about doing a game, and had finished Homestuck before the death of his dad on top of the legal battle with TOG robbed him of his will to create
>there was a time when Hussie didn't open a studio in new york and just commissioned assets and programmers remotely
You know what I and and several friends used to do to Homestuck fans back in middle school? Pelt dog shit and diseased animal corpses at ‘em.
There won't be a third epilogue for the same reason there's no new snapchats and no new PXS comics.
shoutouts to BASED mods
doesn't change that the epilogues were shit, no matter how much meta-analysis you commit.
both Candy Earth C and Meat Earth C exist within the event horizon of the supermassive black hole that became of the green sun. John's retcon powers, however, allow him to leave to anywhere in spacetime.
Okay let me put it another way. The Pumpkin route is the one where John writes it himself, using either Hussie or Doc Scratch's typewriter, and beating both Ultimate Dirk and Alt Calliope in the race to control the narrative.
back to your first point, John can rewrite the alpha timeline, but that doesn't cause the events he avoids happening to not happen. Vriska was able to find and humiliate (Vriska) after all. and you talk about coin flips but the third option of a coinflip always exists and thats the coin landing on its edge
damn near anything can become good with enough meta-analysis thats what makes it so fun
>TBOF deleted
>Thread is still up.
Well at least the janitors are active, too bad about them preferring to coddle obnoxious sub-adults and their largely off-topic behavior rather than kick 'em out as the mods have decreed in the past ().
If they are the best characters how come people hardly mention them even in these threads?
keep huffing your own farts, doesn't make your claims true.
He never learns.
Because people only care about the ones who were ruined.
if we cared about truth we wouldn't be reading fiction
yes, yes, you're such a cool guy, and we all should be grateful for you fighting the good fight. Say, didn't your mama tell you to go out and play with others, or did she realize that no one wants to associate with you?
>SS tier
John, Rose, Dave, Jade, Karkat, Vriska
>S tier
Terezi, Evil Dirk
>Who cares tier
The rest
Is this true?
tiers don exits
bless breedingduties for his grimdorks- and kan heir-pictures, even if he prefers spacetime.
>He hates Homestuck, he must be the Tailsposter.
And I see the shitty behavior that made Homestuck a hated fandom at conventions is still bred deep into the bones of fans...
If they delete the thread instead of just TBOF, it gives the impression that they can be strong-armed by anyone into deleting threads the poster doesn't like. Can't allow that, otherwise it allows the inmates to run the asylum. The pattern has been that they'll delete TBOF, then come back and delete the thread later.
And now for Gay Space Rocks....
>both Candy Earth C and Meat Earth C exist within the event horizon of the supermassive black hole that became of the green sun.
No they don't. Only Candy does, that's why falling into the black hole leads to Candy Earth C. Meat Earth C still bears the three pillars of canon, and so exists within the Genesis Frog in the B2 session. That hasn't changed. Terezi even left that Earth to return to the Furthest Ring to look for Vriska.
>The Pumpkin route is the one where John writes it himself, using either Hussie or Doc Scratch's typewriter, and beating both Ultimate Dirk and Alt Calliope in the race to control the narrative.
But John isn't a person who controls the narrative, he's never been in control of his own fate. That's part of his issues and why he became depressed. He has all the world at his fingertips and is utterly blind to where he needs to go, alone. He's not an author, he's an editor, a proofreader.
>and you talk about coin flips but the third option of a coinflip always exists and thats the coin landing on its edge
Let me put it in perspective of another binary choice: Terezi executing Vriska. She only had two options, and due to her insight and nature, she could only ever take one. She ruminated over these options constantly, but only ever saw two. It took literal divine intervention to create a third path. And John doesn't have that luxury. Meat John is dead, and Candy John lost his retcon powers. There's no one left to give him a third choice.
Fair point, but it does bring into question why the janitors allow these threads to stay alive even if he doesn't show up. Desuarchive shows that these threads usually end getting deleted well before they hit 100 posts.
I have nothing against Homestuck other than the cosplay, but i's reached a point where these threads are largely just bitching about the epilogue, theorycrafting, and the same "off-topic" HSG stuff that got Homestuck threads banned in the first place and the mods are responding in kind. Maybe it's time to cool it with the threads until new material comes out or just take a break.
what is it with all these assholes and them spamming pornography or spam to close the threads faster? What's their problem?
Triggered or just bored?
the problem with that spoilered statement is, there're dozens of cartoon-related topics like Batman, various 90s cartoons, and more recent examples like Adventure Time that also devolve into bitching, theory-crafting, shipping, and what have you, making the mods look like they have a double-standard.
personally i would let the hst be, and just make sure there's only one thread in the catalog.
