We will have a Dreamworks Jurassic World animated series on Netflix in 2020. Discuss

We will have a Dreamworks Jurassic World animated series on Netflix in 2020. Discuss.

>Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous follows a group of six teenagers chosen for a once-in-a-lifetime experience at a new adventure camp on the opposite side of Isla Nublar. But when dinosaurs wreak havoc across the island, the campers are stranded. Unable to reach the outside world, they’ll need to go from strangers to friends to family if they’re going to survive.


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just cut the crap and make the 'battle royale on monster island" story they clearly wish they were making

See the JP comics, Age of Reptiles or Cadilac&Dinosaur, there are many possible plotlines.

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>six teenagers


>is canon
>Spielberg is listed as a executive producer
>fully CGI by the looks of it

Five bucks says that most of the characters will be some flavor of woke or lgbt.

What if its like Captain Planet and we get a genetic mutated Captain Dinosaur reptile humanoid?

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>reptile humanoid
Please no

that'd be based

That difference. Lol

Is this supposed to be Peggy Hill?

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Fuck off. Be pissed that them all being kids means nothing of consequence will happen

feet are not big enough

Calling it now
>brown girl and pink hair will end up dating but buff plaid girl will be best girl who deserves better



make it pg-13

I'm glad that Jurassic Park is finally getting a cartoon series but the soulless remake title still hurts me

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fuck off libcuck

Have them stalked by a hidden pocket of Sorkin's Troodons or don't fucking bother

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A Jurassic park story where no one does

Will the show address the narrative of men playing God with nature and the horrible violent repercussions it will have?

We've been jewed, lads


CGI doesn’t look too bad, at least.


ITT: Dropped

Sounds like something that has a lot of potential and could end up great, do we know who's on writing duty?

I think that's Tintin

Don’t know yet, but here’s the confirmed creative team

>Scott Kreamer (Pinky Malinky) and Lane Lueras (Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny) serve as showrunners and executive producers. The series is executive produced by Steven Spielberg, Frank Marshall, and Colin Trevorrow. Zack Stentz serves as consulting producer.

why is the teaser trailer followed by a 4 minute study of Blue.

IF they legitimately play up the horror aspect of the situation it could be stupendous

But I'm not particularly hopeful

>Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny
Literally who

I always wish the kid/teen characters in the movies would get fucking eaten, making the entire cast of them sounds awful.

Tim and Lex were adorable wtf

Featuring the writers from Yea Forums's favorite show


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That show's fun. Way better than Legends of Awesomeness, but more unpopular because it's on Amazon Prime and for the admittedly baffling decision to focus on Po becoming a mentor to kid pandas instead of the Furious Five.

>cookie cutter protag
>butch girl or fat funny man
>2 cool skater dude
>sassy ambiguously brown girl
>preppy rich girl

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I don't get the video.

this feels like the goosebumps book where the parents intentionally sent their kids off to die at summer camp to train them to take over earth

I-I'm sure they wouldn't be that lazy


In the Telltale game they turn out to be a hidden group of dinosaurs that InGen wanted to kill off because they were deadly pack hunters. After the first film they were released back onto the island with no one knowing they were there. When stuff goes to hell they wind up hunting you.

Think the compy dinosaur from the second film opening but they also have a venom that can paralyze you while they gnaw away at you.

I really only wanted that first clip
Pretty much what said in brief. They're just spooky little shits that tarantula hawk wasp you

I'm a sucker for creepy things with glowy eyes lurking in the shadows

Oh okay, I thought there was supposed to be something in each clip. Thanks.

I kinda wanted that or more like I was honoring for:
>alternative timeline where the park never failed
>captain plant or power ranger like show about 5 young adult friends who work in different parts of the park, Vet, Ranger, ACU, Control Room, and Raptor Behaviorist.
>Villians are Biosin, A PETA like Eco Terrorist group, and any crazy shit that can happen at the park.
>You get to see an active and living Jurassic World from Dino pens to resort night life
>First Episode ends with Owen and our 5 characters forming the Park Protectors, who use their combined skills to save Dino’s and save the park.
>Each episode is kind of monster of the week set up or plot points like a arrogant celebrity comes to the park and thinks they can do what every they want, scientists get lost in the restricted zone, the eco terror group release some Dino’s. It’s up to our hero’s to save the day while keeping things underwraps from the park guests.
>you have your drama, your will they won’t they relationship, the one character that Idolizes Owen or something like that

>Instead we get teens run from Dino’s, great

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Honestly they just need to go full anthro dino girls and they’ll hit gold

put feathers on your FUCKING dinosaurs you cowards!

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Wow, that...that sounds horrible.

>Isla Nublar

Why? Is this gonna be canon?

But they were birds

I hope it is free of sjw/feminist propaganda
these days I hardly get to enjoy anything new anymore because of it



are you sure you want an hybrid user

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It’s directly said that they engineered them featherless literally on purpose

Didn’t say hybrid my dude

Is BDH going to be in this?

This would be more fun than Total Drama Jurassic.

No. The plot is about the kids being left behind after World

Read the link

So spielberg signed off on this after rejecting this?

