What are some of the best giant monsters in Yea Forums? Godzilla comic recommended reading?
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Rulers of Earth was really fun
Godzilla in Hell is a fun ride.
Gentlemen, behold!
The Justice League gets infected by a "kaiju virus" and each becomes a giant monster, what are they like?
Half Century War is genuinely one of the best Godzilla stories in any medium.
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Top favorite Kajiu films?
> Godzilla vs Biollante
> Gamera 3 - Revenge of Irys
> Gamera 2 - Advent of Legion
> Godzilla 1985 (American cut specifically)
Most underrated Kajiu films?
> Godzilla vs The Sea Monster (comfy as fuck)
> Godzilla 2000
Top favorite Kajiu?
> Dagahra
> Gamera (90s only)
> Godzilla (85, 89, 91, gmk & legendary mainly)
> Gigan
Favorite human characters in Kajiu films?
>all these monster
howsabout we kill you faggots real quick?
Dude why would you post that trash and not the original Gypsy Danger? Or better yet, ANY other giant robot? Like Megas
>Godzilla vs The Sea Monster (comfy as fuck)
My brother from another mother. Although that movie lacked in the Kaiju department the human stuff was actually really fun
Sounds like someone's looking to get SKREEONK'D
>> Godzilla vs The Sea Monster (comfy as fuck)
My friends and I had a Kong marathon in prep for Skull Island, and that was the movie I chose for the five movie marathon. Every else was like: why? Then we watched it and they all enjoyed the hell out of it.
> Favorite human characters in Kaiju Films?
I'd say Akane from Godzilla against Mechagodzilla, Pentecost from Pacific Rim, and Captain Gordon from Final Wars be my favorite three human protagonists.
None of the Jaegers would be able to defeat Legendary Godzilla though. They're frail as fuck.
ghidora is awesome.
>Soulless Rim 2
i want to know how japan reacted to the redesigns and i want to know how quickly mothra became their waifu with her new design
You know what the movie needed?
Godzilla with a big "S" on his chest. Also bigger and has perfect hair.
>Wonder Woman
Mothra with a tiara and can spew Golden Silk threads.
Rodan but no fire and all Black/Blue with a pterosaur logo.
Gamera but with an "A" belt buckle and instead of PLASMA he shoots out water.
Red Megaguirus that can fly super-fast.
Mecha-Kong/King-Kong hybrid but can teleport.
>Martian Manhunter
Basically, Green Hedorah that has a severe weakness to fire.
Doesn't eat pollution, he eats Oreos.
>Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Zod
King Ghidorah but with all three of their personalities. When they die Brainiac just takes over and makes them Mecha-King Ghidorah.
>Black Manta
Less cowardly and MORE sadistic Gigan.
>Poison Ivy, Joker and Bane
Sexy Biollante, Criminally insane Varan (Went insane because he keeps getting replaced) and Hispanic Orga.
>how to kill a franchise with one sequel
Everything about 2 makes me mad
Replace the A with a G and S with a SG. Makes more sense imo.
Godzilla in Hell is awesome
looking for a picture posted in another Godzilla thread a day ago, of a cg ghidorah with one head wearing a hat saying "ask me about my autism" or something like that. ANyone have it?
I wish the other Toho monsters besides Godzilla and mother’s got Blu-ray releases I don’t even think Rodan got one
did he stepped on shit when he destroyed San Francisco?
this one?
who will be the Thanos of the monsterverse?
Actually for Superman I was thinking something more Space Godzilla, or a crystal monster since a lot of Kryptonian tech has that style. I love the Wonder Woman/Mothra idea, especially the silk of truth. Maybe her logo is a pattern on her wings. Finally as for Batman, I think you kind of need to make him a giant bat, or perhaps a Ghidorah knockoff
Shit I’d read this
It would be awesome to get some other Toho monster film, but I think the rights are severely fucked for a bunch of them
What are some good non Godzilla related Kaiju Comics
Mecha Space Godzilla, Mozilla for short
I love how they gave Godzilla a charge-up sound for his atomic breath. It sounded so fuckin cool
I would love to see Godzilla vs Aquaman at some point
Howsbout you get some real mechs first.
Howsabout you post a real kaiju killer?
>Aquaman tries to talk to Godzilla
>Has a Martian Manhunter style freakout when Godzilla answers back
I’m hoping he’ll be in Godzilla vs Kong
Check out Kaijumax. Giant monsters imprisoned on an island with ultraman like prison guards.
World War Kaiju
There's honestly not alot. Alot of other ones are your generic 'human runs around while monster destroys the city' type.
sick bandana
gotta love how much of a asshole he is in the first episode of the original series
>alien kaiju lands on lake
>just chilling there and never actually attack any humans
>ultraman accidentally destroys Hayata's plane and tells him Bemular is a cunt that deserves to be killed
I liked the 90s cartoon
Especially the Godzilla vs Cyborg Godzilla fight
Someone just watched Batman vs TMNT, huh?
Godzilla Rage Across Time was great
Why do these threads keep getting pruned/deleted?
I would love a crossover comic Batman 66 and Godzilla (showa)
There was actually serious talk about a godzilla/Adam west batman crossover but it never came to be.
That WAS very good, thank you!
I like everything about this idea.
They mocked the 2014 design for being to fat and chunky.
As for Mothera? I've seen a few pieces of fanart. They seem to like her.
>not liking musclefat
Shit taste Japan as usual
that would explain why Shin is a lanklet that skips arm day
>They mocked the 2014 design for being to fat and chunky.
Legendary Godzilla is rather meh when it comes to THICC Godzilla designs desu.
Which is why a comic would be great! We could get the story that never made it to the big screen!
His face looks like he doesn't want to live anymore
mothra has Always been a waifu
yet jap godzilla has had some very wide and big thighs over the years
and let not forget anime godzilla being a big fat wood/nature creature
Were they mad that their waifu got claimed
don't godzilla and mothra Always get shipped?
