Avatar thread

avatar thread.

let's talk about how this is the greatest show of all time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

rule34.paheal.net/post/list/Azula Skuddbutt/1

also anything after the kiss at the end of the original series isn't canon.

Ok it is basically animated Star wars
>Anything after the original series is trash
>Diversity plot points and characters
>Hated by og fans
>Fans are annoying

korra is fucking terrible.

it's for the best if the fanbase just pretends it didn't even happen.

It's a "Yea Forums still thinks everyone else hates Korra too" episode.

Wait if Aang didn't reproduce ever then what would happen to the cycle? Would the Avatar just stop existing when it got back to air or would it just skip over?

Whether or not the Avatar reproduces doesn't matter.

they should.


kyoshi was a dyke

Likely skip it if someone else didn't find a way to get airbending in the meanwhile.

Water tribe!

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No man, I mean there would be no airbenders for the avatar to move to in the cycle. So once the next fire avatar died what would happen?
I'm not convinced it wouldn't just end. I mean the avatar has a bunch of ways to stop existing, that seems like one of them.

Emilia Clarke would unironically make a good Princess Yue.

whats there to discuss?

if a race of people dying is what it takes to end the avatar cycle then it would have ended a long time ago.

So many hot girls but they still don't have the best.

You should unironically kill yourself.

Were is the evidence for this, the avatar moves through the four elements, why would races outside of those matter?

he's right

my point is that even though the air nomads were wiped out, there had to either be more airbenders elsewere or that it finds a way to adapt. the air nomads were a tiny group of people, if wiping such a small number of benders out was all it took to end the avatar cycle then the avatar cycle couldnt exist.

I'd actually like to discuss your precognitive abilities. Greatest show of all time implies you've compared it to all shows, to ever exist, in all of time.

What's the greatest show that hasn't been made yet, OP?

When you think about it the Avatar is a flimsy thing. It is a miracle that in all the centuries the Avatar has existed no one lucked out and ended the cycle by killing them in the avatar state.


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I liked Legend of Korra. Fight me.

too old

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fuck off

>What's the greatest show that hasn't been made yet, OP?
Trick question, the animation industry is in decay and will stop existing within a couple of decades.

The Foggy Swamp shall rise again!


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That's your problem and no one elses, user.

This is an Azula thread now.
Also she took Zuko's virginity in canon.

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y-you too

cast sokka

you guys think a young dante basco could pull off live action zuko?

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>Implying all shows are animated
>Implying humans don't make their best products in the face of adversity and defeat
>Implying the industry is tapping out after 100 years
>Implying art history can't show you other mediums that have also gone through ups and downs

Wow, I can only imagine what it's like to have a terrible world view

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>Implying all shows are animated
We are in Comics & Cartoons, user, we talk about comics and cartoons. Just on that basis your "recently graduated" rant falls face first.
>Implying the industry is tapping out after 100 years
The moment it stops being profitable it will die.
>Implying humans don't make their best products in the face of adversity and defeat
Don't go spouting the retarded bullshit your teachers told you when they were trying to sound inspiring.

>So many hot girls
Buy a new thermometer.

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Same. It had lots of problems, but overall it was fine.

>greatest show of all time
It's not tho

Really quite like this one.
Those legs hnnngh

I enjoyed it overall. Plenty of issues but still felt like a good show.

2 > 1 > 3

If you disagree with this, you're wrong and a faggot.

Speaking of Avatar, it's begun.

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Korra isn't Avatar.

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I wanted to post about this

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June was peak sex.

It's beautiful

imagine if your sister looked like THIS

>This is an Azula thread now.
>Also she took Zuko's virginity in canon.

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>If you disagree with this
Impossible if one has watched the show and isn't insane.
Book 2 is peak Avatar while Book 3 is the weakest, but also the one with the most amount of budget dumped on animation.

>Super solid world building
>Left enough of how bending works to make it fun
> The golden standard for a cartoon with a longform plot.

Overall I'd say it's one of the best western cartoons to come out in the last 15 years.

Sorry about that user.

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As user said in the /aco/ thread.
>Remember you're possessing your Son from the last part to fuck your past life self.

I fucking hate Katara to the point where some episodes with her as the focus are borderline unwatchable for me, even if they're otherwise good.

Why is Pema so based in this game?

Lol what the fuck, are you both fucking serious? Book 1 is the weakest, 2 and 3 are roughly equal.

This. I don't care if it's living in denial I refuse to accept Korra and the ATLA comics as canon.

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>I fucking hate Katara to the point where some episodes with her as the focus are borderline unwatchable for me, even if they're otherwise good.
my negro !
katara a shit and she should have died killed by Ozai

this butchering of the greatest character in atla makes me beyond angry

Based, redpilled, fpbp, upvoted, subscribed, belled, followed, added to favorites.

Look at the bright side user, think of all the laughs both LoK and the comics have brought us by being so dumb.
>Magic Mechas
>Good and Evil rugs
>Brainlet Dark Avatar
>That guy was the worst
>Pic related

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What made you think animation was just about making money? Tons of good animations are made worldwide, and none of them are made just to make money. To think like that is pretty defeatist, user.


This. Compartmentalize and embrace the madness. If the live action series isn’t good (99.999 percent chance) it goes into the non canon shitpost pile

How come the success hasn't been replicated then? What kind legacy is that supposed to be?

Accidental greatness helmed by under appreciated and cast aside members of the original team who’s successes and good ideas have been attributed to showrunners who genuinely can’t get anything done with yes men.

w...what the fuck?!?!?

>Azula but Water Tribe
I'd hit that.

>he doesn’t have a hot sister

I see, so it's like that.

Sokka [translation note: Sokka a colloquial pronunciations of “Sou ka”, or more politely “Sou desu ka”. It generally means something like “oh, is that so?” ]

>What made you think animation was just about making money?
The animation industry is all about making money.
An industry is a framework designed to finance, mass produce and sell a product. If said product stops being profitable the industry collapses and big scale production stops, leaving only craftsmen.
It's not quantum physics, user, you don't need a title to understand this.

Avatar comics, they are a dumpster fire but is fun to laugh at them.

didn't it say somewhere she had at least one kid

What's the context here?
I know the context of the forklifts, if only minimally, but Zuko getting cucked is new to me.

Atla was amazing, even my dad liked it. Watched one season of Korra knew it was gonna turn trash glad I dropped it. As far as I'm concerned everything after atla is non existent to me

This, Korra wouldn't have been so all over the place if Bryke had had a team to confront them on their autism instead of just nodding.

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And that's a great attitude to have.

My mom loved ATLA and liked Korra.

>liked korra
yet another reason why women's opinions don't matter

I liked it too though.

Mai gets mad at Zuko for some retarded reason and breaks up with him completely invalidating her character arc in the show, she then immediately gets a rebound bf and gets all intimate with him around Zuko. There's some other shit going on within the fire nation that makes up the main plot but it's retarded and I don't even remember it. Then it's revealed that Mai doesn't actually like the guy and is just using him because she's insecure and still loves Zuko. By the end of it Mai breaks up with him and the status of her and Zuko's relationship is left unknown. Also the writer is a big SukixZuko shipper and it shows. I'm convinced the entire Mai breakup plot was so he could have a legit reason to draw his ship into reality.

I remember watching the first 2 episodes of LoK during their initial airing and being so disappointed, because Korra felt like everything I didn't like about Katara x 1000, and worse, given the status of main character. It was a devastating feeling to have my hopes so utterly crushed within the first 2 episodes of a show I were so excited for.

One of the only fun things to come out of that series along with the cucklord meme and the firecest in the crypt fanfics and greentexts.

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What's the context of the forklift? I honestly thought it was an edit when I saw it for the frst time.

Bolin is cute!

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Avatar world reached 20th Century industrial level 2 years after the end of ATLA.

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Is there any other shows about that have the same feel as this? Nothing got me pumped more than those glowing eyes

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Yeah, the comics decided that two years was enough time to catch up to TLOK's level of technology.

Ben 10 omniverese whe. Ben goes waybig or Alien X. Or when Ben unlocked master controle

Yea it was such a cool moment
It's certainly nice when Ben does that but I think his first waybig transformation is still the best scene in the series. The rest are okay and alien X was kinda lame

Guess that looking up a forklift from 1940s or earlier would had been too much work.

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Wouldn't be the first time stupid huge leaps in technology happened in that setting.
>lol how the fuck you're supposed to make a machine fly
>couple months later
>armored zeppelins everywhere

Which raises the question: what did the super-geniuses that made this leap possible do for next 60 years? Did they all decide to become luddites? Form their own ancap citystate under the sea? Sit in basement and fap to Earth Kingdomese cartoons while sending "tfw no gf" telegrams to each other?

Since the armored zepplins likely took their first flight during the Battle of Black Sun and were used again during Sozin's Comet, those were likely the only zeppelins in the whole world at the time, and were extremely experimental. They might not even have been fully completed during their first flight after the eclipse.

>Sit in basement and fap to Earth Kingdomese cartoons while sending "tfw no gf" telegrams to each other?
Probably this since by Korra's canon Satoru will eventually get dumped by Toph.
>tfw you cause more than half a century of technological stagnation.

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Just watched it all. It’s so good I did see most of it as a kid but it was magical watching it again. It’s fucking perfect I’m gonna start watching korra tomorrow which I know is different from what I have heard but I don’t think it will ruin my love of the original series.

I wish I could get the korra platinum game but activision took it down.

I still can’t believe how good the original series is still. So good, funny and just fantastic fights ah damn I love it.

>but I don’t think it will ruin my love of the original series.
It won't but goddamn does it try to.

Korra takes longer to reach the greatness of avatar but season 3 of Korra is up there with TLA level of quality.

>season 3 of Korra is up there with TLA level of quality.

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tell me why I'm wrong then, disgusting animeposter

Thanks for the intel anons. I’m willing to be patient with it.

