Is this gonna be a lore centric, plot heavy show or is it gonna be a fun episodic adventure kind of show? Or is it gonna be that really weird mix of both?
Owl House
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It's going to be Star Vs again
Im not even going to bother with this shit. You just know both the cute loli and hot witch are gonna turn out to be dykes.
Is that a bad thing?
Why wouldn't it be? Lesbians are awful subhumans and only cucks have a dyke fetish. Im sick of every cartoon ruining its characters by retroactively making them dykes.
I don't know any real protagonist of any cartoon I'm aware of that's actually gay. It's always been side characters, done at the last minute or done so discretely it might as well not even have mattered. If there's an actual lesbian protagonist in a kid's show, let alone Disney, I would be interested to see it.
>I don't know any real protagonist of any cartoon I'm aware of that's actually gay. It's always been side characters, done at the last minute or done so discretely it might as well not even have mattered.
This has ruined adventure time most prominently while also fucking over everything from star vs to that reboot of she ra. Lesbians are awful people and sticking them in to spite the male cast members is wrong and im sick of seeing it.
>If there's an actual lesbian protagonist in a kid's show, let alone Disney, I would be interested to see it.
Imagine being as much of a colossal faggot as this user, ladies and gents
Same, but its because I can't trust these cartoons anymore. I've gotten burned with Gravity Falls and Star Vs.
Disney has betrayed my expectations and I rather not get reinvested in a series that's gonna have a single good season before dropping the ball after gaining a fandom. Rather save the energy and finally start getting into comics. Speaking of, what non-capeshit comics do you guys recommend? I prefer stories with real emotional parts.
So what your saying is you don't like seeing LGBTQ representation in media? Are you homophobic or a bigot? If Luz is a lesbian so be it. It might be entertaining to watch.
>Same, but its because I can't trust these cartoons anymore. I've gotten burned with Gravity Falls and Star Vs.
>Disney has betrayed my expectations and I rather not get reinvested in a series that's gonna have a single good season before dropping the ball after gaining a fandom. Rather save the energy and finally start getting into comics.
Thats exactly why i wont watch owl house. After GF disappointing ending and star vs downright insulting ending and pst two seasons, i dont give a fuck about any newer cartoons on disney channel. Especially since cotugno is involved as well
>Speaking of, what non-capeshit comics do you guys recommend? I prefer stories with real emotional parts.
Im mostly a casual but i loved sandman back in highschool. Also johnny the homicidal maniac if you like invader zim.
That falls under the shoe-horned in at the last minute though. Same with Korra. There were hints earlier sure but nothing happened till the last episode in both cases.
Beautiful Darkness
Are some I like. They've all been storytimed on here so you can look them up on desuarchive.
>So what your saying is you don't like seeing LGBTQ representation in media? Are you homophobic or a bigot?
Lesbians are terrible man haters and im sick of seeing male characters as proxys for the male audience get cucked by them.
>If Luz is a lesbian so be it. It might be entertaining to watch.
Because youre a castrated gender traitor with no spine.
>All lesbians are the same
>An extremely loud and extremely small minority somehow becomes what you think all lesbians are
>I can somehow betray my gender just because I like the idea of a dyke being a protagonist
Wew lad you're on a whole new level of pure autism.
Do you like seeing dicks in your porn user? Why do you like dicks so much.
You must be OP because you really like cock.
>>An extremely loud and extremely small minority somehow becomes what you think all lesbians are
Because thats what they all are like, lesbians are misandrist bulldykes and feminist extremists
>>I can somehow betray my gender just because I like the idea of a dyke being a protagonist
>Wew lad you're on a whole new level of pure autism.
Youre no better then the male feminists who sell out their dignity and their self respect to orbit feminists by being a dyke enabler.
I wish I could cuddle those girls
>/pol/tard escapes containment and is offended people don't ree at the sight of gays on there tv.
They're only 13 user...
>muh /pol/
Fuck off, im as Yea Forums as they come and hate dykes from personal experience and seeing the bulk of cartoons ruined by dyke interference now in some capacity
I feel like you're being ironic, or this is something a little more personal. Like you were bullied by a lesbian or your gf came out as gay. Im gonna hope you're being ironic and just larping as a radical anti-LGBT person.
