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Which was the best route?
Jace Rivera
Alexander Hughes
Steven Universe isn't technically done yet but personally I like the "SU ending" more.
Leo Reed
God there all good awful endings, what's with show runners and not being able to end a show right? It should be fucking easy.
Ethan Bailey
Star definitely was the worst
Jeremiah Mitchell
Nathan Parker
None of that gay shit, 80's movie montage ending.
Jordan Rogers
Think it was mentioned in a previous post but cartoons tend to have okay to mediocre endings because alot of show runners aren't told far in advance when their show is suppose to or gonna end/get canceled and they also never know whether its gonna get renewed for another season. So that leaves less time to come with something satisfying or good.
Robert Ortiz
"Regular Show" cheated.
Any TV show or movie ending wins over others when it incorporates David Bowie's "Heroes".
Nicholas Stewart
>Good show! Jolly good show!
John Allen
hmph hmph
Kayden Evans
The Japanese exclusive routes.
Nathaniel Price
Steven isn't pacifist, he just solve his problems because writers wanted to.
Thomas Rogers
>tfw one of the things i would like to see is steven finally grow back his ballsack and actually shatter someone onscreen but then remembers that we're too far into the series to the point where even if that did happen i'd still be disappointed
Juan Kelly
>Any TV show or movie ending wins over others when it incorporates Dire Straits' "Walk Of Life" or Alphaville's "Forever Young"
Aiden Morris
you ever written a story? endings are always the hardest part, made even harder by the fact that cartoons are written by dozens of people and they often dont know in advance exactly when the show is going to end
Julian Carter
Adventure time didn’t even try to set up a good Climatic plot worthy of being a finisher though
Brandon Collins
>the millennial show
It painted an unrealistic outcome for millennials 20 years from now when they hit middle age
Grayson Miller
I like money for nothing better
Ryan Rivera
The twitter rumors during the hiatus was Star was getting two more seasons but ended up getting only one. I don't know if it honestly would've helped but it's worth keeping in mind.
Noah Ward
I mean, they're all valid choices.
Maybe we should make a new volume of the Yea Forums soundtrack based upon finale songs in animated movies or cartoons.
Oliver Roberts
This. I think the actual ending will probably be a lot more straightforward but a billion times more sappy.
Hudson Campbell
Like...every fictional character ever? It's not like the enemy just gives up. He nearly died getting White to listen to him.
Aaron Taylor
No one believed he would die or be in any sort of pain. He's got plot armor and is the most boring, soi protag on that list.
Star had by far the best ending among these three.
Jackson Baker
True, he never faced a enemy that he truly hates or see his family get destroyed.
He never been push too far, he had been pushed. Not too far.
Benjamin Nguyen
This, but SU probably had the most tolerable ending to its mainline plot, unlike AT feeling like 2 season finales crammed into one and STFVOE retarded excuse of an ending
Jaxon Kelly
>"he just solve his problems because writers wanted to."
Did you just have a stroke?
Jose Gutierrez
So if the main character doesn't die it's boring? Weird view to take on things, but alright.
Steven is a good boy, he wouldn't hate a fly. I would though. Fucking flies.
Connor Cooper
I still don´t get why people say star genocide people, didn't she only kill the magic people? arent those like 5 plus the spells in the wand?
Ryan Wilson
>Wander not the Pacifist character
Every single time I see this fat piece of shit drawn as the Good Samaritan of the decade like he wasn't as steaming a pile of shit as his cartoon instead of Wander my rage grows
Joshua Barnes
I liked where Star Vs. ended up, but more out of weird petty spite over cartoon characters than because it was a great ending or anything. I just didn't want Eclipsa or Meteora to have magic or the throne, and against all odds going by how much of S4 went, I got that, and I'm kind of relieved even though so much else was done badly.