No I actually haven’t gotten the chance yet. I just think it’s a dumb premise that could be fun. Wonder Womoth alone seems worth a ticket
They do, but I'm pretty sure this is the first time its been basically mainstream canon.
Let it be known Gigan was almost in KotM according to the artbook.
Are you fucking retarded?
Fuck off, zoomer chink
they are cute together
Kumonga and Gamera too.
Gigan was always a favorite of mine as a child but he still looks like a buzzsaw chicken
i don't understand why nips call legendary goji fat when Shin has the biggest thunder thighs in the franchise's history
they are used to only the thighs being fat and wide with the chest area being small.
legendary godzilla is well rounded compared to that
i mean a giant spider DID appear, so besides the code name, how do you know it wasnt kumonga?
Would have been kino.
they show the name of all 17 titans in the movie, that spider was called Scylla. The director even said he would've liked to use the lesser known Toho monsters but Toho charges too much for the rights
That's Scylla, she's a mix of spider, crab, and squid traits.
>tfw gigan fighting godzilla across asia in defense of humanity will never appear in any movie
They have dvd releases though just not Blu-ray’s like war of the gargantuas or Frankenstein
has gigan ever been a good guy?
i hope the new monsters get better names than what they gave us
He's old
It's not seen but in-universe he's good in the anime flicks that just came out. He was made to defend the world from Godzilla.
>Mothra with a tiara and can spew Golden Silk threads.
I'm kind of in love with this
I remember the very earliest reports from test screenings said he was one of the monsters that bowed to Goji, but every round of reports afterwards said he wasn't.
So either the early ones were just wrong or he WAS in the movie but removed.
even a jobber like gigan would beat fing fang easy
>See new movie with a group of seven others
>reactions range from like to love
>love it
>audience scores on every site imaginable are positive
>critics shit all over it
>articles about how the franchise needs ot die are being published by them
It seems like everyone who isn't a critic likes it but it still has me feeling down
Guess that Legendary didn't bribe enough critics then..
>Drowned Earth starring Godzilla and Aquaman
Fund it.
Going theory is that they're shitting on it because Godzilla isn't owned by Hollywood.
Ultraman's slow decent into complete irrelevance is exactly what he deserves
I’m still salty that we’ll never get another shin Godzilla 2 with humanoid boogaloo, it was less Godzilla and more the thing taking kaiju form it probably could’ve won if they didn’t thing of freezing it plus it’s still alive so eventually it’s getting out and it realized that all it had to do was go humanoid to win
Either post from the first movie or dont post at all
is she a kaiju?
Fuck the critics, I think people are seriously starting to ignore critics especially on RT theses days because they’re all so garbage, I enjoyed and thought it was great
For me it's Cyclops.
better watch out
What if Legendary did get the rights for the kaiju who would be who at the end?
I know the spider one with the tentacles would have been Kumonga
>i mean a giant spider DID appear,
It had 6 legs. Not a spider.
I wish they'd nutted up and just given them proper wacky kaiju names.
>Scylla -> Kumonga
>the new Muto -> Gigan
>Methuselah -> Gamera
The mammoth Behemoth is beyond me though, not sure who they'd replace him with.
Gigan would make more sense as an extraterrestrial kaiju, Megalon or Anguirus would be better
Oh I just meant if they had to shoe-horn them in with what they had. I'd prefer that too and I think Dougherty and Toho felt the same way. Gigan's in the KOTM artbook though as a random Earth kaiju though so who knows.
In the Comic prequel they refer to the Queen MUTO as a Beetle which got me thinking the Mutos are essentially Megalon
Great taste.
Mothra is best Kaiju
>"Alright so as you know, the founding members of the Justice League have turned into giant "monsters". As of right now they appear to be in control, and collateral damage has been minimal. B'wana Beast has kindly agreed to be interpreter until we can find a cure."
>"What did Diana say?"
>"She said thank you, and she's starting to have a craving for sweaters"
Wait a second, Gamera ins't Toho. That would be like Iron appearing in DC.
I mean who has the American rights to Gamera... maybe if Legendary has them we can finally have the lizard vs turtle fight we’ve all dreamed about
Some random posts on 2ch are not 'they'. Nips loved 14, they even took inspiration from it in the movie trilogy for Earth.
With all the references I was expecting to see this awesome poster as a scene in the movie.
That sound more like Redman that anyone else. The cruel way he kills those Kaijus.
I don't see why a giant human can't be a kaiju, Paul Bunyan fought Rodan.
Back when Ultraman was not for 4 year olds.
I bet they took the ecoterrorist angle as an insult
>Superman would be a giant robot
>Batman a giant bat monster like Destroyah
>Wonder Woman would be a Cylla but with her normal body on top.
>Aquaman would be a giant octopus
>Flash would be a superfast Gamera.
So a baby godzilla was found and raised by the Kents?
>mocked 2014 for being fat
What’s it like pushing a lie for 5 straight years
Holly shit, he punched a hole on his torso, cut his head and blew him up for good measure.
That was overkill.
Those are just Xenomophs with Godzilla fins in the back. If they get that small they can easily get shot to death.
Stop ruining everything, Lisa. Jesus.
Oh god DAMN is Uprising infuriating
>Important character from first movie suddenly has a son that nobody ever mentioned but conveniently is just the right age and physical condition to take on the hero role
>Raleigh just doesn't fucking exist and Mako gets fridged
>Kaiju TOTALLY had a plan all along to go to Mt. Fuji and weren't ACTUALLY attacking cities despite gunning for cities all over the fucking globe instead of just going straight for Japan every time
>Supreme cringe love whatever-the-fuck-that-was with guy leads and the spic woman
>Jaegers look and move like they're made of plastic
>Newt is fucking possessed Independence Day style
>Handwave that apparently every Jaeger or military force except for our heroes just died off screen suddenly
they fucked it up so god fucking damned hard
That scene was fucking cool with the Godzilla march rendition in the background.
