what is the best Supergirl outfit Yea Forums?
What is the best Supergirl outfit Yea Forums?
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give her pants and less boobs and you have a good design
All of them of course. All of them.
Serious answer, her Bandana look is the most perfectly balanced one, looking heroic, showing athletic musculature and a nice figure that acts as middle ground between her more known teen self and Power Girl and has a cool headband
Am I the only one who liked the new52 outfits?
Actually, maybe this will be even better.
Square Enix and Nomura should just have made a Justice League JRPG with Batman, Wondy, Supes, Flash, Hal Jordan, Martian Manhunter and Supergirl with her Kryptonian Katana
>TFW you'll never see Kara be adorkable trying to be an edgy teen with a katana but actually ending up using it as proficiently as Vergil instead
Silver Age Supergirl was simple, but full of all sorts of girl next door goodness.
white top and skirt
Op, what do you have against shoes and boots?
Variants of this are my favorites, especially if it's with a red skirt. Kara with multiple costumes is best, though.
fuck all of you who complained. the uterus-emphasizing leotard with the non-uniform inseam was great.
Tv show
That's a really cute outfit
V-neck and hot pants.
This was my favorite too.
These 2
It's cuter with the lace up ballet shoes.
This one is nice too
Hell ya!
Panties or leotard?
Dc girls
This fan creation from one of our local drawfags
Bare midriff SG would be better if her torso didn't make her look worm-like. But the answer is Peej.
This looks like a heavy winter outfit.
rank them
Then rename her Genericgirl
Marry, fuck and kill respectively
Who has best necc?
of course, the best accessory to give Supergirl, is Batgirl
I'm not sure how anyone can like any of them more than this.
White shirt is second best. Although, I do have this statue on the way. No midriff, but maybe that will make girls overlook it more. Probably not.
This one.
Decent, shit, and good.
SE can't create games on time.
Why is Kara wielding the Master Sword?
Has blatant homosexuality gone too far?
I’m a sucker for Tron-Lines and the like, so Nu52.
Do you think Ganon could stand up to the power of a Kryptonian wielding the blade of time??
You sir, are a fool.
I think this is a great outfit except for the knee/boot situation going on. idk what that it but it sucks.
It just looks awkward. It should’ve been gold or just red, not open.
this one
I lime me some midriff ya know
People like you are the reason why we don't have any fun designs.
these were all a lot of fun too
wish someone else had pencilled this
Rebirth has had some nice outfits as well, pic related has the closest we've had to a beach outfit.
Injustice is where costumes go to kill themselves.
based opinion
You won't get me with this one
so do the same thing sjws have done to literally every single female hero.
great "diversity" you got there
>just more all covered and prudish outfits to appease the feminist
i legit liked the shield panties. creative way to include the symbol
Finally some fucking taste around here.
New 52.
Worst is a tie between TAS and the 80s fitness trainer.
Since the soft reboot in Rebirth Supergirl's run as been decent, much better than what came before. They had CW synergy and had Kara blacked, whereas now we have space adventures, new outfits/side braid hairstyle in that pic up there.
I never understood the Supergirl/Coluan thing though, why would she be attracted to a species that attacked/collected her home and even her planet in some versions of Krypton's destruction?
>mcu and dcu have gone full retard prude, covering up all of their women from head to toe and giving multiple males constant shirtless screen time
>leotards are nearly non-existent, out of 30+ movies, only 1 or two women wearing leotards in all of them
>some faggot on 4channel argues for even more covering up of females and now completely flattening the chests of super-heroines
this faggotry has gone too far
consider suicide
I totally agree, no pants and more boobs
boobless... pass
If only she didn't have man hands... rest is acceptable
1998, 2004 and 2015, rest are weird
1959, 1972, 1984. out of those
Name one instance where they covered up a women in the MCU or any DC movie
Glad to see so many like-minded gentlemen in this thread.
she has 2 left feet here
She must be a terrible dancer.
Netflix Elektra.
Neither of those are DC
scarlet witch, storm, wonder woman, captain marvel, valkyrie, gamora
It's funny that DC has more scantily clad women
this is possibly one of my favorite pictures of all time?
anything but the sheild panties
kino is red skirt blue top with a big s
becuase brainiac 5 was one of her og ships/its a brain and brawns thing
Stuff like this doesn't happen in comics anymore