What was their problem?
What was their problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
white trash
horny because puberty
not raised well because parents hardly ever mentioned
want to make friends but don't know how
also stinky because lets face it
They were horny sisters with daddy issues and a slut for a mom
>tfw didn’t get molested by QT white trash girls
Being trailer trash with different dads but only Marie came out the hottest. That and they were rapists. Time for lewds.
Each was molested by her sisters' dads, and also her own dad.
Weren't all three of them sired by a different dad?
I remember their dads robes they gave the eds in their debut all had different names on them
? I thought they were the same age.
They definitely have different dads. That, or they're triplets and have three very strong candidates for who the father is based on timing and no paternity test. The former is more likely, and I can easily imagine the older ones being held back to be in the same grade as the youngest.
Pic related does not exist.
I have an idea for what it could be about and the tags involved, if anybody cares.
My mom and her sisters all have different dads
assuming their mom had each pregnancy back to back, their would be less than a 2 year age difference between the oldest and youngest
Horny, going through puberty and having the need for a guy to give them the pipe
>give them the pipe
Making a lot of assumptions here...
Maybe a little bit of that, but I'm sure the other kids their age are just as horny. I think each Kanker has slightly different motivations, but mostly I think they seek to dominate the other kids in the most effective way possible. If molestation is effective, they'll use that, but they've also been shown to use straight up violence. Notice also that as soon as the Eds turned their shit around on them, they lost that feeling of control and ran away scared. If it was really all about being horny, that would have backfired on the Eds immediately.
Why are they like this at all? Probably just bad upbringing. In their first appearance they were actually nice to the Eds, feeding them powdered milk and green sandwiches. Then, when the Eds took advantage of them, they got belligerent, brought "kids" into the mix, and made it their mission to harass the Eds at every opportunity. I have a suspicion this kind of thing was being modeled for them at home.
the Ed boys combined makes the most ideal husbands for trailer trash thots
>greedily ambitious
>likes to clean
Not true, we see them bathe in at least two episodes
I always assumed May was 12-ish, Marie was 13-ish, and Lee was 14-ish and about to turn 15 (IE, high school age). Them being roughly a year off from one another made sense to me.
They were becoming amorous!
>Hey, I recognize that artstyle!
their mom was a whore
Oh. Good for you, it's irrelevant.
>They were becoming __orous!
I wonder what other words fit in there...
May > Marie > Nazz > Sarah > Lee
Naw man Lee is bea
Allow me to correct you.
Marie > Nazz >May >Lee > Sarah
Gimme the tags, and just let us know when it done. Post updates on /aco/.
Objectively and factually correct
I don't think it ever will be done, not unless somebody here listens to my ideas and decides to make it, or I get enough money to pay somebody to make it.
I'm not sure which of the two is less likely.
But I can tell you my idea if you want.
Patrician taste
Premise: Marie is at home, alone, and is getting some particular urges. Since she's got the trailer all to herself, she acts on them, wink wink, nudge nudge, then she decides to look for a snack, and finds a bucket of old mashed potatoes that she microwaves. Fetishes ensue
Tags: Solo female, masturbation, sweat, transformation, cock growth, futanari, hairy, breast expansion, big balls, hairy, armpit hair, smegma, odor, cockpits, foreskin, watersports
Any questions?
Thank you.
What did you expect?
>also stinky because lets face it
Its okay user, nothing a little bubble bath won't fix.
Marie was easily the hottest one when I was a kid. I was too young to articulate it when the show ran but the girl is an absolute smoke show. Her /aco/ threads are a fucking jizz waterfall.
>3 pregnancies back to back
One dad three different mothers
Most likely all one night stands
Nope. The Ed's wear their dads robes.
Pic related
Which dad matches which Kanker?
I say
Butch -> Lee
Rod -> Marie
Bubba -> May
they must get their hornyness from their mom. At least they are not sluts since they only seem to want one dick but they must also have severe daddy issues.
Not always
Anyone have that gif/video of the sisters sunbathing
Happy Hanukkah!
Trailer trash, no dad(s), a mother who hated men, and puberty.
God, his mom is so fucking hot.
>But I can tell you my idea if you want.
Not like we're going anywhere else. Fire away, user.
They were "amorous".
>mother who hated men
Seriously? When did we learn that because they didn't talk a lot about their mom.
Best I can recall is some humor about their mom being unable to keep a man.
Also, I like Lee well enough and I joined the hype train too late and never found Marie to be the hottest because I discovered the show in a binge. When I got to the Valentines Day Special, May became my one and only true Kanker. (Okay, I'd bang the others, but I'd marry May.)
>white trash girls
How fat and huge will they be before they're 20?
>white trash
Which one would be pudgy in their current age?
>horny because puberty
I wonder, do you guys think the Kankers ever “practiced” on each other when not harrassing the Eds?
They couldn't compete.
>"Mom was wrong - men do amount to a pile of dirt!" - Rain On My Ed
May for sure
Literally boredom. If they didn't go out and mess with other kids, they'd wind up turning on each other.