I think they should have and could have emphasized how magic was responsible for so much of the inequality in Mewni so that the ending wouldn't feel so much like it came out of nowhere. It's like they felt just mentioning once in the very first episode of the last season "hey maybe saving magic wasn't a good thing" was all they needed to really develop that theme.
Juan Ward
The size of the people you murder does not matter. Only that you murder a people.
She also crashed worlds into each other. The deaths her idiocy directly or indirectly causes will number in the millions as dimensions blend and connections to magical places are cut or these places disappear.
It's really the logistics of HOW these worlds are folded into one another where the deaths happen. As your house suddenly vanishes together with everyone in it, for example.
Josiah Baker
Yeah, it ferls like they only knew about having to wrap up during the last half dozen or so episodes and they had no fucking clue what to do with all those loose ends and lack of a central conflict that could be resolved.
Killing magic was an incredibly stupid decision out of nowhere with no buildup, or point to it.
Nathaniel Hill
>tfw no gf(cuckold)
>just be gf yourself(tranny)
>beta uprising(kill all the normies)
Hunter Peterson
Easton Brooks
Fucking love this image. I'd say Pacifist is the best ending even if it isn't the actual ending.
Caleb Morgan
What about the route where all the main characters die?
John Ramirez
Just build yourself a waifu and become scientist.
Jack Lewis
they didn't die tho
Christopher Moore
The White's route
Benjamin Perry
The Pacifist ending is the only one where things turned out positively for everyone. I still can't believe what they did to Finn. They should have just killed him. It would have been more merciful.
Grayson Sullivan
Genocide is the only fun route.
Wyatt Evans
They are as dead as the show, user
Xavier Rivera
the main character doesnt need to die, but there need to be some stakes, tension is important in a story, remember prison break? there was tension, we didnt know what was going to happend, everything was going down and we didnt knew where everything was going to land
Nathan Phillips
Well, SU is probably going to be remembered as the best thanks to AT and Star being remebered more for their final season(s) than when they were good.
Jayden Collins
There were stakes. Could you honestly say you predicted what would happen when Steven lost his gem? That he'd be lying on the floor unable to even move without assistance?
Brandon Hughes
SU only got written in the beginning and skipped right to the end.
Rebeca being an useless lazy piece of shit told everyone to complete the skeleton and fill the middle part and that’s how we got the barn arc, the trascended lesbian arc, and townies to fill the rest.
Ethan Miller
Do you even know how showrunning works or d'you think the boarders actually write the plot. Feel free to respond anytime.
Jaxson Clark
Do you
Matthew Kelly
I find it extraordinarily difficult to conclude my short stories in a satisfying way. Doing it on a much larger scale can't be any easier. Not being able to stick the landing takes away from a story in a major way. As the writers for Game of Thrones can attest, not doing it right will leave a bad taste in your audience's mouth for a long time to come. From there on out, they'll associate that negative feeling with that work and to a lesser extant your future works as well.
I still ruminate on how I could have better concluded the lewd greentexts I wrote, and the stakes with those were non-existence.
Asher Wilson
Yes. Boarders write the general premise i.e. what characters will do and say in an episode. The showrunner goes over the episode to ensure things are sound and to ensure characters aren't OOC or doing things they shouldn't be. Among many, many other things like sitting in on audio editing/mastering, helping to direct dialogue recording occasionally and so on.
Nicholas Torres
Yes. Seeing as removing vital organs does usually leave people debilitated in some way, that seems a perfectly reasonable prediction.
Christopher Torres
Neither they all suck monkey ass,you stupid faggot.
Zachary Taylor
I'm talking about the other thing.
Nicholas Martin
Fuck off retard
Levi Edwards
David Rodriguez
but OP, none of these have ended as a pretentious game
Kayden White
>haven't seen it yet
Goddammit why did I think visiting this thread, let alone Yea Forums would be a good idea
David Hill
Can someone give me a greentext of what exactly Star did? I never once followed SvTFOE.
