Fuck marry kill

Fuck marry kill

Attached: 6EBB3BD4-5BAF-4F06-AE42-7A75C5D2CF65.png (765x990, 962K)

Other urls found in this thread:

iris.paheal.net/_images/23f6dbc67ebcdd7683836bb70185c880/3129153 - Fink Leni_Loud OK_K.O.!_Let's_Be_Heroes Peridot Steven_Universe The_Loud_House crossover garabatoz.jpg

Who is Mary Kill, and why is she the board bicycle?

>2 of them are kids
I'll fuck and marry peridot, kill the blonde bitch, the rat is like 2 years old so I'll just pat her head and let her go.

Edgy last name. Attracts the tismos like nothing else

Leni is 16. That's legal in most states.

Fuck Peridot, marry Fink, kill Leni.

>likes peridot
>wants to kill leni
Im conflicted since you want to fuck and marry one best girl but want to kill the other best girl too

Attached: 2289E6E0-145D-4F69-8BD2-50D4A13CB876.gif (295x221, 1013K)

Only kill her because thats the option left.
I'm not killing Fink, she's like 3

Fuck Leni, Marry Fink, Kill Peridot

Attached: Baby_profile.png (665x660, 253K)

There is an uncensored nakie version of OP's pic related... Just to let y'all know. Won't risk linking it though

>There is an uncensored nakie version of OP's pic related... Just to let y'all know. Won't risk linking it though
“Sigh”, looks like its up to me then
iris.paheal.net/_images/23f6dbc67ebcdd7683836bb70185c880/3129153 - Fink Leni_Loud OK_K.O.!_Let's_Be_Heroes Peridot Steven_Universe The_Loud_House crossover garabatoz.jpg

I guess that explains why Leni's dress was so short.

Nah, lenis just slutty like that

Fuck Peridot
Marry Leni
Kill the rat

Attached: leni.jpg (328x449, 32K)

She sound like she wears leather as casual clothing.

Are you saying you don't?

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The codpiece is for going out for pancake breakfasts.

Look my cenobite sunday best is reserved for special occasions. Most of the time i look like a fusion between george costanza and the clown from spawn.


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Only proper answer so far

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This is the only correct answer. Same.

Marry and fuck Leni
Kill Peridot
Adopt Fink

Oh this is easy

Fuck the rock
Marry the Dope
Kill the mutant abomination

Fink, Link, Peridot.



Attached: Angron.png (811x524, 647K)

But that's Perturabo

why choose when you could fuse?

Can't I just kill all of them?

To be fair, a lot of Chaos primarch's have a lot of shit sprouting out of their heads.

Fuck leni
Marry peridot
Kill fink

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>wearing underwear
Someone doesn't watch the show.

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My main question isnt why did you post this, its why you have this saved in the first place

It's the only green you need

I beg to differ

Attached: F03ED232-261F-4FEF-B809-D7E2B6732720.jpg (600x776, 119K)

Marry Lenni and kill the other two.

Lenni will likely grow up to be a great mom who has 11 kids like her parents. She's stupid, but that just makes her more fertile.

The other two probably think having children is racist or something

Leni would make a lovely wife

Attached: fasfdasfd.png (1050x1375, 530K)

Kill Leni
Fuck Fink
Marry Period

Attached: cedebacf257f52af718f846aa977d030.jpg (571x800, 63K)

wew lad

Man this guy sure does love children.


Attached: Milf Leni.png (1144x1696, 533K)

The patrician decision.

Attached: dicks out for peri.jpg (1120x653, 181K)

Kill the rat because it’s a fucking rat, Fuck the actual girl cause it’s a real girl not a Rock, Mary the green space rock and get rich with her Space tech. This was easy guys come on. Wait what she was how old Officer I swear I didn’t know fuck fuck noooo noooo! You set me up Yea Forums you set me up! The cheat tell them that they set you up.

Marry Leni.
Kill the other two.

Attached: 1543319738656.jpg (965x375, 311K)

Fuck Leni
Kill the alien
Purge the unclean

What drives people to watch a show as shitty as Loud House? Their lives must be at a pretty low point already.

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>salty af that no one is picking his ugly and shapeless as fuck doritohead over Based Leni
Just take your lickings like a man. No need to turn this into cartoon war thread #55689693405.

Attached: SHE FUCKING WON.png (1080x1080, 1.35M)

>ugly and shapeless
Breh. Stop memeing and see these chest and hip curves.

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fuck Peridot, kill Leni, buy Fink a popsicle and obviously marry Pearl

seems like she did not get much exercise

Fuck Peridot
Marry Leni
Adopt Fink, and kill OP for making me choose

Good god this show used to be so beautiful

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Got to agree with this user. I don't know who the short bitch is and I don't want to stick my dick in it. I could also never stomach living with Peridot, so just fuck her and go marry Leni

She married Chester from FOP's dad?

Why are you leaving me with such shit 'green' choices? I'd kill all three of those, marry Xochi, and fuck her day in and day out.

Attached: Xochi Jalapeño (from Victor and Valentino).jpg (1280x548, 124K)

Why would she? If I was her husband, I'd spoil her so much she'd never even need to lift a finger ever again, much less work out.

