Thoughts on story time animators?
Thoughts on story time animators?
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Uninteresting mundane stories that probably never happen.
There are 0 good ones and they do not care about anything artistic at all except making some cash. If they got demonitized they would quit youtube altogether and not even make things for those who continue to follow
You are the type of mindless drones who killed YouTube if you watch any single one of these channels
Really lame.
i like jaiden but that about it
I hate that it's what animation on Youtube has become. Simple, barely animated stories about whatever is happening in the "animator's" life. Easily taken to 10 minutes while actual animation is usually less then 5.
The narrative is so mundane and boring that it might as well be an animation without any good animation. So nothing.
They use their work as an excuse to make lazy animatics with chibi art to hide a lack of art fundamentals. Their bullshit gives youngsters that watch them a misrepresentation of the animation process.
Yeah Youtube kinda fucks over animators, so it's pretty much required to do shit like that if theyre determined to make money off of it.
Is Jaiden the one storytime animator that everyone can agree is cool? If not, does that honor go to Tabbes?
The only one I'm able to stomach is BrewStew. He's the only one who truly knows what his work is. It also helps that I have the humor of a 12 year old.
Really? Swoozie, Domics, BrewStew. None of them?
i enjoy tabbes
Cringe and low effort
These. They aren’t animators, they’re greedy tumblr tier wannabe artist hacks who aren’t funny or interesting.
Lievicus is the best. Better if you understand Korean, but the subs are good.
Art is cute.
I mean, how much can you do if you're only one person? You either upload every new moon or you have to make cuts somewhere
I have a plan.
Animatic radio plays. It's basically the same thing, but I'm making the story up, space adventures, swashbucking pirates, whatever I feel like. AND I can serialize it, bring out a new or continuing "chapter" every 2 weeks or so.
So still images, rapid turnout, but lost forever because Youtube's algorithm and content pushing is a fickle bitch. So I never get paid.
But do it for fun and practice. Because I'm insane, and not an attention whore primadonna, maybe build up a catalog, and sell out when some studio comes head hunting.
So basically an adaptation of the "let's make a comic" threads?
That's basically just making animatics for cartoons that'll never get actually made.
I cannot be the only person to notice that everything that became successful on the site after 2013 grew as organically as Monsanto.
They're a result of the algorithm.
The only one I actually kind of like is Jaiden, but I can't hate on the others because the trend is a direct result from the algorithm.
What's more profitable in nowadays YouTube, short but well animated videos or 10+ minutes videos that are choppy because you need to post weekly to actually win anything out of your hard work? What generates more views? What gets pushed more? What content is easier to do in short amounts of time?
That's it, YouTube killed actual animators, and that's not a secret.
It's why those garbage channels made for kids hosted by fuckwits like The Paul brothers, Morgz and Ricegum do so fucking well for themselves. Youtube doesn't care about people expressing themselves anymore, unless you're unironically just showing off your cool big mansion in downtown Cally and playing """pranks""" on people down at the boardwalk that you can easily squirt out in less then half a day.
shgurr is the only one of that bunch who comes off to me as genuinely interested in branching out from her story time beginnings and making a different career out of her art, so she is the best in my book.
Tabbes reminds me of Vendetta from Making Fiends.
>If they got demonitized they would quit youtube altogether and not even make things for those who continue to follow
I'm super curious how a scenario like that would play out.
Slide shows aren't animation.
They're not really animators as much as they are greedy assholes in disguise. Watch, once they get exposed, they'll say "Oy vey!" and hightail it out of youtube.
They usually make 'so I got demonetized' videos, launch a Patreon, have their fans mass-email youtube to adjudicate in their favor, and, if none of that works, launch a new account.
But most creators either fail to achieve significant popularity or burn out within a year.
"Animation"? Don't you mean "Glorified slideshow"?
Using the fucking transform tool to squash and stretch your poses for one frame isn't a good substitute for actual drawn inbetweens. I know not all of these people do it but there's a lot of that happening on YouTube, that they might as well just get rid of the bounce, it looks better.
I like Tales of Mere Existence, he's been doing this sort of thing since 2006 and actually had a few of his episode broadcast on Showtime
all animations are slideshows, thats what 'frames per second' means
Good point, good point. I have to think of a different analogy now. "Glorified animatic", maybe?
no need to be a smartass.