Justin Lopez
If you haven't seen the show it's not gonna sound like much, but Star destroyed all magic in the multiverse. Spells are alive in this universe and exist in a pocket dimension, literally can breed and have families and individual lives and shit, and presumably they were all wiped out too (Star has at least 5 confirmed casualties, as the beings who were essentially the gods on magic were explicitly stated to be wiped from existence and some had their "corpses" shown on screen).
Also, with no magic everyone would be sent back to their home dimensions, which is a problem since Marco's from Earth and Star's not and they'd just hooked up and declared their love for one another a few episodes prior. So as the magic dimension was collapsing they hugged and, unknowingly, created a portal between the dimensions through their remaining inherent magic. They both raced for it before it could close once they discovered it, but were seemingly too late.
BUT THEN both dimensions merge, with the apparent logic for this being that their final act before magic died meant they both belonged together and so both dimensions are now one. Monsters are now overrunning California and the formerly magic characters have no magic to defend themselves, but the episode ends like two minutes after this is shown so it's not really explored. Doesn't look like an ideal place to live, though.
Also Star contributed to melting the flesh off a bunch of unicorn babies while in the process of killing magic, just to add to that last-episode kill count.
Alexander Johnson
James Moore
They all sucked but at least Star ended with casual fans being somewhat satisfied.
Pretty much everyone besides SJWs hated AT ending and no one outside of Yea Forums cares about SU.
Cameron Sanders
This, to me its the ideal progression of life. I don't need wild success, I just need success and family, but I am doubting I will have even that.
Jace Young
Lucky youngster: back in my days shows DIDN'T end. Or you got the Mighty Max treatment (yes, I'm still mad)
Alexander Edwards
>whitechads even on Yea Forums
Nolan Lewis
That's implying any of them were good. Every single one of these ended up being a shit cartoon.
James Brooks
>Gandhi isn't pacifist, he just solved his problems because God wanted to.
Justin Diaz
>Star had by far the worst ending among these three.
ftfy, it was a motherfucking disaster
Adam Murphy
I want to say youre wrong because AT but damn
Christian Phillips
give me a quick rundown on that ending?
Leo Martin
It was so close that it hurts
Camden Phillips
Let remaind you of one that was even closer.
Jane was God tier waifu
Wyatt Morgan
This generation of cartoons seemed crappy. Like even if i were a kid, I'd find them lame. What happened to shit like Swat Kats?
John Murphy
Superintendent Evil shows up to the school - he's an actual human person - and starts to eliminate all "cartoonish" behavior, eventually transforming all the students into humanized versions of themselves. Gumball and Darwin manage to turn them back using goofy cartoon logic. At the end, it is revealed that Evil is actually a disguised Rob who begins to explain why he was trying to transform them into humans - but before he can explain, Tina knocks him out. He wakes up later on during the night, still in the school. He monologues about what his plan was - he was trying to turn everyone to humans so that they can escape the other place when their current world ends but then the ground opens up and he falls into The Void.
David Morris
You got old. Maybe is time to stop watching kids cartoons and start reading comics
Joseph Howard
I don't watch kids cartoons. I just go on Yea Forums to see what's happening in the animation industry these days.
Michael Lopez
You have a faulty memory then, cartoons where almost always lame, it's just that the best one are what survives in our memory.
Carson Reyes
>A new guy shows up and forces normalcy in Elmore school
>Everyone starts transforming into humans
>Gumball manages to return everything to normal
>The badguy was a good guy, he was trying to turn them humans so they could escape to the real world before the show got cancelled
>He failed and is implied everyone ceased to exist since it was the final episode.
Josiah Wright
Season 10 tried but the problem was Islands should have been the end and everything after was just hollow.
Aiden Stewart
>What happened to shit like Swat Kats?
Shit like Swat Kats was the exception and not the rule. And we got plenty of action cartoons this decade
Gabriel Long
Not who you replied to, but thanks for the summary.
