Just saw Godzilla: Kino of The Monsters, what's the best Yea Forums related Godzilla media?

Just saw Godzilla: Kino of The Monsters, what's the best Yea Forums related Godzilla media?

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Godzilla series from Fox
Godzilla vs Shaq
Godzilla vs Bambi

Then thundercats roar finally airs Yea Forums is going to be all but unusable for the next werk

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>Godzilla vs Shaq
wait my bad, it was Barkley.

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Ironically the cartoon version of the 98 movie.

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Godzilla in Hell & Half Century War for thr comics department

>Godzilla vs Bambi
Don't spoil the action-packed finale!

Do I have to watch the first film to enjoy/understand it?




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Godzilla Cataclysm is pretty good

The first ten to fifteen minutes of KOTM is peppered with clumsy exposition to bring new audiences up to speed. You'll be fine.

>all the Skull Island and Kong hinting
just make the rematch already

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Personally I wanted to see Kong, even a cameo, he’s going against Godzilla next movie, does that mean he’s an Alpha like Ghidorah, and if he is, why didn’t he do anything?

Cartoon wise?
The 90s Cartoon.
The Hanna Barbera cartoon is also okay if you don’t mind cheesiness.
Comicwise? There are so many options and so many people have different opinions on what’s the best.
Personally, I recommend Godzilla the Half Century War, Godzilla in Hell, Godzilla vs Charles Barkley, and Godzilla Rage Across Time.

None. The live-action movies are superior, and all the American made-shit is exactly that,shit

I've heard that the novel says he's stuck on Skull Island fighting skull crawlers.

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Isnt Kong like only as tall as Godzilla's knee? Even saying he wasnt done growing yet doesnt sound like he would ever reach the height needed to put up a fight.

They'll just make Kong as big as he needs to be.

Feed him a nuke or two and he'll grow up to be a big strong boy



The sheer number of callbacks and references is astounding.

nothing you can do could make you enjoy/understand that piece of shit

he was a kid in the previous movie, now he will be a full grown adult

>that pic

Japan did it already

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they did

that was 30 years ago

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The KaijuMax comic is a bit odd but entertaining

Not quite that short but yea, he's definitely much smaller than Godzilla. I'm cool with it honestly, a lot of what made Kong stand out to me in Skull Island was how clever and technical a fighter he was- remember, the first real encounter had him spearing a moving helicopter with a tree head on, not to mention the propeller blade on a chain he used to great effect. He also seems much quicker than the other kaiju's shown, though that might just be for the effect of scale. I do wonder if they'll give him lightning powers in the movie like they did the classic, part of me thinks it'd be dumb but there were a lot of entertaining and bombastic moments in KotM, so my hopes are up.

ah, the Yea Forums shitposters are here

Where have I seen this style of post before

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Why didn't you see Rocketman?

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I'm not a big fan of Harland Williams

This is so cute


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The "King Kong was still young in Skull Island" is weird because comparing how much bigger he would have to get would imply the Skull Island Kong was just a baby but he has the body of a mature adult

SI Kong was "a teenager".

I know, but if that's already his adolescence then an adult Kong would still be small in comparision to Godzilla

The majority of IDW's comic run especially the miniseries

this anime is also the only media other that KoTM where Ghidorah's heads act like conjoined twins


Busy protecting Skull Island and also gorillas don’t swim very well


I didn't ask for your opinion, faggot.

According to the novelization, Kong did hear Ghidorah's call but literally couldn't care any less.


where can I download this? I'm on a godzilla binge since i found out that archive.org has a bunch of the movies for free to download.

>bunch of soldier get vaporized
>Ghidorah's wacky left head licks the ground to taste the remains
>middle head is all "bro, wtf"

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Dunno about downloading, but its on Youtube.



People say that in the movie it is confirmed that Ghidorah is an alien being, but when does that happen? I honestly don't recall any such dialogue.

>tfw you just want to see monsters but they keep throwing you human scenes

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when they drop the oxygen bomb they assume it didn't worked on him because he must be an alien or whatever

They point out at one point that there was old folklore of how Ghidorah "fell from the stars." Factor in the unearthly regenerative abilities and that the oxygen destroyer didn't affect him like said, and they chalk it up to Ghidorah being an alien.