Cliff Chiang actually had an idea for a Japanese Justice League with an Aquaman with Ultraman look and abilities
god damn son
The audience in my theater cheered when this happened
God that's a cool design.
You also forgot
>Jaegers are expensive as fuck and yet they have like 5 of them hanging around even though the war is "over"
>Why the fuck didn't we use drone Jaeger in the first place?
>Jaeger have now lost weight, doing crazy flipping shit
Here’s another drawing of the same design
What if Godzilla ate/absorbed both Captain Atom and Firestorm?
Also his Superman idea was essentially Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot
>a movie is liked by audiences who see it
>it bombs anyways
I loved it, now I’m sad
>critics: waahhh, why is this just monsters fighting
>godzilla fans: yay, it's just monsters fighting
I would like to point out the Iron Giant DOES exist in main canon. He's currently defunct, collecting dust around The Fortress of Solitude. It sacrificed itself to save Earth from an alien armada, and it was built by Jor-El to scout for potential planets before getting captured
It didn’t Bomb it just didn’t do as projected and now petty Reviewers are gloating saying they were right
I loved that issue of Adventures of Superman... really wish they would bring that book back
what I meant by them seeming like they're made of plastic. None of the big bots moved like they weighed anything
I can buy that they keep the Corps around and equipped in case a rift opens again, but this just makes me more upset at the previous point that there's objectively more jaegers than ever but almost none of them get used so why the fuck have them at all
As for the drone thing, I got the feeling you couldn't do the drone thing because you NEEDED the complexity of a brain at the helm hence why the drones the company was (unknowingly) producing HAD cloned kaiju brains or whatever. If not that, then automated technology just wasn't sophisticated enough during the original war
Cylla is a hilariously ridiculous monster, she is a giant mermaid, with every carnivorous monster know to the greeks and tentacles attack to her torso.
Some other monster at least are creative, she is just every wild animal merge form the waist down.
What are WW and Batman in this version?
How would you integrate Jet Jaguar and MechaGodzilla into Legendary’s Monsterverse? Personally I’d have them be built by rival Defense Contracters to defend against Godzilla and the other Titans
Here’s the full image of Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Flash and Green Lantern
Science Ninja Hero Batman
Robins, Joker and Harley Quinn
I thought she only had wolves for tentacles and it was just four of them
Honestly I think Mechagodzilla is too ridiculous for the Legendary G series. In fact all mecha are probably out. I know everyone is saying the Ghidorah head is being used for Mecha King Ghidorah in the sequel, but I think they're using his DNA to create Destroyah
I'll believe Jet Jaguar before anyone else because of the Pacific Rim fad and the fact that he's a biped. However Japan REALLY hates Jet
What is Jet Jaguar exactly? an alien, experiment gone right, robot?
Just a robot created by a scientist
>Science Ninja Hero Batman
I wouldn't mind that.
>However Japan REALLY hates Jet
but why? are they jelly it was some kids design that won a contest?
a robot that scientist created to help protect Earth along with Godzilla
Jet Jaguar was a fan creation winner that ended up in one of the arguably less popular side of the G films, Godzilla vs Megalon (also featuring Gigan). Basically scientist creates advanced robot, kid becomes friends with it, bad guys steal it to help awaken Megalon, robot becomes self aware, and then robot grows giant to help Godzilla win the day. He had a theme song and everything. I think the reason Japan hates Jet Jaguar is because he took spotlight away from Godzilla
It's the equivalent of some eight year old's cereal box drawing becoming the star of the next Avenger's movie. That he got the worst theme song and appears in one of the worst Godzilla films doesn't help.
>tfw serj tankian "godzilla" cover
I wonder what the kid who created Jet Jaguar thought of Godzilla Vs. Megalon
You ask me all these fan contests are just scams to sneak in creations the kids of producers made
japan would never pass up the opportunity for free child labor
see also: the entire megaman series
I mean neither is Kong?
which reminds me how over half of the character designs in this franchise are fan creations in the same fashion as Jet Jaguar.
What were critics expecting? A deep character study into the lives of people after a kaiju attack and how they deal with living in a world of kaiju?
Isn't Kong public domain?
That's not redman
they hate it because its literally just Ultraman with Mazinger's mouth
The people I know who hated it but have basic knowledge of Godzilla expected another 1954 or Shin and wanted a more reactionary film to current times
Gigan is F'e'm'a'l'e
>It's the equivalent of some eight year old's cereal box drawing becoming the star of the next Avenger's movie
I thought he was suppose to be Not Ultraman, since they didn't have the rights.
Rodan is a bird as big as a battleship.
and he's a bitch
The name is public domain but no the character.
I like how in one episode heroic music plays when a second monster try’s to save the first, he failed.
He remember that shitty Megazord we got in the movie?
>Thought for sure the mountain monster in Germany was gonna be Anguirus.
They saw the guy who played Tywin and were expecting GoT when it was good
Yeah, he was shittier that I remembered.
Me too, what was the point of having so many random OC monsters? Does WB had to buy every monster right individually?
They really lost an opportunity not making a reference to the giant Claw.
Yes, that's how Toho sells their monster licenses. They charge millions per monster
So how long until MONARCH busts out Maser cannons and the Gotengo?
I was mostly referring to the most recent film
Japanese Petty Assholes
Holy Shi!!!
Cobra GL. Nice.
It is inevitable at some point.
>Basically, Green Hedorah
We interrupt the following movie for these breaking news. A giant blob monster just assaulted the local Oreo factory.
I mean his origins are already in motion from the last movie with the oxygen destroyer being used. I Say its safe to sat he'll pop up near the end of the run as a major big bad.
>ghidora is awesome
Best Big G villain ever.
Am I the only one who found that Godzilla anime trilogy unbelievably pretentious and up its own ass?
Could he beat Godzilla Earth?
it was rather typical of similar anime themes
I'm with you user. I felt very disappointed by the Anime movies.