I'll always pretend that the later seasons never existed.
The drop in animation quality also made watching Star a horrible chore.
Cooper Mitchell
As opposed to who? The executives? The fans? God? A magical genie?
Samuel Martinez
Aaron Torres
What game is this? I'm intrigued.
Benjamin Ross
Wait. What? SU isn’t over?
Hudson Kelly
There's a movie coming out.
Elijah Johnson
>isn't a pacifist
A diplomat then?
Tyler Lewis
The general reception for AT was very positive everywhere outside of Yea Forums, no one else shares the disdain for the ending.
Hudson Hernandez
It happens when you don't plan your ending. A lot of people go into stories with a great premise, and run in head first without planning the ending to their premise. You need to plot from start to finish, or you'll reach a point you no longer know where to go with the story.
Benjamin Baker
Bitching about endings aside, this is neat fanart. I dig it.
Carter Jones
Forgot to add that short stories are inherently more difficult to write than novels; novels give you wiggle room. Crafting the perfect short story is said to mean an author has skill.
Cameron Foster
Star the underestimated.
Slayer of all magic.
Final champion of the marcobowl.
Jace Hernandez
And a sixth season.
Benjamin Watson
All shows turned to shit after the first 1-2 seasons. is the only correct answer.
Interesting pic, though.
Ryan Martin
>genocide ending
>not sam u rey jack
step it up
Dylan White
That's less genocide and more time re-writing itself. They didn't die because they never existed.
Oliver Hughes
James Gomez
>Steven is going to kill Kevin
Can't wait
Dylan Cooper
SVTFOE ending is kino and felt great after so many pussy shows where everybody lives and is forgiven.
Nefcy got away with everything.
Fuck the pacifist route.
Liam Jenkins
Dominic Sanders
Cuck Time
I'd rather go with a main character who truly won.
Cooper Scott
Rebecca said Change Your Mind is the finale and the movie and he sixth season are just extra stuff.
Owen Garcia
>ensure characters aren't OOC or doing things they shouldn't be
So why did Zuke almost hijack Lapis and Peridot?
Daniel Ross
like you said, almost
Cameron Bennett
I don't doubt that, but source pls?
Brody Hall
From the podcast for Change Your Mind
Hudson Martinez
"Change your mind" did indeed change my mind concerning the last season.
What a let down.
Asher Barnes
I’ve been writing an AU fanfic for almost two years now, but I knew how I wanted to end it from the start because of how it mirrors the source material. Of course, there are particular changes since that ending is what drove me to start it in the first place. Even so, I want it to feel like the ending was earned, and not just wish fulfillment of what I think should’ve happened.
Dylan Peterson
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Bentley Rivera
>white guy gets cucked
>jew finds a way to make peace
>aryan commits genocide
Isaiah Turner
>instead of Wander
Wander did not defeat Lord Dominator - if anything, he guided her towards the last remaining refuge of all the powers of an almost completely ruined galaxy, all because he would rather sacrifice everyone and everything than see a villain destroyed. It was Lord Hater's moment to shine, with Sylvia rallying the rest of resistance to cheer on him.
Isaac Roberts
> Peridot and Lapis spending many episodes to "change their minds" about Crystal Gems
> three ancient authoritarian ladies changing their mind about their whole eonic lives in 10 minutes
Also, Steven Universe is basically Code Geass.
Julian Cooper
The diamonds saw Steven as their little sister tho, unlike Peridot and Lapis they loved him.
Nolan Gutierrez
Sunstone 1.0 is cool but why is Smokey 1.0 so small? Better question: Why am I asking you when you obviously didn't draw it???
Carter Torres
that probably happened to RS worst of all, there's a reason no one gave a shit about it for the last like 3 years of its existence
Parker Ramirez
>Shows that start shit end as shit
You fuckers wouldn't be dissapointed if you actually had any goddamn standards in the first place.