Dr. Chen mentions it before they go on that submarine mission. The wording she uses, "a dragon that fell from the stars", is said to be from ancient accounts. It's also where she debuts the name "Ghidorah" as opposed to the designation of "Monster Zero". The rest of the crew then go "Oh great, so he's extraterrestrial?" and conclude that's why Godzilla and Ghidorah hate each others' guts: the latter is an intruder in this ecosystem.

>Critics complain that it's almost entirely monster fights

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Kaiju films often struggle to walk the tightrope of balancing human content and monster content. I'd argue this outing does a damn good job of it. Certainly more than the 2014 entry.

That box is fucking BASED and popcornpilled

From the wiki
>There is a sequence set on Skull Island told from Kong's point of view. Kong is patrolling his territory, and recalls how another Titan once ventured very close to the island but ultimately it had no interest in fighting him. Kong overhears King Ghidorah's call which awakens the other Titans, and interprets it as a call to "hunt together." Kong rejects Ghidorah's call, having no desire to bother the outside world and being more concerned with matters on Skull Island. Kong thinks about the various creatures of the island, including the humans he protects and the Skullcrawlers which still haunt his dreams. As the ground begins to shake, Kong realizes that Ghidorah's call has begun to bring Skullcrawlers back to the surface, and he prepares to face them.

Puppets are Yea Forums. Godzilla Island.


>Ghidorah's head sets up mecha Ghidorah
>oxygen destroyer in open ocean could set up Destroyah
>credits mention Sahara desert is in bloom and my delusional ass hopes this could be biollante

Nobody even refers to that as actually Godzilla. IIRC They just call that abomination "Zilla".

Still don't get why people are saying that first bit.
Why would one head mean Mecha King Ghidorah? It's supposed to be the entire body minus the middle head, unless they intend to do the reverse and just attach the severed head to a mechanical body.

Half Century War

2014's humans were fantastic compared to this movie, though.

Bland as Kickass the soldierman was, he was a sensible guy who followed along the action without throwing retarded quips like these Marvel-tier scientists. The entirety of Monarch had like four characters too many, and you know you fucked up when the stereotypical sassy black woman was fucking likable compared to that retarded dudebro commando.

The Japanese do, yes. But in the spin-off cartoon show the monster was always referred to as Godzilla.

I was thinking that they would try to replicate his regenerative abilities but imperfectly so they'd supplement him with cybernetics. At the very least I'm almost certain the regeneration is coming into play somehow.

Agreed. But I was talking more about the amount of runtime devoted to their actions than the quality of their characters.

Brian Cranston's character from the '14 film is leagues above anything in KOTM.

I could see them BS something into making that work. If that was the case, I'd be into it. Right now I'm leaning way more into Destroyah showing up, but I would be far from upset to see MKG happen

In the credits they talk about Kaijus going to Skull island, so I wonder if we are getting a full Monster war in the third movie.


>almost dead mothra crawling on top of godzilla to defend him from ghidorah even though it's hopeless and sacrifices herself.

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Good thing most goji fans are used to see her dying just like DB fans are used to see Yamcha and Krillin dying

Its just that I couldnt care less about the humans in a monster v monster movie. If its monster v humanity like in Shin Godzilla, sure.
And without a single line of dialogue.Its just a matter of time before the franchise goes full discovery channel

Rodan needed more screentime

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Rodan was pretty fucking cool in this movie. A shame they made him into KG's bitch though. Doesn't he team up with Goji and Mothra in the original?

Anguirus would have made more sense in his place, he is godzilla's former foe that later becomes his bitch, while Rodan is more like a rival and occasionally an ally by convenience

Does mecha Ghidorah have a separate licence from regular? If so then we'll probably know the big bad soon when it inevitably leaks.

Supposedly Anguirus got axed at the last minute due to some argument over rights. There's a kaiju that looks like him, but he doesn't appear with the rest at the end. Also wasn't one of those OC kaiju just a Muto again?

Rodan is a top tier uncle tho. He sacrifices himself to save Godzilla's son in vs Mechagodzilla II, he's the Picollo Godzilla

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I don't think him becoming Ghidorah's bitch was the problem, but rather him STAYING as his bitch was. The fucker should've been shamelessly hopping sides throughout the movie. There should've been a sequence in the Boston fight after Rodan/Mothra fight and before Burning Goji where Ghidorah is getting his ass handed to him by Godzilla and Mothra again, but this time Rodan realizes Ghidorah is just a punk ass bitch and tries to kick him while he's down

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>Burning Goji
Even tho I caught bits of pieces of that in the trailers it still made me diamonds

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the mountain kaiju was also an OC, too bad we only get to see his face

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Frankly you're probably better off without it. All you have to know is that Godzilla woke up and wrecked San Francisco's shit.

