Cucked Females

Post girls getting cucked or girls you think will get cucked

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Other urls found in this thread:

this is all I got

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This is my fetish. Seeing girls getting cucked.

You have the correct fetish.

but Star is the cuck

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the meme is no more, user. Those times were good but you need to let go

But it's Kory who get cucked in the end of that story though

Yeah, didn't it turn out that Dick slept with Barbara THE NIGHT BEFORE HE WAS GOING TO MARRY STARFIRE?

cuckquean is a bad fetish and only terrible women would like it

what if a man likes it

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Knowing what I Am Curious is about now puts this page and Gwen in a whole new light

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>about to marry 10/10 ayyy amazon qt
>throw it all away so babs can work on making the eight
Dick is a retard

Starfire never found out, the wedding got called off for different reasons.

Does getting cucked out of having a good show count? Or loosing your spot as MC of your story?

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Wasn't this whole thing a retcon in the first place? IIRC, Dick wasn't even on Babs' radar when he was with Starfire.

Poor little batgirl

The man canonically doesn’t use condoms and gets surprised that girlfriend might be pregnant

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yes, but dc at that time loved that kind of shit

Female cuckoldry is better when it's two males and one female

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get that gay shit out of here

It was a good meme while it lasted though. Maybe even a great meme.

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is that the only sourceless image you have

this counts, right?

Attached: Homestuck - cuckriska gets cuckqueaned by rose grimdorks.png (850x2125, 1.27M)

No because it's severely non-canon.

nothing about canon in the OP.

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Isn't this about the girls cheating on him?

my mom

Has Aquaman cucked Mera

Nope, they get freed from that dumb midget


I hate when this happens to me.

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Good and with who

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Yes, and he was then cucked by Aqualad with the same woman

>Netflix turned Kory into a green glowing nigger

>The man canonically doesn’t use condoms

They both were, and Tom was a cuck too. Nefcy just wanted to magical realm her cuck fetish for a younger generation. That way when they grow up, she can cuck them.


'Member that time Green Arrow got married to Black Canary? ( But Vixen knew what was up, in the second to last panel ).

Attached: ga bc wedding.png (600x948, 1.21M)

>But Vixen knew what was up
Because Green Arrow likes him some Brown Sugar on the side, senpai. This is known.

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Is it Ollie's fault women keep throwing themselves at him?

waiting too long isn't cucking, you fucking inbred
you just want to believe it's cucking to justify your irrational anger and place the blame on someone else

>get knocked up by dick
>get kidnapped
>turns out not pregnant
>break it off with dick
>realize you made a mistake
>fly back to his place rehearsing how you want to spend the rest of your life with him
>find him getting it on with another woman

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Seasons 3 & 4 aren't canon. Star is eternally cucked.

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Who is the chick with the rocket boots

>Is it Ollie's fault women keep throwing themselves at him?
In this case? Yes. Yes, it is.

Attached: Oliver Queen: Manwhore 2.jpg (930x1395, 187K)

>Who is the chick with the rocket boots

She used to be a sidekick for a villain and they fought Batman and Dick when he was Robin. They reunite and she was part of a support group for those wanting out of the supervillain business. They start a romance and she thinks she's pregnant, crazy shit happens, and she let a manwhore like Dick go without a girlfriend and that happened. It was part of Seeley cleaning things up for Humphries to take over the run and I don't think she was really used since then.

Was this relationship any good?

Isn't she related to Black Lightning?

Official stuff (includes comics and cartoons among other stuff):
8ch dot net/cuckquean/res/419.html

Fan art:
8ch dot net/cuckquean/res/9424.html

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>Isn't she related to Black Lightning?
Yup. Also about half Ollie's age and she ended up getting killed in the next arc.

Attached: Black Lightning's niece.jpg (903x1446, 205K)

It was cute and a nice parallel given that they were sidekicks. It gets pretty trippy and Pyg is effectively used. Seeley's whole Grayson run is great and while Humphries is a downgrade it's a good enough continuation.