William Young
Yeah that's what happens when you go pure Pacifist
Ian Morgan
>their final act before magic died meant they both belonged together and so both dimensions are now one
What about the rest of creatures? Do they belong to each other as well?
David Morales
Undertale is shit
Logan Garcia
They do now.
Julian Young
Nah, it's a pretty good game, the fanbase is absolute cancer though.
Wyatt Brown
lmao just read Jack London or Kurt Vonnegut like how is this even a problem rofl
Liam Bailey
This. It's almost embarrasing to admit you like it because of the shitty fandom.
John Parker
One more season at least is in production with full crew and then theres a movie
Austin Diaz
Jayden Parker
>he never faced a enemy that he truly hates
Sure he did. It was just a normal human teenager who wanted to bang him though.
Lucas Diaz
is god a hack? was jesus an asspull?
Xavier Johnson
I wish Mordecai and CJ had gotten back together instead of some last second montage girl
Dylan Foster
Deltarune > Undertale
Joshua Sanchez
>aryab commits genocide
Pretty based and redpilled if you ask me
Sebastian Mitchell
Nah, but he was a shitty self-insert.
Lincoln King
>letting the fandom affect your opinion of the game
I don't think this site is quite your speed.
Dominic Martin
Is too much to ask for a hero that actually acts like a hero?
Ryder Parker
what kind of hero?
Camden Rivera
Does anyone know where this pic is from?
I remember seeing this somewhere and I can't remember what it's from.
Brayden Howard
It’s not like they bothered to fix them either
Brandon Perez
It's the least bad of the three without a doubt, but it was still terrible.
Ethan Bell
>RS is so irrelevant after its 3rd season that its fanbase have to highlight the last 3 minutes of its largely forgettable finale.
Leo Adams
>SU probably had the most tolerable ending to its mainline plot
No it didnt.
>unlike AT feeling like 2 season finales crammed into one
It was tying up a plot that had bern building up since Elementts.
Levi Turner
ATs ending and final season were well recieved outside Yea Forums who didn't fucking watch any of the specials and most of the butthurt stem from Finn not hooking up with anyone.
Aiden Robinson
That's the point. The entire show focuses on keeping a balanced view on pacifism. It's not always the solution to Wander's problems, but it's what he believes in personally, and he will upkeep that belief no matter what. The show even goes out of his way to push him out of his comfort zone just to make that point, which is what Dominator was created to do in the first place.
Sometimes it even bites him in the ass like in the finale, but the friends he helped throughout the series are what finished Dominator off, and he still decided to risk everything just to save Dominator and give her a path of redemption. His actions and good nature indirectly lead to Dominator's downfall and ultimately saved the day. In SU what saved the day was Steven's unique biology, not his beliefs. Steven's pacifism actually had very little to do with any part of CYM, outside of excusing literal war criminals at the end.
Nathaniel Adams
>t's the least bad of the three without a doubt
No its not.
Christopher Martinez
Yeah, that’s why you can change your mom’s and dad’s minds. Or stop your grandpa from being a typical boomer. And your relatives aren’t even 1000 years old.
Thomas Garcia
>His actions and good nature indirectly lead to Dominator's downfall and ultimately saved the day.
Not really, what saved the day was the combined efforts of Hater and Sylvia.
Also Steven don't solve his problems with paficism alone, he actually try to convince people that fight is not the answer through reasonable arguments and charisma his "biology" wouldn't save his ass against gem homeworld armies, Wander in the other hand will just keep bothering you over and over until you agree to be a nice person.
Steven approach is realistic, is similar to Ghandhi and MLKjr, Wander only manage to get what he want because of "toon force" allowing him to survive extremely dangerous situations without any plan.
Hudson Miller
Best stacked girl died, but still the end was fucking good, it was a "fuck off i don't care about shit, they thought they were going to be apart forever but look at this shit, fuck worlds even if they didn't want to, all cheer StarCo and the new life of hu/mewmands/monsters"
i liked it
Christopher Campbell
>Steven's pacifism actually had very little to do with any part of CYM, outside of excusing literal war criminals at the end.
