X-Men: X-Cutioner Song

I recently re-read it and tought is was fun action romp trough the extreme 90s X-Men universe, the art is good with exception of Jae Lee in the X-Factor issues and writing is also good but with typical X-Men cliches that we all love.

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It's easily one of the best 90s events.

The problem is that, being good or bad is totally incidental.

X-Men comics in 1992 where a license to print money. They could (and would) put shit on paper and they where making a fortune.

Stryfe is stupid. It's like, his whole motivation is because he's got anxiety because he's a clone of Cable and mommy never hugged him?

The X-Men franchise under Bob Harras was a low point.

So many hints and guesses at secrets, so many went nowhere and the ones that did took way too long.

Bishop and the X-traitor was a perfect example. We where teased who the traitor was in 1992.

We didn't find out till 1997.

I remember when I first saw the Capcom X-Men fighting game in the mall arcade in 1994 I think, it blew my mind, wasted so many coins in that machine...

>It's like, his whole motivation is because he's got anxiety because he's a clone of Cable and mommy never hugged him?

Stryfe's bitter because he thinks he was abandoned by his parents to grow up under Apocalypse's reign. And when Scott and Jean are kinda considered mutant heroes in the future, he thinks they're giant hypocrites and hates them even more because of that. So yeah, he's got parent issues, but considering how he was raised and how his entire life basically revolved around death and violence, it's not like he isn't a bit sympathetic to a certain point. It's just that he's also a genocidal maniac, so even if you feel for the guy, he's still an irredeemable a monster.

His deal with Cable is the belief that he's the real Nathan Summers, so Cable's a filthy degenerate clone whose very existence is a personal slight against him.

There's nothing wrong with long running subplots. That's one of the thing I miss in books now. It's only an issue if you accumulate too many of them, because the creative teams change too often and nobody has time to develop any of them to a point of conclusion.

For all it’s flaws I liked the early to mid 90s X-Men comics. It’s true that many plot mysteries got too long or simply thrower away like the Externals, what was Gambit awful secret? The traitor and there is anyone who remember Adam X-Treme who was supposed to be the third Summers bothers?

It was Jeph Loeb who throwed away the external subplot after Nicieza left the X-books, also Adam X-Treme was a Nicieza creation that everyone pretends that never existed.

>There's nothing wrong with long running subplots.

There's nothing wrong with dangling a carrot in front of the reader. But you gotta have a carrot to dangle.

You tell a 12 year old kid in '92 that they will have to wait till their 17 to find out that it was Xavier the whole time. Total disrespect for the reader.

Cleremont gradually let his characters and storylines evolve. He didn't say in 1975 that Magneto will become a good guy and "stick around to see it happen". He didn't tease that Jean was going to go Dark Phoenix. Plot threads started naturally in '75 bore fruit by 1980.

>You tell a 12 year old kid in '92 that they will have to wait till their 17 to find out that it was Xavier the whole time. Total disrespect for the reader.

I fundamentally disagree. That was a great twist. Five years isn't even that long for this type of storyline. The issue is more that the development of the traitor storyline didn't happen organically, it kinda got forgotten until it got brought up out of the blue for Onslaught. But given that the whole subplot is about something happening some time in the future without any real clues to follow up on, outside of the whole suspicious of Gambit thing, it was a hard thing to build up step by step without making it too ambiguous to be interesting or too blatant that would spoil it.

Nicieza was the Bendis of early 90s Marvel, in the sense that he wrote almost every book, X-Force, New Warriors, Nova, Captain Marvel, Justice, X-Men, Nomad,..

Also Night Trasher.

The first two Jae Lee issues suck, but he 100% NAILS the final X-Factor issue he draws. The entire sequence where Apocalypse purges the techno virus from Xavier and everyone thinks Archangel's "Death" programming had kicked back in, is beautifully drawn with Lee creating a godly amount of tension as everyone thinks Apocalyspse has double crossed them

He was raised to believe he was the real deal and then found out he was a fake the same day that Apocalypse revealed that he only raised him as his son so he could kill his soul and possess his body.

