"Wah! Image rejected my comic about my personal life experience, therefore they're racists!"

"Wah! Image rejected my comic about my personal life experience, therefore they're racists!"


Attached: sucky.jpg (776x1199, 267K)

Other urls found in this thread:


America-neetz-Asian? America-knee-zay-shun? America-kneez-Asian? How are you supposed to pronounced that wholly unmarketable title?

It's "Americanization" but with "Asian".
And I agree, very clunky.

Am·e·ri·can·i·za·tion. I think it's a pun.


At least it's not America-NAZI-an

And it's also American Is Asian. It's a double play.

Oh great another self hating minority from the West. Coming from an actual filipino, this so self depricating

I admit, it's a good idea, but since English isn't a phonetic language, the pun is lost in not knowing how the word is supposed to be pronounced at first glance.

>Since Friday, Luna’s thread has sparked conversation throughout the industry. Former Image publisher Erik Larsen tweeted, “The only partner involved with approving Image central books is Eric Stephenson and crying racism and taking to twitter is a classless move and absolutely unfounded.”
Well, guess who's not going to be publishing with Image for a long while?


Link to Larsen's tweet? He's always good for a lul

>publisher wants nothing to do with race baiting comic
>gets called racist
Is there any way out of this? You can't even choose to opt out of highly politicized discussions these days because people see that in and of itself as a highly politicized response

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It does seem kind of weird that the publisher of fucking Bomb Queen decided this was "too negative."

Gee I wonder someone wouldn't want to publish this, Marvel and DC wouldn't have a problem with these depictions appearing in another book right?

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The hyperlink leads to nowhere, so no luck.
You could just stand your ground. It's the only recourse left.
"We believe that Mr. Luna's graphic novel, while of undeniable high quality, isn't a good fit for our line comics. We wish Mr. Luna nothing but good luck in getting his work published."

>learning about art by white guys in a largely white country, founded by white people
I'm shocked, to say the least. It is important to learn how to draw different races, but he's just being a dick about it.

Yeah actually looking at it these are straightforwardly newspaper-tier political comics. All you need is a Superman figure labeled WHITE HEGEMONY standing behind a guy at a desk labeled NAIVE ARTIST OF COLOR while Lady Liberty peaks through a window crying

This rice nigger has a bigger chip on his shoulder about race than even classic niggers. Every single comic he makes focuses on WYPIPO BAD as if the world is out to get him, and then he uses his asshurt to say that the same thing happens to ALL Asians. Fuck this prick.

Not the Tweet, but an incredible simulation:
>As a general rule--don't take to social media and air your grievances unless you're totally cool with terminating a relationship forever. If you have no hope of repairing things and you want everybody else to know you're a ticking time bomb ready to go off--go for it.

>just exposes IMAGE

Erik Larsen may have turned his comic into a cesspool of degeneracy, but he knows his shit when it comes to social media.

In other words:
>I am FUCKING seething right now
>Don't fucking expose us

This is exactly what happened between Marvel and Chelsea Cain when they cancelled Mockingbird. She indignantly took to Twitter because she "refused to be silent" and ended up burning the bridge with them. She went on to make Man Eaters regardless.

So how long til he gets metoo’d like that vertigo Mexican guy?

I give it until this Christmas.

I don't think that's what's happening here.

He looks gay, are gays metoo'd?

>like that vertigo Mexican guy

A very clumsy portmanteau

I wish everyone was taught this in school.

Asian males are not a protected class. You are not black, or brown, or anything that would entitle you to claim a POC experience in America. Your own women despise and belittle you even as they prance around flaunting progressive credentials and claiming minority status while basking in attention from thirsty weeaboo virgins. They openly exhibit this preference in front of you.

No one likes you or is going to stick up for you. Not even Progressives will take up your cause. You are nothing but an effeminate joke to them at worst, at best you are invisible. Only the Asian American female experience is of any relevance.

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If this is one book out of multiple that Image has publish, then he has no legs to stand on. Someone's Tumblr artblog, which is what this reads as, isn't required reading nor publishing. Image didn't see a market for it, and like it or not Image has to make money. And I would seriously doubt Image would sell more then a couple hundred copies. Maybe make something that is marketable.

Give it a decade or so, they will be.
Social Media Presence 101: Lesson #1: Don't post shit about politics. Lesson #2: Don't start arguments. Lesson #3: Follow lessons 1 and 2 religiously.