That's bullshit. The characters, the wordbuilding and the writing are much worse. Sadly, Avatar was a fluke and the creators doubled down on ALL the mistakes they made on LoK. to the point that they let it influence all the content that they made for the original afterwards.

Alright people lets do something interesting.

What element would you bend if you had the option to choose? And for what purpose would you use your given power?

Also, you are given this power, but also anyone who replies to this post on this thread so you better take advantage of it.

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Rewatching the show for the first time in about 8 years with a friend who has never seen it. Zuko Alone is still an amazing episode, The earth kingdom is full of dicks, Iroh is still the best, and Sokka suffers a lot more than I remembered.

LoK spoilers
Sokka is killed offscreen in LoK and is given no info on his life
He deserved better

I'd levitate a slap and ride it like a hoverboard and make shelter anywhere. Most likely travel the world and see the sights.

Fire, I would use it to escape into the woods and become a survivalist.

Ah, so not even worth my FUCKING time to watch!

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I watched a video series on youtube by a semi-ironic nazi who basically said "Legend of Korra sucked, ATLAB was god-tier."
So, I got curious and started watching ATLAB. Holy shit it's good. I just watched 13 episodes in the last two days, I'll probably finish season 1 tomorrow. I'm 15 years late, but true art is immortal.

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Hes not really killed, just dies without showing up apart from flashbacks

Yea don't waste your time

Korra is still worth a watch

>Korra is still worth a watch
if you are a masochist with poor taste

No worries, Sokka gets reincarnated into basically/roughly the same character, but a prince with amazing art skills and magic aptitude in another series.

>a semi-ironic nazi
E;R? The Nazi stuff is a meme perpetuated by Tumblr types who are assblasted that his videos trashing Korra are so popular. He's just one of those people that tries too hard to edgy for the sake of "comedy". Also all his videos on Korra are spot on. The most recent one he did covered the hilariously bad Korra comics. I wonder if he knows about the ATLA comics with shit like this going on?

Sokka lived an enviable life full of laughter and adventure, and passed away peacefully, content in the knowledge that he had lived in a tumultuous, wonderous age and accomplished all he had set out to do, surrounded by his friends, his harem, and of course his trusty boomerang and space sword, with a smile on his face, as his spirit ascended from the mortal realm into the waiting arms of his moon waifu where Bryke's treachery cannot reach him

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Does your nazi look like this?

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Is that the dragon Prince? How's the show ?

I stopped watching after the original series. What ever happened to azula? Did they find zuko’s mom?

No it isn't

>I watched a video series on youtube by a semi-ironic nazi who basically said "Legend of Korra sucked, ATLAB was god-tier."
E;R's critique on Korra would have had a lot more substance if he didn't hinge only on edgy humor and rambling for far too long over da stronk retarded wamyn and gays out of the hat. How much of a bullshit retcon Wan was is the most on point part.

Azula was a lunatic and was in check until Zuko took her out to find her mother. They find her mother and Azula escapes. Then she creates some shady group of loonies to try and force Zuko to become like his father. It's in the comics.

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If I had to point it's biggest flaw id say is how jarring the 3d animation looks.
The rest is pretty ok.

Wan is both the best and worst part of Korra. Fantastic art style and animation and interesting enough lore but it also ruins all the already established law. What were they thinking? Same with erasing all previous avatars

Firebending, because it's cool and I used to do taekwondo so it'll be easy to learn.

As trash as Korra. Had potential, but they decided to double down on the "look how diverse and progressive we are" meme that seems to be all the rage in today's American cartoons. Makes me very thankful that ATLA came out in the mid 2000s and avoided this type of nonsense.

I actually don't think Wan contradicts the established lore, there are lots of ways you could tie it all up.

I always thought best boy finds best girl and they run off together arguing in the sunset while Bryke is fucking up everyone else. With the live action show coming though, they're probably going to make best girl into a lesbian with Ty Lee. Fucking hate that man.

her plot sounds like a very elaborate plan to get Zuko to bone her desu

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cool, thanks I’ll have to read the comics.

Reminder that ATLA would have been a 10/10 if they decided to go the incest route. Everyone knows it's true. Zuko and Azula were literally made for each other.

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Will always be best girl to me.

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Yeah, these was E;R's videos I watched. This guy's one glorious faggot.

>"look how diverse and progressive we are"
That was the tip of the iceberg of Korra's problems. The biggest problem the show faced was is what says. Bryke stopped having tard wranglers and were given free reign, which ended in a lot of "wouldn`t it be cool" writing that went uncontested (Dark Avatar, Mechas, etc.)

>the creators doubled down on ALL the mistakes they made on LoK.
LoK learned from its mistakes throughout its run, that's why the second half of the series is much better than the first.

Except for FET of course.

When do the Europeans show and wreck everyone?

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That goes without saying.

The only ATLA related media worth consuming after the original is that porn game. Korra is trash, the comics are a special kind of trash and the upcoming Netflix live action will undoubtedly be trash.

But book 1 is better than book 4, and book 4 repeats a lot of mistakes from book 2 like being more flashy than having substance and telling more than showing.

>LoK learned from its mistakes throughout its run
And then proceeded to make more mistakes.

With the industry they have the Avatar world is just magic kungfu Europeans now.

Well that's half the problem isn't it? There was no established lore until Wan created the Avatar cycle by bonding with Raava to oppose Vaatu and seal away the great evil inside >a fucking tree.
And the worldbuilding was poorer for that decision. I liked how the Avatar was an inextricable part of the world as much as an unquestioned ability for humans to bend the elements without any source or explanation. Applying a thaumaturgical source to bending and the Avatar lessens the show imo. That said, the end of the Wan arc was pretty kino.
>Punished 'Venom' Wan: I'm sorry Raava. I failed to bring peace. Even with Vaatu locked away, darkness surrounds humanity. There wasn't enough time....

>firelord zuko

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Atleast the comics produced some good edits.

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>I liked how the Avatar was an inextricable part of the world as much as an unquestioned ability for humans to bend the elements without any source or explanation. Applying a thaumaturgical source to bending and the Avatar lessens the show imo.
I don't know, I have no problem with it. Bending has always been tied to the spirits.

I have absolutely no hope for the Netflix show


I will cancel my subscription if they release it.

Four Elements Trainer.

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The 3D is pretty choppy, but it gets better second season. I'm more a fan of traditional animation, but the style itself looks nice and I'd love for the type of tech (3D but rendered to look more like traditional) to take off so if it's good like this is, I support it.

Ignore this guy. But, if anyone actually cares.... They dont make any deal about race (why would they, when humanity was almost destroyed by elves with 4 fingers/horns and dragons? Nothing like a common enemy). Some characters are just different races. No one cares or comments on it. Theres one lesbian couple shown in a flashback and no one cares. Theres a deaf general who is a great character.
Plenty of great male and female fighters/gender balance in the fights, but it's made by an ATLA creator so what do you expect?

I remember when book 3 came out, some fans were disappointed and said the first half was spent too much on filler and then the second half rushed things. They said that everything after Crossroads of Destiny was a joke and that the Fire nation won, the end.

Remember everyone. Don't hug her.

Well, Sokka has good taste. Or is on the electric rape train, one of the two.

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And here comes the shill right on cue. Stay in your containment threads, nobody wants to watch that trash. Coming into every Avatar related thread and trying to damage control pathetic.

Dragon Prince will never reach even the lows of ATLA, let alone the highs. It's a badly written show with ugly designs and lazy 3D animation.

Too easy.

Some user made a comment about Sokka and Callum being like the same character in response to someone lamenting Sokka's character getting shafted by the "official" follow up to ATLA. Didnt even name the show. Someone asked about it as a follow up, and like 3 questions were answered.
Totally shilling hard, gotta spend my virenbucks.

Never watched it, but the Maya 3D models remind me of Skuddbutt's Azula.

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Someone say Skuddbutt's Azula?

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>Azula on the left

>The middle ones
God damn it, I thought I wasn't fapping today

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And to think he did it on the student version of Maya 3D,

>the one with the crazy eyes

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>I thought I wasn't fapping today

One last one for (You), user.

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What was the last good Nick era here?

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rule34.paheal.net/post/list/Azula Skuddbutt/1

>Reminder that ATLA would have been a 10/10 if they decided to go the incest route. Everyone knows it's true. Zuko and Azula were literally made for each other.
truly a words of wisdom

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Soon I will be able to have her and Cia scissoring each other


I hope they'll release a Ty Lee model.

I have some depending on who they cast.


Good. I have absolutely no problem with this because I'm not a /pol/tard

Exactly. It'll work out just as well as all the other live action adaptations of popular anime shows.

Go into Korra with an open mind and form your own opinions.

Bitter much?

Probably because it's being written by hacks, not because of diversity


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Question. At the end, do we get to go back to the girl we wish, like Azula or Toph. Or was it all in vain?

Someone must have asked MITY that.

>implying this won't be Death Note 2: Airbender Boogaloo

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I hope we go back. On book 3 right now, love route and I believe I'm almost done. Have newest edition with book 4, but I'm just got to know

Harem end or bust, fuck the time paradox.

so are you retarded

desu I ship them now their relationship has grown on me

so can i ask something for retards that want to hate technology in avatar korra and the avatar comics did you forget the tanks blimps jet keys factory's and all the other shit they shows in original show or do you just want to blindly hate everything

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they already said they want to avoid that shit fuck off

On one hand cuckholdry is the worst story choice, but on the other zuko x anyone else besides mai is top tier

>implying they won't say that then fundamentally misunderstand the core material and end up with something worse

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Even Zuko x Iroh?

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>Brainlet thinks he has a point.
If you weren't a retarded speedwatcher you would know that the most advanced thing in Avatar are steam engines, which are only used in military vehicles that are the equivalent of armored chasis powered by bending.
Now retard look at the forklift and that automated fabric. Do you think that technological jump is possible in 2 years when later on in Korra's first season (60 years later) is shown that this kind of thing is still in its infancy?

