Real communism is an impossible pipedream only attainable through the usage of an omnipotent, omnicient god AI, which will never happen.
As well, real world communism has been initiated through communists, by communists, for communists, and is self proclaimed as communist. Its communism, much the same way as western society is capitalist. You see, TRUE capitalism hasnt been tried either, a completely free market with zero state body oversight allowed to do whatever it wishes does not exist. Neither does true communism, but that doesnt stop the attempts at communism from being a form of communism, and the attempts at capitalism being a form of capitalism.
You're a retard who has no semblence of how human beings work and you're screaming to the wind at a, while flawed, FUNCTIONAL societal system. Capitalism with dashes of socialism to keep it in check works. Communism doesnt, because Communism goes against the fundamental aspects of human nature: Individuality, greed, and a hunger for being special.
Make no mistake, all humans feel these things. Everyone wants to be special. Everyone wants to be their own man. Everyone is greedy. Greed isnt inherently a bad thing, only in excess is it detrimental, but make no mistake, all humans feel greed.
Greed is what keeps Communism from being a possibility. Humans want rewards for doing things. If i make art for someone, most of the time i want to get paid for it, to get a reward out off it. Its a fundamental aspect of all living sentient creatures, all of us, from humans to dogs to dolphins, we want rewards for our actions because we are greedy.
Communism does not reward. All are rewarded the same for differing work and differing effort and differing skill, and thats exactly why it cant work.
You're a fucking child and you smell like California.
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