Why isn't cell animation used anymore? Are people just lazy, is it more expensive, or have people just forgot how to?
Why isn't cell animation used anymore? Are people just lazy, is it more expensive, or have people just forgot how to?
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at some point we crossed the threshold of "new thing is no longer a novelty and is standard" and "old thing that was standard is now a novelty"
Hit me one time!
Expensive, they were phased out by the push to digital.
That's rather nice
The same reason people don't program in UNIX or record everything on wax cylinder anymore it's an obsolete technology?
Digital art has a ton of advantages over physical media especially when it comes to animation and that's before you even get into recent innovations like spline and the blender grease pencil.
As we "progress", we're losing a lot of technology.
We can no longer travel to the moon
We can no longer draw cell animation
We can no longer have stone masonry on the level of the middle ages
>We can no longer travel to the moon
Blame congress for that, the space shuttle was a colossal waste of money and time, But hey hopefully the Artemis missions pan out.
>We can no longer draw cell animation
We can and indeed some people still do but there is no reason to when digital is superior in every regard.
>We can no longer have stone masonry on the level of the middle ages
This is 100% /x/ tier bullshit, there is nothing ancient masons could do that modern ones can't much better, quit getting your info on engineering from ancient aliens reruns.
pretty much the only legitimately genuine "lost technologies" are Greek fire and Damascus steel.
And even those were surpassed by napalm and blast furnace steel.
Even the former Disney animators I worked with on a failed project didn't use cel on their hand-drawn animation. It was scanned, cleaned, and colored digitally. Tracing to celluloid and inking is, while not as artistically demanding, a very labor intensive process.
Also the first two images are examples of good background art, not cel animation. I honestly don't think you even know the terms you're using.
>Digital art has a ton of advantages over physical media especially when it comes to animation
>We can and indeed some people still do but there is no reason to when digital is superior in every regard.
If that so much is the case, then why hasn't there been a significant increase in the general quality of animation in the past twenty or so years? If digital animation streamlines the process to make it quicker and easier (and it does, I'm not disagreeing in that regard), then why does modern animation just generally look worse than it did back then?
Do you have brain damage user? It's the only reason I can think that someone would ask such an obvious question.
Because there's no discernable benefit over newer methods of animation. This is like asking why we don't use candles instead of lamps
> digital is superior in every regard.
Except that it objectively looks like shit.
> itt Yea Forums proving yet again it knows nothing about how animation is made or why certain things arent used anymore
> itt Yea Forums using any excuse it can to gargle down the OLD THING GOOD pill with as much stupidity semen as possible
> itt Yea Forums still thinking animation and art quality is restricted entirely to the tech its made on
Warm colors. Soft linework. That's what's missing in digital.
I think it's because it made animation so easy and cheap that anyone could do it, meaning there's a ton of competition. The internet, in turn, makes it easy to distribute this stuff and now quality productions get to compete with trashy Youtube crap and everything in between. Better animation doesn't equal more viewers and more profits, I guess.
That's not how art works retard. Bad art doesn't get better on older technology, good art doesn't get worse with new technology.
You only think old art is better because all the trash no one liked has been lost to time while we've vigorously sought to preserve the best of it.
You can find digital works as good as any other method of animation
>why does modern animation just generally look worse than it did back then?
There's several reasons.
>You're a pleb who thinks all modern cartoons are, or look like SU and SVTFOE
>You have very little experience with the medium
>You've deluded yourself into believing just because something is old it is good
>You've managed to ignore much worse decades of animation like the 60s and 70s
>You have no experience outside of television cartoons
>You've seen very few western animated films
>You're retarded
it doesn't matter if older animation is better or worse, if it just rots in the can and is lost to history forever.
that's the one advantage with digital: you can back up your assets so easily, and anything produced is copied far and wide. the biggest risk is a file or media format going obsolete
Don't blame the tools blame the fools, the actual difference between then and now isn't the switch to digital but the fact that most modern cartoons are being made by chinless calarts rejects.
>>You've managed to ignore much worse decades of animation like the 60s and 70s
pure cel animation
There's nothing stopping digital drawings from looking good other than the effort put in. If you painted a "calarts" character onto a cell and photographed it with grainy film, that wouldn't magically improve the animation.