I like it
Could use more freckles IMO
>horny because puberty
I never really thought about it, because their characters were supposed to be annoying and they served their purpose on the show. Still, if we are to come up with explanation, surprisingly people in this thread have some good ideas but they are still estimations.
However, on the show it was mentioned (I think) Eddy is 12 or something and if rest of the kids are around that age, it would make sense that Kankers are basically horny (even if it often comes out as aggressive and rude, because honestly females work like that) and eds have no clue what do sisters really want and how to deal with them. Because aren't girls hitting puberty faster than boys?
yeah I've got quite a few pics, might as well do a mini-dump of some of them
Childhood is preferring Marie Kanker
Manhood is understanding Lee Kanker is the only real option
the truest option is claiming all 3 of them for yourself
So who’s drawing this?
which ever one isn't dead
i wish they were real, why doe slife have to be so cruel
the kankers
But what were you even saying?
that i wish they actually existed, not just in a cartoon
You know that dingy struck stop drive bar you always pass by. There there waiting.
And what the hell are YOU saying?
Kankers btfo
The Kankers are trailer park girls. Trailer park girls usually go to dingy *truck stop *dive bars (wow, autocorrect took some liberties)
I'm sure you could find girls that are dead ringer for Lee, May, and Marie (personality wise not many girls actually do a blue short hair)
Yes, Lee was the best at giving blowjobs, May was best with fingering and handjobs, and Marie was best at penetration.
I want an edit of this.
What the fuck is wrong with all of you.
>Marie was best at penetration.
Giving or receiving?
Giving. You can’t really rank how good someone is at recieving any of those.
Do you actually mean all of us, or are you refyto specific posts?
The overly sexual ones. I’m kind of joking considering I grew up with this show but I know this shit exists so yeah I’m joking.
>ywn be kidnapped and raped by the Kankers
Okay, it’s hard to tell when you’re just text on a screen instead of an actual voice with inflections, and tones, and all that.
By the way, captcha thinks a mailbox is a parking meter.
Daddy issues.
I don't remember this episode.
Gotcha. Thanks for not being a dick.
>ywn be aggressively loved by white trash redhead
It was from season 6
We know Marie ends up fat when she's old at least.
A Twist Of Ed also had a line like "Mom was right. Let a man into the house, and he'll make a mess on the carpet."
Heh, that flew over my head as a kid.
>taking deleted scenes as canon
what episode? i always loved seeing them interact with the other characters since it didn't happen often.
Dawn of the Eds--the best episode of season one, imo
I'm gonna regret this, but cockpits?
They really nailed what they were going for with Nazz. They really captured that hot beautiful nice popular girl childhood crush that would make you melt.
Just look at the confidence with which she takes Double D's hand and puts it in her shoulder.
Just look at how Double D keeps shaking to the point of almost melting.
Finally. A Good opening to an EEnE thread.
>finds a bucket of old mashed potatoes that she microwave
but did she over-radiate them?
Well yeah, with the microwave, duh.
they were abrasive and come off as cruel or mean since they were essentially raised as white trash, everyone knew it, and was either afraid of them or thought down on them for it. Really they just wanted some companionship and out of everyone the eds were perfect. Kevin was a jock/gear head/ rolf was weird in his own right and johnny even more so, so who did that leave, jimmy?
Some people get turned on by smells.
>stinky because lets face it
Yeah no thanks.
While I don't feel strongly either way about the image, your comment is very based.
Thanks, user, I commented that because I should know.
what possible problem could you have with Melee?
Not him, and I disagree with the first line of greentext being a strict negative, but I prefer Brawl when given a choice between the two of them, so there's that.
>not many girls actually do blue short hair
This is all I want and it practically doesn't exist
Have you heard of the high elves?
phonetically and contextually that sounds right, but keep in mind that the kankers would probably throw the robe respective to their dads on the man that they chose. Then again, this was when they first met the eds, so maybe they hadn't formed their opinions yet.
she was a cool character. she'd probably be the type that'd be cool to hang out with.
>"Pucker up, oven mitt!"
Well than you can be immediately discredited as a human being.
Which part makes you say that?
Oh, and I don't think you're much of an authority on defining what things are.
>well than
She looks worse with lipstick.
got a source for that?
I should play Super Smash on the switch more. But my heart will forever be tied with N64
Oh shit bro you called me out for a spelling error I guess you’re the king of this castle now, I admit defeat. Bow down to the forced tripping gods.
look at the way Lorraine looks at Marty
you just know
You didn't answer the question.
It’s fucking brawl. If I wanted to play slow motion moon gravity with ugly muhrealism graphics and forced tripping i’d play Moonbase Alpha. Melee is a perfect fucking system that only needed a balancing tweak for shit tier characters but instead it got WIIED into the casual market. Only subspace carries any value whatsoever.
So having an opinion that conflicts with yours makes me not human?
That's fine.
Marie a best