>That time when Ethan got to draw his ilk
And I don't mean the mutants
>That time when Ethan got to draw his ilk
And I don't mean the mutants
Why is that painting shitting on someone's head.
That’s actually a pretty funny fun. I can imagine Ethan getting off stroking his cock while imagining that “mutants” represent homosexuals, POC, women, Jews, Muslims and members of the LGBT community. In fact it’s pretty fucking obvious that what that bigoted piece of shit was imagining when he was stroking his cock while drawing this.
>It's not murder if it's a mutant
Absolutely based and redpilled.
Based and traskpilled
Sorry, “fun” should have been “find”
Yeah retard, THAT was the weird part of your post. The shitty fucking typo. Not the rest of that neo-nazi rant of yours.
> It's not murder if it's a mutant
Where the lie?
>neo-nazi rant
Uhh...excuse me? Can you not read?
Yikes dude. You have a pretty shitty opinion of the world. Get help or get necked.
Why can’t any of you people read I’m saying that’s how bigots like EVS see the world, he’s so toxic that drawing pictures of westboro Baptist type people make his dick rock hard
Hi Renfamous
t. Sentinel unit
What color's the sky in your world?
Are you seriously trying to suggest that God doesn't hate mutants? Do not turn Yea Forums into a house of lies, user.
Stryker recently became convinced that God didn't hate mutants, so he became a Satanist.
It was kind of nonsensical.
Fucking based
One of these things is not like the other.
>All the attractive mutants constantly laughing like fucking harpies at the non-attractive ones
Wow, it's just like real life.
>Lefties are so quick to devour their own that a guy making a "fuck that dicklet fascist EVS" post got mistaken /for/ being a neo-nazi advocate
Right-wingers believe they're being set upon by societal institutions and elements of the US government answerable to only their own whims. There is no way that one cannot interpret the X-Men as a whole as not aligning with the current right-wing zeitgeist, and can in fact interpret the massive push for mutants=LGBT to be yet another leftist attempt at subversion and co-opting.
Marvel has always leaned left, and since Claremont started doing stories using mutants as a metaphor for minority groups, those stories in the 1980s, and the 1990s writers that followed him always leaned left, but being a superhero book always took priority over The Metaphor, keeping the franchise accessible to anyone, while the message was one of acceptance, peaceful integration, and not hating each other.
Over the 2000s and 2010s, it's hard to argue that the franchise didn't get co-opted and subverted, as it shifted focus toward sustained oppression porn where the mutants are always on the brink of extinction, there are no 'good' or 'evil' mutants anymore, they all did nothing wrong and are all on the same side against evil humans who hate them for no reason, and survival must be achieved at any cost, even if it risks the entire planet. The books became militant minority segregationist stories that are increasingly impossible to identify with unless you are a militant minority segregationist, if you're anything else, this is a story were the villain is yourself, and most people don't want to keep reading that. This probably has a lot to do with the paying fanbase having shrunk to around 30k for most of the books.
Nah, modern muties are just uppity negroes who think the "white man's world" is using "razizm" to "keep 'em down", and whitey needs to pay "reparayshuns".
This is why Rightclops got the fandom that he did and why Marvel had to kill him and refer to him as Hitler. Even now that he’s back (after the sales were cannibalized and Disney got their movie rights) he has to disavow what he stood for.
Why are you talking about another man's penis? You got problems, kiddo.
Did you notice that the protestors in the third panel are all wh***e?
What the fuck are you going on about?
>Marvel has always leaned left
Except in the real world.