Space Godzilla if they will try to make him actually badass.
Seriously. All that power. He's everything Godzilla is + crystal powers. Gets even more powerful when he has more crystals and as long as his crystals on the back aren't destroyed. He's essentially a possible Thanos/Darkseid who conquers and rules like the worst tyrant ever and makes people despair a lot...but he must be made badass. He was a chump when he was faced with Big G in full Papa Wolf mode.
He also had to face this goofy lookin thing.
Shut up Drills are cool!
And it later brought the pain on him. Also has the most metal theme ever.
Is he the eternal underdog?
Rage Across Time got a trade print. Pretty cool.
He can't keep getting away with it!
>spare mothra egg hinted at in credits
what if instead of just another mothra it's leo
Did Rodan die?
Rodan is the Starscream of the Godzillaverse.
What if it's Battra?
i really like how they gave the monsters a bit of personality, like rodan being a smug cunt or the gidorah heads fighting with each other.
i hope when my boy Megalon finally shows up, they make him as obnoxiously childish as possible. I want autistic screeching.
nah, he was made to bow like the bitch he is.
I want King Caesar to be a full Noblebright Kaiju.
What are some of the most underutilized kaiju out there?
Not seen the movie.
I guess he sides with Gidorah when he gets stomp but then turns again to side with big daddy Zilla.
I think that was the normal reaction
There are worse 1950s monster movies, but not many.
Starts off as an asshole spider, becomes one of the most reliable Earth Monster Defenders.
>anguirus and godzilla being dickhead buddies to each other
>mothra not wanting to share godzilla or being cute with her larvae
only after mothra pegs him.
>Random dopey monster just bouncing and frolicking around not bothering anybody
>Cue Jason tier shot of Redman ready to fuck him up
There should be a horror movie about Redman
I assume Morthra is like the perfect waifu Kaiju?
Does she die? Does it establish she reincarnates?
Every time Mothra goes into battle she lays an egg. Said egg becomes the next mothra.
Rodan is the opportunist rogue.
someone should write that. i want a slasher film where Super justice whatever the fuck is stalking and killing innocent kaijus.
A 50s giant robot scifi kaiju that was reused in Godzilla Vs Space Godzilla for like half a second and never again in the Godzillaverse.
One of the Godzilla fighting games did a great job making it seem unique to other mechs like MechaGodzilla, but no one has ever considered to reuse him or make him unique in movies. Gets overshadowed by human mech MechaGodzilla.
Every Ultraman needs a good asskicking from a Kamen Rider and Showa Godzilla team-up.
So it is the sort of reincarnation deal. Cool!
Mothra almost always jobs. She rebirths via backup eggs. They even specifically mention finding one in the movie. She just lent Godzilla some of her energy against Ghidorah after she gets killed.
Unless they got for a switch and have it be Mothra Leo
>Godzilla throws Kamen Rider at Ultraman to power the rider kick
The Riceball special.
They could to Battra. Depends on if they're doing Earth vs Space Monsters yet.
Is Gidorah from Space?
Gidorah is from space yeah but he is also Godzilla big rival
Well we gotta get throught Kong vs Godzilla first.
i think the problem with him is that he is supposed to an upgrade to mecha godzilla, which is lame as fuck. why would you turn your badass doppleganger into a lame mole thing.
if they give him a good backstory seperating him from mecha godzilla, he could be made interesting.
The fact the Director of Kong said Kong fights unrealistically like a human scaled up and directly referenced EVA units from NGE makes me really excited for that fight.
I thought he was simply repurposed from salvaged parts hence why he had weaker armor.
I mean MechaGodzilla could probably take on SpaceGodzilla 1v1.
MechaGodzilla is the fucking tank.
I just hope some wrestling moves come out.
This was a good parody. Kaiju Comedy is a really rare thing to see imo.
Listen kid. There are two things you don't know about Earth. One is me. The Other is Godzilla.
Kong Suplexing Godzilla would show he's a viable threat.
Submission moves would actually be a good fighting style for Kong.
godzilla's tail and spines make that rather difficult and that's not even talking about his atomic blasts/breath
If he moves like suggested then he'd actually be pretty quick to close the distance. Plus not all suplex are a german suplex.
I'd imagine some prideful guy trying to show off.
if you're not gonna german suplex than you may as well not suplex at all
King Caesar is like a guardian spirit Kaiju. He also can deflect projectiles like a fucking boss!
Man I can't wait for how crazy a realistic detailed Gigan will look.
i was just thinging, someone should just rerelease all the classic godzilla movies with WWE style wrestling announcers commenting on everything.
>And here comes godzilla with with the atomic breath!
>good lord Ted! I havent seen carnage like that since Rodan v. Gigan back in '87!
>Bah god the entire of Monster Island is out for Gidorah's ass!
>Bah gawdzilla!
Tee hee.
Godzilla has his own Batcave.
>Liking King Poodle
>Not liking golden boi
You sound like a Bagan fan!
Maybe we'd actually beat Godzilla if some of us didn't have such Big Chainsaw claws.
Monarch are a bunch of bitch niggas, and with Serizawa gone it's only gonna be worse
Monarch MUST be the guys who make MechaGodzilla.
He's probably pissed that his sick Atlantean crib was nuked
Fuck you Anguirus!
And he just got it the way he liked it, too.
Kamoebas plz.
it wasn't perfect but I still liked it. It had kaiju and robots. Definitely wasn't as good as the first one, but I still enjoyed it, and I'm not ashamed to say that.
Mothra always dies, but one of her eggs always becomes the next Mothra.
Damn SJWs ruin everything.
Anyone got that old greentext where all the Kaiju were actors?
>Implying that pack of hippie faggots would be willing to build a mechanical monstrosity with the sole purpose of fucking kaiju ass
>Implying there won't be a reveal that Monarch is funded by some shady shadow group who build MechaGodzilla from research they get.