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Top tier taste there, user.


>Man this guy sure does love children.
He does porn of them. I already found the lewd version of OP's pic on Paheal.

Just search leni_loud on paheal, you should find it easily.

Fuck, Marry, Kill, Befriend

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Fuck the rat, marry Leni, kill the meme dorito.

Fuck Lori, Marry Leni, Kill Luna, befriend Luan.

Why is __Fink__ so perfect?

>those eyebrows
>stereotypical "sassy latina bitch" face


If you like that consider having your eyes checked, or your brain.

Kill all three.

>not liking thicc eyebrows
>not liking sassy Latinas
Looks like you need to get your taste checked.

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>there is no difference between that image and the goblin in the previous one
Again, get your eyes checked.

Attached: 17C2AD20-3608-4729-8F27-431407F95240.jpg (1078x1666, 483K)

That's a pretty standard pic of Peridot. Here's one from S5.

Attached: MV5BNDIzZDk2MjEtN2E5Yi00ZjFkLWFhNmMtNzczZmIxNjJlMzE1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTIyNTk4MTU@._V1_.jpg (2208x1242, 134K)

I hated season 5 mostly, though peridots good in almost everything shes in

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fuck you, i married your mom, now get home before i kill you

Marry Peridot, Fuck Fink, Kill Leni
Sorry Leni

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user, there's nothing wrong with having Latin fever. Latinas are easily some of the sexiest women.

>you will never bully and sexually harass maid Peridot and hear her go "C-clod!" quietly to herself.

Fuck Buttercup, marry (and then divorce) Kuki, kill the other thing. Need the nakey version too

>They're already in order from left to right

Attached: YOU FUCKING MONG (2).jpg (175x200, 7K)

fuck & marry all four of them, as well as the rest of their sisters once they're old enough

>not liking thicc eyebrows
What are you, gay?

Based Pierce.

Attached: bbw bed big_belly cum fat leni_loud lenicoln lincoln_loud masturbation thought_bubble ultrahand id49 (829x647, 126K)


Fuck AND marry Leni. God, the things I'd do with her...

Kill the goblins

Dude, even flaming homos aren't this gay.

Marry peridot and kill the other 2.


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I hope you don't fuck Leni before marriage. She is a pure girl who needs to be courted first.

she only likes black guys

I feel like Leni is one of those girls who says racist (aka true) things about black people because she's too stupid to realize it goes against the narrative

Leni's stupid, but she's not insensitive. That's literally the point of her character you moron.

Leni would realize that would hurt somebody's feelings and wouldn't do it.

I thought she was supposed to be a stupid fashion girl, but really nice. Nice people can still be accidentally insensitive

she'd fuck the black guy as an apology

Fuck Peri marry Leni kill that weird monster thing

that's why she needs to be protected

>anyone who thinks differently from me is just following a script
>lol npcs

She still knows the difference between being insensitive or not. You're a bigger idiot than Leni.

>adores Clyde more than she does Lincoln
>has no problem with either of his Dad's
>lol she would totally say something offensive like I would right guyz?

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what the fuck
sauce please

>fuck peridot.
>kill too, cause she dies. that's what gems do when they get pregnant.
>marry Leni
>rent an actual stork, and train it to bring the gem/human hybrid baby to us, so she'll raise it as her own.
>ignore the rodent.

Attached: [JCM-2] 1549454196232.jpg (3508x3508, 2.35M)

Gems only get pregnant if they want to be. Plus they can have normal kids, what happened with rose was intentional on her part. So you can have all the guilt free sex you want with peridot.

Unrelated but I love that image

Glad i could make your day a little bit better, friend

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[citation needed]

Becky has said it before

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So you’re saying Rose wanted Greg to be a single dad and for Steven to grow up with all kind of emotional issues from not knowing his mom?

I dont know but ive seen it here before
Pretty much, selfish aint it?

A likely story.

And kill Lana for fun

Marry: Peri & Leni
Kill: the little OK KO turd

Sorry. They're both too pure to fuck

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Kill Leni, Fuck Fink, Marry Peridot

although personally I would put in a request for better choices rather than dealing with any of them

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fuck luna
marry lori
kill luan
befriend leni

Yes, Rose was a massive cunt.

Can I marry and fuck one and kill two?


Fuck Peridot
Marry Peridot
Murder the 2 loli's, because i ain't going to jail for pedophilia.


I wish we could post all of Garabatoz’s work.

Marry Leni, fuck peridot, kill fink

Pretty much.

Rose is a massive piece of shit, yeah.

Attached: lenific.png (1317x4091, 867K)


Marry and fug Peridot (not particularly in that order). No killing because I'm not a violent person, and I wouldn't even go near and/or speak to Leni or Fink.

Leni then, not even close.

marry leni
fuck peridot
kill whatever the last thing is

M - leni
F - fink
K - peri

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Marry and then fuck Leni. Kill the rest.

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Someone pull up that Gordan Freeman Qoute

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Kill them all

But you will go to jail for infanticide

Need more pictures of Leni. She's a precious treasure.

Leni is garbage compared to cute younger sisters.