Non sexual zuko x iroh is already canon

Where did you come from, tumblr? Why are you getting so butthurt that people are shitting on those objectively trash comics and that people have zero expectations for the Netflix adaptation? Fragile much?

from the fn royal family only sisters are allowed

>The Nazi stuff is a meme perpetuated by Tumblr types
What? But he is a nazi, he browses stormfront and and I think he said he browses here too. Not saying anything against him, I'm a big fan of his too, but the only reason he's a "semi-ironic" nazi is because if he was an open nazi Jewtube would ban him.

>opium bending

>I think he said he browses here too.
so browsing Yea Forums makes you a nazi? Are you a nazi user?

Even Zuko x The Boulder, Zuko x Bumi, Zuko x Huu???

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Why is Zuko such a slut?

>so browsing Yea Forums makes you a nazi?
no, just that he gets some of his material from Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums.
>are you a nazi user?
only in my heart

pull that dildo from your ass user it's scratching your brain

Same reason as every other slut, daddy issues

>be part of team avatar and even do some cool shit in the finale
>get shown once in korra in that group shot showing team avatar at the very start
>literally nobody ever mentions or even alludes to her again not even when talking about sokka
>appears on some shitty comic as shipbait for zuko despite the fact that she already has a boyfriend
Suki deserved better.

Okay what about Zuko x Katara's Ghost Mom?

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Everyone deserved better, even Korra since it's not her fault the show runners chose to write her as a retarded violent slut that never grew up.

Can't wait to bully her with my dick.

Go to sleep user.

what are you a retard or something

I would bang that cute ghostly water mom.

Korra got character development in season one, then because the writers are retarded they reset her development each season

looks like you are the assblasted one


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that... that is surprisingly hot actually
also the moment Katara realises that Zuko bangs the ghost of her dead mom would be priceless
the ghost milf and zuko should have friends with benefits kind of arrangement also she should constanly encurage Zuko to bang warious women and hurry up with making kids

Why the fuck is aangs old ass son the self-insert, what a bizarre choice

Kyoshi-chan is top tier

With the Raava retcon the next avatar would have airbending but no idea how to use it

I'm not the one trying to defend forklifts with a fully functioning combustion engine and Mechas, user.

Ghost Zuko x Raava fucking inside Korra's head so that she can never escape the fucking.

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It's the slave route, the point of that route is to humiliate Korra and make her your sex toy. Wait for the love route where we'll probably play as a normal protagonist. My money is on Mako or Bolin, or we might just play as an OC.

im not the idiot that got mad at it what if was a steam powered forklift

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Ive only ever seen the azula scenes, did you play as someone besides zuko and aang in the other books?

>Aang, this may be violent but I fucked one of your past lives.
>...Ok, without going into detail on how you did it let me ask you. You realize that means you fucked your great grandfather's past life, don't you?

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Such a fucking uninspired choice too. There's like half a dozen characters that would have been better.

First off type in proper English you sperg. Secondly show me where anyone got mad. We're all laughing at it and the comics in general because the writing is that bad. You're the one that came in and start crying about people making fun of it, got called out and now you're projecting.

>Yea Forumsutists outs himself. as someone who has no idea what hes talking about
Go back to your board and don't come back.

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you know you are right a Jet ski is fine but a forklift is going to far

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Season one korra was literally made to be impregnated, and if canon won’t do it someone has to

ok whats bad here

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>Katar's mom is a both a better mom than Ursa and maximun mommy gf.
Iroh would toast to her wisdom.

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Only in book 2's slave route where you play as some OC character that you get to customize a bit. Though I agree on Tenzin being weird choice for the slave route, I'm 99% sure he won't be the character we play as in the love route. It wouldn't make sense.

>Gets shown that the engine in the forklift is a copy of a real life combustion engine with alternator included.
>Whats bad here.
You're supposed to be 18+ to post here, animeposter.

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>no GameCube model rips for Garrys Mod

>no Wii models rips
You're now aware that this exist.

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Already knew

are you fucking with me

i big drill can be a thing but a forklift cant

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The third copy of your chromosome 21 is fucking with you user, now go seethe somewhere else.

Stop replying to the autist, it's obvious he's mentally challenged.

It's tone-deaf in a striking way. Roughly, what, 60 years later, the standard car model built by cutting edge automobile manufacturer Sato Industries is the Model T (or S in this case). Asami says she's testing new even more advanced models at her racetrack, which looks like an old-timey hot rod racer (so clearly someone very recently has just discovered the principles of aerodynamics and drag resistance). But clearly that was all a waste because 2 years after Ozai's reign was ended in the Southern Water Tribe there was already a production line of engineers and technicians able to crank out a self-propelled fork lift with vulcanized rubbers, an enclosed steel chassis and an engine capable of powering the vehicle and the lift mechanism all by itself.
>b-but the airships! the power armor!
Yeah, you expect the fantastic in a fantasy, and the design of the airships and power armor are absurd enough to visually cue you in on how it all fits in within the framework of the fantastical setting of hybrid animals and magic kung-fu. But the forklift is so pedestrian it's like seeing a medieval knight casually drinking from a plastic water bottle instead of a leather pouch or wooden canteen.

tanks that can go up walls can be a thing but you better keep those forklifts out

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retards think inventors will just give up and stop

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We're all a few heads short of a cabbage (((merchant))) here, user. What's the point of going on your favorite Varricknet mover forum if you're not going to be a keyboard warrior?

>Setting is based on China
>Korra is prohibition era
>Despite having cars and mechs no one invented guns yet.
Benders are getting too uppity with this spirit world bullshit.

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>A downy is having a tantrum over people thinking about his favourite Cartoon more than he's able to.
This makes Azula happy because it confirms Fire Nation eugenics are in the right.

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Just for (you), based Korranon. Just for (you).

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hay dumbass i like the original better you sound like a idiot that dont know how fast technology can get better

>katara I've fucked your mother
>very funny Zuko...
>I am serious also she asks if you eat enough fruits

>dont know how fast technology can get better
Go ahead and explain it to us, user.

So besides sokka which character from atla got shafted the worst in korra? My bet is on toph

I don't have to imagine anymore. This is exactly what Zuko would say.

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how she is doing what she loves

Aside from being a garbage mother Toph seemed to be doing alright. I'd say Suki got shafted pretty bad.

Well, now I feel bad for making fun of an actual mentally-different individual. And the rest of you should too. Shame, shame on all of you.

I meant being written as a terrible mom, but the more I think about it aang being an asshole who didn’t care about his non-air bender kids was even worse

Holy fuck dude, I don't like bitching about grammar, but some punctuation and upper case letters might help.

I know we're supposed to take Bumi and Kya at face value, but I think they're whiny boomers who coasted through life riding on mommy and daddy's name while Tenzin actually applied himself and tried to live up to dad's legacy.

Aang's bias towards Tenzin seemed to make sense at least. At the time Tenzin was the only other Airbender in existence besides Aang himself. So of course he'd dote over him. Sure it's a dick move to do but it's not out of left field. I'm still not quite sure what Toph's excuse was for being a shitty mother especially since her own parents weren't exactly the greatest.

>My bet is on toph
Then you won.
Suki is not mentioned at all, Sokka doesn't suffer much because hes already dead and barely mentioned, Katara is just Gran Gran,Zuko is old, Aang was too absorbed in being Avatar and the Airbenders that he neglected his two older children.
Toph and her daughters are the ones that appear the most and it is a shit show. Toph was a single mother of two girls from two different fathers (neither girl knows her father) while also being a burned out police chief until she got tired of it all and fucked off to search for enlightement.
So yeah, Toph got dealt the worst hand of all of the gaang.

fuck off phone poster

being against zionism doesn't make you a nazi

we dont know if sokka had kids but he was successful in republic city even being on the city council

we know what happens to katara she did what she wanted and had a family and is happy

we know what happens to zuko he stays fire lord and had a family

toph yes we dont know who the father of her kids are but she probably didnt want to be as hard on her kids as her parents were on her know she was successful in republic city and wanted to get away from the stress and she is happy

so all of you idiots saying they all got it bad are dickheads looking for shit to hate

The deus ex machina ending was the only shit I dislike of this show.

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>I know how things really work, anons are just meanies that don't know what they're talking about.
Retardo go learn to write and actually watch the show, you don't even know that Zuko isn't the Fire Lord anymore.

Should Yea Forumsutist be banned from posting on this board yes or yes?

my god nobody can be this stupid

Sokka had an off screen death and for all we know he died alone without offsprings.
Toph was a single mother of two and neither one of her daughters knew their respective father, and when she got old she fucked off to the swamp to provably die alone.
They deserve much better than a "they did fine"
Oh also:
>Shit punctuation + reddit spacing.

thanks for proving my point

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How did he prove your point by proving you’re wrong

How can one prove a point that never was made to begin with? The only thing you have been doing this whole time is crying because anons have been using complex words to criticize what you so zealously like and calling them stupid without actually making arguments.

>every time Iroh stepped in for Zuko he thought of his son
>every time Iroh was stable he held back for his son
>every time Iroh struck it was for his son
Is it possible not to get emotional on rewatch when Iroh is on screen? Like fuck man, its rough.

you idiots said they all got fucked over in korra they didn't you fools you are just hating to the point you came into a thread about the original to cry like a bitch

>you idiots said they all got fucked
And they did, we have argumented why.
>you fools you are just hating to the point you came into a thread about the original
All Avatar threads sooner or later touch on why Korra sucked newfriend. If you don't like it maybe you should go back to your board.
>you idiots said they all got fucked over in korra they didn't you fools you are just hating to the point you came into a thread about the original to cry like a bitch
>You idiots said they all got fucked in Korra, they didn't you fools, you are just hating to the point you came into a thread of the original to cry like bitches.
Ftfy newfriend.