>Implying this won't be reflected by Battra hatching from one of Mothra's eggs.
the gore is unsettling because the tone still feels sorta silly due to barney-like acting from the kaiju, but they're also getting their organs spilled
Guys... Is the new movie doing good?
Stream it.
>This is how King saves the day in Godzilla 3.
doing good, but hasn't made back its budget yet
Can pretentious critics kill hype for a movie?
Ask Pacific Rim.
I think people are expecting a massive opening week, when in reality Godzilla will probably earn more as the months roll on. I mean what is in the way of it?
Not really. It won't lose money, will probably take some modest profit, but if you're an out of touch executive jacking off to capeshit movie box office numbers it's not what you want
I'd honestly rather have fucking aliens pulling strings than a HYDRA/S.H.I.E.L.D ripoff situation. Or molemen from the center of the earth. Something
>I mean what is in the way of it?
Dark Phoenix?
So literally nothing.
I think we're just experiencing Endgame burnout; ALL movies are going to take a hit for a few months now.
It still baffles me that the thing they complain about is no super engrossing human plot
Its a fucking Godzilla movie. The whole draw is primarily seeing giant monsters beating the fucking shit out of each other while humans in the background go "LOOK AT THAT CRAZY SHIT!"
They made Rodan way to small in this movie, he was barely half Godzilla's size.
Yeah. I hope the suits at Legendary just accept it's modest profit and don;'t shitcan the entire Legendary line.
It's a slow burn.
I'll be tickled pink if more than a week in Godzilla manages to bury FoXmen
I mean we CAN have the engrossing human plot, but we need a situation like Half Century War first.
Some stupid beancounter is gonna argue to end it after G vs K.
I want DC to steal the Justice League Kaiju idea. Fuck it, let Snyder write it, I don't care
Right on the fucking dick damn
I think they lose the godzilla license/deal back to toho after anyways
They should just accept this is the Thor of the Legendary movies and move on.
More people will like Kong vs Zilla.
If Kong can fucking grow so can he
On that note someone needs to make an edit of "I lived bitch" with Rodan texting Mothra
>Toho don't see Avengers money
>Instantly bar all rights forever
Fuck me I can see that happening the dirty yellow kikes.
They do. Or more specifically, its the end of the contract. They could renew it.
I watched it and I was honestly kinda disappointed, I don't know much about godzilla, but the trailer got me hyped as fuck for the movie. But watching the movie, it was like the trailer showed almost all the good parts of the movie. There was wayyy too much focus on the humans, and it felt like every time they started to focus on the kaiju they cut away to more human bullshit.
mothra just sends a pic of an egg back or an angry text from leo
We need pictures of Smug Anime Mothra for being effectively immortal.
Ultimately it comes down to how well KotM does in Japan more than anything else.
>They do. Or more specifically, its the end of the contract. They could renew it.
Toho has already announced their own Japanese Godzilla cinematic universe, "World of Godzilla", which will begin production as soon as the Legendary contract is fulfilled.
Unless Legendary renews under the stipulation that Toho can release their own competing Japanese Godzilla film series, Godzilla vs. Kong will almost certainly be the end of the Monsterverse.
>source: trust me
I can see Toho refusing a renewal, They hate Legendary Godzilla and they hate the idea of the west making enjoyable movies.
Ah yes, hit me with that retro goodness.
He was probably just hatched from his egg.
At least they went balls to the walls insane, I didn't expect them to mention Gydrah being an alien or they traveling to Atlantis.
>They hate Legendary Godzilla
Lies. They loved the first one and were proud enough to include him in official merchandise.
>After 2021, we’re thinking of a potential strategy that [releases] Godzilla movies uninterrupted at a rate of every 2 years, although there is a preference for a yearly pace as well. The future of the series and its forwarding developments are very conscious of the method of "shared universe". Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah, etc. could all share a single world view much like a Marvel movie where Iron Man and the Hulk can crossover with each other. It is said that each movie can be a possible film production where any one of them could lead a film of their own as the titular character.
Yeah they're 100% wanting to can the Monsterverse for their shit.
>I can see Toho refusing a renewal, They hate Legendary Godzilla and they hate the idea of the west making enjoyable movies.
The 2014 Godzilla movie was disliked in Japan, but KOTM seems to be getting a very positive response over there. Dunno about Toho executives, but Japanese audiences seem to be pretty cool with this one.
I thought they felt US Godzilla was adorable with his fat gut
>Toho liked money
No surprise, but fuck Toho up the ass. They're strip all the design choices and actual development away for more rehashed pandering.
I'm sick of edgyboi Godzilla, I want my Heroic Godzilla to stick.
Toho execs are dicks
Godzilla hasn't been portrayed as a hero in Japanese movies since the Showa series ended. From Return of Godzilla onward, the Japanese series has portrayed him exclusively as a villain. Probably something to do with him being a personification of the atom bomb and all...
Well, anti-hero.
Did they ever do anything with the Oratio? I don't know why they made a second ship when they only focus on the Aratrum.
I love this pairing
He was a villain in Final Wars?
>Left head can't get out of the flesh sack from his regeneration without help
Which is why Japanese Movies Suck donkey balls. Godzilla Earth and Shin Godzilla were fucking shit.
They need to stop trying to recapture the 1950is movie and see that people LIKE Godzilla. He's not big and scary, he's a big grumpy Superman.
He killed everybody at the Antarctic base. And he was being held prisoner there specifically because he was a mass-killing menace.
>their own Japanese Godzilla cinematic universe
Godzilla has been a cinematic universe since the fucking 70s, what would be different this time?
Rough Muscle Dude x Pure Waifu is cute
so he's still just Batman?
I mean don't 99% of the fanbase just see Godzilla as a Bancho punk with a heart of gold anyway?
Why don't they just lean into that. People want to cheer for a Monster in the fight.
They already did this 50 years ago, when did they forgot they invented the shared universe?
They're trying to redo it. Most Toho movies ride on being a Monster mash and rarely support solo monster movies.