Nigga the meme is still alive considering Star wanted Marco to fuck that black amazonian.

Once a cuck, always a cuck.

>Humphries is a downgrade it's a good enough continuation
Other than the NotKingShark kid ( Guppie? ) I thought it was a complete dud, personally.

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Based as fuck. Anyone how many times Dick has been raped by women?

I was disappointed but it wasn't horrible or anything. Just mediocre and dragged on too long. It had an interesting premise. Guppie was the highlight but the end of his arc felt lacking.

I know it's not likely, but one day you might need to describe or explain something to a normal person. Using the word cuck will only inform them that you are an insecure weirdo. As long as you're okay with that, keep modifying your thinking by using words that have nothing to do with life.

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This was rape by deception since he thought he was sleeping with Starfire. And Tarantula slept with him some more while he was still recovering from when she first raped him.

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Looks like an inflatable sex doll last panel

bros i can’t believe my childhood hero is just a play thing for women :(

Wendy cucked Tinkerbell. Also Tiger Lily cucked Wendy.

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Dick was made to be sexualized. Those shorts he wore as Robin should've made it obvious what his future was going to be like.

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Never. It was all just non consensual sex.

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Demencia got cucked by Penumbra.

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Robin wanted to fuck Dick? BASED

Fuck I mean Raven, not Robin

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She basically raped him in his dreams. This issue is 50% Starfire and Dick being naked and talking about their feelings. The other half is Starfire being naked and talking about Raven's feelings.

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Is this OOC for Starfire?

Nebula cucked Pepper with Tony.

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Good, Nebula is cuter than pepper

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The eagle princess cucked Moon with River. The cuck does not fall far from the cuck tree.

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Mindy cucked Marge.. MIND BLOWN.

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Twelve Forever isn't even out yet and an user already made cuckquean fanfic for it.

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Mary Jane is a canon cuck.

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I remember those Kim Possible threads.

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Cassandra and Eugene make a cute couple.

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Pancakes and coffee are made from plants so this is OOC.

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this is canon.

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did she wanna fuck her dad?

You didn’t see the whole shad comic

no I did not so I assume it's her dad

it's her shota bf

now I lost all interest

Cuckquean Kim really caught on for some reason.

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What is it with Mexicans and cuckqueans?

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Cuckquean is underrated.

god damn I need more
how and why did this become a thing

>she gave her crush advice on how to ask out another woman

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>tfw your crush dates your best friend because she's got bigger tits than you

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>Implying they didn't have threesomes all the time

Not sure. It just seems right, I guess.

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Because it's hot as hell.

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not posting the cuckq(j)ean

If I had a copy of the NTR face I would totally put it in this pic somehow

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She's gold skinned??????


so is this fetish for girls or are most people into this men

> tfw you think of your half brother and realize your mom cucked your dad

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>Thor: Who is this little boy Pepper? He's... blue.

I'm a guy and I gotta say it appeals to me a lot. Every time I try to look up cuckolding stuff though it's always just dudes being cheated on. I already feel unwanted and I don't wanna revel in it. You'd think there'd be way more cuckquean porn cause it feels nice imagining that someone would actually be jealous of you being with someone else.

Anyone know where I can find a big repository of cuckquean porn? (cartoon characters preferred) I keep looking but there doesn't seem to be much out there.

8 chan is a good place.

na the cuckquan board is dead

>not posting the cuckq(j)ean

Attached: New X-Men 139 pg 002.jpg (643x890, 126K)

There's a whole board on the topic. Just don't mention being a guy outside of the designated 'QTDDTOT 4 Males' thread as there is a 'dick or GTFO' policy in effect.

Attached: New X-Men 139 pg 003.jpg (1041x1600, 592K)

It usually has a couple of posts per day most days. Dead by Yea Forums standards, but for an obscure fetish board not too bad.

