Give me 1 good reason why I shouldn't rip your nerd card up
Give me 1 good reason why I shouldn't rip your nerd card up
Because it would reflect more poorly on yourself as a closed minded autist?
Please do. Maybe then I can get a nice gf, stop coming here every day, and focus on bettering my life.
because it's laminated and nothing is stronger than melted plastic
I watch MCU. I am super nerd.
HA! I have a 213 page document on pre-Fantastic Four Marvel horror stories that could be fit into 616 continuity and have made Jem mix-tapes of both the Holograms and Misfits!
You'll never rip up my Nerd card after that!
i watch children's cartoons
Because due to my own knowledge of comic books, Marvel in particular, a friend of mine reached out to me for information about a book he was writing, then he used my name for one of his new characters.
Therefore I now have a Marvel Comic character named after me.
That's cool, Tony Stark.
Do it, I triple dog dare you,motherfucker
>I have a 213 page document on pre-Fantastic Four Marvel horror stories that could be fit into 616 continuity
You can’t just say that and not give us a few examples user.
I have made a terrible mistake
I pay for my comics.
I can name every Godzilla movie in order of release from the top of my head.
Nerd cards aren't a thing. Only the insecure egotists and normies believe that being a nerd is a binary and not a multiaxis sliding scale.
I work at my LCS.
>I don't know how to play along
You must have had a lot of friends when you were a kid right?
okay name all the ones from the 60s.
Godzilla Raids
Godzilla vs
Godzilla vs
and Godzilla
Because you'd make me angry user
Found the normie.
I genuinely unironically read comic books
Old big 2 capeshit, sure, but I actually do read them
More than a lot of people can say
I am into everything nerdy. Cartoons, anime, videogames, TCGs, figs, you name it. I could rip up the nerd card of every fuck on modern Yea Forums.
I reach wizardhood in one week.
Fuck off Adsit.
This I wanna see some examples friendo
I lost my virginity at 16 and am a pretty cool guy with no time for nerd shit.
You won't get it. I'm not a popular character, in universe or in real life.
Yare yare daze.
Hitman is Ennis' best work.
The MCU is trash.
Cerebus is really good.
95% of manga is unreadable gay jap shit.
I've achieved wizard status.
Because I've played through H-games for the gameplay
I spend time on Yea Forums posting solicits and previews for comics.
I got it laminated.
You should. I'm too retarded to be a nerd.
You fool, I've collected over 500 Ahsoka Images ranging from nice action shots to lewd!
I've read the Darkwar trilogy cover to bloody cover.
That's Glen Cook's worst books.
I also quote Han Fei. You know, the Chinese philosopher who spits on Confucius.
You dropped your gay card, OP.
nerd = intelligent person who is proficient in maths and science
geek = person of any intelligence who has an interest in niche culture like comics, anime or tabletop games
nerd != geek