What is the shittiest OC plugged by a mainstream comic creator you've ever seen?
Hard mode: No Bendis.
What is the shittiest OC plugged by a mainstream comic creator you've ever seen?
Hard mode: No Bendis.
Harper Row
>Instead of taking on the mantle of Robin, which is traditionally that of Batman's sidekick, Harper Row instead adopts an entirely new superhero identity, Bluebird.
Entirely new. Hmmmm.
>Instead of a little bird with a red breast I'll name myself after a little bird with a blue back
Rugal Vaar or what ever his name is
There also Jason, WW brother, who somehow managed to become the main character of WW's book.
But she and her brother were cute
Duke and Harper Row
Sasha Bordeaux was pretty bad.
Why didn't you just make a New Teen Titans general?
Duke Thomas
Harper Row
Ragnol Zarr
The Batman Who Laughs
You could actually salvage Grail
Was that Brubaker?
>You could actually salvage Grail
No. Fuck no. She's as bad as Ragnol Zarr and you know it.
No, it was Greg Rucka. He always needs a "stronk female character" in his works.
Honestly she became OK once Brother Eye got her
The batman who laughs is totally fine since him and the rest of the evil batcrew are basically charicatures of batman gone bad from worlds which are basically supposed to be oc donut steel nightmares.
The IDEA of Batman Who Laughs isn't terrible. But it's Scott Snyders desperate attempts to constantly push him and make him a big deal that ruin it. "A Batman who laughs is a Batman who always wins!" fuck off, Scott.
I’m curious to hear your thoughts on the matter actually. Is it the concept in general? Because yes Darkseid War was lame, not disagreeing with you on that. It’s just that New God evil version of Diana doesn’t sound too bad to me.
He’s shit given the importance trust on him, and the spotlight he’s gotten of late. Furthermore, he’s being played straight instead of a fun character like Lobo. Hell hes not even the best one out of that bunch! Merciless was at least a fun jab at Bat God
She's Darkseid's edgy daughter that he had by raping some random amazon. She's more powerful than daddy and more loyal than Kalibak. Fuck, she fucking killed the Anti-Monitor.
It's just too much bullshit. It's like if Ragnol Zarr had been Darkseid's son with a kryptonian on top of everything else.
What im saying is that the point of him and the rest of the nightmare batmen is to be essentially oc donut steel nightmares, which I guess means they do belong on the list but in my opinion they kind of fall in the same catagory as superboy prime where since their hyper exadurations are the point of their character its fine.
Kate Bishop
Pretty much all NuHumans
Alpha (remember that guy? I do)
Scythe (red skinned Muslim nazi experiment)
Dr. Veritas
God, Jason's so much worse than any of the OCs cited.
Hey, let's have a guy who's basically Wonder Woman, but more powerful, important, and edgier, and lets make him the new protagonist of her book. It's like reverse Jason Aaron's.
But if retcon the Anti Monitor and power level shit she’d be fine
Pointing out the character is stupid doesn’t magically validate them
If you retcon the fact she's Darkseid's daughter or part amazon by birth, then maybe. But then what's left of Grail as a character?
>No Bendis
What’s wrong being a bastard of Darkseid?
It betrays Darkseid's character and it's only done because he's powerful, important, and a villain. So it's hack writing to have some big OC villain.
I’m sorry but I don’t follow. Darkseid has children so there’s not anything new here. The problem is her importance and power level.
Darkseid was married twice; the first time with a woman he loved, the second time pretty much forced with a woman he despised. The first marriage gave him Kalibak, the second gave him Orion. Once he became the ruler he disposed of both his second wife and his second son. He never took another woman.
So this idea that Darkseid is out conquering planets and women while leaving tons of children behind simple doesn't fit the character. He's not Genghis Kan.
America was absolutely the worst comic I will ever read, but Gabby isn't her creator and she wasn't OC in it.
She's not nearly as shitty in her first comic. She still sucks, but she's nothing like what she would become.
> Sees title
>I know it's
> spoiler
Fuck. What's his name Yea Forums?
Whose name?
The Hood
That's only if you read the Bendis-written stuff
>Scythe (red skinned Muslim nazi experiment)
Don't forget how we were supposed to think that Alan Scott and Jay fucking Garrick should have to have murdered him as a baby because he was a nazi baby.
Good lord that whole arc was stupid.
Honey Badger
Vox. The problem with him is that there is no point or no explanation for anything in his look, actions, or character. He is a rule of cool character at best.