Mate you misunderstand how absolutely terrible the general used to be, it wasn't even about Homestuck by the time it was banished. Those people are all long gone, and these are just occasional oneoff threads by people who still want to talk about the comic. There's almost never off-topic stuff here anymore, and they're much like any other oneoff thread on the board, with discussion, fanart, arguments. I don't see the problem in allowing an occasional thread that stays on topic and stays within global rules, talking about the webcomic.
wheres the rest
I've never read homestuck but I'd fuck that fish guy with the cape
lol he's back
>What's their problem?
If and the amount of deleted Homestuck threads present on Desuarchive are any indication, it's due to the mods not doing their job.
>the problem with that spoilered statement is, there're dozens of cartoon-related topics like Batman, various 90s cartoons, and more recent examples like Adventure Time that also devolve into bitching, theory-crafting, shipping, and what have you, making the mods look like they have a double-standard.
Those threads don't have people trying to make them everyday and, as pointed out in , a mod precedent banning 'em.
When you think about it, the mods view the Homestuck fandom in the same light as The Loud House's fandom...
The same was said about the new RP threads hat popped up on /vp/ and those were immediately banned despite having nothing to do with past RP threads, so I can only assume the mods have a similar policy regarding Homestuck.
then hopefully these mods will be replaced with a more lenient group of mods who don't break down in reees everytime they see something HS related.
>The Loud House
EWWW! The only thing the Homestuck fandom has against those fuckers is not being obsessed with pedophilia.
Unfortunately that has a VERY low chance of happening, Yea Forums had a chance of ditching the old mod team when Hiroyuki bought the site but he kept due to not wanting to do the work of screening new ones.
>No they don't.
okay I'll concede that
>But John isn't a person who controls the narrative, he's never been in control of his own fate.
thats why it would be so powerful if he finally changed that
>Let me put it in perspective of another binary choice
I got three rebuttals
Breath is about freedom
He's empowered by a literal plot hole
Pumpkins can just appear out of thin air and can just as easily be explained later or not at all.
in other words if a third epilogue dropped that was about a john declaring "actually both these foods are shit, no offense, Roxy please conjure a pumpkin from thin air like I've seen you do before" and went on from that it fully validated by all the thematic symbolism inherent to that. and whether it got explained later or not, or just got chalked up to "the coin landed on its side, the dice split in half and rolled a 7" ultimately wouldn't matter enough to deprive it of the 'truth' needed to be meaningful
I don't know the situation with /vp/ because I only ever hung out in the Pokespe and Mystery Dungeon threads, but roleplay threads just sound like a bad idea on any board, that's just offtopic by nature. This one's actually about a webcomic. And it's not like people are trying to force a general here, the constant deleted threads are from people just wanting to have one thread to talk about the comic for a while, nothing more.
>Desuarchive shows that these threads usually end getting deleted well before they hit 100 posts.
there's a recurring element that shows up shortly before the threads get deleted, and its not pornspam.
if you've been here long enough you can already guess what I'm alluding to but I'm not gonna spoonfeed newfags just so they can take advantage of it
Fiction is the lenz of truth. Your statement literally reads like "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE stop questioning the logic! It's fictional!"
The only way I can see such a situation you're describing take place is if John is his Ultimate Self. Otherwise, the guy will always be blind as to where to fly, and will seek direction from someone who can tell him where to go, usually Rose or Terezi.
And I want to put emphasis again on the unimportance of the food at the picnic, because the real choice was to stay or fight, and that was a choice made spontaneously after John had already made his decision to fight and die, because he's a sacrificial hero who wanted to feel alive again. The food just framed that choice.
thats just how you chose to interpret it, nothing to do with me
>I don't know the situation with /vp/ because I only ever hung out in the Pokespe and Mystery Dungeon threads, but roleplay threads just sound like a bad idea on any board, that's just offtopic by nature.
To them is was board-related since the theme of the group was "Living with Pokemon" while past ones themes like "Pokemon are real", "we are Pokemon", and "Team Rocket". They also used the "these shit-tier threads (waifu threads, circlejerk threads, furfag threads, fake leak threads, etc.) are okay but one self-contained RP thread isn't?" argument that's eerily similar to what mentioned.
the food symbolizes what the results of that choice are, though, and both are described in terms where its just plain not what would be best right now, that neither are the right choice to make.
I don't think we're gonna get any further in this conversation since you seem more interested in rules and logic where I'm more interested in themes and narrative. so whatevs. enjoy the rest of your night.