That's actually the opposite, Steven pacifism did lead enough gems to defend his views and force Homeworld to listen to his arguments, Wander was completelly useless in the last episode, Hater didn't stopped Dominator because he was inspired by Wander views but because he wanted to be the most feared criminal in the Galaxy, all wander did was to help Dominator the intergalatic mass murderer to survive and escape without any punishiment, at least in Steven case there was no way to defeat homeworld or execute White, Wander in the other hand had no excuse for his actions he was just being selfish and close minded wanting to save Dominator just to turn her into a "friend"
Xavier Fisher
Steven Universe did plan the ending though, that was like the first thing they thought up and it was still shit.
William Collins
Thanks for this image OP, I fucking hate it.
Angel Powell
I love how much content this finale produced.
Bentley Johnson
>Not really, what saved the day was the combined efforts of Hater and Sylvia.
And neither would've been able to do so without Wander. The show made it clear that both Sylvia and Hater were violent, insecure train wrecks before they met Wander and he helped them grow to become the heroes they ended up being in the finale. Wander helped Hater get over his crush on Dominator and lifted his self-esteem to the point where he would be able to take her on at all.
>Also Steven don't solve his problems with paficism alone, he actually try to convince people that fight is not the answer through reasonable arguments and charisma his "biology" wouldn't save his ass against gem homeworld armies, Wander in the other hand will just keep bothering you over and over until you agree to be a nice person.
But none of that mattered once everyone realized WHO Steven was, that is my point. There's a reason no one liked the Pink Diamond theory before the reveal, it eliminates all of the stakes you listed because we know the Diamonds aren't going to hurt their sister. Wander may be cartoonish, but his actions are still the thing that matter most in the end. Can you tell me that if Steven was actually the son of a Rose Quartz he would've gotten anywhere near as far as he did with the current writing? Also,
>comparing Steven to MLK and fucking Ghandi
Steven had direct ties to genocidal maniacs and proceeded to excuse said genocidal maniacs without consequence. MLK and Ghandi suffered literally their entire lives for their beliefs and was even willing to die for them, Steven had none of that. To even claim they're in the same ballpark is insulting and delusional.
Isaac Baker
They only got seven of the treasures right? And I think the scene in the final episode showed the dark water destroying one of the others so could they have even won?
Robert Adams
>all wander did was to help Dominator the intergalatic mass murderer to survive and escape without any punishiment, at least in Steven case there was no way to defeat homeworld or execute White, Wander in the other hand had no excuse for his actions he was just being selfish and close minded wanting to save Dominator just to turn her into a "friend"
Dominator ended up defeated, embarrassed, powerless, and forced to walk the galaxy alone forevermore until she has a sincere change of heart, how is that not a punishment? Meanwhile the Diamonds lost NOTHING. They're the same tyrannical dictators with the same amount of power, they're just going to leave Earth from now on and can easily continue their slaughter elsewhere for all we know. But they're friends with Steven now, and the show has always made it clear that being a friend of Steven excuses ALL of your horrible misdeeds.
Aiden Bailey
The story literally doesn't work if Steven isn't Pink Diamond's son so the point of whether or not the writing is convenient is irrelevant. The Diamonds were never going to be beaten by force.
Redemption means the person involved has come back from the point of no return. White Diamond didn't enjoy doing what she did to the other Diamonds, she literally believed it was her life's creed to do so. No crime was excused and redemption =/= absolution.
Nathaniel Edwards
>White Diamond didn't enjoy doing what she did to the other Diamonds, she literally believed it was her life's creed to do so.
Such a great antagonist.
Ryder Gonzalez
>reasonable arguments and charisma
CYM, the finale of the show, was just him yelling at WD like a fucking retard until she very conveniently pussied out after finding out Rose was dead instead of going full rage mode, fuck off.