>why does he look like black bolt
Because Cates thinks earth X black bolt is cool
>why does he have a scythe
because it's cool
>who is under the mask
>why does he use we instead of I
who knows but I hope it isn't more symbiote shit
Harper Row and Duke whatsisname.
to be fair he does look cool and was "killing" Inhumans so hes ok in my book they should have stayed dead though
>why does he look like black bolt
Kree thinks Black Bolt is the ultimate inhuman, and he is.
>who is under the mask
messed up inhumans
>why does he use we instead of I
It is more than one and they are linked together
Damien and Batwoman
Isn't Vox a hivemind of captured and brainwashed Inhumans
But current DC considers him a serial rapist. Just look at what he did to Granny Goodness and that Earth-2 Martian.
The idea of "Morrison Bat-God + Joker" is great but what we actually get is a character that exhibits neither traits and instead just broods or rees artistically.
So are the Inhumans legit just gone?
Seriously? No one is going to mention Terry Long?! Dude was literally a self-insert of the creator that eventually married and impregnated Donna.
let's hope so
It's a fucking stupid idea. Darkseid is thousands of years old and in that time, he's fostered 2 kids (grayven and grail don't count). Darkseid never struck me as a guy who cares about shit like sex, or women in general outside of certain scenarios like his wife that got murdered.
Only the original Vox the Kree spoke using WE. MaxVox used I and the other Vox's didn't talk at all.
Nope, only a few named Inhumans died and Vox didn't actually kill anyone relevant himself. Most of the deaths came from a newly introduced group of inhumans that weren't with earth or the universal inhumans.
So what are the inhumans doing now?
If you read only the stuff Brian K Vaughn (aka creator of The Hood) wrote and that one miniseries McDuffie wrote, and just end there, then you have a pretty good setup of The Hood.
Bendis fucked up the character.
Business as usual for all the ones on earth because Attilan wasn't attacked. The royal family and whoever survived attack on the moon went into hiding according Beta ray bill in gotg.
Shes bad as a costumed hero but I liked her in the bodyguard role.
That made me laugh so much, I literally had to go outside.
>she fucking killed the Anti-Monitor
Actually that was Steve Rogers with the Anti-Life Equation in him.
Trevor! Steve Trevor.
Ask Grayven.
>Darkseid was married twice; the first time with a woman he loved, the second time pretty much forced with a woman he despised. The first marriage gave him Kalibak, the second gave him Orion.
Seriously. I can't believe they didn't do more with that.
I had this whole idea about Suli's kid being Calydon, this handsome but weedy boy who inherited his mother's magic talent, but looked up to his father so much and wanted to be like him, so after Suli died the time came to choose his god-power (is that still a thing?) and he turned himself into a powerful brute.
And Darkseid was furious and hurt because he was the only thing he had left of her - but he also realized Calydon had done it so his father would be proud of him, creating this whole warped, complex relationship.
Gargle Bezoar.
B-but she's adorbs.
Worst mini ever? Worst example ever of "Oh, fuck it"?
>Kate Bishop
Not an OC, at least not the creation of the writers who started pushing her
Ballistic is so badass that a penis would just slow him down.
How did they let him get away with something this blatant
Helo me nama secks
Because New Teen Titans was DC's highest selling book in the 80's.
>so badass the godkiller sword from Thor is actually his and is a symbiote
>says the Mad Max reject who fell into a vat of dye
You know maybe it was smart of Darkseid to go bald after coming into power, his family just does not have good luck with hair care
Then we can talk about how Pete Wisdom was Warren Ellis' own Terry Long.
>and instead just broods or rees artistically.
That may be a typo, but we need to see this happen.
>tfw you self-insert is so shit it renders your waifu radioactive goods
>She's more powerful than daddy
ACKTUALLY while Diana does internally monologue about how she's faster and maybe stronger than her, she's also managed to body Grail and put her at a disadvantage by...fighting really, really hard and plain refusing to give up. Grail also got knocked out by Diana's mom while being distracted, which makes no sense unless the Amazons got a massive power leap while I wasn't looking.
...I realise this is cold comfort when where a freshly revived Darkseid retreated from the JL, Grail was not only winning against the whole JL through "planning" for a while but also tanked their combined assault long enough to revive Darkseid, I'm just saying that taken together Grail is more like Wonder Woman but also with eyebeams and better at magic OH GOD THAT'S EVEN WORSE
Don't forget that happened because she smooched the ALE into Trevor with ancient Amazonian magic! In fairness Darkseid War was running with a dumb idea about the Anti-Monitor being a formerly mortal being that got fucked up by peering at the ALE (which makes no sense with how they stealth-retconned him back into a cosmic by Metal's era but whatever) so that wasn't as impressive as it looks on paper.