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To this fucking day I still can't believe Korra can be so hot yet so shit character wise.

Korra is flawed in a way the show doesn't recognize. The overview of her arc is there and valid sure, but the show does a terrible job of telling that story and ends up ruining the character because of it.
Even when she's wrong she's also the victim.
Even when she is manipulating her closest friends into weird love shapes, the show claims it's not really her fault.
Even when she's left crippled and at her lowest point, she doesn't really earn the redemption she gets later. Not to mention this lowest point only comes in the very last season after most of the show saw her gallivanting around like an ass with little to no consequences. She gets handed power after like a scene or two of her wandering around in the most unbelievable way imaginable. And that's the best case example. Normally she fucks something up big time only for shit to get fixed and her to get more powerful than ever without having to do anything.
What does she ever learn? What is her journey? How does she grow?
And no, her getting fucking "traumatized" at the very back half of the show doesn't fucking count.
At least she's hot though. She's got that going for her.

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>And they did
no they didnt you shitposter

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>every time Iroh tried to cop a feel on June it was in Lu Ten's memory
What a lad. Absolute unit.

korra haters are some of the most retarded people ever
>i am going to go into every avatar thread and shit it up

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>That pic
>Impliying he knows how to read when thread proves otherwise.
>Calling shitposter.
You should go to sleep before the anger makes a blood vessel in your brain pop new friend.

I believe that if she wasn't so hot and people didn't make so much top notch porn of her she would be as hated as Mabel.


You anons should know better than to respond to the Korra sperg.

i already said i like the original better idiot

not all comics are bad

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I wouldn't say that.
I feel like the difference is that Korra had her arc. For as poorly written as it was, on a surface level she did "suffer" and "redeem" herself in the eyes of your average slackjawed retard watching the show.
Mabel was a horrible selfish brat to the very end. It's just a matter if you give a shit about that or not.
And again, a lot of slackjawed retards don't.

TLA is my favourite show of all time, but Korra was so shit that I gave up watching during season 1.

You did the right thing.

since we had a sort of steampunk themed avatar(which sucked) do you think avatar would work on a cyberpunk setting? or in a post-apocalyptic setting? I think I would like to see a post-apocalyptic avatar with the usuals eco theme and social theme

Someone in a thread tried to defend Ursa losing her memories by saying she was in pain and another user came out and argued that cheapened her love for her children by putting Iroh as an example. user said that the fact that Iroh would never choose to forget even when all the memories he had of Lu Ten were just as beautiful as they were painful truly signaled how deeply he actually loved him.
After pondering that and how much he must have thought about Lu Ten while he raised Zuko I have come to love Iroh even more.

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TLA was 7 years old when TLoK came out.
TLoK is now 7 years old.

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I can not tell if this is real

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We do you cry froggo? Don't you see that means we are closer and closer to the sweet relief of death?

Man I remember actually being excited for Korra. And to be fair aside from the retarded romance shit which would come to define the series later on, I actually enjoyed S1 for the most part. If only I knew.

Korra was doomed from conception. Americanized and industrialized world sucks any of the joy out of the setting. If they did do this dumb idea it should have been at least three Avatars removed from Aang, possibly more.

We were innocent back then, mere kids. We couldn't have know what awaited us in the poles

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>Man I remember actually being excited for Korra
my star wars loving friends laughed at me when I reeed because of how it turned out
but I was the one laughing when nuwars came

All of the water tribe girls are cunts except maybe yue and kataras mom

took me a moment

If you could remake the Avatar sequel, from the ground up, what would you do with it?

stop talking to yourself

Holy shit are you really this insistant to proof you are retarded?
Over the entire show the steam technology mearly really started even if it is in their fantasy world like form and function. They can't just pull combustion engines out of their ass that run of compleatly different fuel and require a totally different kind of manufacturing of everything involved. We even see plastics and modern rubber in these pics.

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Zukos mom hunt or gaang all grown up with new problems. If it was a new Avatar i’d keep the world logically consistent and interesting.

I think Korra wouldn't have been so polarizing if it just stuck to it's original plan of being a one season miniseries. At worst people would have shit on the romance and the how Amon was handled. Instead they decided to continue it and the writers just pulled shit out of their asses as the seasons went along. And then at the end they just said "fuck it let's pander to Tumblr since we have nothing to lose".

I wouldn't.

its almost like they can find other things to use other than steam power whats with you retards do you think everybody in the avatar world cant invent things do we need to see rubber invented to see them use it

I still had a problem with what they did to the world, but yeah, less of it would be less of a big deal.

Why are they in the great wall of china?!?!

do you retards think everybody was just sitting around for 70 yeas

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No just 68 years.

Do you know what a combustion engine and why it's utterly ridiculous in this setting is you absolute fucking retard? You can't even be baiting at this point, you're genuinely this fucking stupid. Even your grammar is retard level.

why is it so hard for you retards to get the inventors can invent things you retarded phone poster

Stop responding to the sperg. Why is this so hard?

Tell me user. How many years of development, discovery, studying and invention do you think it took to form all the components that make a forklift?
Let me tell you, it was more than 70 "yeas"

If we would have this conversation in real life I would strangle you by now to free you of your misery

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I want to fuck Toph.

idiots think the people in avatar are primitive monkey's all of a sudden

No. Toph is for Zuko

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>i have no argument

Toph never gave a hint that she wanted to isolate herself or be an eternal bachelor, she even had a crush on Sokka.
She became a hermit hated by her daughter, was I supposed to applaud that?
Speaking of Sokka, we literally get no hint of his life, all we know is that he was part of the city council or whatever at some point.
We don’t know if he married, how he died or even if he died for sure. Did he have children? None of them show up during the show.
Aang was literally erased from existence along with the Avatar legacy.
Katara and Zuko are fine I guess.

and if you did follow threw you will be getting but fucked in jail good one

so you are telling me that can somehow make a big drill but nobody can figure out a fucking forklift

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Shes a bitch and should have ended with no one

took them years to determine how zeppelins work

We know the basics of how the giant drill works. Now tell me, apart from having metal parts, how many things do you think the drill and that forklift have in common?

So you're telling me that you're genuinely mentally retarded. Fair enough user, I'm sorry for bullying you. If I knew you have an actually mental disability I wouldn't have continued this argument.

>Aang was literally erased from existence along with the Avatar legacy
no the fuck he is not dumbass only the connection to him idiot
> never gave a hint that she wanted to isolate herself
yes we did we see her getting stressed about everything and she already made up with her kid in the show fool did you watch it and she said they can visit her
whith the sokka shit the comics are still going on what if they don't want to spoil anything use your fucking mind

you need history lessons

>how many things do you think the drill and that forklift have in common
not being powered but steam apparently

no i think you made some retarded ass posts not you are defending them to death

I'm rewatching it now to prep for the Netflix series and man, it doesn't exactly hold up as the best ever. I mean it's still good, pretty damn good, but theres more wrong with it now than I noticed before. For one, the whole first season is incredibly tone-deaf. It's just too wacky and jokey while serious shit is going on. Later seasons nail that funny now, dramatic later timing and tone, but at the beginning they completely fail at it.

Oh, I see. Scrolling up its clear we're not actually talking about the show. Whatever.

They use electricity in Korra mainly, steam is there but only when you need to take your power source with you like in cars. Which, yeah they did have cars yknow. A 50-ish year old man run an automotive company, meaning they had cars about 30-40 years after TLA. Even in TLA they had self-propelling amphibious tanks, the drill wasn't the only tech used.

>He doesn't even know how to respond and doesn't comprehend what he's reading.
Holy shit user is genuinely mentally handicapped.

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Only the first few episodes imo and it really isn’t that bad. I actually like how kiddy it starts because when it ramps up it feels much more effective.

>eye ball guy is now a girl
What did I miss?

> but season 3 of Korra is up there with TLA level of quality
Getting real sick and tired of hearing this.
Not that user but the characters introduced in season 3 are shit. Kai is garbage and Suyin is the worst character in the entire avatar verse. Toph's family sucks balls.
>Man I remember actually being excited for Korra.
Yeah that was back in high school for me.

I thought I did too, but on rewatch I just don't. Rewatch Aang riding the Unagi and tell me those looney toons sound effects are necessary and appropriate for a near-death scenario.

I know it's Yea Forums, but parts in Jojo got me just as pumped.

Is not the same person, just chick that also explodes shit with her forehead eye.


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Who is the smug girl above the girl who got her face stolen?

I think those Looney Tunes sound effects are necessary and appropriate for a near-death scenario.

I just finished a rewatch so I know what you mean, hard disagree.

I figured it's not the same person, but I thought he was a one of a kind thing. Are they part of some special tribe? And did they explain how their exactly works?

ok read up dumbass

>Who is the smug girl above the girl who got her face stolen?
Water Mai turned up to 11.

BULLSHIT, How can you not mention Suki and the warriors!?

Because is LoK user, everything is 1920 and the past is boring.

this they had fucking tanks that move like this why is a forklift so hard to understand

Long ago, the four corporations traded together in harmony. But then, everything changed when the fire corporation violated the NAP.

I’m so glad I’m good at compartmentalizing, I just don’t even consider Korra canon at all. What a fucking shitshow. Disgraceful.

Give name user

Eska (on the right) with her twin brother Desna (on the left). Eska dates Bolin for awhile, and they're kids of the main villain from the last season.

Attached: Chiefs_Desna_and_Eska.png (444x250, 125K)

lol you read it you dont seem to comprehend them

understand and compare them, also read the history of steam powered jackhammer and modern machinery

>my show isn’t trash just read the comics
Wowee lad when your shitty show needs a comic sequel to not be trash that’s rough.
Oh wow they made up after she was a shitty mother for decades, she loved her friends, she enjoyed meeting new people and hated being sheltered, she wanted to have adventures. Now that she’s old I’m supposed to believe she 180 all that. Ok bro.