You're also full of shit, WD was a trash antagonist that had a singular good scene and was sorely lacking in development or presence.
Your show was garbage and that's objective, deal with it or stay delusional.
Henry Cruz
Punished? If a mass shooter murder dozens and is stopped after someone push them, steal the riffle and yell "be nice" would you consider it a punishiment? Because that's literally what happened to Dominator, she was not even threatened if ever show up again, she is completelly free to get new toys and return any second because every single character in this show is too retarded to jail this extremely dangerous mass murderer while she is vulnerable, instead they will simply let her go away and be free to return at anytime. Wander over Yonder finale was super retarded.
Luke White
>get new toys
With what? Have fun getting all the materials needed to build any of the shit she had up again.
Carter Ross
>If a mass shooter murder dozens and is stopped after someone push them, steal the riffle and yell "be nice" would you consider it a punishiment?
If a dictator was shot into space on a rocketship and was forced to spend the rest of his days there with no chance of coming back would you consider that a more apt punishment? Because that's much more comparable than the strawman tripe you just wrote.
>Because that's literally what happened to Dominator, she was not even threatened if ever show up again, she is completelly free to get new toys and return any second
And exactly how is she going to do that? She destroyed every planet in the galaxy and drained them of their resources, all of that is gone now. The galaxy is rapidly recovering from her destruction, sure, but she can never regain her empire nor can she be a legitimate threat to anyone from here on out. She's a joke now, and is on the same path that Hater and every other evil warlord before him took after dealing with Wander, the path of redemption.
Dylan Reed
>The story literally doesn't work if Steven isn't Pink Diamond's son so the point of whether or not the writing is convenient is irrelevant
Yes, that is the problem.
>The Diamonds were never going to be beaten by force.
I never implied that they should be you fucking idiot. I'm saying that Steven's morals should've been the most important aspect, not the fact that he was Pink Diamond.
>White Diamond didn't enjoy doing what she did to the other Diamonds, she literally believed it was her life's creed to do so. No crime was excused and redemption =/= absolution.
I'm pretty sure EVERY evil dictator genuinely believed it was their god-given right to kill people beneath them for the sake of the "greater good". Not only are you full of it, you're literally excusing genocide to defend this show you disgusting waste of space.
Andrew Rodriguez
>If a dictator was shot into space on a rocketship and was forced to spend the rest of his days there with no chance of coming back would you consider that a more apt punishment? Because that's much more comparable than the strawman tripe you just wrote.
No is not, no one even said she was not "welcome there" nor is she stuck anywhere, she is clearly able to move around to anywhere she please.
>And exactly how is she going to do that?
She was resourceful enough to get this base in the first place, there is no reason to think she can't do it again, nevermind she got powers by herself being able to cause massive damage with her bare hands if she wish so, she being free is extremely dangerous and is just straight up wrong after all she did.
>she's a joke now
Literally defeated everyone, destroyed everything and then was only stopped because the most dangerous warlord in the galaxy with the help of everyone else attacked her at the same time? What joke? my god you are trying way too hard to make this shitty finale not look retarded, there is NO REASON to not jail her, she is still a mentally ill maniac with the power to literally shake planets with her bare hands, she can easily steal new weapons and ships and return to her mass murder days and even if she was not this giant threat she still deserved to be jailed.
Chase Price
>No is not, no one even said she was not "welcome there" nor is she stuck anywhere, she is clearly able to move around to anywhere she please.
She's literally stranded in the void of space, dude. There's nowhere for her to even go. Nobody even needed to say she wasn't welcome because there was no need to. If she were to ever come back she would be rightfully shunned and mocked, not like she would ever come back through her own free will anyway.
>She was resourceful enough to get this base in the first place, there is no reason to think she can't do it again,
Are you actually retarded? What, do you think that she can make the exact same suit of lava armor with space rocks and an orange?