I think the reason why he stayed is because they wanted this movie to be first one where Goji defeats Ghidorah in a 1x1 fight even if he still got some help from humans and Mothra[/spoiler

and nothing of value was lost

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>Oops almost stepped on some shit

That's what the Japanese people who own Godzilla dubbed that version, feeling he wasn't worthy of "God" in his name.

Would have been fun if in the final battle Rodan just blind sided King Ghidorah during his fight with Goji when he saw Ghidorah start to lose, and then just high tailed it out of there before showing up again to for the bow.

I just saw this today. My first impressions were "WOW! This is stupid! BioAcoustics, hollow Earth? This is all retarded." But then I remembered EVERY OTHER GODZILLA MOVIE EVER. In the 90's it was all about ESP. They tried to communicate/track/control Godzilla with Japanese Psychics. Even had institutions to train them.
So then I was able to shut off that part of my brain and enjoy the amazing monster fights. Also I loved all the references to the old movies. I was really surprised when they used the Oxygen Destroyer as the secret weapon.

Was Ghidorah's left head retarded or something?

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Half-century war was so good, holy shit.
>Look at me, you damn monster!


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hollow earth was already established in Kong Skull Island tho

Was it really? I honestly don't remember that.
then again I also didn't remember Brie Larson being in that movie either

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yeah that's where the skull crawlers come from

and that's bullshit because there was CONSTANT interruption of the monster scenes to go back to the useless human characters

Delet this right this very instant you accursed swine

Just watched Kong: Skull Island for the first time. The human characters were nice, but I didn't expect John C. Reilly to play the most likable member of the cast.

How did the big Skullcrawler know that Kong was getting napalmed?

That version sucks. Just post the Blue Oyster Cult version

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with retroactive knowledge from KoTM, it probably felt it in Kong's bioacoustic signals

It's not bad, but they misused the chanting and Taiko drums.


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Nah Serj ruins it. And I'm a fan of some of his solo work and SOAD

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I like his vocals here.
True, not as good as Blue Oyster Cult, but I really like some of the stuff he does here, like the warble in "Oh no".

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>Godzilla vs Bambi
Wait what?

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I just figured it was stalking Kong


Kang Ghidorah

>that waist
More like TWINK Ghidorah

I like all the IDW comics, but Rulers of Earth has the most fan service. Gangsters and Goliaths was my favorite self contained miniseries though.

>newspapers point out kaijuu going to Skull Island
I'm popping bitches if the opening shot of skull island in GvK isn't a bunch of dead kaijuu with their heads shoved up their asses

>the movie awoke the Godzilla/Mothra ship out of its hibernation
Oh no

Fuck the critics the movie was awesome going to buy shit for this now but I am really looking forward to godzilla and kong fight.

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This is a good thing.
The world needs more cute moth/mothgirl art.

Sweet child, it's never left

Oh yes

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Well for legal reasons, the versions in the 1998 movie and the cartoon based off it are still officially named Godzilla, it's just subsequent versions, like in Final Wars, and the IDW comics, that have "Zilla" on the roster.

people who draw "humanized" monsters are the lowest tier of unimaginative brainlet.

It's all but sealed with a kiss canon in the movie

What does Battra think of this?

only when they're moe anime girls dressed like idols

I am really curious if they will have Kong win again. I hope he does.

nah, it's always the dumbest form of fan art. No exceptions. deviantart fetish shit is more creative. It's the artistic equivalent of disney bounding.

Your own problem I guess

Pleb tier opinion


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Is he supposed to be a Jojo villain?
Because he looks like a Pillar Man.

Got the one where Godzilla is carrying Kong in a baby carrier?

>Mothra is bae and pure wife material
Shame the Fox animated show doesn't get as much love even from regular Godzilla fans. Its like a niche of an already niche audience.

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Thank you

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I've always enjoyed Doug Moench's Marvel series

they did right by themselves with the show but after the movie whomped it really killed their chances for it to be a hit

would be interesting to know how it would have been received if released today


By any chance, do you have that comic where Godzilla is trying to sleep through a Muto telephone conversation until a lewd comment by the male sets him off?


Why would he want to swim anyway, he tries to wash his hands and a giant octopus mistakes him for a japanese schoolgirl.