>it's not cheating if we're just having sex with our minds
Is he right Yea Forums

>Demi Lovato

Its not cheating
Its super cheating

Based and queanpilled

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youtube just suggested this to me
i'm scared

to be fair pre flashpoint post crisis Mera was a huge bitch, nu52 Mera on the other hand is a godtier waifu.

forgot link

How has Marinette not been posted?

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who is the guy right after Power Girl?

Trust-cucking is best.

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bleah, im fine with cuckshit but make the art at least decent

There's a lot of good art but most is NSFW. This is from the show.

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Fuckin' Batman.


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Whats this from?


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Star is still the all-time #1 cuckquean.

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revenge is sweet.

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aww, poor jackie ;-P

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Who is the most cucked Loud sister and why is it Lynne?

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this is just depressing. You can never be with the one you love because incest AND some other girl

Snapper Carr.

Drama by Raina Telgemeier

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Why is Yea Forums so gay?

tumblr invaded

Nah, it's better when she thinks he's with a superior woman, not when she realizes he's just a silly faggot.

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Hedgehog is a cuck.

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Is Hekapoo a cuck?

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Didn't Psyloche tried to do that as well?


she's liking the picture of the guy she loves with another girl, because it turns her on to get cucked.

Green Arrow and Black Canary?

>Member that time Green Arrow got married to Black Canary?
I do wish they would have stayed together
But then again i can't blame him for wanting that brown pussy.

yes. both she and kelly were promoted to fuck buddy and then demoted into background noise so marco could chase the chance to get with star.

they literally bonded over this and were super cucked and salty about it

from seeds, stupid

yeah I need more of this in existence, enthusiastic cuckqueans are the best, esp when they encourage breeding

>Red She-Hulk hates Bruce Banner so much that she cucks him with Tyrannus solely out of spite
>This sets of a chain of events which directly results in Bruce going full worldbreaker Hulk and threatening to destroy earth
>Umar takes the opportunity to whisk Worldbreaker Hulk away to her personal dimension, literally making fun of Red She-Hulk for ditching him for a weekend with limp-dick Tyrannus as she leaves
>Her and The Hulk have mind-blowing, world-shattering, animalistic sex every night that's so loud it can be heard from miles around her fortress
>Turns out Red She-Hulk followed them there and has been forced to listen to it every night as she's camped outside

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Betty should have stayed dead

Ursula cucked Ariel.

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>>lol no i totally forgot he was that go oh well

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Julie from Ben 10 got locked in a closet while Elena tried to seduce her boyfriend. In another episode Elena returned and impersonated Julie in another attempt to seduce Ben and take him from Julie. There was also a Hollywood actress that tried to cuck her.

Attached: Julie couch.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

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Mutual cucking?

Dick really has zero luck; first time in awhile your lady starts throwing herself at you and it’s really some other crazy bitch who is so thirsty for it that you end up getting raped by default.

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So pretty much any harem series. End up going the Tenchi route and knock everyone up.

Dick is a passive manwhore. He just lets women take advantage of him and the ones that really rape him he kind of seems to roll with it.

In the actual comics Barbara and Dick were a thing for only a VERY short time in the late 70’s/early 80’s before Barbara actually began seeing the PI Jason Baird, whom she was actually engaged to at the time of her crippling by the Joker. She barely flirted with Dick at all and there was zero indication they were an actual item outside of it before seeing Baird.

But like every not-costumed Bat-character after the late 90’s he was forgotten, especially because Gail Simone had an obvious fetish for Dick Grayson and really wanted Barbra to be his one true love.


I had a theory for a long time that Dick’s problem with women was basically a mix of ignorance and a lack of anything resembling a normal adolescence which kind of gave him a “who, me?” attitude when women found him hot.
He first got raised in a circus until he was in his early teens, at which point he was raised by an extremely intense and strict taskmaster and an old man, both of whom were not particularly equipped to help him talk about girls and so his focus remained elsewhere. Combine this with REALLY being stuck in Bruce’s shadow (especially where it comes to women) and by the time it comes to dating he’s sort of never really noticed that he’s considered extremely attractive, which sort of jives with how clueless he is for a long time about his affect on women.