Luz is made for deep dickings, but that Xhe-ra image isn't exactly helping your case for not being /pol/
He still hasn't answered why he likes dicks in his porn.
>consequence evading mobile poster with shitter memes saved claiming there Yea Forums
sounds more like Yea Forums or Yea Forums desu
Any chance of an Amphibia/Owl House crossover special?
>I'm as Yea Forums as they come
That's a fucking lie and you know it.
imagine being this offended by lesbians.
Same, but it's largely due to the The Owl House's current showrunners lacking the ability to write a realistic (and no, not one that matches Twitter's definition of the word) lesbian character without dipping into stereotypical characteristics of lesbians.
To put it in simple terms they should write a character, not a golden idol to be worshipped and revered and one that can do no wrong or doing wrong and getting away with it.
>I feel like you're being ironic, or this is something a little more personal. Like you were bullied by a lesbian or your gf came out as gay. Im gonna hope you're being ironic and just larping as a radical anti-LGBT person.
Seeing men constantly attacked in the animation medium and it being used as a feminist soap box by dykes hasnt made my feelings for them any less harsh.
>more /pol/ whinning
Yea Forums has been shitting on she-man since the first leaked pics, off yourself tripfaggot
Eva wants frog soup so Luz goes through another portal to another frog dimension, Luz starts hunting the intelligent frogs because Eva desensitized her to the hole Might makes right bit and these frogs apparently taste the best.
>youre not Yea Forums because you hurt my fee fees
Go back to fucking tumblr you sow
There is something wrong with you if you arent disgusted by them
Not him, but I have an impregnation fetish, and it's kind of hard to accomplish that with two pussies.
>it's still screaming while gripping at the no true Scotsman stick
Oh please don't stop. Tell me how the mean old lesbians hurt you user.
That’s a good fetish
I guess it would be like that Claire episode on cartoon go
Glad to see some people on Yea Forums still have some taste.
there’s literally nothing wrong with being a homophobe.
Hmmmm that's fair i guess.... it's not impossible but I can see how dicks make that easier.
Ehhh being a dick for the sake of being a dick seems like it'd take actual effort. I don't like expending effort so I just don't care. It's not worth being angry about.
Yea there is. Its pathetic to walk around life hating on people. Just let people live how they want to live. Its as dumb as being racist. There's no point, it doesn't help anybody. Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it.
Do you think hatred is a choice? These dykes hate me for who i am and want to attack my way of life, so in what conceivable reality shouldnt i have the right to hate them back? Look at what feminism has done for nerd culture, its only brought pain and ruin where it rears its ugly head.
I mean you can..... it's just pointless. But I'm from the South so the madder you make me the nicer i get. "Have a good day" means "Get the fuck out of my face".
Dykes don't hate you. Like everyone else in your life, they don't care about you at all. And your SJW boogeyman hasn't done anything to nerd culture. You're just a paranoid, spiteful geek that blames the world for his own misfortune.
>Do you think hatred is a choice?
Yes. Want to know how I know? Because I also hated gay people, but I moved on because it was pointless.
>These dykes hate me for who I am
Considering all the shit you posted, I would be surprised if anyone liked you.
I just want it to not have shit writing and dialogue.
>Female MC
For some reason I'm not a fan of these. Even less when the main secondary character (maybe even primary) is also a woman.
It's actually a trio, and King is male. I just think he gets the least attention because he's not a waifu.
I was confused, is he gonna have an actual voice or is he just gonna be the dog/pet type of character?
>Because I also hated gay people, but I moved on because it was pointless.
Yes, just ignore and let social justice hippies buttfuck all the things you love into an homogenized preachy mess
I refuse to be complacent in their doings, i will not let everything be raped like star wars and adventure time were.
Shows like dyke ra are proof of everything ive said, feminists slime are out to overtake and destroy anything they can get their grubby mits on, and i am within my right to hate their destructive slime as much as they hate me for having a penis.
