Preview for Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #1 which comes out tomorrow.
Preview for Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #1
Credits, Cates is doing a story with Cosmo and the Universal Church of Truth, Al Ewing a story about Quasar and Nova, Tini Howard about Adam Warlock, and both Zac Thompson and Lonnie Nadler a story with Darkhawk
John McCrea drawing Cosmo, hope Dogwelder is not involved. Also the Church is looking pretty evil here.
Al Ewing and Yildiray Cinar are doing this one.
This is where the preview stops, also according to a Nova fan who talked to Ewing at a recent con, Ewing has more plans for Rich beyond this story but he can't say what they are yet.
>Pays for his friend's drink
>orders fruit juice in a bar
Can Wendell be more wholesome?
Oh and it slipped me but this spoils Silver Surfer Black #1 so if you care about that, yeah don't read this.
>Nova and Quasar bromance is back on the menu
Thanks Al.
The idea that Nova Prime takes orders from a phony Nova Corps will never not be retarded.
I did think it was weird how the rest of the heroes did not really give a fuck that a couple dozen prominent people were sucked not a black hole and did fucking nothing about it. They just went on with their day as if nothing happened.
aw yiss
I agree and it was also retarded in Annihilation when the newer Nova recruits were calling Rich a newbie and he had been Nova longer than they had been.
If Ewing has plans for Rich beyond this he probably is going to correct that the same way he made Thanos' part in Civil War II not be THAT retarded.
It's how the Guardians have been written
>Quasar, the dreamiest guy in the galaxy.
Which site has posted the previews for this week? All the ones i usually check have none.
>therapeutic leave
How fucked up is he? And Wendell is truly a bro for caring. He even had a talk with Galactus to see how he was.
He's not wrong, they have been really shit at accomplishing basically anything.
They kind of worked best when they were just goto mercenaries that took odd jobs from the collector.
Apparently it was but I got this from a FB group.
Weird, they usually don't put stuff there. Thanks
Fuck yeah, Darkhawk.
So it looks like the Universal Church of Truth will be the next antagonists in the GotG book now.
I wonder who their leader will be, since Magus seems to still be out of the picture.
How tight are Nova and Quasar? I only know a bit about Nova and I am liking this friendship based on this.
Of course space is the only place where the Canadian dollar is worth more than the American dollar.
Ron Lim artwork! Nice.
>Cancerverse torture
>Father died while he was away
>Brother is evil
>Has history of depression and the classic Marvel hero angst
Pretty fucked up and it's reasonable that Wendell is concerned since the last time Rich was acting up, he had lost his Nova powers, he was dying, and he didn't give a shit that he was dying until he saw that people were in trouble. It's why Wendell lend him the quantum bands so he could go against Worldmind Ego and not die.
Wendell is also the most stable and mentally healthy Marvel hero, despite all the weird shit he goes through.
It's not explored that much but judging by Annihilation and DnA's Nova run they are pretty tight. I might even say that they are closer than Nova and Star-Lord or at least have more in common. Rich also really likes Wendell.
Yep Rich was pretty bad at handling his imminent death.