That said, I did like Tom King’s portrayal of Dick during his Grayson days as being totally aware of his effect and him just being a wiseass about it and sort of using it to James Bond his way past shit.

>But like every not-costumed Bat-character after the late 90’s he was forgotten, especially because Gail Simone had an obvious fetish for Dick Grayson and really wanted Barbra to be his one true love.
That’s sort of annoying. Is that all there is to it?

Well at least it leads to great stuff like this.

Attached: Dick being dick.jpg (1066x1599, 378K)

Mostly, but it’s also a bit more complex and deals with late 80’s/early 90’s office politics at DC that don’t make sense now.
Short version; while Dick was leading the New Teen Titans he was sort of locked away as a character for people writing Batman (they literally had to ask permission to use Nightwing) and many authors had issues with the first Robin basically being someone they couldn’t use and lobbied hard against it, eventually successfully. Ironically they proceeded not to use him at all until Chuck Dixon began writing multiple Bat-themed books (including Dick’s own), which is also around the time that he more or less started the ongoing joke that every woman in the DCU would hit that given the chance. Gail Simone picked up on that and ran with it via Birds of Prey because he’s DEFINITELY her fetish.

Dick growing up in a carnival means he's free spirited by nature and his becoming Nightwing was him going out on his own and regaining that freedom. He matures into an adult but still allows stuff to happen to him if it's not entirely bad. Seeley really took it up a notch when he worked on Grayson.

Attached: dick's real super power.jpg (1988x3056, 1.66M)

>Combine this with REALLY being stuck in Bruce’s shadow (especially where it comes to women) and by the time it comes to dating he’s sort of never really noticed that he’s considered extremely attractive, which sort of jives with how clueless he is for a long time about his affect on women.
This makes some sense to me. I have a friend who definitely has this problem. He’s actually a pretty goddamn good-looking guy who frankly could kill it with women if he got his shit together, but his self-esteem shit keeps him from really noticing that women find him attractive and he like friendzones every woman he’s ever been around on reflex, which is frankly kind of hilarious to watch happen. Every girl he’s ever been with kind of just throws herself at him and he picks up on it and runs with it, totally clueless the entire time.

Janin’s art definitely helped.

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This'd be a great opportunity for a three-way with a terrified-yet-aroused Sven as two unstable AI fight over his fleshy mortal affections.

Knowing Jeph, though, it'll probably end in Sven somehow being the bad guy because he's a straight white male focused on self-actualization instead of petty social drama.

It's weird that Janin was a lot more tolerated on Grayson rather than Batman. I heard some people not liking his art but nowhere near as much as when he's on Batman.

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Trust in Ewing, if the solicits are honest we're about to get Immortal Hulk and Betty hatefucking in her new guise as the Red Harpy. It's going to be so cash.

>male antagonist has three different female characters they work extremely well with as romantic interests
>female protagonist has an ex-boyfriend that is making legitimate advances towards being a better person
>show ends up literally warping reality to force the two main characters together

I don't say this very often, but... nigga that's gay.

His style works better with Dick I think.

It hurts so good, props to whoever wrote it.

>And now Kamala and Scott are Champions buddies
Aww yiss.

That page always gets me

Stank is not worthy of the Nebu-pussy

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I hope Momo leans into the competition and goes out and buys herself a giant rack that outsizes Marigold and Faye. I mean, she's witnessed how Marigolds bf loves her tits and Svens last big fling was Faye who has big cans. There's grounds for it, I says.

Holy fuck, that's world-class dickery right there.

Poison Ivy is catholic

Imagine being her

Babs or Starfire?

It was me, and I think I could've done better.

Are there any other girls ITT who get off to this stuff?


By all means, continue it.