I don't count pets, I doubt he'll be as important as the girl, assuming he even has a voice.
I don't hate women or anything, I just can't get into shows with only female leads as easily. Maybe because it's harder to identify with them than with a male lead.
Cute loli
From what I've heard King is an actual King who was deposed and hangs out with Eva because he's got nothing better to do. Ehhh Kim Possible was one of the best shows of the early 2000's.
There are many different ways of hating. Being furious all the time only hurts you, and solves nothing. Consider mocking instead.
(different user)
That is a decent response.
Is it me, or does she look like a character from stonetoss but brown and with hair.
It's just you
If Anne and Luz met, would they be friends?
>Its as dumb as being racist
Being racist isn't dumb, it's just a survival instinct, it's an objective, statistically verifiable fact, that you are potentially in more danger around blacks than you are around whites. Gays? Sure, who gives a fuck? The whole LGBTBBQ community is more of a danger to themselves than anyone else; but I'm definitely gonna be more on edge if I see a large group of black people walking my way than I will be if white or Asian folk are.
>Confirmed staff writers (people who will be writing outlines if it's a board driven show, outright writing scripts if it's a script driven show) on Owl House
Rachel Vine (wrote for Wander Over Yonder and the Ducktales Reboot): the show's Story Editor (aka head writer below only the showrunner and head director)
Charlie Feldman (can't find much work outside of some minor freelance projects)
Zach Marcus (former Star vs boarder)
Molly Ostertag (artist of Strong Female Protagonist, prop designer on Star vs)
John Bailey Owen (writer on Clarence and Future Worm)
JBO's Clarence eps were pretty good (he's the guy who wrote Tuckered Boys and The Big Petey Pizza Problem)
>Wanting to watch bootleg anime
Hard to say without knowing anything about luz’s personality.
That anime has sheet writing.
And American toons are usually ten times worse than that.
I am comparing animu with animu, not some east vs west bullshit you're thinking of.
I thought sabrina cotugno was in on this too
she's a director, not a writer
>she's a director, not a writer
Thats even worse then
I don't give a shit about the whole lesbian/LGBTQ shit, I just wish some of the people working on this would stop being so fucking toxic on social media.
I was in Yea Forums while you were in diapers. So what?
It's going to be stupid and gay, but it is the gayness that will make it stupid.
>anime started out as bootleg cartoons
Imagine that!
Not really
How about you form an opinion NOT founded on the same jargon and ideology of the people spreading bile on social media?
>standard vaguely brown mc
yikes already but i can deal with it if the rest of the show is good
>rumors of making her a carpetmuncher
oh shit nigger what are you doing
Okay, I hate it when people lord their sexuality over others. Being gay or trans doesn’t make you special.
It's not like she's head director (that would be Tyler Chen). Cotugno has as much power as Dana had on the ducktales reboot and Matt Brady (the amphibia guy) had on gravity falls
Im not gonna watch unless there's a shota
so maybe this will be board driven? It doesn't seem like any save for one have experience scripting.
Lol I thought this and the amphibian show was the same thing. Not gonna watch it regardless
i bet is going to be just like star vs,so im going to hate it
The hilarious thing is that is what is supposed to be their end goal, but you will be hated for it.
"Acceptance" is just a thrashing narcissistic tantrum to seem special for many.
>able to right lore plots (or comedy for that matter)
user. You should've learned by now.
Even Gravity Falls wasn't safe when Emmy C and Dana T got fast-tracked promoted and promptly fucked everythang up.
what did dana do to gf?
Made Dipper into a cuck who repeatedly got his balls stepped on and was practically #MeToo'd for asking for a bunch of girls numbers.
Also the finale was disappointing mainly because they fell for the "SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS" hack twist especially with the symbol wheel or giving Stan his memories back.
>blames dana for roadside attraction
>not the shitty nu-simpsons writer who was dangling onboard
opinion discarded
I doubt it. I think we already know this is a 22-minute show which precludes being board-driven as it's too much work for a single boarding team to do 22 minutes of material, and Dana's previous experience is on script-driven shows so I imagine that's what she's most comfortable with.