Also, Stryfe WAS supposed to be Nathan Summers and Bob Harras fucked shit up and refused at the last minute to let Stryfe be revealed as Nathan. It was such a last minute thing that the next X-Men arc has subplots that only made sense if you knew Styfe was Nathan

Adam X was supposed to be the third Summers brother (fathered by Scott/Alex's mom, via rape at the hands of D'Ken.

Wizard however wanted Gambit and Claremont wrote it in X-Men The End that he was a Sinister/Cyclops sodomy baby clone.

Brubaker ultimately created Vulcan as the third brother, though he also explicitly went out of his way to make it impossible for anyone else to make Adam X the brother too by having Scott/Alex's mom be pregnant the entire time she was kidnapped and D'Ken cutting Vulcan out of her stomach when he found out she was pregnant weeks after kidnapping her.

Gambit's secret was that he was a former Mr Sinister henchman and (per a 100% contrived retcon that doesn't match whatsoever what was shown in the Mutant Massacre storyline), Gambit was the true leader of the Marauders during the Mutant Massacre storyline; recruiting and leading the team into the tunnels until he had a huge case of trolls remorse and fled, rescuing baby Marrow in the process.

Externals was killed by editorial; Loeb had no choice in the matter. The Highlander franchise owner found out about it and threatened to sue Marvel and they avoided a lawsuit by killing off all but the most two notable Externals (Selene and Apocalypse) and having Selene reveal that Cable was a retard and mispronounced Cannonball dead.

There was rumors that Casey, Seagle, and Kelly were going to revisit it though as part of the Twelve storyline. But it never happened. As it stands though, Hickman "resolved" the storyline by claiming the prophecy of the Externals was about Sunspot all along not Sam and Bobby's big "mutant messiah" moment was when he got Cap and Tony's Avengers team to stop fighting and save the world from an alien armada out to destroy the Earth in Time Runs Out

X-traitor storyline was resolved in 1996, not 1997 during Onslaught.

It was fucked because Lee and Potocio explicitly wanted Gambit to be the traitor per Claremont's original vision of him being his response to Wolfman/Perez shitting on Kitty Pryde with Terrra .Except Claremont intended Gambit to be Mr Sinister, which in and of itself was him also ripping on Bill Willingham's Elementals, which had a Mystique rip-off pretend to be a man and spend a year/two years seducing a female hero only to reveal herself and taunt the heroine into killing herself.

But NO ONE expected Gambit to be a huge fucking hit with fans. Which basically doomed the entire plotline because Harras would't let them turn Gambit evil and let so much shit had been established (especially by Niceiza, who famously ended his X-Men run with the reveal that Gambit worked for Sinister, but couldn't say WHAT he did or was planning with Gambit because of Harras).

It wasn't until Lobdell was out the door, that he forced Harras to let him resolve the Gambit storyline especially since Gambit was set to get his own book. Also, Xavier being the traitor was Mark Waid's idea since he wanted evil Xavier and Harras just wanted the plotline ended

One of my faves. 90's x men was amazing

90s X-Men > Claremont

based. give me x-cutioners song, phalanx covenant, AoA, the one with the people who turned into mini sentinels and shit. i loved uncanny x-men from like 380-400ish, around whenever xorn appeared

What's wrong with you? The jae lee art is the best part of this event

>Bishop and the X-traitor was a perfect example. We where teased who the traitor was in 1992.
>We didn't find out till 1997.
That was amazing though. It wasn't like anyone forgot it, the threat was always there, looming. Then it turns out it's the person the X-Men got the X from? Great stuff.

>he thinks they're giant hypocrites and hates them even more because of that
It's funny because history has proven him right

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'90's Rogue was GOAT.

For my money, the X-Men have never looked cooler. A whole issue of the Factor and Force kids bickering before the grown ups show up on the final page to make things right.

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