The guy that wrote Vertigo's Border Town was accused of sexual assault.

If I have this right he wanted to publish his webcomic as a monthly book for some reason. He was probably told it wouldn’t sell to that market in that format (and it won’t) and blew a gasket. This book would do better in bookstores or libraries than comic shops and he’d better off submitting to a dozen other places, or crowdfunding it. If he doesn’t realize that he’s either dumb as shit or intentionally trying to drum up a controversy.

He actually calls out Chinks, Japs and Gooks for being more privileged than his brown jungle nigger Filipino ass.

Even as he criticizes whites, fucking Filipino island filth need to appropriate from other more successful Asians and lump his smelly shitskin self with them

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And then they cancelled her Vision too.


Also it's laughable that this guy is calling out Image out of all companies for racism


Fucking Image

> we dont have the audience for it, its not gonna sell well
>can't use off brand marvel superheroes on the cover because marvel might sue us


HORY SHEET, that's racist!

The man, in one breath bags to be treated with respect while simultaneously being absolutely disrespectful for the giants who's shoulders he stands on. It's so two faced.

This dude really seems to lacks self-awareness, huh?

>Year of the yellow Asian
Let's ignore the fact that Chinese and Japanese were pretty much workhorses from the 1800s onward, and now we have the stereotype of them being doctors, engineers and so on because of that. Get to fucking work, and maybe your kids will succeed.

Based yellow gooks dabbing on SEA monkeys

Is that this guy?

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Might be a market for Asian trap-twink comics. Someone get that chongo on it.

"WAH! Why can't I enjoy the same positive stereotyping other asians get!?"

Is anyone even interested in a Conchita Wurst comic?

>under the guise of racial preference
This absolute mad man is now implying the only reason women won't date him is because white people are telling them not to.

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>image is racist!
yeah, the publisher started by Jim Lee. Whillace Portacio and a Canadian left hander is racist

A graphical essay would work, as would intermittent collections (KSBD's collections are published by Image), but this is something way more suited to Fantagraphics or other indie publishers' wheelhouse than Image. But you're more than likely right that it's an intention drumming of controversy which will more than likely be followed by a kickstarter in a week or two.

Who the fuck actively wants to read something like this, it comes off like a lecture illustrated with safety manual drawings

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I mean, if you've got ideas, I've got ears. Though honestly before googling I thought you were talking about the spanisher painter lady with the monobrow.

He, ironically, sounds unironically like an incel.

I completely forgot that was supposed to be a thing.

couldnt have said it better

Why I wonder why they didn't want a comic from one of the masterminds of Girls.

Same people that tried shilling Gabby's mess!

Since when did Image shill Gabby Rivera?

He’s not a bad artist but I can tell he drew this on an iPad and it pisses me off for some reason.

>Resentful hapa and tiger mom who hated her white husband

Lee is Korean. See for his opinion on Koreans.

He straight up implies that the only way for Asian women to not be complicit in anti-Asian racism is to sleep only with Asian men.

He unironically is, though.

He devotes an entire comic blaming white people for his shitty art.

Conchita Wurst: Action Dragqueen.

Uses concerts as a cover to be a spy. Kills with poisonous blood.

sure is mysterious why this isnt gonna be published

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Ha ha ha, a seething, small-dicked incel. He should refer to

lol that last panel could probably edited to look like a stonetoss panel.

Let's be honest: how is he any different from award winning cartoonist Gene Yang, a son of a bitch who has built his career on the exact same strand of whining about being an Asian American minority?

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Lack of journey to the west

I like his art so much more now, but what an absolute faggot he is. Nothing is standing in your way idiot. Make thing and then tell people about it instead of telling people that you're going to make thing.

Because Gene examines what it means to be an Asian-American through the lens of his own experience, is willing to show negative aspects his character's mentalities, and isn't a cockbag about it. Josh Luna would be an antagonist in a Gene Yang book.

Does Image even publish anything outside of fantasy flavored action/adventure?

>the market is much bigger than white people
Yes, it's called "anime" you dumb islanigger.

ManEaters, The Walking Dead, Southern Bastards (#21 coming soon, 2025), et. al.