Calling it: it ends with all the Witches dying
I'd she actually lesbian?
Love potion episode when
its gonna be lore heavy as fuck
>eda bent over like that
>done at the last minute or discreetly
>implying the finally wasn't garbage due to Hirshe bailing on a third season and cramming everything into the final 4 episodes
Bill being the end game villain rather than a neutral trickster was a mistake
It'll start off as comfy and become progressively more nonsensical, badly written and there will be a sudden lesbian couple ending
n-no, please no. Can I finally have just a fucking cartoon with cute girl having cute adventures without any homo-agenda or badly written crap?
Also I don't have anything against homos. In fact I used to put dildo up my ass but I heavily prefer thad kind of crap left out of cartoons for children.
I am DONE with modern cartoons
I am DONE, that's it
No more suffering, no more browsing Yea Forums
I won't watch another modern cartoon ever again
Congrats contungo, you disgusted me of my own hobby
ME, who has been a big animation fan for 25 years
I believed the last minute sudden lesbians was just a meme, I really wanted to believe this
But thye just kept coming one after the other
I can't believe I defended this show for so long
That's it, that's the last straw
No more chilling, no more watching
Maybe no more watching ANY modern cartoon ever again
You broke me Disney, you broke what little hope and enjoyment I had
May cotungo receive the divine judgment for her immoral sins
I don't think I even want to watch the SVTFOE final
I'm just too disgusted right now
can't even switch to anime, it's all swarming with yurifags
I guess it's a good thing I'm leaving cartoons for good, since I'm an adult now
But I can't help but shudder at this new brainwashed generation
I guess it is finally time for me to leave the Western world for a better place
Farewell friends.
I'm leaving Yea Forums now, probably forever
It has been an honor talking with you all
There was no one in my entourage with whom I could speak about cartoons, not my family, not my friends, not my coworkers
Only with you guys
It was the first time I could discuss with people just like me, and you made me very happy during all these years
But I guess it is finally time to let go of cartoons now
Well, at the very least, I can always revisit series from the 80s, 90s and the 2000s
These are packed with so many memories, cartoons used to be fun
But never can I ever again lay my eyes on a new cartoon series now, it will always end the same: me being dissapointed
This post is starting to get really long now, so let me say: thank you for everything
*Deliciously brown mc
So she has enough power to ruin characters by inserting faggotry as much as possible?
>Not knowing who two girls reproduce
step up your game tripfag, Yuri pregnancy stories are wholesome.
i'm sorry, who are you again?
>Implying Futa/Dick Girls aren't a thing
>that pic
>"just want to destroy all magic tiptudurr!"
Does that mean she and her magic bug freak family are now powerless? In a world full of monsters? In a probably present day based human world? Where it would take just one gun loaded with bullets to bring her and the others to their knees, or some freakishly vicious monster to subdue them as they no longer have broken over powered hax to edge out threats? If all magic is gone, she's surely in deep shit without it, did that thought never cross her mind?
Give them a week before she and those she hold dear get their shit pushed in by either rabid monsters or powerful malicious humans who will certainly put attention in her direction for fucking things up so badly. Bunch of faceless government agents/squads seizing them under the guise of maintaining order to extract info on what's going on and how this "magics" worked.
Shit, I could see her getting the brutal ganged up hentai bad ending, murakami style.
It's because all the calarts fuckwads can't write a good gay character without pushing their retarded agenda. They lack any form of writing talent save for a few specific examples.
>show doesn't come out for a whole year
>there's already a ton of Luz R34
>a ton
pics or you know what
>can't write a good gay character without pushing their retarded agenda.
Bullshit, you think it's pushing an agenda when the gay character just exists.
