What are the greates/most terrifying Yea Forums weapons and why? My vote goes to pic related...

What are the greates/most terrifying Yea Forums weapons and why? My vote goes to pic related. It has multitude of modes for many possible situations and can be both hilarious and horrible to use.

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The gravity/wormhole weapon from the Universal War One/Two comics.

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Does The Authority's Door count as a weapon? if so, that.


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>Cyclops beats him with full power beam
>Storm beats him
>Jean beats him
>Nightcrawler teleports half of his body away
>Shadowcat leaves her hand in his brain and beats him
>Iceman beats him
>Psylocke beats him
>Emma beats him
>Colossus throws him away over the horizont
>Rogue beats him
Truly the best at what he does. And what he does is job

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The Ultimate Nullifier.

The one weapon all heroes fear.

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>Spidey webs his knuckles to his head and traps him
>Punisher blasts his dick off and crushes him with a steam roller

Original Rhino and Scorpion suits that kept them locked inside for years.

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Luckily, I'm wearing my disintegration proof vest

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I don't know how terrifying this gun is.
But it's very important.

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There's also this gun, which probably is the most powerful weapon in comics.

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Finally, this guy.

Killed the vast majority of the Celestials in primordial times. The ones we know are a tiny remnant. Can annihilate a planet just by flying through it.

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this entire run was so stupid

gillen is shit



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Calvin's Transmogrifier Gun doesn't seem to have any limits on WHAT it can turn people into, so it definitely qualifies as a terrifying weapon. What if it can turn you into a black hole? Or a god? Or a nuclear explosion?

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