Horrorverse Thread

It's been a while. And seeing as how there are new releases out there, it's only fitting to start this back up. Post whatever Horrorverse-related stuff you have.

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Are the Darkness comics worth it or are they just 90's tier nonsense?

Okay, so Brightburn is probably gonna take place in its own Earth, considering Aquamonster and Wonder Witch,

They're silly romps. Not the next Shaespeare or anything like that, but fun if you jsut want some silly fun stuff to go through. Same for Witchblade.

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And with its release, KOTM would probably need its own Earth as well, since all the Titans awakening would fundamentally change life on the planet.

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Looks like it, should Shin Gojira be in the main Earth or another universe?

Heh. Back when we were discussing this movie here and on Yea Forums and talking about how disappointing the leaks sounded, some Gunn fanboys tried to strawman our complaints by saying that BB was just a small stand-alone project and not an attempt to start a cinematic universe or something (literally no one had suggested something like that). Now, that's turned out to be EXACTLY what they're planning.

I gotta admit that the idea of a witch Wonder Woman who uses nooses as lassos is pretty awesome.

Here's a story from Eerie #32 I think you all will enjoy, it may even have a spot in our verse. It's an interesting pre-Brightburn horror take on superheroics that actually makes good use of it's premise (as well as some swipes at Ditko's Mr. A).

Kim Newman's "The Original Dr. Shade" is also a brilliant work in the same mode, but I have a feeling the mods wouldn't let me post a prose story (It's pretty long anyway). Enjoy.

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At first glance I read the subject as Homoverse Thread. I'm so ashamed of myself.

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Happens to the best of us.

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Did you at least think of Jason porn when you did it?

You're tho cool Brewthter....

I'd say that it was originally on the main Earth, but after freezing its ass, they dumped it on someone else's head instead of waiting for it to break free eventually.

Maybe they dumped it on that Containment Earth with all the zombie viruses and uncontrollable monsters.

All I care about is whether Jason and Samantha are still together.

I prefer Jason with Angela Baker but sure

He might not if he sees one particular Earth...

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Steve Skeates wrote this? He used to work with Ditko, in fact I think he wrote one story of The Question at Charlton. Skeates was also the one who had The Question refer to a criminal sarcastically as "my friend," and Ditko wrote a long essay to him saying why the Question wouldn't do that.

It wouldn't surprise me. A lot of Warren stories with a more humorous bent took shots at the industry. Even the first issue of Creepy had a story called ''The Success Story'' that was a thinly veiled attack on various newspaper artists.

Just don't go in expecting consistency, shit's all over the place.And the way they offed Jackie, not even in his own comic series, was particularly retarded.

Hang on, isn't a new The Darkness series starting up this year?

It's based on a true story (well, without without the murdering and supernatural stuff):


>NOTE: According to Mark Evanier, this story was "inspired by a cartoonist named Don Sherwood who had hired [people] (separately) to ghost a newspaper strip called DAN FLAGG. At various times, other friends of theirs -- including Angelo Torres, George Evans, George Woodbridge, Al McWilliams and others -- had worked on the strip and it was a recurring joke (almost) for them to discover they were working 'with' each other. [Archie] Goodwin based his script on that situation. Williamson, however, did not draw Sherwood. Al made the lead character of Baldo Smudge (which was the pen name for a few earlier stories where Williamson collaborated with Torres) look like himself. The writer was based on Goodwin. The inker was based on Torres. I'm not sure about the penciller, but I think I heard it was Al McWilliams."

More info about Don Sherwood: newsfromme.com/2010/05/27/don-sherwood-r-i-p-last-march/

What the Dial B For Blog page didn't mention (and Evanier did mention in that Sherwood obit) was that Archie Goodwin was one of the ghost writers. This page also says Williamson did ghost for Sherwood which isn't what Dial B For Blog said Evanier said. I assume the Dial B stuff came years before the Sherwood obit so Evanier eventually got more info corrected.

So what exactly composes the main Horrorverse at this point? I got lost like three threads ago.

There's one main Earth and a variety of parallel, and alternate realities that occasionally bleed into each other. Someone made a kind of 'chart' once, but I don't have it.

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>Main Earth
>Alien Infiltrated Earth (They Live, Body Snatchers etcetera)
>”Based on a True Story” Earth (Conjuring, Amityville)
>Ruins Earth
>Walking Dead Earth
>Romero Earth
>Godzilla Earth’s Earth
>Resident Evil Earth
>DC’s Earth 13 (The one with Superdemon)
>Marvel’s Earth-2149 (Marvel Zombies)
>Marvel’s Earth- 7085 (Werewolves)
>DC’s Earth 43 (Vampires)
>Slasher Earth (Slashers Only)
>Mars Attacks Earth
>Constantly Invaded Earth
>Al Fulci (Zombi Franchise)
>Purge Earth (possibly)
>Lighter Earth (Scooby Doo, Ghostbusters, ETC)
>Dumpster Earth (All Viruses are dumped from some alternate Earths)
>Mortal Kombat Earth
>Left 4 Dead Earth
>Batman: Castle of the Bat (Bruce is Victor Frankenstein and his dad is resurrected as the monster but wearing a bat-costume)
>Batman: Two Faces (Jekyll/Hyde style thing, also takes place in the same world as The Superman Monster, where it's Superman combined with the Frankenstein Monster)
>Batman: Haunted Gotham Earth (where Gotham is controlled by demons and Batman fights them)
>Batman/Demon Earth: (Bruce is possessed by Etrigan in a world where it's a combination of medieval fantasy and modern)
>JLA: The Island of Dr. Moreau Earth: (Where Dr. Moreau creates animal-men who correspond to Justice League characters)
>That one story in the Elseworlds 80-Page Giant with all the stretching characters as horrors Earth
>Conjurors Earth: (Where magic/supernatural dominates the Earth and now part of everyday life.)
We really need to find a way to number these
>Possible Shark Earth?

Would Hack/Slash be a part of the Slasher Earth or be a separate reality?

There's also the Full Moon Earth and Troma Earth.

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