Also yes, Grayven is still the biggest embarrassment of the Darkseid family. You know I always got the impression Darkseid wasn't /trying/ to make Kalibak anything special, and Grail and Grayven having eyebeams only happened after he took a good hard look at what his spawn would turn out to be naturally, and started pre-enhancing his future children with the Omega effect.
I can't believe no one botherd to mention Lee Price and his "ranger training".
Just because he's dead doesn't mean he isn't worth loathing.
....thats the stalker from warframe....
This motherfucker. Character was so bad and I don't know why he was created.
fuck off, casual. she's not the creator.
Terry Long
Harper Row
Wait, you're triggered over a joke character meant to take the piss out of Deadpool and intentionally be annoying?
it just makes DC look salty about deadpool being more popular than deathstroke
Less about there character itself and more about how he appeared everywhere, even in the spin-off of that book he appeared.
He was so bad that he was barely even involved in the event he was hyped up to be a vital player in and then disappeared entirely until Cates' GoTG.
>it just makes DC look salty about deadpool being more popular than deathstroke
Huh..what? That's not the case at all. Deathstroke has a successful book too. Are you just creating shit just to get mad over at this point?
>Appeared everywhere
What are you talking about? Red Tool hasn't appeared in anything other than Harley's books
Conquest outside of the Star Lord mini (which is just Dirty Dozen in space) is such a hunk of shit of a comic.
Are you actually triggered over someone not liking a shitty OC?
No I just find it a bit baffling really. He's pretty inconsequential and contained, easily forgotten. Batman Who Laughs for example is annoying as shit and is a real problem given how DC is pushing him.
I meant when the Harley solo had spin-off. Little Black Book, Old Lady Harley, Gang of Harleys, etc. He tended to appear on those books too. It was like Tieri and Palmiotti were forcing that character to catch on.
The Nova tie-in issues were pretty good too.
I mean I hate the Batman Who Laughs too but they're only pushing him because people keep buying his fucking comics.
I think if that were true he'd appear in shit outside of Harley's universe (which is pretty much it's own canon if we're honest). So while I don't care for him, I personally ain't going to get mad over him either given his limitations.
Well that and Snyder
So anything Dan Slott has made is fair game? Hooo boy man.
Hey I actually like Mister Negative
I can't believe no one has said Silk yet.
>got bit by the same spider as Peter
>put in a bunker where she lived alone for over 10 years
>despite the lack of social contact (for over 10 years) she's completely normal and has an outgoing personality
>she learned how to fight (better than Peter) by watching video tapes in her bunker
>she's stronger and faster than Peter
>her webs are organic, electricity proof and radiation proof
>she emits pheromones that make male spidermen hopelessly addicted to her vagina
>she was a key player in the totem war between an army of spidermen across multiple universes, and a family of overpowered dimensional vampires
>on top of all this, she has a photographic memory
B-b-but her solo was g-good I swear!
And Deadpool has two films.
she's cute, tho
>Well that and Snyder
They honestly go hand-in-hand. Say what you want about Snyder but the fucker knows how to sell comics. Really the only reason Harper Row failed was because DiDio and Snyder tried to actively push her as a replacement to other members of the Bat-family, which will never and has never gone over well initially (the last person to try it was Morrison and everyone utterly despised Damian for years before they eventually got used to him).
Damien was so despised they brought him back after Morrison killed him off in Batman Inc. He has more fans than Harper, Duke and probably Tim Drake.
She wasn't stronger than Peter but iirc her spider sense was suppose to be better. Also I'm pretty sure the attraction was just because of that same spider shit and both she and Peter were effected.
I legitimately thought she was just femNightwing from like an alt timeline or something for a long time
She's a decent non-costumed support character.
>Damien was so despised they brought him back after Morrison killed him off in Batman Inc.
Yes, because Morrison spent years developing him as a character to the point where people began to like him. Everyone fucking hated him when he first debuted and continued to hate him for years until he gradually thawed out during Batman and Robin.
>the last person to try it was Morrison and everyone utterly despised Damian for years before they eventually got used to him).
>Got used to him
>Implying Damian didn't have years of development
Black Rorschach
Mime and Marionette
Silk gets a bad rap, understandably so, but she's still worth keeping around. By the time another writer came in to fix Slott's autism the damage was done, and people moved on to Spider-Gwen
>Harley solo had spin-off. Little Black Book, Old Lady Harley, Gang of Harleys, etc. He tended to appear on those books too. It was like Tieri and Palmiotti were forcing that character to catch on.
I dunno, I don't see why you'd bother buying a bunch of different Harley Quinn books if you don't like shitty characters
See, this is partly why I think Slott's post-Superior run compares poorly against even 90's Spider-Man.
That said Silk did improve as a character once Slott stopped writing her and Robbie Thompson wrote her instead.