>that magical eastern inspired world turns to recognizable America in a single generation

Who the FUCK thought this was acceptable? Why would Avatar world resemble New York in the slightest?

no, the patrician ship was tophxsokka, im still bitter about the fact that sokka ended up alone

Only Republic City does, travelling it's clear that the nation's still have their own identities.


steampowered tanks

in history there are steam powered cars before but no forklift

What happened to Suki?

Didn't he end up with Suki? Or did they break up in a comic too?

What is really stopping earth benders from just shitting on everyone else? We already seen that they have the ability to just bury people into the ground. As long as they aren't somewhere like a desert, or in the middle of the ocean how can they lose any fight?
It always felt like they had to make it seem like rocks are super easy to break in the show just to give everyone else a fighting chance against them.

avatar threads are always fun

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I mean they basically only used steam for boats, blimps, and drills in TLA. Every other machine was self propelled and should be assumed it's some kind of electricity or internal combustion. Tanks were used a lot.

You don't seem to get all this conversation steems from modern forklifts invented two years after the end of Avatar.
> in TLA they had self-propelling amphibious tanks,
No they didn't, Tundra tanks weren't amphibious and earth kingdom tanks and the submarine were propelled by benders.

it takes skill and power to do shit and well the avatar

why everything has to be a competition?

Ok, that distinction doesn’t address the core problem of turning the Avatar world into our own.

Well clearly but I wonder who?

You can't really think they fit a boiler and a steamer in those 10-ish feet long tanks, with two soldiers in each one, plus a steam crew? Plus there was no steam venting from them.

Sokka and Suki are still together in the comics.

It really does. The entire world didn't change user, just one city. The world did not become our own. And yes, you are the dumbass.

i agree, i could handle hong kong, or tokyo during the meiji,but fucking new york, with people talking with new york accent and all,

If 4 masters of each separate element were to fight. My money would be on the earth bender any day. The only way I could see him losing would be if an air bender was to hit him fast enough before he even has a chance to bend.

They do shit on everyone else, why do you think they have the most territory? And they withstood the war for a hundred years when everyone else was knocked out immediately.

read the tundra tank wiki page

Bryke just liked the 1920 aesthetic, them likeng things is why things happened in Korra, like the Power Armor and Mechas.

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That’s even worse, just one city? Where does this culture come from? Don’t bryke have any imagination at all?

Yeah, but every time you see a earth bender fight all the earth they bend just breaks apart like it's paper. It always seemed like it should be stronger than that.

this fucking guy water is the way to go i can pump water into with water from the air or just blood bend you

No, but I'll ctrl+F for "steam for you". Oh look, every single mention of it lacks citation, so it's just fan speculation. Who would've thought that. They still don't vent steam and have no room for a boiler or a crew.

>Where does this culture come from
everywhere dumbass why do you think they call it republic city

Every mechanized vehicle and piece of military equipment used steam,and that is only in the Fire Nation, things like the slinky tanks were moved by benders, electricity and internal combustion engines don't exist in ATLA.

this i think she' be really happy wih him

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Stop pretending to be retarded. The four nations in a blender do not equal new york and you know it.

That's because it usually comes from topsoil. Times when solid rock is used it takes way longer. Bumi takes like 20 seconds to rip a section of wall out to throw, and Toph has been shown to compress dirt into stone to use but that took time too. The pro vending discs in TLA and LoK are made to break apart since they're for sport.

They didn’t even know what they fucking had.


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You say that but you have zero supporting evidence and no answer to things that contradict this claim.

Stop being autistic, you didn't sperg like this when they made the north and southern water tribes have nearly identical cultures despite having no contact.

>having no contact
How does it feel to be a lorelet? Also, the cultures were reasonably different.

What a retard hahaha

Good points. I will accept them.
But I still think earth benders are the strongest.

Or the earth kingdom having a homogeneous monoculture despite being bigger than eurasia. But no, Republic City is where they got lazy huh.

Well user, were are the proofs that electricity and combustion engines exist in ATLA? Because the contradictions can be explained simply due to the creators ignorance on how a steam engine really works, but your claims have zero references in the lore and are just you assumptions.

>stuff that works and is cool
>stuff that doesn’t work and isn’t cool

Definitely. In a military scenario when these things would be accounted for theres basically no stopping them.

there are tons pictures of tanks where steam is coming out of it

Wow you mean its subjective opinion and you're just an a highly autistic rant for nothing?

if you pay attention in Korra you see that he is not with her anymore, Katara never mention her or mention having grandchildren, and if you see the famil tree that at some point Tenzin shows if i recall correctly there is no sign that Sokka had kids or get married, my theory is that he just never get over yue

I don't think you want to open up discussion to the field of "I'm right, the show is just wrong". Try again.

>o-oh yeah well ATLA was always bad, look at my false equivalence!
Classic Korretarded post. Literally transplanting New York on top of your asiatic fantasy setting because you lack the capacity to form your own logical continuation of your Universe is far more lazy than keeping a nation of people relatively consistent.

Korra being bad is not an opinion.

There isn't. But thank you for wasting everyone's time making a claim without posting proof.
>inb4 he posts black smoke which clearly isn't steam

>"I'm right, the show is just wrong"
user you're the one that is going against the handfull of generalized explanations the show gives, not me. You're claiming that something that isn't mentioned once exist just because.

there is

No, you just said that. You said they are steam, the show is just wrong and doesn't show it right. You said you're right and the show is wrong. And no, the show never mentioned the tanks were steam either so "You're claiming that something that isn't mentioned once exist just because" is literally you here too. If the show mentioned steam the wiki would have citation, it does not. You do not. You are wrong.

Thanks in advance for posting it, then.

I’ve not posted in this argument at all, but can we all agree that whether or not the technological advancement makes sense, it’s stupid how much the Avatar world resembles our own? If the technology, culture and setting felt more asiatic there would be far less of a problem.

>people stopped taking my bait when it was clear I was being intentionally stupid, lemme try to reset
Also, note that you think an asiatic world isn't "our world". Stop posting now.

Every Trigger and Gainax anime

Wow two completely ass backwards non arguments. Thanks.


Oh yeah i’m sure a world with no europeans or Christianity would end up at New York and Forklifts makes perfect sense.

You had to know that replying with vitriol like this was only going to strengthen my belief that I'm right about you, right?

Yeah about as much sense as an entire planet with only one language. So right about right for Avatar.

That’s OK, you’re allowed to be an idiot.

What kind of bullshit sophistic argument is this of saying "you're wrong" without saying nothing? I say they must be steam because is the only technology ever mentioned in the show (fits perfectly with you "we must assume"), that if it doesn't fit with how steam engines actually work and are, it may have been an oversight. And now without defending a single one of your points you're just going "No, you're wrong", then go ahead, tell us how they work and if they ever mention any of what you claim.

You're doing that thing again where you say "world" but only talk about one city. It makes you look fucking stupid and this is probably th 5th time you've been called on it now.

>it was always bad the whole time so who cares about any quality control

Yep, it’s a Korrafag

Cities are in a world retard. You’re the one choosing to read it incorrectly because you want to be /technically/ correct in some way so you don’t have to address the actual argument.

Yeah I stopped arguing to walk you back on the bullshit claim, because I will not argue in that arena. You either go for "I'm right, the show is wrong", or you get to have a real discussion, you absolutely cannot ever have both. If you think I'm going to waste time on a debate when bullshit like that flies you're mistaken, you correctly identified that I didn't make an argument but couldnt fathom the obvious reason for why.

Republic City is very very different from the rest of the world, it's an important distinction. Everyone else gets it but you.

Republic City is in the world, a world that created Republic City. Asking how the world could create a Republic City is a viable question. You’re the only one having trouble with this concept.

I just know how to manage my expectations.

But you know asking how one city is different is stupid and obvious, so you keep using phrasing that makes it seem like the whole world is broken to accommodate.

Incredibly, incredibly low. Makes sense really.

The world is broken to accommodate. You’re acting like the city just POPPED into existence. The fact that such a city COULD and DOES exist had implications on the entire Avatar world. The culture, the sensibilities, everything.

I don’t understand how you’re having such a hard time with this

Yeah I expected Korra to have as much thought and creativity as TLA did and I got exactly that. You're just mad when I justify that.

What bullshit claim? The steam engine? What other technology to propel the Tanks is there in ATLA? Not even benders could do it like they do with other nations vehicles. And you are the one claiming that I said "I'm right, the show is wrong" like a maniac, I never said that, I made an assumption on how does the only engine we know of fit in the tank.
But hey, you're just going to grab your ball and go home because you have nothing to say? Ok.

Oh nono, you don’t get to use your false equivalence to bring ATLA down. Wallow in your shit, but don’t pretend the concession of language, something common to almost every popular fantasy and science fiction setting (especially for kids) is in any way equivalent to dropping New York onto Avatar. Bitch please.

>you are the one claiming that I said "I'm right, the show is wrong" like a maniac, I never said that
>the contradictions can be explained simply due to the creators ignorance on how a steam engine really works
You said the show is just wrong, evidence against you just doesn't count because it's clearly the show that is wrong and not you. That's the point where I stopped arguing, when you made it clear thar evidence and fact wouldnt convince you because you'd just say the show was wrong. This is my last reply since you clearly lack all intellectual integrity and refuse to recognize this fault.

Theres a thousand things weing with TLA, not just the language. Like the earth kingdom monoculture I mentioned before. I could go on and on about how it screwed up, Korra gave us more or the same but you were older when you watched it so you noticed.