The real solution there is for Pete to just make it a threesome
All spider-dick-related problems can be solved with more spider-dick

But that could snowball beyond his control. Even when he wins Parker Luck bites him on the dick

I only imagine myself as a futa when I imagine being a girl (futa), so I can't relate.

>there are people that would actually prefer the right over the left

Okay dweeb lol

Yea Forums has literally always been notoriously gay

Based user with god-tier taste

>male antagonist
You mean deuteragonist?

Blessed image

>fucking plastic man's reaction

we have talked about this, traps are not gay

>dick and catwoman
this is plain wrong

Best mom

Traps are absolutely gay, it's purely g/a/y propaganda to assert otherwise.

with a dolphin

Mary Jane pussy is draw like a trans vagina

To expand on that:
>Mera went crazy (after Black Manta killed their baby, but Aquaman allowed him to live), died and came back from the dad, tried to killed Aquaman, got better, but still pretty hateful of her husband
>Because of the political situation, their marriage technically still stays official, while they hate each other.
>Mera trolls Orin on his dates with his girlfriend, Dolphin.

>calling the objectively best fetish bad

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That better be Peter fucking Parker.

They only made out and she did it to make Batman jealous. Dick laughed at her and she hit him and left.

Who is the guy?

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i'd love to see her cucked, forced to watch her lion have a go with the rabbit girl, such good church girl, turned on by the sight of her partner being with someone else.
she's a good girl so she won't even touch herself

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Fuck off mate.

Isn't Madelyne the biggest cuckqueen in comics

Gwen is a cuck haha

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So is Peppermint Patty.

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Whatever happened to this meme? It needs more fan art.

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How Adventure Time should have ended.

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Oh hey speaking of Thor, remember the time Hela extorted a son from him in Ultimates? That poor man

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That ruins the point of the episode you silly person.

Because it's believable that Kim would finally realize her place.

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Don't forget his girlfriend watched him sucking and fucking Hela as well.

Attached: UncensoredHelaAndThor.jpg (753x1137, 624K)

This is where Ult Valk got cucked right?

The cucking in this is so sweet I wish it was better drawn.

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so is cuckquean different from girls getting NTRed or is it the same

It tends to have a more loving angle compared to male cuckolding from what I've gathered

no, you perverted freak.

if it makes you feel better thats the same guy who made
these, so he improved a ton imo.

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Can I pay him to re-do his old pic better?

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i'd be happy if ya did

gib info plox

all I know is that the artist is named Hagfish

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I miss the cucked Star portion of that show. It appealed to my "sticc vs. thicc" fetish, too.

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>sticc vs thicc
is this a male or female fetish

Don't girls like it when their dude is regarded as hot shit by other females?

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yes and if other females don't find their bf attractive they will leave him for another one


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So is the girl supposed to be into it or not?

Brehs we need an episode where Marco cucks Jackie and fucks the black girl to make it come full circle.

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To a certain extent as a form of validation. But women are territorial when it comes to their man. They don't like competition at all and any interest might raise some flags for them.

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I think it depends
some people want to see the girl suffer while other want to see the girl get into it

Too many roastie th0ts. Cuck them before they cuck you.

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>Star in the back watching Marco and Jackie eye fucking like a true cuck
>hands folded over her privates to prevent the heat and smell from escaping
Seasons 1-2 were kino as fuck.

>Ballad of Buster Scruggs You Too? .jpg

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Out of all the girls in that picture, Janna was the least cucked considering her character got better and didn't get dyked like Jackie or Star. She's going to win the longterm game.

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Yeah, the majority of 8ch /cuckquean/ board seem to be girls who are into it. I guess it makes some evolutionary sense. Proving your mate is fit and so forth.

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In the end Star gets to satisfy her voyeuristic fetish and Jackie sees the light and realizes lesbians are a myth.