Favorite era?
Tossup between late Heisei and early Millennium.

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What am I looking at here?

Unrelated but where does your pic originate?

Map of human shit on the streets of San Francisco

Turns out Californians don't poo in the loo.

is she waving or fanning herself?

I liked how Half Century War had specialists correspond with the Kaijus they studied
>Hedora had hazmat suits
>Mothra had hippies because she's the friendliest to humans and they probably do drugs to try to communicate telepathically
But this scene always bothered me, they should have been disintegrated the moment they touched Hedora. The fucker evaporated innocent humans because they sniffed his braps

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Looks like waving


Goji a cute

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Do they have to pay to use the restrooms over there or something?
What the fuck.

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Biollante when?

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Large homeless population and folks high out of their minds probably

The city is full of illegal immigrants, homeless, and drug addicts. These are not mutually exclusive, of course.
The streets are covered in feces, used needles, and Plague bearing rats.

Homeless problem and mexican/indians.

L.A possibly has an outbreak out Bubonic plague

>left head doing the lick
I don't know if this is coincidence or attention to detail

I think I need to read Half Century War.
Isn't it one of the books back in print after IDW got the license back?

>Shipping those two
That's just wrong

I live in Austin TX and I see homeless people around everyday but no poo. Either they go to the gas station restrooms or do it in places where no one can see it.

As of right now, Legendary only has the rights to Godzilla, Mothera, King Ghidorah, and Rhodan. Though the contract does allow then to buy more in the future. I mean, after using the Oxygen Destroyer, they pretty much have to make Destroya, right?

I'm in Seattle. It's not common, but I've had to dodge shit Downtown before.

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prefer them separately?

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>Godzilla 3
>Godzilla vs Mecha Godzilla vs Space Godzilla
And they tease Destroya at the end.

Mossura YA Mossura!

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San Fran is leaps and bounds past every other city in the country in terms of sheer degeneracy, in the most literal meaning possible, the bum population has regressed to subhuman levels, they seldom spend a moment of the day fully sober, they behave like animals in other respects than shitting wherever the urge finds them, coming across them fighting or fucking randomly is a sight for anyone who still walks those streets instead of retreating into secluded communities or just lives outside and only beelines to work every day.

The city is full of people from all over that come specifically because the weather is good and such a lifestyle is subsidized, the town began handing out needles to let them consume heroin without spreading AIDS, then had to employ dozens of people with the specific task of collecting the used needles that became a massive biohazard for people and animals as a result.

she is second best girl

What do you absolutely need to have in the Kong Vs Godzilla movie?

I require Kong's lightning hands.

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>Kong doesn't care about what Ghidorah wants and ignores him
>Ghidorah's call brings up SkullCrawlers

Skullcrawlers considered Ghidorah an alpha, these sadistic fucked in the head creatures considered Ghidorah an Alpha

I hope they don't actually give him electric powers, and that he just brings weaponized giant electric eels

Kong needs to climb a tower and corkscrew off it on to Godzilla

Showa just because I grew up with it and its peak camp. Millennium because it has the most flavor and crazy fucking stories
>Captain Gordon as a character never again
He was a fucking gangster and a proud defender of humanity

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It's fucking wild that the last shot of the movie is basically this shot from the op


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It’s a combination of factors. Most of the country secretly ships off their homeless to California, most of the most progressive people live in Frisco, it’s a major tourist location, and it’s really cramped. So the homeless are more likely not to get their head smashed there, they are more likely to get money from tourists, they have nowhere to hide, and they locals tolerate them because it helps slowdown the gentrification. If factors were just a little different the LA ricer system would probably be the home of Secret Bum colonies like Vegas,

Also a bum was a King in San Francisco for years.

Well-played, sir(s).

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how fucking huge is that fisherman and dock

Please do no lewd Godzilla jr(female)

>Captain Gordon
You are my highest nigga

If Monarch is gonna be a shield ripoff with all kinds of tech, then they should go full balls to the wall and replace the Argo with the Gotengo or Super X(s)

So you're telling me Godzilla destroyed San Francisco because he truly was the defender of humanity?

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the godzilla cartoon i guess,not the original one,the second one the one that came after the first american movie

>Also a bum was a King in San Francisco for years.
Are you talking about Joshua Norton, or someone more recent?
Because Norton was a goddamned Emperor, and don't you forget it.

The soundtrack for the new movie is pretty great.