>We don’t want to Whitewash our series

Also Bryke:
>New York in Avatar world

there are no Whites there dumbass

Neither of those things approach Avatar 1920’s New York. Consistency in a culture and the concession of language do not break a setting, radically shifting the sensibilities with no logical line of progression because you can’t come up with an original world and you need to copy the eurocentric path of progression does.

>you were a kid
Assumptions. I’ve rewatched Avatar and have very few issues with the worldbuilding. It sounds to me like you don’t really like the series that much, which makes sense considering you like Korra, but please consider that some people do care and want it honored properly in a sequel.

Holy fuck Korrautist is genuinely that braindead.

I’m not saying there are whites, but there is european sensibility injected into the setting with no rhyme or reason. The world itself was whitewashed.

>King Bumi's final test to see if Aang is the avatar is to ask him his name, something that is literally only challenging to him since he was gone for 100 years and every single imposter Avatar in the whole world would know who Bumi is, spoiling the test entirely
>he even leaves the room and gives Aang time to think about it and ask anyone in the kingdom
>Sokka and Katara somehow don't fucking know who the ruler of 3/4 of the known world is
Great writing.

King Bumi already knew, Sokka and Katara were secluded in the south pole, Aang didn’t know who to ask.

>You said the show is just wrong
user, I offered an explanetion to by assuming it may have been an oversight of the creators that may have not take into a account how massive steam engines are (But I seem to recal now there was a mention of the mechanist creating a compact version, I'm not sure though).
And how can you talk about intellectual integrity when you're the one that dismisses evidence and fact (Steam technology is the only one ever mentioned in ATLA), refuse to give a single argument beyond "You're wrong" based in on non existent claims of me saying things and refuse to talk?
How fucking full of shit are you?

>you can’t come up with an original world and you need to copy the eurocentric path
Oh man what would it be like to have no original ideas and just copy/paste a culture into your show? TLA never did that with asiatic culture at all. It's all copy paste, retard, they just copied different things in Korra. My expectations were appropriately placed.

Your explanation was that it doesnt count, or that the show is wrong. That is such a bullshit argument that I refuse to continue until you walk it back. It's pretty simple.

There is a fundamental difference between copying Asiatic culture and putting a unique spin on it and taking that Asiatic culture through time and progressing it like a Eurocentric culture because you have no imagination.

The fact that you think world generation and world progression is the same thing makes sense of course, you like Korra after all.

Actually fuck off, that tank has enough size to easily house a steam engine and has enough openings that one of them could perfectly be for venting.

Again, just one of a thousand things wrong with TLA. I didn't say I loved Korra either, I said it was consistent with TLA in quality and creativity. Remember when Aang was hiding out in the fire nation and said he was from "the colonies" to explain his strangeness? Remember how despite crossing the world multiple times over the show they never even once encountered or mentions any fire nation colonies at all? Wow, great world building, such consistent writing, best show ever.

>it doesnt count, or that the show is wrong.
What doesn't count? Combustion engines and electricity? None of them are ever mentioned in ATLA.
In what is wrong the show? Never said anything about it being wrong, you're just doubing down on making claims that I didn't make, I assumed that they may have been ignorant of the size of steam engines irl, but I was the one ignorant for not remenbering the tanks are big enoug to house one.

>one thousand things wrong
Let’s hear them, you haven’t produced any that are equivalent to New York.

>The colonies were never shown!
Why do they need to be?

fuck korra and fuck turf wars

And fuck forklifts.

Also what the fuck am I doing arguing with a literal insane brainlet when pic related and the fact that there is no mention of any other tipe of technology means the only one that makes sense to assume is steam.

Attached: Firenation-Tundra-Tanks.png (708x476, 437K)

Avatar was never good.

I've already given you six, what you want me here for the next few days making a list? Avatar had shit worldbuilding and writing, you're mad that Korra was the same. Zuko travelled around the world unable to enter fire nation territory for years while at war in a fire nation war vessel with fire nation flags and was never attacked, captured, blockaded, or minded at all by the empire at war with his nation. Excellent quality great reasoning there, such consistent storytelling. I don't think I'm going to go on any more, there are literally a thousand other things they fucked up. It wasn't that great of a show.

Hey Korra fan don’t forget to pick up the next issue!

This is just being a contrarian.

Called it.
Now back to not replying anymore, feel free to continue sperging out spamming posts to yourself again.

>I already gave you six
None of which remotely approaches a serious problem, many of which aren’t even a problem at all.

>Zuko was never attacked
Onscreen you mean. He was never in a position to be attacked.

Go ahead and leave, it’s alright.

well no because there were only 4 asian based races in the entire universe of avatar so everyone came from an eastern descendant. also his point was adding not-New York city in a setting that was mainly based in eastern civilization looks really off putting.

What is this a picture of?

Attached: 9661FF39-DDFF-4AFA-84B8-D6D08B0DAD45.png (1057x600, 1.82M)

Oh, oh, is it a train?

Coal smoke from the top and steak venting out the bottom sides. Obviously. The tanks only have exhaust and no steam, like internal combustion engines do. Are you going to tell me the show is just wrong again?

>When you realize Korrafag hasn't even seen the original but is butt mad people compare it to his beloved sack of shit.
Feels good to be in the right side of this series.

Attached: Prince_zuko_happy.jpg (325x355, 21K)

I’m going to tell you that my argument is based on what the show actually shows in explicit detail and your argument centers on the intricacies of steam vent design. That’s all.

All of the day bro

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I don't like Korra either.

I was using you for a joke. Why are you even here?

What is explicitly shown is exhaust with no steam, the only technology known to produce that is internal combustion. You need to show me steam, or admit it wasn't steam powered. Your train pic had steam, the tanks do not.

>was never attacked, captured, blockaded, or minded at all by the empire at war with his nation.
yes he was. It didn't happen onscreen, but they explicitly state it happened multiple times prior to the start of the show.

No, I really don’t. You need to show me an internal combustion engine instead of debating the minutia of exhaust ports.

The 3985 locomotive is a retired relic that doesn't go anywhere, they fire coal for pictures. Do your research, this train isn't moving without steam.

>You need to show me steam, or admit it wasn't steam powered.
You need to show me where they say they have internal combustion engines at all in the show. or admit they don't have.

Who the fuck cares? I’m grabbing them off of google. The point is you are purposefully fanwanking a reason why the tanks look the way they do and then using that fanwank to justify illogical progression later.

Show me the engine.

I can prove beyond any shadow of a down that Tundra tanks are objectively not steam powered. They have to be powered by something, steam is definitely not it. It must be either electricity or internal combustion. Electricity is unlikely but not impossible, internal combustion is consistent with every single thing known about them. Now, back up your claim of it being steam, or drop it.

Show me the engine.

It matters because steam engines produce steam, this is objective facts. The tanks dont make steam. That's it. How is it possible you thought this pic proved something and now you think it proves nothing?

>It must be either electricity or internal combustion. Electricity is unlikely but not impossible, internal combustion is consistent with every single thing known about them.
Assumptions aren't proof, user, you should know that.

Mike and Bryan fucked up. Simple as that. Nice fanwank, now show us the engine.

I don't need to, I'm only claiming what it isn't to narrow it down. You are the one claiming what it is, so you need to show the steam engine.

Show us the proof. Not fanwank, proof.

>the show is wrong and I'm right
That's it, I'm out again. Telling me that objective fact is irrelevant and any evidence I can produce will be ignore as the show just being wrong means you are too retarded to reason with and not worth arguing with.

Oh nonono, you are utilizing a small fuck up of not designing steam vents to justify an entire worldbuilding decision that has implications over the whole series.

Show us the engine or conceed that you’re making wild assumptions and fanwank with no real evidence, unlike steam technology which is explicitly shown multiple times.

>I don't need to,
You need to, and you can't, because there is nothing to hold up your claims of what it is by elimination, and by the logic you're using one could claim that uses all short of fuels impossible to create by the Fire Nation.

Yup, leave. The show made an error, a relatively minor one at that (no steam vents) and you have taken it upon yourself to value that error over everything else we know about technology in avatar. Show the engine.

>When you realize combustionfag is the equivalent to Zutarafags for engines.

Attached: 1452033904841.gif (346x335, 186K)

Guys did you see that Katara’s necklace had magical powers of transformation? I hear Bryke are adding in the new sequel that all transportation is dictated by teleportation necklaces! Fucking based!

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No there is more proof, I just havent been able to get past this "I'm right and the show is wrong" fallacy you keep posting to get to it. Why would I bother giving you evidence if your response will just be that it doesnt count and the show is wrong?

>Zutarafag for engines

Attached: 50551E5B-CBB1-445F-A917-B46D3D7454BF.png (582x454, 181K)

Provide “proof” then, go ahead, blow me the fuck out, I dare you.

No. What did I just say? Walk back your bullshit or I refuse to continue. Tell me what's in the show is explicitly true, or you're done.

>Says the other side is using fallacies when he is the one using a method of elimination and including an element not present in the show.
The hipocrisy of combustionfag is astounding.

>he was bluffing
I accept your concession, combustionfag.

How do you feel about the teleportation necklace?

>um, actually sweaty, there are a LOT of examples, I just don’t think you’re worthy of them

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>I accept your concession
Yeah, we'll see.
Pic related is literally impossible for steam engines, you cannot change their angle like this because by design they must be open chambered. You have to have a route for steam to vent through, meaning water would pour out when shifting 90 degrees like this. Also the coal furnace would flood the entire thing with choking smoke, and again would throw burning coals from the furnace when it shifted 90 degrees up. This cannot ever be a steam engine, only closed systems can function like this, like internal combustion. Now, are you going to hold to your concession or are you going to tell me the show is wrong again?

Duplicate file, but the pic is here

I don’t see an engine there, combustionfag. Try again?

Attached: 302193E7-A524-46C2-A832-3FF75D10DD46.png (529x518, 353K)

>Tell me what's in the show is explicitly true
That steam technology is used and referred to.

