My Wild and Raunchy Son storytime

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't believe it!

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You won't.

test me

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This would almost be touching if I didn't know the rest of the comic. Like some kind of indie graphic novel about a young mans coming of age...Almost.

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nice ass

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/fit/, is that you?

It's happening!

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theres only one way where this is going

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Its like a time machine, stepping back to an older time, a simpler time.

Here's a thought. Why isn't this in /aco/?
Is a mod gonna do this like the Golden Ass storytime?

that's it, I'm too chicken to do the rest

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did you pussy out?

The Golden Ass was history. So is this, in its own way. What happened to that storytime, I read all the way through and no purges happened while I was reading.

good luck


fuck you

You quintuple weenie.

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I'll just skip ahead to the good part.

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No one calls me a quintuple weenie

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chekc this instead

good man

Where do you find these things like foreskin man and gay truckers

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do they just fuck?
that's pretty mundane desu.


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is this bait? can someone actually be this new?

now I really am done, this shit sucks

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why'd you even make the thread?

here you go

You literally did not have to do this.

I'm not OP, I just thought it'd be funny to keep posting it

You've been upgraded to a mere double weenie, then.

sad thread

im here all day

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Ah shit, here we go again

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Geez, I didn't expect this to be from a gay porn comic. I've been in ignorance for over 8 years.

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That text is unironically more disgusting than the gay incest drawings. Just reading about some guy talking about the joy of holding his newborn in his arms while getting his dick sucked by another man is foul.

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Reminds me of the Korra Shake post. I don't think I ever been more disgusted towards this site since that episode, and I was there by fucking retarded random luck on Yea Forums when that one guy posted pics of his gf he murdered and how he was going to leave her body for her son to discover.

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> I was there by fucking retarded random luck on Yea Forums when that one guy posted pics of his gf he murdered and how he was going to leave her body for her son to discover.

Nice, me too

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the most offensive part about this... is that son's haircut.

Guuuurl, no. NO!

This is why gays shouldn't be able to adopt/raise kids. They can't look at a simple father-son relationship without making it some sick sex rhing.

Damn. Small world. I don't even browse Yea Forums. I was bored and literally every other board I browsed was devoid of any interesting threads. I was one of the few that actually believed him at face value but didn't care and was shocked to find out in the news that it was real.


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there's plenty of straight incest porn out there

lurk 5 years before posting

If you go so far to fulfill your incest dreams why not draw guys at least somewhat hot?

Repent Sinners

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Have you ever visited a site where the porn flows freely?

Don't be retarded when you're lying..


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