Not hoping, but completely expecting some smartass to work in at least the last line of Rap God in there somewhere.

I apologize, no offense was intended toward his majesty. It won’t happen again.

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don't forget the weather means they won't die off naturally

only NY bums have mutated resistance to cold.

>Ghidora's heads fighting with each other
I liked that
Which side was it that always got hit by the middle head

There might not be a Christ, or a Budda, but there is Godzilla.
Won't you believe in him?

Left for being more curious.
Right was a violent asshole even worse than the middle.


He did save San Fran actually. But he did so by getting rid of a pair of parasites that were fucking with the power, before they could pop out a bunch of kids to take over the neighborhood.

I was really hoping they'd do separate new factions within humanity as a response to the Kaijus. I thought that they were building that up.
>Monarch and parts of the US military work with good Kaijus
>The Eco-terrorists wanting to resurrect the evil Kaijus
>The pro-human world leaders and other parts of the military wanting to destroy the Kaijus, with the prototype Oxygen Destroyer
That way maybe they could have had a Captain Gordon character. Pro-human leader who hates Kaijus of all forms. Maybe even throw in plans for the Atragon prototype and even plans for Moguera so we can finally pave the way for Mechagodzilla

>The scene where left is trying to lick ashes and center just does the parent-sneaking-up-on-misbehaving-child thing.

>first movie is all about destroying the Muto before they multiply
>second movie has everyone at Monarch up in arms about not killing the titans

>We'll never get Legendary-verse setting up Keizer mutants so we can go full Final Wars retarded

I like to think it's more like they realized
>holy fuck we can't actually kill all of them

its ok a different female Muto was bowing down to Godzilla at the end

poop beam

At least they are our kaiju, unlike them dirty xeno ones.

I honestly hated the fuck out of Monarch in the movie. Not only did they utterly fail at any kind of containment protocol, they also actively withheld information that led to millions of deaths, and had endless, absolutely fucking ridiculous levels of resources and none of them were useful in the least.

Why did Monarch have an entire airforce's worth of fighter jets and helicopters? why would you spend so much money on weapons that don't do shit against Kaiju instead of investing in super large cannons and special missiles? Why didn't they have bigger and roomier aircraft to move refugees, personnel and material instead of spamming smaller helicopters? Why did they have some black ups looking commandos instead of guys with clear, discernible outfits? Why did they cooperate so little with the militaries of the countries they operated in?

Were they expecting to fight governments instead of the kaijus? To me it seems like the crazy bitch that switched sides was not the only one in Monarch with weird ideas about what to do with the titans.

Also i got mad that no one called their plan for what it was: genocide. That woman was literally worse than Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Ghengis Khan combined.

Be nice to Lefty

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We need a Ghidorah edit.

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They were collecting titan dna, it’s clear what’s going to happen to Kong. [some retard group of interest will militarize Kong with a super kaiju serum crafted from either Zilla or Ghidorah, maybe both. What better thing to train than the smallest, smartest, most (((human))) monster. The DNA would drive him to establish alpha-dominance.[/spoiler]

>space gorillas fighting Japanese James Bond never
>space roaches building amusement parks to brainwash monsters never
>all female alien race brainwashing scientists for their sick games never
>xillien female stealing your mitochondria against your will never

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There more I think about it the more displeased I get. Monarch were acting like grubby jews with their info but despite that couldn't do jack shit to protect their installations from Charles Dance (props to him for giving it a good go with the limited time and lame character he had) and his MAYBE several dozen followers

He'd stolen from them MULTIPLE times before and yet Monarch didn't use those ridiculous resources they had to SECURE THE SECURE SITES with more than a fucking handful of guards for each. NIGGA YOU GUARDING KAIJU, DON'T TAKE CHANCES

I can understand using smaller craft to play distraction, that's fair. But shit, if all you plan to do with those craft is throw them into a meat grinder, invest in some fucking DRONES so you aren't getting entire squadrons of people murdered at a time

>That scene with Godzilla underwater
I wasn't prepared

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It wasn't fair, my theater had the speakers turned up way louder than usual. that's cheating

why is Kamata-kun so cute?

How come Zilla Jr is so cool and Sr such a loser?

>talking shit of Zilla Jr.
Fuck you.

>mfw Lefty got himself decapitated AGAIN
>mfw he can't even get out of his amniotic membrane without my help
>I'm sure Motha-Chan would give me a chance if I beat Chadzilla

>I'm your little butterfly.