>So she has enough power to ruin characters by inserting faggotry as much as possible?
that's not how directors on script driven shows work
Dana didn't have any major writing power on the ducktales reboot, for instance
Anything a page or less on Paheal isn't a ton. A ton of R34 is more like 5 pages, if we're talking about a show that hasn't even released yet. A ton for an already released and moderately popular show will probably range from 20-50 pages on Paheal. Owl house is only at 1 page bro. One.
not that guy but I think it's agenda when they put it in cartoons for KIDS. Even if I skip bitching how it brings nothing to the story, reveals possible complexes of the creators or exist solely for the "shock" factor get this: That's a bad thing because children are easily influenced and they misinterpret things. It's just civilized to skip some things in cartoons for children, pretend something doesn't exist and despite what fucks-up-in-the-heads are trying to tell you it's a good thing. Cartoons are very bad source of knowledge besides some very basic life trivia, like telling kids they shouldn't cross the road when the light is red. Homos, dykes and other weirdos will always take that kind of arguments personally because they feel too important, like the world should be focused on them, and now that I got that out of the way let me elaborate: it's not only about homos but that subject is just fashionable recently. Cartoons for kids should be free of any kind of agenda like sex, politics, racism (nowadays it's not really a problem, it's more like 30s, 40s domain or something) war (I mean real conflicts, not some knights versus dragon made up fantasy) and these are just from the top of my head. Let me make it perfectly clear if you missed it: I'm talking only about cartoons for kids. In cartoons for adults anything from that list should be allowed because that's also partially how freedom works.
Steven Universe, Jeff's parents in Clarence, Clyde's parents in Clarence, and the two cops in Gravity Falls are GOOD examples of "gays exist".
Ending to Korra, Marcy + Princess Bubblegum, and Jackie going gay with some random one-off in Star Vs. are examples of people pushing gays out of nowhere with the specific intent to either make something memorable because it's progressive or because they want to increase the ratio of gay characters in media.
Both Rebecca Sugar and Sabrina Cotugno have gone on record to talk about how important it is for them to push for more gay representation, and to do so by randomly turning other characters gay is an example of pushing an agenda. You can cry "You're just mad gays" all you want, but I also hate forced straight romances such as Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable, Mordecai ending up with a random girl in the finale of Regular Show, and the obnoxious amount of love triangles Star Vs. had.
Most writers just fucking suck at romance writing in general, but critics will especially blow off bad writing if there's a gay character for the sake of representation. And that's bad. Gays don't deserve lower writing standards.
Clyde's Parents in Loud House*, not Clarence.
>Wanting kids entertainment to literally shelter them from real world problems that way they grow up desperate to go back to their fantasy worlds
Why though? It's bad enough we have 30-year olds using Harry Potter as an example when debating politics, why mentally stunt the next generation even worse? Mr. Rogers had the right idea. He didn't shelter kids from real world terror, but he made sure they weren't traumatized when learning about it.
What you're suggesting is the equivalent of replacing your kid's fish everytime it dies so they never have to learn about death. Or never talking about sex with your kid and hoping they just figure everything by the time they hit 18, or 21 if you're a prudish parent.
any average child with right mind will sooner or later find out about "real world problems" and figure them out and they don't need to be taught about them by cartoons, thanks for your noble concern. Cartoons for kids should be solely entertainment unless it's Dora the Explorer or something similar - just saying that so you don't pull out an argument why a cartoon can't be educational.
>What you're suggesting is the equivalent of replacing your kid's fish everytime it dies so they never have to learn about death.
no, what I'm suggesting is totally different and you are fucking retard, there is really no other way to put it. You go from what should or shouldn't be allowed in cartoons for kids to some incorrect analogy about replacing a dead fish instead of giving a logical argument.
>Or never talking about sex with your kid and hoping they just figure everything by the time they hit 18, or 21 if you're a prudish parent.
Somehow I knew one of the first reply will be a moron taking what I said totally backwards and straight out suggesting I said something different. How about you pay attention? Obviously it's the parents that should be teaching their kids about sex because they will do it better than a cartoon you numbnut.
Also just a piece of opinion here: you wish for cartoons to shape people so they don't mention Harry Potter when debating in politics (how are cartoons supposed to stop that is beyond me but whatever have it your way), in short not to be stupid and bad people. How about making cartoons that present the basics like how it is important to say "thank you" "please" "I'm sorry". Instead we get like shit like SU which portraits obesity like something normal.