Again, my only argument is that is it NOT steam.

so what would you fix in korra to make her better? tone down her god complex?

>tfw no trainfag BF to correct my worldbuilding inconsistencies with his autism


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>My only argument is that it is NOT steam
>It must be electric or combustion!

Something isn’t adding up Combustionfag, your world is slipping...

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great show

So just to get the play by play right, I said that you arent arguing with integrity and you arent worth replying to, you get offended and demand I argue, and when I do you mock me for doing what you asked and prove I was right that you arent worth arguing with? Just wanted to keep that straight.


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Yeah, or. Theres only three options, and it isn't one of them. It has to be one of the other two.

>Again, my only argument is that is it NOT steam.
Your only argument is that since it can't be steam it must be either combustion or electricity, that since going by irl logic it can't be X, it must be Y or Z because is the only things that "makes sense irl".


You’re getting memed on because it’s apparent your arguments are all fanwank and assumptions instead of direct evidence. You are chasing vanishing necklaces and smear frames.

You have nothing.

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If you're trying to claim it's some kind of new undescribed tech that doesnt have a real world parallel I'd ask you to prove that in the same way you're trying to make me prove combustion. Look, the tanks dont produce steam, do produce exhaust, and can rotate upward. This is what's explicitly shown, and you agreed you would accept what's in the show. It's not steam.

>Yeah, or. Theres only three options
Were is it ever mentioned that anything else is used apart from steam and bending again?
See, your entire logic process is flawed because there was never three options, only one and magic elements.

The only one here with nothing is you. Even other people who disagree with me have something, its literally just you.

Those are two mutually exclusive ideas. You can’t say you are only arguing that it ISN’T something while simultaneously saying it MUST be one of two things. You can’t have the protection from burden of proof AND the ability to state something as fact with no concrete evidence, especially when facing overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

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The tundra tanks. I know you think it was never mentioned but that's because every time its mentioned you say it doesnt count and the show is wrong.


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All I'm saying is it isnt steam. It must be something else. There are only three options, so the logical conclusion is that it's one of those two. Are you going to argue semantics forever or actually address any of the points I made? You flung shit for almost an hour trying to get me to post an argument and now you're ignoring it.


Attached: B58754E2-BD97-4279-A462-490EA819132E.jpg (300x300, 19K)

Keep me rent free in your head user, one day you'll wonder why you ever wasted your time posting like this.

Read this post again, carefully:

Attached: 6A6F6A16-B4B0-4C28-AA23-4D624AF07428.jpg (720x937, 173K)

>R-r-rent f-free you’ll regret this!

Attached: 7297F3A1-3E99-4D03-A500-93E882537BFB.jpg (192x299, 13K)

No, I read it. I'm not making a claim. I acknowledge the logical conclusion of debunking your claim, but I'm not prepared to back up either of the other options. Again, are you going to argue semantics, or reply to the evidence that you demanded? I was waiting for you to get to that so I could move on to even more evidence against it being steam, because there is more.

> know you think it was never mentioned but that's because every time its mentioned you say it doesnt count and the show is wrong.
We can say that steam power is used because it is mentioned, now say an example of someone ever mentioning either of your alternatives and you will win, you will be right about all of this. Go ahead, just say one moment it was mentioned and we will look it up and we can end this discussion.

None of this is counter to anything in the post it replies to, and I have provided evidence that it objectively cannot be steam. You agreed that what's in the show is true, so counter that point or admit you're wrong. I'm tired of you trying to change the subject after you sperged for so long begging me to present evidence.

I regard every single one of these posts as a free (You). Thank for making it so clear how mad you are, its gratifying.


Tell you what combustionfag, here’s how you blow me the fuck out, it’s very easy:

Provide evidence that doesn’t rely on indirect assumptions and fanwank, provide a direct example of a combustion engine and/or people talking about a combustion engine (something that steamfags have plenty of)

If your next “proof” is another “The rotational velocidensity of steam engines must dictate that...” in a world with flying lemurs and people that can shoot fire and not burn themselves than save your breath because i’m just going to keep ridiculing you.

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I love this new combustionposting.

>When the steam meme so supreme you let out a scream

Attached: 5BF16214-4A2D-49FE-8CD7-634C82AED339.jpg (685x1166, 173K)

No. I presented evidence and you said it didnt count. You fucking begged me to resent more evidence and when I did you completely ignored it without a single word in reply to it. Now you're asking for even more? Start arguing in good fail or accept that you have nothing.


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Who would win? Combustionfag or one steamy boy?

Attached: 4223C09C-BD29-41C9-A759-74D5FB682049.jpg (1200x1600, 641K)

i didnt know there was this much art of combustionman

>present evidence that can't be topical, historical, scientific, or observational
What exactly do you expect him to post? I dont blame him for not humoring you, you ignore every damn thing.

I’m fairly sure all of it that is board appropriate is here

That's ok, it just means you arent as autistic as this guy spamming it.

Going by your rage, apparently combustionfag.

I don’t expect him to post, he has nothing. His “examples” are all WELL ACKSUALLY, something equivalent to an animation error or a technical mistake. He has no direct evidence and he never will. He’s chasing fanwank in a desperate attempt to excuse Korra’s bullshit and it’s hilarious.


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>your rage

Attached: DE2376F1-9637-4973-9459-52FC8C582AA5.jpg (752x1063, 58K)

.>He thinks is one guy.

>I agree to your concession
>we'll see
I kinda knew you wouldn't.

I think you need to learn what “I accept your concession” means.

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My evidence so far is that there is no steam, and steam engines cant be turned over. You want to talk about not having an argument, you literally didnt reply to the post you begged me to make.
What, were you not spamming "show me the engine"? You have no dignity or intellectual integrity at all. And no, I never mentioned Korra, I'm just telling you it's not a steam engine.

No. Direct. Evidence.

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It's more than you have, which is literally nothing but an assload of wasted time and some combustion pics with no argument.

Wow you didn’t reply to my evidence that Katara’s necklace has vanishing powers, how intellectually dishonest of you.

Post limit reached

Attached: 3dwnXuw.jpg (600x867, 85K)

I have the entire series filled with steam engines and no direct evidence of combustion. Did you watch the show?

Accept the steam into your heart, user, you know you want to.

Attached: 379E9C86-92D1-42A4-9FC0-41527E99BCE5.jpg (727x353, 47K)

You only say you have that because every single time you get hard evidence that it's not a steam engine you say it doesnt count or "the show is just wrong so I'm still right". Anyone can think they always win if ever less doesnt count.

>hard evidence

Try pic related? You’ve got one of these? You don’t do you?

Attached: B51CEDE6-2B96-4B2D-8E43-3828FB6A1D47.png (333x250, 152K)

The really funny thing about this is all is said was that steam engines have ti be open and so they would pour out if they tilted, and you think that's some kind of pretentious hyper intellectual thing. Are you stupid or what?

>"the show is just wrong so I'm still right"
No combustionfag, you're wrong and anons have been telling you that for hours, internal combustion engines and electricity were never part of the equation because they have never been referenced in the show, you're applying a irl detail to the desing of a fantasy tank that goes up walls.

>anons have been telling you that for hours
No. Anons have been loudly shitposting for hours and refusing to actually respond to the evidence they begged me for.


Post a combustion engine or people talking about a combustion engine.

Attached: 68E8DF70-1566-4137-A070-CF3AB7860930.jpg (720x480, 23K)

Your “”””””evidence”””””””” is on the same level as your previous statement. Conjecture and fanwank, everything said about one applies to the other. Provide real evidence or i’ll have to accept your concession once more.

Hey so when you were having that "show me the steam" sperg fit earlier and I reminded you that you were shouting to show you the engine, you actually went back to that? See this is why I mean by intellectually dishonest, it's only a bad argument to make when someone else is making it huh.

You keep saying fanwank but it's literally irrelevant, and it's not conjecture its direct observation. Conjecture would be saying it must be steam because other engines were steam. Try actually breaking down my evidence instead of vaguely shitposting like this.

>Asking for genuine evidence for your claims is the same as asking for a counter argument to a baseless claim

I accept your concession.

>it literally doesn’t matter
Oh but it literally does matter. You’re trying to make something canon out of speculation, no hard evidence. You’re like the guy who discounts the moon landing because shadows don’t line up right.

No, no term "fanwank" is irrelevant, not the argument. Reading comprehension. And again, speculation would be saying it is a steam engine. I have made observations and pulled together evidence and have an educated decision. You have angry shitposting and a stubborn refusal to address any evidence. If you actually think my evidence is weak, then go ahead and attack it and prove it, but you haven't. You wont.

Did anyone think this scene was a little weird? Does Avatar secretly have stretch powers like Luffy? Is Avatar set in the One Piece world?

Based Bryke

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>the show is wrong, I'm right
So basically I was right when I was calling you too stupid to argue with?

My proof is that you have no direct evidence. You’ve taken a small engineering misstep from the production team and have attributed canonicity to your misattribution. Done.

Now that that’s over, let’s move on to your direct evidence now... you do have a combustion engine or people talking about combustion engines... right?

No, not at all, I think Aang is really made of rubber

What I mean is, he CAN’T be human, so he must be rubber. Don’t be intellectually dishonest with me now. He never said he WASN’T made of rubber.

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Multiple missteps, so far. And more in the bank waiting for you to get over yourself and actually debate intelligently to get to them. You keep saying I have nothing, but what you mean is that what I have is weak. You on the other hand actually have nothing, you have no argument to counter because all you've done is shitpost and insist that you're right and that my evidence doesn't count but you wont say why or how.

You know what fine, I'll argue this literally once just to show you how you're supposed to argue since you totally cannot.
Animation on single frames or isolated sequences aren't canon designs, and the wealth of other shots of them proves it to be a mistake and not intended. Now, am I admitting that the tanks were just made in error? No, because EVERY SINGLE SHOT across multiple episodes, angles, and action levels is consistent for the tanks. They didnt muscular a frame, or go off model for a shot, its consistent, its true. The tanks aren't steam.