>Do they have to pay to use the restrooms over there or something
Yes, actually. In order to deter the homeless population from hanging around their business, a lot of places with public restrooms (at least in California) do not allow you to use their shitter unless you buy something first. A lot of them have even resorted to locking the bathrooms and making you get the key by asking the counter for it.

I saw it coming and was still shook

The fact that he couldn't get out of the membrane without the other head's help was just the cherry on top for me. Lefty is too fucktarded to live and I love him for it.

Dagashi Kashi, it's a manga about a learning japanese candy trivia alongside a busty onee-san, it's pretty funny honestly.

Quick edit just for you, user.

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the almost deep fried quality makes it

Fun factfag here, it’s illegal for them to do that. If they serve food they have to allow you access to the restroom.

Aight so actual spoilers but a good explanation.

There's a cave painting shown in KOTM credits. Not only does the Kong movie claim the K.K. is a juvenile of his kind, still mourning his parents but the cave painting shows him standing almost as tall as G-zilla himself. With bigger fucking arms.

There were probably rival religions on who was the supreme guardians of earth. Godzilla: The Leviathan

or Kong: The Behemoth.

>Jr had atomic breath
>Jr fought OC Kaiju rather than jobbing to the US military

Really I'd say those are the main reasons.

That's funny since it's almost always the restaurants and stop n shops that sell food and drink that do it. Usually they have big ass signs on the window telling you that you can't use the bathroom without buying.

Without paying for anything?

Yeah, but if you ask they have to allow you to use it. Even if the door has a coin lock, they have to give you the money for the door. In practice it’s a paper tiger, but occasionally you get someone who realizes that homeless people can’t really afford the time and resources it takes to go after a place that locks the bathroom.

But then those places sometimes hit a weekend hiker who comes in dirty and looking homeless and they rake em over the coals.


Tl;DR if your building counts as a “restaurant” you have to allow people to use the restroom if they are able to walk in. So you can place discrimination signs at your door to immediately bar people from entry, like “no hat no entry”, but unless you have someone keeping people out they can in and take and use your restrooms.

I was homeless for a bit and this and the “free water” rule were kinda important to me.


Well color me informed, funfactfag. Your trivia done be good.

FUCK Rodan, he is the very definition of a beta. First thing that piece of garbage does is get fucking pieced by Ghidorah after wanting to start shit, then he got his pussy whipped SO fucking badly, he aids the rejected Dragon Tales character by trying to kill Goji in the end. And the very worst part is he helped murder our pure girl Mothra. Ignore Rodan posts and do not reply to Rodan posters.
And his beak looks dumb

Attached: FD629CF0-39A7-40B8-B216-EB138759D623.jpg (740x493, 30K)

>rival religions where you could watch your giant titan gods have smackdowns over who was BEST titan god

Hollow Earth city religion best religion

Rodan sucks so hard that in his first film him and his waifu get fucking owned by the military setting off a volcano where they were chilling. The winged idiot sat right on top of his weakness and ate shit for it.

>STICKS on a fucking ISLAND
>Literally Atlantis, with built in radiation temple
Kongcucks everybody

>or Kong: The Behemoth.
Actually apparently this dude is Behemoth

Attached: Behemoth.jpg (1080x606, 60K)

What’s kinda weird is they say the creatures regenerate flora and fauna die to their radiation but they also feed on radiation. So do they have to go into hibernation to slowly recharge on sub-surface rads after they expend theirs on the environment

Maybe rewording is this the “natural” cycle for titans? First movie implies they all went dormant because surface radiation fell too low to sustain them being active above ground

Jr was also a bit bigger too.

>Rodan still a jobber after decades
>no one is shocked
>more news at 11

And the novel version confirmed Leviathan as the Loch Ness Monster

>Look at me, you damn monster!
Versus [spoilers]Serizawa's[/spoiler] "goodbye old friend"

>Is still alive at the end unlike a certain bug

>Look at me, you damn monster!
Versus Serizawa's "goodbye old friend

Don't forget underground ancient civilizations could possibly lead to megalon

Wait you're telling me a fucking kaiju can fit in loch ness?
The "Titans" in the monsterverse are so fuckhuge, I would think any living in loch ness would have to partially visible at all times.

She gets better

My bet would be "Nessie" is just a piece of the larger titan that is buried under the loch and is occasionally visible

forgot pic

a la this

Attached: 2019_well_dweller.jpg (1080x1584, 482K)