I don't really think you can call most of them animators. That isn't derision, its just a fact. Whether brought about by the algorithm, necessity or simply being lazy and unskilled most lack the basic skills of even creating small animatics. I remember a video where some of the Newgrounds guys talked about getting hired to do any animation smoother then a still frame every 10 seconds. I pity these people cause I'm willing to bet some are relying on this income, and thats just not sustainable and when they can't go off youtube anymore they'll have wasted all this time drawing stick figures and telling lies. Some are actually skilled and just forced to be rushed but for everyone of them theres 5 who just did this cause they thought it'd be easy in to youtube fame.
60 SPF powerpoints lul
Give me references and i'll make lewds
happy that they're offering up & coming animators a chance to work their animation muscles, but yeah as products I really dont think they're anything substancial. basically a step on the way to better places
Inoffensive and bland.
So perfect for the image YouTube's been trying to cultivate for the last couple years.
I think the fact that the "barely animated conversations with a fake friend" genre is so popular is a testament to how completely alone people are these days
Most of the bigger storytime animators like Odds1out, Jaiden, and Domics have teams to help animate and their animation actually improve from the stereotypical storytime animations. Their newer videos aren't stilted but actually have animation (albeit not everything is filled to brim with it but it's more than before).
Yeah maybe literal who storytimers have to struggle with this but it's an over-saturated market right now. Best course of action is to buddy up with a known figure or work for them completely. Or not do it at all [/spoiller]
This is assuming that they want to get a following and not do it out of artistic passion.
There was a whole animated youtubers nsfw thread in /aco/.
Seems like people are really thirsty for Jaiden's persona.
Can you blame them? YouTube fucked over animators after the reply girl bullshit. You're pretty much forced to make your videos at least 10 minutes for them to even be noticed by the algorithm
>literally all of them are what normalfags concider to be "introverted"
I would honestly like to see a storytime animation from an /r9k/-tier person.
Generally pretty cute and mildly entertaining.
all fucking boring and all of them are “socially awkward”
Oh my god, this is SO much better than the English-speaking ones are. It's like... this guy actually gets the point of having the video be animated to begin with, rather than the animation being so superfluous that it might as well be stick figures.
Find me one of these "animators" who follow even half of the basic principals of animation.
stop thinking with your dick
>it's pretty much required to do shit like that if theyre determined to make money off of it
or use patreon and actually dedicate time and money to get it out regularly
they all suck and need a smack upside the head
>how much can you do if you're only one person?
jaiden has like 6 animators in her payroll last i checked
You still need to keep up with request un there, is not like infinite resources
>YouTube killed actual animators
youtube killed youtuber-animators well, them and cancer
you may not be old enough to remember the "golden age" of youtube animation, but i do and it was still pretty trash
this storytime animator shit is just bland and uninteresting, but it's not as much of a step down as a lot of the dribble that got out back then
makes sense
it's why i call lets plays "friendship simulators"
the general audience are autists who have nothing and no one and will watch hours of someone else playing a video game just to fill a void that will never be full
no, but it's a better option than just giving up or giving in
Shgurr is a college undergrad and recently bought a house.
If I could do that I wouldn't care about artistic integrity either.
I'm largely indifferent to them. I don't understand the seething retards in this thread.
this and david razi are the only based people who you could classify under the term "storytime animators"
They're unique. I'll say that much. Tabbes, Jaiden, and Shgurr are all pretty entertaining at times.
I can't stand her voice
>it's why i call lets plays "friendship simulators"
>the general audience are autists who have nothing and no one and will watch hours of someone else playing a video game just to fill a void that will never be full
That seems like a really gross mischaracterization of people that like Lets Plays.
Lets Plays can be informative and funny, there are alot of games and genres i would have never bought or even heard of, if i didn't watch lets plays and playthroughs. plus hate-playthroughs of bad games are as funny as hate-watching movies.
The only one I know about is Jaiden because she collaborated with Pewdiepie or something.
I wanna fuck Jaiden and never watch a single one of her videos
Man you're right. This is less of a storytime and more of a low-budget slice of life
I'd rather watch animation memes
enjoyable as any personality-based content creator, it's not high art but it's relaxing and I see no shame in once a month watching a feel good minimalist video about someone's random stories or self care or whatever. If it's all you watch then I recommend diversifying the kind of media you consume, but it's overall pleasant and harmless. My only issue with it is the term storytime "animators," but even then creators like Jaiden or gingerpale are animated more and more each video.