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Technically a cuckquean is just a girl whose boyfriend or husband fucks other women. She can be into it, or not. But it's also a fetish. Girls who are into it call themselves cuckqueans. And it can either be a degrading thing or an enthusiastic, positive, romantic thing depending on what the girl is in to.

Bearing the child of the cuck's object of affection is surely the greatest victory.

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Had Jackie been a more fleshed out character and Marco been less of a bitch, Jarco could've been true kino.

Yeah. I also don't like porn where it's fucking another guy's woman. I wouldn't want to do that to another man.

Found a twitter and hentai-foundry but he has no commission info...

Star would total pay for the Jarco baby's college tuition.

Not to mention his cousin.

I was looking forward to the selfish princess Star having to learn to deal with disappointment and not forcibly make it other people's problem. Foreshadowed by her using "jealousy magic" to lash out over Jackie.

But then it went nowhere at all because the writers are hacks.

Peppermint Patty doesn't deserve this.

shit I don't know. Maybe send him a message on his hentai-foundry

>I was looking forward to the selfish princess Star having to learn to deal with disappointment and not forcibly make it other people's problem.
I was deluded enough to think the ending would pull an ending like this and have Star and Marco separate so they could grow from their experiences on Mewni and with each other, but then they pulled the ending of Devilman without the consequences of that ending.

This show could've been so much more in the hands of competent writers.

But user I have been given assurances that cartoons have never been better than they are now.

Yep. They fucked everything to give Starcofags a happy ending. They ensured that there's no way to continue the story. Fuck 'em.

Honestly I've put Nefcy on my do-not watch list because I have never seen a show decline so fucking hard.

>I have been given assurances that cartoons have never been better than they are now.
I now you're joking but who actually believes that? And I mean like big names.

She suddenly got more seasons then she expected and floundered hard.

I think someone working in cartoons today tweeted that but I can't remember, but I will say they're very cliquish and eager to punish criticism so this "everything is fine!" attitude is real.

Star gets the last laugh. See:

Uhhh sauce

It feels like she dropped off and let the writers do whatever the fuck they wanted until Starco, ie Sabrina Cotungo.

this never happens irl

Truly amaZing

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Was the animation industry always this awful?

The last time I try to get a girlfriend (2012), I buy flowers and a nice polar bear...she introduce me to her boyfriend...
>Hey user he is my new boyfriend..since one hour ago, he is like you!, both will be great friends!!, ahhh Flowers and a bear!!!, see my love?, he is an excellent friend

Still hurt me...35 years old wizard here

Ward, Hirsch, Nefcy...what's with modern cartoon creator/showrunner types losing interest and giving up?

Too bad Cotugno obtained that tape of het getting cuckqueaned and blackmailed her with it.

Women like guys who have options, it means you're a catch.

>Dick is a retard
Usually why youre told not to think with it.

>in-show Filipina wants to get dicked by protag's latino BF
Breh Contugo wanted to fuck Bobby

Realize you got your wish of making a cartoon for Disney and you literally nothing else to do in life.

Mexico is a cuck nation, for them is somekind of ancestral culture, if you are poor, 100% you will marry with some brown cute girl, if you succeded, the first thing a mexican do is cut ties with the old wife and marry with a white woman. And if you become really rich, you must have a "casa chica" another family with a lover...ahhhh Mexico

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Except that's the opposite of cucked, that shit is badass. You'd never something like this in
America, you'd get castrated, flayed and paraded on the streets of LA.

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That was so goddamn stupid

Latinas don't mind if you bang other girls, they kinda like it actually in my experience.

Reminds me of Frazetta art.

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If SVTFOE was a Mexican soap opera Marco would be the suave motherfucker who lives in a bigass hacienda. Star would be the ditzy wealthy friend, Jackie would be the fine as fuck antagonist and Janna would be the poor but crafty love brown interest.

This is the same story to almost every Mexican soap opera.

Bros why are charros so fucking lit?

well now you got me interested in mexican soap operas

>If SVTFOE was a Mexican soap opera Marco would be the suave motherfucker who lives in a bigass hacienda

Is not?