This post is way too fucking long to have no point to it. Not once did you try to refute me or my points, you just resorted to insults while spouting how right you are.
>How about making cartoons that present the basics like how it is important to say "thank you" "please" "I'm sorry".
Those exist, it's called pre-school shows.
> Instead we get like shit like SU which portraits obesity like something normal.
It is normal. Fat people are real. They're not unicorns. You want fat characters to be banned from cartoons all of a sudden? It'd be visually boring as fuck if every single cartoon character was skinny. We wouldn't get Tohru, Wreck-It Ralph, Homer Simpson, Ursula, Fat Albert, Garfield, Heffer, Harold (Hey Arnold), a bunch of other characters.
Your idea of entertainment sounds boring as fuck, user.
>Not once did you try to refute me or my points
quite the contrary and you would have noticed this if you were't stupid. That's why I insult you because that's all you are worth for
>It is normal. Fat people are real. They're not unicorns.
Listen, I'm not gonna be picky about words just for you because your mind is limited. Obesity is not normal, it's a condition one is usually responsible for himself. Also, I haven't seen everything that you listed but the incarnations of Garfield and The Simpsons I watched often mentioned obesity as something negative, and that was a good thing. SU is trying to make look obesity as something you should tolerate because muh diversity.
>Your idea of entertainment sounds boring as fuck, user.
okay you win, have a good one
>You haven't seen Jackie Chan Adventure, Wreck-It Ralph, Fat Albert, or Hey Arnold
Maybe you should. Then you'd have something other than SU to bitch about when trying to push your dumb, "muh scary fat people argument.
>Garfield and Homer are portrayed as negative outcomes of obesity
They're actually portrayed as comical. They are not the dangers of what happens when you get fat because we often still root for and laugh with these characters, not mock them because they're one cupcake away from having a stroke. TV shows having fat characters that aren't all one trait is what makes it not boring to begin with. You can have an evil character like Ursula or someone who does teach you the importance of saying please and thank you like Fat Albert.
But the fact that you think it's only acceptable to have a fat character if they're portrayed as negatively or otherwise you shouldn't have them at all means you're the one who wants to push an agenda.
But realistically, because you brought up Steven Universe out of nowhere, you probably don't give a shit and are just a bored troll who likes seeing his thread watcher light up and mentions SU to get easy (you)'s.
>Obesity is not normal
Obesity is not HEALTHY. That's different from being "not normal". Not including medical reasons for weight gain, if you eat a lot an gain weight, that's very fucking normal. That's expected to happen.
Shit, if I had a friend eating three times their weight and never gained any weight, I would say that's not normal and be concerned they probably have a parasite in their stomach.
realistically I was counting on real discussion, instead you came in with your delusions and not even understanding what you read
Yes, it's not HEALTHY and not normal. Dictionary says
>Normal is conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
well, to me it's pretty much a standard and usually people are not obese. It's a minority. Therefore it's not normal. w/e
>Dictionary definition of normal
>"An estimated 160 million Americans are either obese or overweight."
That's at least 50% of the fucking country that these cartoons are produced in. In America, being fat is just as normal as being skinny. You're an idiot.
I hate to interject in your argument, but the problem here is you are using different definitions of the word "normal."
Normal is, simply:
Ordinary or usual; as would be expected.
Using this definition of the word, in the united states it can be said that being overweight is normal. That is, the majority of persons in the united states are overweight. Somewhere around 70% of them last I saw.
This means that what is usual, what is to be expected of a random individual, you're far more likely to see an overweight person than someone of healthy weight or underweight.
Now is obesity or being overweight healthy? No. No doctor will tell you that. It's one of the biggest health risks you can have.
>well, to me it's pretty much a standard and usually people are not obese. It's a minority.
Obese, or overweight, user? Obese - yes. Overweight? No. Worryingly, there are more obese people than those who are overweight but not obese.
If we go from there to say a fat person is an overweight person, you might be able to argue that it's normal. At least, in the united states.
>realistically I was counting on real discussion
No you weren't, baiter. That's why you cried about Steven Universe having a fat main character.