Well it's 50% of the work done. And global distribution might push at least one story idea into full on production.
Got the idea, sort of from like Kamishibai in Japan. Storytelling with still pictures in a public forum or setting. Lot of buskers do it. Like musicians hocking wares on soundclound and Patreon.
Thing is: People like Free stuff. They'll pay after the fact, to continue. First taste's always free.
here's a (you)
I'm really glad He-Man found a hamburger stand, and with such cheap prices! I was starting to get worried!
They’re all ugly as fuck and they must die.
>Her smile
>Her optimism
Tabbes sneaked a bunch of Steve Dillon scowl faces into one of her earlier videos, she's cool.
Homestar Runner was very successful using limited Flash animation with only two guys. The character designs were appealing and the artwork was decent enough that you didn't mind the animation being primitive and simple.
Jaiden Animations can't even be bothered to do pic related to tell a fucking story.
Swoozie is the only one who’s life is actually interesting
>who’s life is actually
Homestar Runner was from a VERY different era. The animation was top-notch for an online flash cartoon at the time.
You realize stuff like Bitey Brackenwood was also being made at the time, right? And by the time Homestar's animation picked up from it's original animations (Which were total garbage), Sealed with a Kiss, a movie made entirely in Flash, was released.
>from it's original animations
Not him but Bitey was from 2004 and Sealed witha Kiss is 2006. Homestar was the best flash toon on the market by 2001
What are good ones other than rdr?
You can take your (you) back, summer child. Storytime channels are not interesting, nor do they deserve all the traffic they revive. It's all fucking lame as shit.
nah keep it you obviously need all that you can get since you gotta bait like that
The huge majority of them are fucking awful and exaggerate their stories too much. Jaiden is basically the only decent one.
I'm sure at least 70% of their fanbases are made up of people that want to fuck and/or waifu-husbando'd their avatars.
No, it's mostly teenagrers who find their contents relatable.
Hey look, a narrative, good art, and animation! It met the requirements of being an actual piece of animated film and can't even be put in the same category as these "story time" animators.
It was cool watching Jaiden when she was first starting out because she was self teaching and learning a lot as she went. You could visually see her improve with every video.
However as soon as the idea became a genre and focused on monitization it kinda lost it's luster. Just like Let's Plays, you can have your favorites that you enjoy, but they are in essence shallow and don't contribute anything entirely noteworthy. The genre is going to live and die as another fad that never gave us anything of significant value, but whatever.
Kinda salty Jaiden stagnated when the diminishing returns for youtube animators kicked in. It would have been interesting to see how good she could have gotten. Also sucks that a resurgence in animation drew no attention to more skilled animators willing to invest in larger projects.
John K was making webtoons back in 2000 and while the writing may fucking suck, this was actually the best looking thing at the time concerning Flash.
I like Katzun.
Nah it's not bait. Sorry other people dislike the bullshit you watch on the daily.
>I'll do animatics of actual stories!
I've considered this because I used to actually make money animating on Youtube, but it won't work.
First, it's not fast enough. You have to write a real script instead of recording a vlog in a single 15 minute sitting. If it's a good script, that's a day's work minimum because you need to hit Youtube's golden 10 minute watch time metrics.
That's just the writing. Second, the animation won't work. The reason "story times" work is because they have an avatar that stands on screen and switches between pre-set keyframes. It's really fast and cheap. The unique animations likely take up most of their production hours, and if you plan to do animatics of unique stories that can't rely on pre-set poses, your work hours are going to be way, way longer.
For a normal Youtube channel, you need to get two videos online per week, and the videos need to be ten minutes long. You just can't do it, dude. Nobody can.
Youtube actively stamps down on artistic growth. Think about it:
Jaiden could invest countless man hours into improving her craft and making more attractive animations, but how would Youtube's algorithm measure that? It can't.
All that matters are view minutes. If a person watches for ten minutes, they watch for ten minutes. It doesn't have to be a good ten minutes because a mediocre ten minutes is still the same discreet quantity of time. That's why vlogs wound up dominating the site even though ten years ago most users thought they were Youtube's least interesting content.