>cotugno did fuck bobby at nefcy's request
>cotugno caught feelings and couldn't accept that it was just a fling
>blackmailed nefcy by saying she abused her power as her boss by making her fuck bobby
>nefcy reluctantly handed over the reigns to the show to protect herself and bobby from getting #metoo'd

Yep, and remember Ult Valk isn’t a legendary Asgardian psychopomp. She’s just a teen girl who hit the cosmic jackpot and got empowered sentai ranger style

where did this info come from

Can you elaborate user?

Insider leaks.

If it was, then his hacienda would have to be located in is father's native Guadalajara and spanning miles and miles of agave where the peasants cultivate agave for tequila. This would also be the setting where Janna the peasant sees Don Marco on his stallion and kickstarting the telenovela.

Mexican society tends to view white skin as higher class while brown is seen as lesser and poor. This message is very ingrained in the shows they watch.

Start with the kinos from the 90s.

What is Hekapoo In this case?

The price of treating sex as a game.

where the fuck is the english sub

Jackie's lackey who will constantly Starscream Jackie just so she can fuck Marco. The soaps are full of stuff like this.

>Necfy got uber cucked out of her own show
You can't make this shit up

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Not even the best part, he gives her the same complement that he gave star on the night of the blood moon, "you look amazing" Then adds "A plus!"
>Star was trying to get an A+ in the second episode of season 1.
>Jackie simply giggles
>Star would have totally loved to have gotten an A+
>Marco can never again tell Star that she looks "amazing"
>Everything about this moment is pure pain for Star. And I love it.

Sorry dubman but this is probably the closest to getting subs for that one.

I always forget that Peanuts is a sad kind of funny.

This was next level shit.

She probably got off to the whole thing as well.

Honestly this seems like the relationship me and my sister had and it always confused me why girls thought it was "really close"

based incestanon.

Did your girlfriends think they were being cucked by your sister?

Initially. But long term gfs realized we were just really close and would join us.

What would you consider really close if getting touchy-feely isn't it?

>and would join us.
G..go on..

We would just get told that our conversations sounded rather flirty. Or we spent too much time alone together when we should be out with our friends or lovers etc.

They never provide one. It's fake news famalam.

Nothing weird. Just like late night (literal) Netflix and chill in pajamas. Or "dates" to malls or amusement parks or diners.

It has the ring of truth.

Nefcy let Cotungo do whatever she wanted on the show because she doesn't want to hurt her feelings. That's what I think happened.

Amazing fetish. Women getting cucked out of other women is outstanding.

A similar thing happened in my hometown a few years ago.

A lesbian was cheating on her girlfriend with a guy for years behind her back and the 2nd walked in on the two. The 2nd left and the 1st and guy hooked up. A year or so later the 2nd girl came back and now the three live together

If I was Violet, I would've been a vindictive cunt, told Bob, and fucked him.


>I want to see him smile for a change
Was Cyclops sad all the time?

Is this a real comercial? Did they know they were making some pretty strong incest tones?

Yes it's real. Apparently they were oblivious, but viewers certainly noticed.

>those wildly inconsistent pixel sizes
jesus christ put this shit under a spoiler next time will ya

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What was the origin of this idea?

the real show

None of this is what cucked means. What a bunch of idiots.

>doesn't understand the concept that the meaning of words can change
are you 12?

No, unlike everybody else here I've grown out of middle school mentality of using words incorrectly just because they sound insulting.

>sound insulting
who the fuck is using the word as an insult in this thread. Did you even read the thread before posting.

oh hey drawpal!

People shipped Bonnie and Ron and since Bonnie is the popular girl that was constantly trying to make Kim look bad it was a logical thing to rub the ship in Kim's face. Someone just made it so that Kim really liked it and others ran with it.

>Woman brings chocolates and flowers for the man
Dick is too fucking powerful holy shit