I don't think I've ever hated him as much as I do right now

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>But when dinosaurs wreak havoc across the island
How the fuck does whoever owns this park at this point not go bankrupt from the continuous bad PR.

This is the equivalent of everytime a Marvel movie releases, someone goes on a mass shooting spree in the theater.

HOW?!?! The island was nuked by a volcano!!

Shame, we could have had thicc mommy in animation

Like, DIRECTLY after World. Way I understood it they miss the evac. So they either get picked up, escape on their own or (please God) all die before the volcano glasses the island

By what fucking metric?
Shut up, Boco

Buddy retard, you tried. :/

This is the first I've heard of it.
Neat. Is it actually going to have people die?

Shut up, Boco

Wait, what?

But the dinos in JP/JW are mutants.

>>Neat. Is it actually going to have people die?
>cast is six teens
I'm gonna say that's a negative. Unless there's additional randos outside of their group that they can use for redshirts

Hey man Total Drama Jurassic would at least be interesting in a train wreck sorta way.

Agreed, they already have the genetic manipulation aspect, and they're already trying to get us to buy "dino soldiers" as an idea in the main plots. They're just shooting themselves in the foot by pretending to still be a serious franchise.
If not dino/human hybrids yet, than at least a trained tactical dino swat team or something. The latest movie should have been way more about Blue and Chris Prat teaming up to be an action duo, like it seemed in the initial trailers.
I mean yeah, then people would just wine about it turning into "cape-shit", but again, there was never any possibility of it going back to it's horror roots or getting serious, so it riding the middle of the road is an even worse result.

The realm of cowards. Give me spelunking or get out of my face

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>elbow gun
Holy shit that's so fucking dumb I love it

That dino didn't look bad. Though I think they'll spend most of their budgets on them and the humans will look like shit.

Can we all agree the Babysitter death in Jurassic Park was kind of pointless and cruel? I don't remember he doing anything to deserve that.

I'll bet even the dinos won't look as good. that's just a few seconds of shit they put actual effort into as a teaser like they do all the time with [not ingame footage] for vidya that's not at all like the finished product will be

she was a random character who got a death usually reserved for the villain of a movie
Really though, the series should be about Owen raising the raptor squad or character with a raptor hunting squad.

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>Got snatch by dino
>Dinos play ball with her
>Almost drown
>Get swallowed whole

Sheesh, someone had a hate boner against that character

I'm hype! But I'll be disappointed if nobody gets brutally massacred by dinosaurs.

>Honestly they just need to go full anthro dino girls and they’ll hit gold

They wouldn't dare to make them attractive. The furry artists from the 90s are gone. You want decent scaly ladies? Argonians from the next Elder Scrolls are coming.


Or maybe in nature animals are indifferent. A target that will be prey is just that. Stop pretending some crime against women happened just because you wanted to masturbate to a fictional character. I swear damn white knight faggots.

I.. Wow. It's not the fact she died that bother me, it's the fact we got so much focus on it, especially since she wasn't a main character and yet, the "bad" guys died (horrible deaths, yes) but they did so off screen. You'd usually think the reverse would have happened, you'd see her getting snatched up and that's all. Then "bad guys" would get a more detailed death.

The first Jurassic World Movie was so bad, it killed any interest I have in dinosaurs and Jurassic Park as a franchise.

This just exists so Mattel can sell more dinosaur toys and crap.

Fallen Kingdom was fun.

Yes who could forget the villains of Jurassic Park and Lost World, scrupleless lawyer who technically did nothing wrong but see a lucrative business deal and the poor guy who left the safest place on Nubla Isla to save his colleagues.
Jurassic World was fun, Fallen Kingdom overstayed the joke.

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In every JP/JW movie the kids are worst and weakest part of them films. The worst is probably the kid from JP3 since it was established he was living and doing alright all on his own, but turns into a useless idiot the moment he's with the other characters.

After Fallen Kingdom does anyone really have any hope for the Jurassic franchise?

what a terrible, terrible idea.

normally i would say 'what's wrong with that' but i've been on adventure camp for teen type things before and they're full of the most unfringe type of normies you can imagine. they're the type of people who take photos of their starbucks magic macciato for instagram and exercise for fun and get married by 25. this just isn't realistic.

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Yes? It’s finally shaking up the status quo.

You and me both, user.

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Fuck you, the kids in the first were decent and the fact they were a set of annoying kids is deliberate.

Ho yeah.

You mean "unscrupulous"

Kids and adults are.fine but teens are bad? Dafuq.did.teens do to you?

>Fast and the Furious show

Hold the fuck up, how is this the first time I hear about this.

>made by the only competent writer in Voltron: LD

Maybe it might be decent.

Has there been any of that overtly shown in the franchise?

Also, we have the potential for more FoTMs.

There was that obnoxious dino vet (who had never seen a dinosaur before) from Fallen Kingdom, but I almost feel like the movie itself thought of her as a joke

She was supposed to be revealed to be a lesbian in a scene, but said scene was cut from the final film.

raptor animation looks great, but I still have a bad feeling about the teenagers.


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Wow. Obviously one of them would be gay.

I'm surprised Disney hasn't tried buying out Jurassic Park yet.

Left to right..
>Black female

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