Yeah, were they gonna do anything with this?
>when did they forgot they invented the shared universe?
Universal actually beat them to it in the 40s, but they expanded on the idea, at least.
ever hear of Kaiju Big Battel? check it out if not, it's basically kaiju WWE
So who else hates science bitch?
Actually curious about the alignments on the Kaiju
From what I recall Godzilla ranges from asshole to bancho punk who is sorta good and mainly just wants people to stuff fucking with his stuff
Ghidorah is an asshole xeno
Rodan is that bully kid who starts shit then backs the fuck down when someone shows up to smack his shit in along with the rare showing of morality sometimes
Mothra is waifu good girl who just wants all the kaiju to get along, stop being assholes, and to kick the shit out of the evil ones
What about Kong?
You have Guardian Kaiju, like Mothra and King Caesar.
You have the Earth Defender Monsters, this is stuff like Bagan, Gorosaurus and usually the crew of Monster Island, this is were Godzilla often is.
Then you have Force of Nature/Chaotic Monsters, these are usually the villains, but also Godzilla too.
Then you have Space Marauders like King Ghidorah, Gigan, Megalon Who are super assholes.
Anguirus is also bro
Muto just want to FUCK
I wish we could see that parasite shit they mentioned them doing on bigger radiation beasts. Do a Jiger situation
elephant trunk
never understood why japs always make mole monsters that look nothing like an actual mole and have drill noses
Rest In Peace, Serizawa
Because it's cool!
Kong is the new kid on the block learning the ropes but is generally good. He wants to protect what's important to him + humans and to beat the fucking tar out of bad monsters. Though he hasn't been exposed to much outside his island so his definition of "bad" monsters might simply be anything that is giant like he is + looks scary. It will probably be the reason why he fights Godzilla after wailing on other titans who showed up to his pad starting shit.
>INB4 huge dose of radiation before the nuke went off mutated him and he comes back as the progenitor of what evolves into Destoroyah
>that's where you're wrong.jpg
So they hate the movie?
this is the Yea Forums version of the "too much water" meme at this point
In this film Rodan is the shortest hes ever been but also has the longest wingspan hes ever had.
>Can't you just have two hours of monsters slapping each other like a gargantuan WWE highlights reel?
Fixed that for you.
>when he fucking ZOOMS straight fucking vertical and then starts SPINNING
Fuck the humans there should have been nothing BUT monster action
I love the universal monster but those crossover movies can barely be called connected. The wolfman vs the Frankenstein monster barely have the wolfman or Frankenstein in them.
Classic had him give up his life to kill Godzilla, Legendary has him give his life to save him. Beautiful
Is the new movie good?
I was a fan of the Japanese ones ever since I was a kid, but I feel asleep in the theater in 2014 so I don't have high hopes for this one. Plus the guy who directed Krampus is behind this. Focusing on the monster fights might be a step in the right direction, but I'm afraid with the cgi they will lack weight to them.
hey start the next thread with this, so people can't complain about non-Yea Forumsntent
Oh no dude, it gets gnarly, plus some cool new Kaiju
i always hated mothra. it always bothered me how it seemed to be everybodys favorite monster even though it fucking sucks and the only one who could actually fight was leo.
this new shapely sexy mothra though. i like this one. this one can fight, but they blew it by not having rodan do a beam clash. there should have been beam clashes
why does he need belly spikes? just imagine how painful the mating would be
Worst complaint is that it cuts to human reaction shots during the fights.
So who is the Speed Racer to Flash' Racer X?
Rodan has a healthy gay relationship with Angurius
it's still chock full of human bullshit. More cast members and some are decent like Serizawa but then there's some double faggots stinking up scenes with bad humor
but it's better overall by my evaluation
>Mothra scolding Godzilla for stepping on hardworking Japanese people
This. There was still way too much talking for my tastes.
Kaijulets, when will they learn?
he also stepped on lots of shit in the last movie when he destroyed san francisco
>I feel asleep in the theater in 2014
I kind of get you, the build up went on a little long, but I liked most of it, and goddamn was it worth it.
The atom bomb stopped the war with Japan, of course he's a hero.
Mecha godzilla got teased at the end in the newspapers
Here's a video that covers the Batman meets Godzilla a little bit along with some other unmade Godzilla movies.
I don't know if they'd go as far as to have the Xiliens as the big bad. maybe if they re-designed them as more modern alien cgi-creatures that can disguise themselves as humans or something
On the other hand, I suspect two main boss monsters, being Destoroyah and Punished King Ghidorah (after he's revived or there's another one or whatever)
I don't need to watch that to know how it went down. Batman will burst from the shade and hit Godzilla with a bat-grenade. Godzilla will get pissed and begin to attack, and won't expect to be blocked by Shaq
I love this idea
the Monarch scientists assume that it's simply a supspecies of mothra, and treat it kindly, and then it rampages anyway because fuck humans
then they find a new egg, a real mothra egg this time, that hatches and has to fight battra
battra was originally a good guardian deity like mothra
Whats going on in this thread?
>Its Mothra Leo
>It starts pulling its shonen protagonist bullshit
now I'm just imagining a jaws-type shark movie in the monsterverse that just ends with godzilla coming out of nowhere and eats the shark
not a lot of fish
>oxygen destroyer doesn't fucking skeletonize all of the fish
Shit was wack honestly and just a contrivance to make Godzilla hurt
I saw a video where they tell the story of how the Japanese executive reunited with the americans when they showed the design for Godzilla 98. The design was so different that the Japanese couldn't find a way to make changes that didn't involve scratching the project and starting from zero. And since the project was already so far in development they didn't have any other option that to give the Iguana design the green light.
This thread is surprisingly comfy do you want to have another, or let it die?
The bones wouldn't have floated to the surface.
It's a reference to the original Godzilla movie. The Oxygen Destroyer was the weapon that killed him
Make them new Aliens? I imagine they'll evolve into some kind of alien race that will try to invade earth.