You realize you could very easily create the left image with digital tools right?
This is retarded cherry picking. You can literally find good animation from any method
There are so many advantages to working digitally that save both time and money while making a desirable product, and they easily outweigh any aesthetic advantage to cel animation. The only reason you'd want to do traditional cel animation in a post-digital world is purely for it's own sake. It's not lazy, it just is what it is. It's been made obsolete and is no longer a necessity to produce animation, so it becomes a expensive niche skill/service when people using digital tools can do what they want in half the time/money while losing the physically of cel animation, which isn't really a loss to most people except enthusiasts.
This isn't even animated it's a still image, and nearly everything from HB is model sheet tracing trash
When you say cell do you mean the actual practice of animating and inking on cells? or just animating by hand on paper? or just hand drawn animation in general?
Cant even pretend this takes effort to find
Actual seconds
Dont even need to make jokes
The money is not spread around but sucked up the pipe to somewhere else.
god the colors were so fucking good in this (low quality webm doesn't do it justice, go watch the full pilot)
It's always about the money.
Especially when it comes to broad industry wide trends.
And this is ignoring how good a lot of CG shit is
Do us a favor and get back to >>/pol/, please?
What's the point of tagging the trees if a computer is going to be determining where to cut? Wouldn't it be more efficient for the computer to identify which trees to cut instead?
how is what he said /pol/
>how is it /pol/
first of all, referred to all of Yea Forums in the third person -- clearly someone who sees this board as an "other", and therefore came from somewhere else.
Also, making wide sweeping moral judgments based on something insignificant. In this case: an aesthetic preference – that's /pol/.
Also, lots of little snippets of /pol/speak: NPC-like language (OLD THING GOOD), using the "pill" metaphor...
ultimately, this thread will be shit if we're all just shouting "pleb" and "retard" at each other, and scaring off anyone who actually knows anything about how animation is produced, might tell us about the economics, or the process, or whatevs.
also the cartoon I bought the most merchandise from during the '00s... was pretty much made in Flash with a lot of cheap tricks but had a lot of heart. it's not even something I can share with new people anymore because it's so in-jokey now, but it's given me joy somehow...
I see the title in the filename, but who is the creator/where can I find more?
>but there is no reason to when digital is superior in every regard.
Except cell looks much better.
It's expensive, time consuming, and has an "old fashioned" look to it that younger folks don't like. Modern televisions also have a handful of technologies older ones didn't and that make bright colorful shows more visually appealing and allow for the use of certain tricks and visual gimmicks you couldn't do before.
>Also, making wide sweeping moral judgments based on something insignificant. In this case: an aesthetic preference – that's /pol/.
That's rich, the board that hosts Ben 10 vs Green Lantern threads claiming not to make sweeping moral judgments based on something insignificant
Imagine insisting on carefully putting these flat colors on a cel when takes mere moments on a computer. Inked lines tend to be more organic with traditional media but that too can be decently emulated with a right digital brush.
You're retarded
Thanks user
that was pretty based desu
I'm amazed it took so long for the /pol/clowns to respond to this.
holy shit its so expressive!
i wasnt prepared for this level of animation quality in this thread. i just thought we were gonna bitch about calarts
this trolley doesn't go backwards
At a certain point, there won't be enough people alive who are willing to do cel animation to whatever standard you're thinking of, enough companies willing to organize and train such people... computers are very good at streamlining repetitive tasks, and tasks don't get much more repetitive than cel animation.
Check out the movie Tim's Vermeer, in which the inventor of the Video Toaster attempts to reproduce a Vermeer painting using a semi-mechanical process, and technology that Vermeer himself would have had access to. It took months of backbreaking labor; who knows if Vermeer himself did it that way, or if there was a more streamlined method that Tim didn't figure out. The secrets of Vermeer died with him. maybe the secrets of cel animation will die too; it'll take longer because it's an industry is all.
You have to pay actual humans to do it, and they keep insisting on being paid enough to eat food and live indoors.
>keep insisting on being paid enough to eat food and live indoors.
what leftist crap is this, this is capitalist america
you want to make rent, get a third job.
we're competing with Korea, where even the most famous pop stars are underpaid and working 12-hour days and can get fired at any moment.