>Literally defeated everyone, destroyed everything and then was only stopped because the most dangerous warlord in the galaxy with the help of everyone else attacked her at the same time?
If you paid even a modicum of attention you'll notice that the only reason she was able to do any of that was because of her TECH. It was established as early as the musical episode that she's practically nothing without her armor, which is why Peepers was planning on destroying the lava core in her ship rather than defeating her head on. That is all destroyed now, she's it's quite literally impossible for her to be a threat to anyone now.
Carson Peterson
Under rated
Landon Baker
fuck off muto
Landon Nelson
What route does Gravity Falls fall under?
Josiah Long
David White
For as low as SU was at some points, it never completely derailed itself like AT and SVtFoE did.
So I guess it just wins by default.
I'd still inseminate green.
Xavier Bennett
None of them it was just a generic "Beat the bad guy" ending with very little deeper meaning. Well I guess that makes it neutral like Adventure Time.
Landon Harris
The "Not nearly as good as Mystery Inc." category.
>Did the mystery better
>Did the villains better
>Did the twin peaks stuff better
Kevin Young
oh fuck off, you can't blame Yea Forums for not watching bubbline time after season 6
Cooper Hernandez
It's from a cute Chinese lesbian manhwa, titled Tamen de Gushi.
Ian Jenkins
Steven Universe is not over yet
Adventure Time ending might have had its problems, but it is still miles above the abomination that was the Star ending
Leo Powell
>was only stopped because the most dangerous warlord in the galaxy with the help of everyone else attacked her at the same time
>shitty finale
How can those two sentences be in the same post? Do you realize how awesome is what you're describing?
Also wander had the best finale because it was themathically consistent: Wander was a pacifist until the very end and the show doesn't even shy away from showing you that pacifism was a bad idea at that moment, but that's just who wander is.
At the same time it was his work that made a more sympathetic hater able to defeat the big bad.
Parker Phillips
Your concern trolling is cute, but irrelevant. The story is the story. If you reject it that's your problem.
John Johnson
Not to mention that Steven "being" Pink Diamond was the issue that nearly got him killed in the final showdown so you're doubly full of shit.
Camden Morales
That image seems to be implying that it's the end of one story of the Steven Universe franchise, and that there will be more stories in the Steven Universe franchise - not just "extra stuff".
Liam Ward
That's basically what it is.
Angel Watson
> both blondies
> Finn starts off violent, learns humility but becomes a non conflict-esque pussy
> Star starts off too gentle, learns force and action is sometimes needed then spirals into a fucking genocide causing madwoman
the multiverse is fucking up and got muddled their characters.
Elijah Baker
Connor Thompson
Star's story would have been better if she were given a Sans
Andrew Richardson
I thought this was Ding Dong, Julian and Chris for a sec.
Joshua Nelson
>> Star starts off too gentle
Justin Morris
Adrian Nguyen
>Killing him off before he could get his own Megalovania confrontation
Damn shame
Hudson Green
This. I always saw MI as “Gravity Falls but better”
Dylan Flores
True, but that really isn't saying much.
Luke Williams
How the hell is anything that I said concern trolling? Do you even know what that is? Because I can assure you that post has none of that, it's just calling you a fucking idiot. So thanks for proving my point I guess.
Except it clearly wasn't intentional at all.
Justin Peterson
>Star starts off too gentle
casuals gonna casual
Brody Martin
It DID have huge problems
Angel Gomez
Star committed genocide, sure, but Steven made friends with genocide-committers. Is he really any better?
Ryan Clark
Gumball is more like... Any% percent run, without getting any good or bad endings.
Xavier Howard
>You say him being Pink solves all his problems
>White focuses him being Pink instead of Steven and nearly kills him because of it
>In the end it's Steven's morals and rationale that save the day and nothing to do with his biology
>This is not intentional
It's OK to admit you don't get it. Just don't expect others to take you seriously when you pretend you do.