I liked Kodoja.
I get the feeling some doof will regardless so it's more a question of if mods will allow it
I hope we see Gorosaurus again someday
underrated boy
>seeing fish float to the surface at all
that's precisely the issue!
>also implying it would be too much trouble to get an underwater shot of the skellies sinking into the abyss
I love that they doubled down on godzilla being heroic for this movie.
>keeps bad kaiju down
>keeps monsters away from civilization
The memes were right he really is more of a hero than man of murder
the only toho monster I can remember that is less memorable than him is ebirah
The whole movie was a love letter. So many easter eggs.
Forgotten kaiju
>King Ceasar
metastasize to the other godzilla thread with only like 50 posts if its still around
wasn't battra created because ancient humans were fucking up the planet
>basically exists as a redshirt to get GOTENGO'D in Final Wars
he destroys maybe one building and it's in an abounded city
it was probably only fish near the surface and further from the explosion
It's too bad we'll probably never get to see Legendary's take on any of these guys, or most of them for that matter.
I think Battra and Mothra are meant to be two sides of the same coin. Mothra is the divine protector of humanity, while Battra is the divine punishment
I think the only ones with a chance are Angurius, Destroyah, Megalon, and maybe Gigan
Legendary only has the rights for one more movie and toho wants to make their own universe
So is lefty gonna become mecha gidorah or destroyah
I thought they were just gonna make a sequel to the Shin Gojira Movie
I'm going to say Destroyah. Introducing mecha shit seems a bit far fetched for this universe, and Destroyah is a constantly changing apocalypse that can actually kill Godzilla 1:1.
They are doing the opposite. Full interconnected universe where rodan can appear in a Mothra movie or anguius in a rodan Movie
Titanasaurus is one of my favorite kaiju designs, too bad Toho didn't gave him any interesting abilities other than shaking his butt. At least King Ceasar has energy deflection
They already have the super z and the newspapers at the end say monarch is building a mechanical kaiju
>Sanda and Gaira
Bummer, I wanted to see more of that, I guess they continue it in a manga or something.
That just raises further questions
Dead boy who got resurrected and became bigger when he got near energy.
There's the comics that actually capture the tone of the show really well. There's no real dialogue to speak of and it's just pages of Redman fucking kaiju up
What a pleb, all kino Godzilla movies have featured him either as actively malevolent entity, destructive force of nature, or a victim of humanity that is now giving mankind a taste of its own medicine.
Only the first one was like that and was kino
Honestly i like Zilla. Movie was shit, and he is not Godzilla, but I like him as his own thing.
Maybe its because i love when F list characters get shot at limelight.
That and if they play with what they have, an extremely agile kaiju that multiplies like a gremlin, he can be really threatening. Hell i almost want to see a true Godzilla vs Zilla movie just to see if he could put up a fight. By the end it would Godzilla facing down a hoard of Zillas and still coming out on top.
(i know they had him get BTFO in that one movie, which was hilarious.)
>wrongest person in human history.jpg
Why do critics like to be so above it all? Why do they have such superiority complexes?
A fun movie has its merits just as much as a good movie. It could have been a snoozefest even with giant monster fights.
Anyone got shots of the newspapers from the end of KOTM?
I loved the designs in KOTM. Ghidorah in particular stood out for me. The fact that he is so powerful he causes hurricane force winds in flight put me in awe.
to bad we can't fucking see him up close because of it
Fucking got me
fucking awesome
Really loving the godlike stuff Monsterverse does. Rodan and Ghidorah s mere presence causes flames and lightning storms.
fuck off, left head
Rodan's head falls back against the couch. He smiles.
"I knew this was coming."
There's no malice in his voice, just a kind of exasperated acceptance; in the decades since Rodan's breakout role in the kaiju film circuit, his disastrous forays into sitcom acting have been prime fodder for comedians and the late night peanut gallery. He understands the question.
"I know you have to ask it, don't get me wrong. It's just I've been answering this question for twenty years. Monster movies were good to me. They still are. I was shocked at what they did to me in the new film! That CGI makes me look forty years younger. But back in the 80s, all I could see was the wall, you know? I wasn't a young monster any more. Here come all these executives with easy shows and more narrative roles, things I hadn't really had the chance to explore as an actor before. I said yes more times than I probably should have. The rest? Ask some comic or that Colbert prick. They'll tell you better than I can."
Mecha-Kong/King-Kong hybrid
Well these chainsaw arms are not just for show
so the threads almost over and i just got here but we all agree Mothra got robbed in the latest movie right? a little disappointed in how they treated the queen
Zilla was cool, it was just not Godzilla.
do you guys think that KoTM struggling at box office and being trashed by shills and fake fans had something to do with DIDNEY being butthurt over NUladdin?
Pretty much. She gets all this reverence, being introduced along with her theme half a dozen times, but her one fight is 90% off-screen.
>he pronounces ghidorah as ghee-dra instead of gi-dora
youre not that kind of faggot, are you?
So what's the story surrounding Mothra, excluding the most recent movies (haven't seen them yet). What's her "role" in the Godzilla universe?
I mean, im no doctor
>pronounces ghidorah as ghee-dra
Who the fuck does this? Never heard it before.
She’s the Queen of the Monsters, shares a special relationship with Godzilla.
I bet you also say Rodan instead of Radon.
She's Earth's protector.
She's literally a guardian deity protecting Earth/humanity. Slaps godzilla's shit in a couple times in various movies when he was more evil. Also she always has a spare egg hidden somewhere making it so she has a spare life if she gets killed. Is pretty much godzilla's best ally. Her son, Leo, is OP as fuck.
It was romanized as Ghidrah at first
Hail Ghidra
Max Mercury
.takes out starscrea I mean rodan
>takes a hit from the anti-spiral and turns it into spiral energy to make godzilla go super sayain rage
She's the head kaiju representing "Team Hero" and is the Guardian of Earth. She wants everyone to get along and stop fighting so they can better work together to fuck up the evil shit whenever it comes knocking. She beats up Godzilla in the scenarios where he is a bad guy but otherwise she wants to be super best friends with him while Godzilla tries to act all tough and be a loner. She helps him out a lot even though Godzilla isn't "officially" on Team Hero.
