Setting up Oscorp since the first movie, all the "new Iron Man" talk, Sony wanting Venom desperately in SM3...

Setting up Oscorp since the first movie, all the "new Iron Man" talk, Sony wanting Venom desperately in SM3...They're making it seem that MCU Spider-Man is for the long haul.

Attached: Spider-Man_FFH_Profile.jpg (791x1204, 389K)

Makes sense really, the MCU Spidey movie are basically bound to print money for years to come for Sony while at the same time they have their own bootleg MCU movies as a supplementary thing.

good, fuck Milesfags.
Miles should just be his own character and not replacement for Pete.

Oscorp? Where?

*unzips dick*


Rent free racism. Miles IS Spider-Man. Get used to it, white boy

yes he's a spiderman but not the original one like the rest of the spidermen

There’s a thread about it

>Miles "My book keeps dropping below 30 000 sales efter less than 5 issues my co-starred Peter/Gwen and still only barely qualifies as a financial success" Morales.
>Not fading away eventually

Attached: laughing ko whore.png (540x405, 93K)

well yeah. that's why they insisted on keeping him in highschool for the first few movies. It gives them a sandbox of sort to mess around with while he's just sort of there in the MCU and can have more things figured out about the direction they want to take the character once he gets into college, which will be where he'll stay for the next 3-4 phases, most likely. If Tom Holland didn't work out they even could have gotten away with recasting him and it wouldn't have mattered because his highschool movies plus role in CW/IW/EG is basically just MCU Spider-Man's prologue. Hence all the amphasis on homemade suits vs handmedowns from Stark, clinging to mentor figures, inexperience and lack of confidence. Far From Home will likely end on some kind of symbolic moment to show he's not a little spider-boy anymore and "look out, here comes the Spider-Man (to a cinema near you, three years from now)"

Grace Randolph leaked that hours ago

Didnt Tell where It appears in the First movie.

well he is in his animated movie. Just keep looking at that as the bar for any new character and everyone will enjoy it.

What I am hoping is for a secret war movie and Pete brings back Tony stark. Impossible, yes but secret wars gonna happen? I hopes so.

>secret war without F4 and Doom

They should have introduced venom in the spaceship or on titan. It could have been subtle just something that you can use in another movie without being super distracting

They should have had Peter get a new black suit on Titan, and then Tony smacks him upside the head and tells him to take that shit off. EPIC SUBVERSION!

I'll be surprised if Sony pulls out after FFH. I'm still curious about FFH. Homecoming didn't do as well as people would like. Didn't Venom do more than Homecoming?

>World Wide Gross
>Venom: $855,013,954
>Homecoming: $880,166,924
>src: IMDB

Going to say that Sony probably took home more from Venom, sure. But critical reception undoubtedly favored the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man, especially considering US intake as a proportion is 100 million in favor of Homecoming.

Also worth remembering that Tencent had a financial stake in Venom too, so they would've taken a cut in the box office proceeds.

well we cant have that