There's nothing wrong with making toy commercials crossdressing as animated series

There's nothing wrong with making toy commercials crossdressing as animated series

The audience gets high quality animation and storytelling while the company makes money

It's killing two birds with one stone really

Screw soccermoms for banning the trend, now we're stuck with CALARTS precisely because animation studio don't make as much money anymore, so why bother putting effort in their cartoons

Animated commercials had a symbiotic relationship with their audience: they buy the toys, they keep making good cartoons

It was a simple time

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Yeah they weren’t good at all, basic, formulaic shit with zero depth or meaning? Move on

i'd still argue more entertaining than most modern Cal-Arts cartoons.

They were better than modern cartoons, and I'm not an 80s kid

>high quality animation and storytelling
Hearty kek

>Move on
Tell that to the people who keep rebooting these inferior shows

What makes these shows insufferable to me now is exactly what made them so wonderful to me as a kid. These are shows made for children, without pretense. They're vapid wish fulfillment, completely unrealistic, appealing to the most base instincts of adolescent minds, and they were amazing.

It's pornography for kids in the sense that it serves no other purpose than easy catharsis, and I feel we underestimate how important that is for kids. It's too bad kids don't have thrilling trash like this today.

If Toku proved anything, is that only live action works when making half hour commercials disguised as action shows

Couldn't have put it better myself.

It was high quality compared to what came before it (remember, Hanna Barbera shit was EVERYWHERE, with the vast majority of the shows being Scooby knockoffs)

>The audience gets high quality animation and storytelling while the company makes money

The shows you posted are full of animation errors and the writing varies wildly by episode and these are some of the best shows in the era. You didn't pick M.A.S.K or Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors or Beverly Hills Teens for your examples for a reason.

>Screw soccermoms for banning the trend

Children don't play with toys as much as before, Saturday morning cartoons were a thing because the internet wasn't widely accessible and sucked at the time and Saturday morning time slots were dirt cheap. Now there's so many channels and streaming services that it's far less profitable to make glorified toy commercials though those still exist. It had nothing to do with "Soccer moms" it's all market trends.

>now we're stuck with CALARTS precisely because animation studio don't make as much money anymore, so why bother putting effort in their cartoons

Animation is a business and they're in it to make money. The most reliable demographic for buying toys are young children and you're going to see a lot of baby shit because it's for toddlers. Furthermore, foreign animation studios aren't dirt cheap as they used to be.

Also the amount of effort put into a show rarely matched toy sales. BraveStarr had some gorgeous animation and bankrupted Filmation, Mighty Max didn't sell toys, despite having better writing and taking more chances than many shows in its era and any successful show had a dozen crappy copycats trying to get on the action and the market is full of crap like Extreme Dinosaurs, Street Sharks, Biker Mice, Road Rovers, Loonatics Unleashed, Mighty Ducks playing follow the leader.

Times change.

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based and reapplied

The writers did sometimes go outside the formula; examples include the episode of He-Man where's he's tricked into thinking he killed someone out of negligence and gives up his power as he feels he's proven himself unworthy or the episode of GI Joe where the sailor character believe he's waken up after years in a coma which eventually devolves into some nightmarish imagery.

>It was a simple time
He said, as animators at the time actually feared they’d lose their jobs to the Japanese.

>80's toys commercials
>Even considering they are good.

Calarts Is just a buzzword, you nostalfag scum.

Why don't they make toy commercials for adults? Like, shows that exist to sell high-quality, expensive miniatures and prints and stuff. Disney does it, some of their high-end merch is pretty nice looking. Probably too hard to get people interested in dropping like $100 on something they just found out about, I guess.

I wonder how quickly it's feasible to sell merch of a show. You could probably put out a basic set of trading cards relatively quickly, because you already have the artists and print on demand services are pretty fast.

Because functional adults don't play with toys

>The audience gets high quality animation and storytelling while the company makes money
The audience didn't get that from the ones in your picture. They were trash. 90s, 2000s and even 2010s toy commercials were better. That said, only Japan can make kino from a toy commercial.

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This. It's just fun.

>as animators at the time actually feared they’d lose their jobs to the Japanese.
Weren't most of these shows animated by Korean studios?

>If it's better than complete crap that makes it high quality!

What if we social-engineer adults to play with toys?

It's only kino until the Dark Signer arc ends. After that, it's just okay until it gets better during the Ark Cradle.

Which I guess is still pretty good. Just lulls a bit during the WRGP.

The Master of Faster is always cool though.

Attached: Master of Faster.png (510x772, 207K)

Shhh, Sunny Shine your dead now.

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>It's only kino until the Dark Signer arc ends
That is why Zexal is the real Yugi Kino

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Imagine them in a threesome.

The rest of the world would be like japan, and I will shoot myself

But that's not lego movie, user.

They do in Japan. Especially gunpla

Video games and tablets supplanted action figures and dolls. It's bitter reality you gotta swallow. Our time is over.


They weren't meant to be deep, thought-provoking works of art. They were meant to be easily digestible, distracting fun for 8 year olds who would forget about the plot as soon as the credits rolled. In this regard they succeeded wildly.

>Screw soccermoms for banning the trend
I thought kids themselves ended the trend by not asking their parens to buy the toys, I recall that was the reason WB had for cancelling Young Justice and Green Lantern TAS.

I disagree with your opinion.

>The audience gets high quality animation and storytelling
What? Even on that still picture, you can see quality wasn't the priority.

Not in the 80s.

Case in point: Penny from Inspector Gadget is Yea Forums than most of the cast