It's about watch minutes. Any additional effort you put in is nothing but a fast-track to burn-out, because if people already watch, they already watch. It actively hurts you to work harder.
Why can't another adpocalypse just kill YouTube already?
>You may not be old enough to remember the animation "golden age"
>But I assert that I am, and whatever meme I was watching isn't better than Storytimes
Nigger there were dozens of online animators who were producing fantastic content miles better than Storytimes. Just because your twelve year-old ass only watched the Ultimate Laser Series and "Brawl Taunts" doesn't mean that was the most the craft had to offer.
This shit we see on Youtube is today is seriously the PINNACLE of what the site is willing to support. On occasion we may see the likes of Double King or Lucas the Spider, but these are blue moon phantoms of a bygone era. Aside from the rare and unpredictable lightning strike, you can depend on Youtube to only promote the most absolutely mediocre people.
>Brawl Taunts
and you already showed how either you're blinded by nostalgia or you're taste is legitimately shit
runkachunk and kirbopher are shit and were always shit
That's the point. If you were a little kid just typing "Mario" into the search bar on Newgrounds, it's obvious you'd never find that much good content. A lot of the more skilled animators frankly resented how much popularity a low-effort parody could produce just from the brand recognition.
The fact that you think I'm reinforcing your argument by mentioning Brawl Taunts if anything only proves you don't know any of the good animators who hated it.
gotta say me too user
animation isn’t that hard and most of the time these channels are just slideshows
She barely draws after her accident.
The fuck is a story time animator?
Am I out of touch with the youth?
At least you're not one of the fucking zoomers that keep them popular. Be grateful for that everyday.
t. a 21-year-old.
Fun fact: vegans are prone to malnutrition. Anyone getting will her, hope you'll have an Alzheimer's fetish in your sixties.
Oh, and in the present, don't be surprised when she's too tired or too angry to fuck on a regular basis.
I could see some of these guys/gals having some potential talent outside of the storytime thing.
Bryson/Haminations (pic related) is an 18 year old probably stuck in the body of a 12 year old for the rest of his life. With some acting training, Bryson could achieve a holy Trinity (physically prepubescent, chronologically an adult, talented actor) and become Hollywood's golden "child" actor for at least a decade. Thankfully, considering some of his internet friends (one the literal current voice of Gumball) and his popularity (over 300k subs), I don't think he needs to look far for acting training.
Link to two of his videos (second is his face reveal):
A niche part of YouTube where zoomers tell #relatable stories about their lives. Examples are Domics, theodd1sout, Jaiden, Tabbes, and many coincidentally similar YouTube channels.
Don't encourage these people to destroy themselves.
Bitch these things get millions of views.
I think a very real rule of Youtube content is that it gets promoted to and seen by practically everyone, only a small niche of people truly and really enjoy it for any stretch of time.
Like Youtube recommended some let's player to me recently, and I watched maybe ten of videos before I got used to his shtick, and then I quit watching because he's boring.
But I'm the guy Youtube is targeting with their Jaidens and whoever. The guy who will watch more than one video from that channel before falling asleep. Because everything on Youtube is boring. Nobody does anything interesting anymore, and they can't change their formulas or try new things.
Jaiden has many views, but what percent of her viewers really, honestly looks forward to her next video in the same way you'd look forward to an episode of a TV show?
Never heard of this girl. She's really monotone.
That is why all her videos have subtitles.
I wonder how they feel knowing that they're our current dystopian version of Cartoon Network.
furries will watch and support anything huh?
More or less.
Fact: the people who make these kinds of videos are the actual worst youtube "animators"
Especially since they tend to be unashamed furfags
i can hear the radiating smugness just by looking at it
Sorry but this is true. I wish I could say I support animators in general but none of them put forth their best effort because they are lazy depressed perverts.
>Especially since they tend to be unashamed furfags
why the fuck is that
why the fuck is it always that
like who's this literal who deviantart furry fucktard making smugass rants with that smarmy voice
trying to pass himself off as an "intellectual" even though he's probably posting these things in an actual fucking shit-filled diaper
you see that little circle plush in the background of his face reveal video? its small, and basic, and 20 bucks and sold out
/pol/tards forgive them for being furries because they make the libs mad
Illymation is pretty good desu