She tends to be the Gohan of Kaiju in that she constantly jobs, but she has back up respawn eggs around to revive whenever this happens. Also her son is super strong and gets power ups constantly
She does get the best kill, I know Rodan survived but it's easier to call it that. But I just wanted a little more
Is Mothra Leo a boy or a girl?
Its how the Japanese language act on certain western words
Gradius = Gladius
Ghidorah = Ghydra
Destoroyah = Destroyer
Hydorah = Hydra
Za Warudo = The World
moguera is my fucking boy, do went toe toe with godzilla, spacegodzilla.
Boy. Its Mothra's son who is basically Goku always pulling new forms and power ups out of his ass
Isn't Mothra supposed to give birth to itself?
>Ghidorah = Ghydra = Galactic Hydra
gotta love how they turned Serizawa into Androcles and Goji into the lion
She does. Mothra Leo is just a special case where he hatched while Mothra was still active
So are there two Mothras running around?
i might be the only person on here rooting for Kong next year. Let's go
I'm mad because I was kinda disappointed in the movie but not for this. For not showing about half the fights!! And the human stuff is flabby but it's godzilla and the cast is good.
Sauce on this?
Oh, hello there.
Leo is a shounen protagonist right down to being the only male Mothra
Makes sense. Its a hydra, it comes from space.
Castle bravo's turrets were maser cannons
give me a quick rundown
Was it ever stated that when Mothra dies and a new one hatches, if the new Mothra has the same memories and is a literal 1:1 reincarnation or instinctively protects humanity and looks for Godzilla. I remember in one of the movies two larvae were birthed instead of 1 so it's probably not 1:1. I hope Monsterverse Mothra changes that because I want to see more interactions between Godzilla and his big titty moth gf. I just want them to be happy
Fuck off.
Fuck off.
Technically hasn't mothra had a son before but he died as a larva?
Of course, it's always one of you retards.
Anyone else noticed that the mcguffin of the movie was the same machine the people from the Hanna Barbera show used to call Godzilla for help?
>Yea Forums
Leo is Mothra's son
The movie draws from everything Godzilla related.
God they all look like ass together no creativity and easily forgettable.
Those things are still 20 plus feet tall.
>Rodan jobs to Paul Bunyan
To be fair it was 2v1
Yeah, but now they have less Mass to absorb bullets.
Never watch trailer bud EVER they don't know what it means to ruin the movie you might as well ask others to spoil it for you if you're going to watch a trailer. Teasers are fine because they don't reveal shit and I like that.
after watching that trilogy I didn't want to live anymore either, makes Pacific Rim 2 seem like high art
>He doesnt see the joy in 2 hours of Kaijus going WWE on each other.
Thats always the best parts though.
Thank you for posting this image, I've been trying to find this for weeks
My question is what the fuck it was he was expecting going into this movie. Casablanca with giant ass monsters in the background? The Citizen Kane of fucking kaijus beating the shit out of each other? How do you go into this movie expecting something OTHER than a lot of scenes where monsters beats the shit out of each other?
from what I've learned from the SSSS Gridman threads on Yea Forums, Redman is a violent, psychotic, boogeyman and racist who just commits hatecrimes against Kaiju left and right like it's going out of style
Pretty much like what said, they wanted something probably akin to the original which was an allegory for atomic bombs and Shin which was an allegory for the Fukushima disaster. Instead what they got was an updated Showa era film
Have you watched the show? Some of the monsters are just prancing through the woods without a care in the world.
Even after that end shot of Godzilla Savior of the City in the last movie?
I mean that's not exactly wrong, Redman basically hates alien invaders after his own planet was destroyed and that's all the story you get and even then that was revealed in a magazine.
>That Salute
It all makes sense now
Critics are not smart people user
Yeah I didn't know Raimi directed some episodes
What's the name of the kaiju just under Mothra and above Kumonga?
The Legendary films have pretty strong allegories to environmentalism and the long term damage we could eventually do to the environment. The titans come off as essentially ancient avatars of the Earth, that will only be on our side as long as we don't cause further damage--the implication being that if we become too damaging to the planet, we'll become the enemy to Earth. That's why Godzilla is only on our side 'for now'.
I would say that on a worldwide scale, that topic is more currently relevant than an allegory to atomic bombs. But I suppose I'm probably just reading into it.
You know that's actually a good breakdown on these films especially since Ghidorah is an unnatural being not from earth and his being on earth throws the environment out of whack.
>especially since Ghidorah is an unnatural being not from earth and his being on earth throws the environment out of whack
I didn't even think of that. Especially with the way he changes the weather, which is pretty relevant to more recent environmentalism concerns about how our actions may result in severe shifts in weather patterns.
Thanks, user.
Anyone know?
That's why I love Redman. He's such an unrelenting psychopath when it comes to monsters of literally any creed.
If you actually watch the show, the music is fucking horror drones a majority of the time.
I'm not 100% sure but I think its Titanosaurus.
You are all wrong
They kind of referenced it with Rodan eating the pilot of a fighter jet right when he uses the ejection seat. Similar to the end of this scene.
It really is a good General Kaiju movie and seems more like a remake of the beast from 20,000 fathoms than godzilla
Lol where did that meme come from?
just an old Yea Forums joke from years past.
I mean this movie still has Allegory’s on Climate Chage so that argument is void
>kyle does because science godzilla episode
>he pronounces ghidorah wrong
>comments tell him hes saying it wrong
>feedback episode he apologizes for saying it wrong
>plays audio from film where they say it wrong
>starts saying it wrong again and apologizes for not knowing how it was pronounced (wrong) in the film
fucking hell KYLE get your life together