Now you see, what makes this a counterargument is that I actually acknowledged what you said, and added to it. I didn't just change the subject, or ignore it and shitpost, or just insist I'm right. Now you try.

Your arguments are thusfar so weak they are nothing. You hide behind magical extra arguments as if that will save you, but you do not present them, because you are aware they are also weak, and thus nothing.

I have no need to counterargue with nothing, my position is the lack of direct evidence to the contrary, and multiple instances of Steam being the dominant technological force ON SCREEN throughout the show.

No refute on conceed, it’s really your choice.

So you admit the show is fallible and not the word of god over what is LITERALLY happening? Good. That’s a big first step.

Now provide an argument that can pass the rubber aang test.

No I refuse to continue because the last time you made this argument I agreed and presented evidence and you completely ignored it, proving me right. Again, if my argument is so weak then prove it and destroy it. Saying you could but wont is just as a weak nothing as the evidence I havent presented yet that you denounce.

If only you read the entire post.
>heres an argument, now you make one
No. Counterargue intelligently or give up.

I can say that magical unicorn princesses in space govern the world because we have rainbows and sparkles and that must mean i’m right. Asking you to refute this is ridiculous, you could not refute it because it is something that contains no direct evidence to refute. You can debate the nature of rainbows and sparkles, but at the end of the day I can keep moving the goalposts and you’ll never disprove our Unicorn overlords.

So I challenge you, provide evidence that DIRECTLY proves the existence of combustion engines. A show like Avatar which has SEVERAL scenes in boiler rooms and with coal and steam engines all over must have shown this off at some point, right?

Because at the end of the day, if all you have are sparkles and rainbows, i’m not buying the rest.

>No. Counterargue intelligently or give up.
The counterargument has always been that there is no precedence of an internal combustion engine being ever mentioned in the setting. Is that simple, but since the tank couldn't work irl with steam engines you have been smashing your head against the keyboard for hours just to point that about a fantasy vehicle.

No. Saying steam engines cant turn over is an easily refutable claim if you think you can. You keep asking me to put in more and more work and you keep insisting that if I do you'll actually have an argument, and I keep doing it and you keep refusing to have an argument. There times I've given in to your demand, time to nut up or shut up. I get that you think I'm wrong so you obviously think my proof isnt compelling, that's how arguments work. Deal with it and address it or fuck off.

So if it's not internal combustion it must be steam? Didnt you tell me that saying if it's not steam it's probably internal combustion was a fallacy claim and not worth a reply? Lack of intellectual integrity, again.

You miss the entire point. Maybe this post will help: I’m not interested in sparkles and rainbows. Show me the unicorn gods or admit that you can’t.

Steam is the default precedence of the setting. Burden of proof is on you. You’ve provided weak hints that can easily be classified as mistakes or concessions for a fantasy vehicle, but you’ve provided no direct evidence for combustion engines or any alternative technology.

You're really sticking to this "you need to make a fourth argument before I make a first" hill? How stupid do you think I am that I'll give you EVEN MORE and trust that you'll finally nut up? Saying you refuse to argue with someone who you disagree with is fucking stupid, every single argument for all of time has always been because one side thinks the other sides evidence isn't good enough, saying my evidence isn't good enough is not an excuse to not counter it. Get the fuck to it or shut the fuck up.

He remember when I showed you how to argue earlier and I pointed out how I didn't wildly change the subject and I actually addressed what you said? Try that.

It’s simultaneously true that there are vehicles in Avatar that function in a way that real life steam engines cannot AND there are no direct examples of alternative propulsion sources in the show

Both are true. You either speculate that the vehicles were a mistake or they ignored the error because who cares, or they secretly hid world changing technology in specific vehicles because reasons.

Go to bed or get a room.

>So if it's not internal combustion it must be steam?
Combustionfag, there aren't combustion engines in TLA, not a single one is shown or alluded to during the whole series, the only technology we ever see is steam powered, and all your arguments are based in the fact of how the Tundra Tanks are designed, presented and how they function when the fact is that irl it doesn't matter the engine, that vehicle would make no fuking sense.
Just a single fleeting frame of a combustion engine, a direct quote about them or their fuel and you win, is that simple.

>AND there are no direct examples of alternative propulsion sources in the show
No, there are. The tundra tanks.

I’m not going to argue with an argument that even if I completely destroy, will not bring me any closer to being correct.

Remember when I asked for direct evidence? Try that one.

Can you show the Tundra tank’s propulsion systems? Do you have pictures of the systems or people discussing them?

Reason wins, this shit goes nowhere, fuck rambling and speculating.
Have a cute Azula everyone.

Attached: 1557366099584.png (724x635, 169K)

I'm kind of done even trying to get any real argument out of you now, I give up. I'm going to start arguing back at you like you do at me now.

Fucking retard, the pipes inside the drill are just for show. You really think they engineered the whole fucking thing? That white smoke is from firebending, not steam. There are ZERO examples of steam in the show at all, go ahead every time you see it it's just a mistake.

I loved this shit when it was still airing, but never caught it all. Where can I marathon it?

>I’m not going to argue with an argument that even if I completely destroy, will not bring me any closer to being correct
That's fucking rich. That's exactly what I said when you were pulling your "the show is wrong, I'm right" bullshit, and you said it was an admission of being wrong then.

Yikes. When faced with a challenge to provide direct evidence, you cower away. Expected I suppose.

Show me a steam engine.

Exactly. EXACTLY. So let’s stop talking sparkles and rainbows that get neither of us anywhere, and show me those engine pictures.

Your turn :)

That's not a steam engine, it's just flair. They made a mistake including it. That isn't even real steam, its firebending smoke. I'm just right because I'm right.

>Fucking retard, the pipes inside the drill are just for show.
Actually if you look at the spikes below the back part of the drill are venting out steam. You have gone so full circle in your insanity that now you are shitting on a vehicle that roughly follows the correct system.

Oh it’s a steam engine alright, and you know it. Your pathetic attempt at parody comes across as a complete and utter admission of defeat. If we were discussing the existence of the tundra tank I would have been absolutely BTFO from your picture, but you’ve not provided anything resembling what i’ve sent you.

Do you have a counter argument or are you going to keep utilizing a false equivalence?

Based and reasonablepilled

Stay mad steamfag. Show me the engine or get fucked.

I completely and utterly accept your concession of defeat. Thanks for playing.

>properties of a fantasy vehicle carry the same evidence as a direct image of a propulsion system in regards to proving a propulsion system

Do you ACTUALLY think this or are you just in a timesink fallacy now?

Let’s play a game! Which image is direct evidence of a crystal themed propulsion system? Is it pic related?

Attached: 53636868-590C-4174-AA6D-F588753AAEA5.jpg (720x504, 174K)

Or is it pic related?

Attached: 17A50253-11C2-415C-8848-343C6161A7D4.jpg (500x261, 40K)

Glad to know this argument means the person making it is wrong :^)

Its fantasy land! You really think it works the same way as reality? Those pipes are meaningless! They dont prove anything.

Of course, in the context in which you used it, it would be ridiculous to call that person right.

Kind of odd you were the first person to take direct evidence and shitpost it tho :/

Yup, you’ve been bested completely. This is genuinely embarrassing to watch.

Just admit that I'm always right no matter what's presented in the show.

>they have been going for more than 4 hours
this must be what is called peak autism

The difference between my image and yours is that your image requires speculation to prove OR disprove your assertion. My image requires speculation only if you seek to disprove my assertion, if you don’t speculate and take the image as fact, then it is factual evidence for a steam propulsion system.

Are you starting to get how this works? We’re trying to AVOID fanwank, not create more.

You’re chasing rubber aangs and Unicorns my autistic friend. Provide a direct image of a propulsion system and NOT supplemental properties that might IMPLY something else on a fantasy vehicle or anyone discussing alternative technology, or admit that our arguments are not equal.

The only thing worse than combustionfag is a normalfag like you.

No the difference is I'm right when I posted mine and your is a mistake that doesn't count. Its only proof when I post it! I wont tell you why though, or make any argument.

Wew laddie, you’ve been absolutely SPANKED and you have nothing left but a terrible approximation of your opponent’s argument. The crux of this facade meaning anything at all relies on the fact that the image I posted and the image you posted are equivalent, i’ve provided exactly why they are not and yet you still cling to the facade like you haven’t been utterly and completely dominated. It’s rare to actually win an argument on Yea Forums but if this is all you got i’m gonna put the tally on the board.

I could dismantle you so completely you would never recover, but it would be top easy so I wont. Just accept that I won.

Are you back to being yourself again? Because “I have more arguments I s-swear” was always your MO, not mine.

No, it's just your arguments are all sparkles and rainbows and would be too easy to beat so I basically already won.

Sparkles and Rainbows were clearly defined terms that were applicable, shorthand for describing the difference between direct and indirect evidence. I’m afraid you are not applying the term correctly.

Look just make an argument already, because until you do I'm just right. It can't have anything to do with the show though, the show is wrong. Those steam pipes are bullshit because I say so and I'm always right and that's all the proof I need.

>prove thing.
Alright, thing does this and other thing does same thing so thing is thing


>Prove thing
Alright, here’s thing

No that thing was wrong and doesn't count. Only I get to decide what's real and what's not. What, if the steam pipes are real then you think Aang has a rubber body?

Physical properties of a fantasy vehicle are not equivalent to direct images of a propulsion system in terms of determining a propulsion system. If you want to pretend like we can argue on equal ground than you’ve lost catastrophically.

Remember, my argument only requires speculation on an opponents part, your argument requires speculation from either party. Hard vs Soft evidence.

I’m sorry you seem to be having a difficult time with this. Keep learning!