Again, I just feel like a roleplay thread is too meta-contextual and shitpost-y by nature, it's like a Hunger Games thread. Shitposting and offtopic by design, or something that belongs on a red board. But I don't want the old hell that was the general to ever come back. I don't want to shitpost or spam offtopic crap. I'm here because I want to talk about this webcomic I like and enjoy with the few other people who still do too. To be ontopic.
>I don't think we're gonna get any further in this conversation since you seem more interested in rules and logic where I'm more interested in themes and narrative. so whatevs. enjoy the rest of your night.
Likewise, friend. I'm glad we could have this conversation regardless.
Which leads to a very interesting philosophical question: WHY are the mods deleting these threads? I have a feeling it's due to what you're afraid of what Homestuck threads were when the banhammer was smashed onto HSG with the force of a thousand suns.
>But I don't want the old hell that was the general to ever come back. I don't want to shitpost or spam offtopic crap...
That leads to more questions: WHAT do the mods consider to be off-topic spam in terms of Homestuck discussion? WHAT do the mods think shitposts are in terms of Homestuck discussion? It's obvious that they see SOMETHING in these threads that counts as such, but WHAT is it?
And no, the Tailsposter/pornspammer doesn't count.
Evil Karkat when?
>cowards who are squicked by pubic hair
They’re Gay Space Rocks you dumbass, they gotta keep the runway clean.
Now that that's been taken care of. Do you think candy John could have found happiness if he did what Rose did and stopped caring about what is canon and what isn't?
How to 8e a Vriskchad:
1. 8e the 8est
2. Never give up
3. Don't 8e a Karkuck
4. Don't ditch Vriska
5. Go to the gym
6. Follow your dreams
7. Praise Vriska every thread
8. Vriska!!!!!!!!
Yeah, the reason Roxy worn out of him was because he was being a fussy 90% of the time
Yeah. It was obvious that what she said had messed him up and began to make him wonder if anyone was real.
1 week until Act 2 news or riot
Which should I read first, Candy or Meat?
Meat and ignore candy
Read both.
Suffer through candy first, then when you read meat everything will feel like its not utter bullshit.
Wouldn't it make better sense if they were moirails?
This is the correct answer. Candy will confuse and infuriate you, but it will be worth it after reading meat.
that's typical of her tho, always trying to put everyone neat little boxes, uncaring of how it screws people up.
Perhaps on some level. But Rose gave John too much information that he loved and appreciated, and I got the feeling from his conversations with Terezi that he loved her more than he did Roxy, which he never told anyone and suffered greatly for. John did all the things that SHOULD make a person happy, but because he started off unhappy and never really uncovered why he was unhappy his situation never improved. The only person he could relate to was over a text channel.
stuff like that makes me wish there were fanfics where john leaves earth c and just wanders the universe he created. you know, just see the sights, help budding civilisations out, indulge in his wanderlust, and forget about Earth.
I thought about making a fanfic where meat terezi is sent to john before he makes his decision and feeds him candied bacon to make him stay and before dirk offs himself terezi forces him to combine her dead john's and this new johns memories so he'd fall for her instead of roxy.
But like all my fanfictions, it ends up with john impregnating roxy, rose and terezi via transplanting human eggs into her and making them compatible so she births a troll/human hybrid.
Pretentious cringefest with a cuck of an autor.
I wish I could tell you, I really do.
>immediately banned despite having nothing to do with past RP threads,
That's definitely what's happening. It's why Oceanfall threads are banned; they started out on the fanventure website. Though, that comic suck so hard that it's probably for the best. The only people who read that dreck are waifufags
How do we fix Jane?
I only got some small ideas:
>Focus on her detective interests
>Have Roxy help her out
>She joins the trip to save Rose while getting shit on by Dave and Karkat
>She is still racist as fuck to Trolls by dreaming about strangulating Karkat or beating up Vriska
>tries to cheer up Jade when she acts like a poor cuck watching Dave and Karkat being a couple
You were warned
He might have taken that option if given the choice, but he's probably too bound to seeing the safety of his friends to truly let himself go. Terezi did manage to get him to reveal that he doesn't want to go back, understanding the root of his issues better than he did because Candy John discovered it.
I think John just wants to feel like he has a place to belong to, and Earth C wasn't it. He has no direction in life, living through the game being given commands by everyone, his heroic role was pretty much done, and he's left on his own without understanding or empathy from anyone else who feels the same way. Rose gave him some of that, but she's always been somewhat distant from him. I think only Terezi could truly give him what he really wants in life, and he fundamentally knows it.