Shut the fuck up and go watch Hey Arnold, Jackie Chan Adventures, and Wreck-It Ralph already.
>That's at least 50% of the fucking country
It's about 75% actually.
Are there any good new pics of Luz? She is very cute. Thank you
ok, go tell mommy
I also watched Wreck-it Ralph
the best part was how there was no gays
You're the only one that posts like 99% of these images. Stop beating around the bush and post them.
>the best part was how there was no gays
Sonic was most definitely in the movie.
Do you realize America isn't the whole world, people usually are not obese and I didn't say a word about America? Could you stop trying to be smart and actually fucking read what I say?
I think the main point is not that when writers want to put LGBT characters into a kids cartoon, they're trying to give a kids an experience of "this is okay, this isn't bad, it's okay" when it comes to gay people. If you shelter a kid from all media portraying gay people, they will inevitably grow to resent gays and LGBT. Or at the very least, they'll get this sense that it's wrong and shouldn't be talked about. That's how taboos are formed. So it's important to make those lesbians, gay, and bisexual characters to make sure kids aren't gonna grow into hateful people.
Do writers overdo it? Probably.
Steven Universe takes place in America. It's a cartoon made in America by Americans who drew a fat American because to them, fat Americans are normal.
>Could you stop trying to be smart and actually fucking read what I say?
Stop talking to yourself and being a cunt.
I just figured there were more fans of cute and funny characters who had art saved.
>America isn't the whole world
It's the only relevant part of the world desu
You mentioned SU. And Garfield. And The Simpsons.
Which take place in the US.
As does Hey Arnold!, and Jackie Chan Adventures.
Depicting Steven's hometown of Beach City accurately would need to depict the majority of its residents as overweight.
Sadly the drawfag didn't do my request because he thought it was my fetish. It was just Luz jumping hurdles while Eda was the coach.
>mfw the most mundane shit I can think of is considered a fetish
>That's how taboos are formed.
Politely disagree. Not seeing representation in media is not what lead to people feeling that homosexuality was immoral. Generally, television isn't what shapes people's morals, its their upbringing from their parents. Of course we could get into a debate about how active parents roles' have been in their children's lives, versus television and other media. And there would be some merit to that, but I feel it would be too great of a segue to diverge from the topic of cartoons and comics, of which this conversation has already digressed from already.
my bad. Still, it was tolerable exception.
I want to rape Star. I want to see her cucked! Why aren't social justice warriors letting me rape her?!
Yes, surely people will grow to hate gays if they will be not put in kids cartoons. Just as generations risen before us, those people watching 60s hannah-barbera, those who watched 80s action cartoons and those who watched 90s disney renaissance. They are all adult now and they hate gays. Jesus you are fucking dumbass.
But it's also the other side of the coin of that argument where, "Doom makes kids want to become school shooters!" that has been repeatedly disproven.
Look at the amount of hardcore SJWs today who complain about 90's shows being politically incorrect by today's standards even though these are shows they grew up on. Clearly they did not become resentful towards fat people because of all the fat jokes against Monica on Friends. A generation of people didn't grow up hating Indians because of Apu on The Simpsons. Those bullies who mocked the Indian kid in school was going to do it anyway, Apu was just another name to use, not the reason for their bullying.
Having (whatever) characters in TV shows to normalize something is one discussion, but I think the idea of "So many Disney villains are flamboyant, they're trying to brainwash the public into thinking gays are evil!" argument is an entirely different discussion. And an incorrect one at that. Especially because people don't grow up hating gays because of Scar, Jafar, that guy from Princess and the Frog. They end up becoming fan favorites and people want to hang out with them.
Just like the Doom argument with video games: Shooters do not turn kids into violent monsters. Games with bad controls are more likely to make you aggressive. And in TV shows: A stereotypical character won't make you prejudice. Writers hamfisting bad characters with poor writing and telling you it's important for the industry will.
People were just as pissed at Finn/Flame Princess as they were with Marcy/PB because bad writing pisses people off.
Pretty sensible sounding to me user.