Yes, pay more attention man. Sci-fi/fantasy is definitely their bread and butter but they do explore other genres/non-genres

Kill yourself for this opinion needledick.

guys like Luna will complain that Western media doesn't paint Asian men as sexually attractive or desirable, but is that really true? Cause I know tons of white and hispanic girls who thirst after K-Pop idols.

but he brings a point
why can't we see more interpretations of Asian AMERICANS in American media?
that aren't the typical China town stuff (its cool but not fresh)

we do get a lot of Asians from Asia in media, but thats mostly just focused on kungfu and anime knock off stuff. again its not bad stuff for the most part but its not fresh

so what you're saying is he's actually taking a stand for himself?
whats wrong with that

K-Pop isn't Western media, user. It's Korean media.

the difference is Yea Forums doesn't read comics and didn't know who he was

>I know tons of white and hispanic girls who thirst after K-Pop idols.
White girls loving niggers is a meme. The truth is white girls love Asian guys and Asian girls absolutely love white dick. Hispanic girls love whitey too.

t. Hispanic guy who loves white women

k-pop is korean media

where in american media directors won't cast asians because they don't think they're "expressive"

>line of comics
That doesn't really work because Image just publishes the shit they don't curate it. They'll publish any shitty comic, even Howard Chaykin's. You all remember that controversy and Image's defense of him?

It's amazing how much of a cunt he can make himself look with one page and have no self awareness about it

Image will publish anything as long as creators pony up the money to cover the initial costs.

I guess he thought that he was entitled to something different from their usual model.

>He straight up implies that the only way for Asian women to not be complicit in anti-Asian racism is to sleep only with Asian men.
Just change Asian to white and he would be a straight up Nazi. The dude is clearly insane

>spend your life learning from white artist
>get told thats the best way to draw even if your own people overseas have their own ideals that aren't eurocentric
>decide you want to branch out and don't want to draw for western audiences
>get told that you shouldn't do that


As a Phillipino, shouldn't he know enough Spanish to know that just doesn't fucking work?

>but is that really true?
I know my Mom was into Ken Wantanabe when he was in the last Samurai

Image isn't a vanity publisher (not in the traditional sense), so you don't pay them up front. Instead they take a cut from your earnings once your comic starts selling.

>shouldn't he know
what the fuck do you mean by that

>>get told that you shouldn't do that
Who is telling him he shouldn't do that? If you think I am you're missing my point entirely

>getting mad over a term that's been used uncontroversially by latin americans for years

There is literally no art school that teaches you to only draw white dudes.

>bruh, real live spanish speakers use it!
no they don't you lily white cracker

a lot of oldies in the comic book industry and fans are very particular about how comics should look
where do you think the term "in house style" even comes from

>What is the Renaissance?
Shitskin mutt

Makes me pretty glad I always called the Luna Brothers shit.

Also lol whining about race when just about all of their comics and characters are white people.

Stupid fucking dipshit.

>a lot of oldies
name one

hispanics aren't a hivemind

>art school
there is LITERALLY no art school that teaches you to draw only white dudes in the renaissance styles.

Neal Adams

ok, i'll believe you because you said so and people who get mad at generalist descriptive terms on Yea Forums are deeply knowledgeable about the world.

>I am every latinx! and every latinx is me!

Also he chooses not to do that shit sometimes and just has fun.

and they don't use "latinx" either, you dumb cunt

you gotta do what you gotta do to make it in this already niche industry

I have a suspicion his short metaphorical comic strip isn't meant to be taken literally.

Gideon Falls

Outpost Zero is teen angst really.

Ascender and Saga are sci-fi flavored action/adventure, so there's that.

i repeat, hispanics aren't a hivemind and you aren't the one who gets to deiced what they all agree on
you don't even have a statistic to say that this is what they "mostly" believe

neal adams hates black people or something? like what are you even talking about.

>i took a spanish class one time
thats nice, no one uses latinx

>American Spanish origin

>it's a metaphor
Ok.. so who is metaphorically telling him only to draw white people?

Learning Renaissance techniques is not about drawing white dudes. I highly doubt there are more than a light handful of art teachers that will enforce that all models/subjects be white either.
There are some people that do use it and some that don't. My Mexican friend fucking hates the term because it rapes grammar but on the other hand I'm pretty confident I know at least 1 person who does use it.

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I thought flips get assblasted whenever you refer to them as asian. At least the ones I've known have.

Really? I've seen it lots of times, and you asserting that nobody uses it isn't going to magically erase that.

>american spanish
there's your problem


jfc just look at that cover, it's like Elliot Rodger wrote it himself.

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I have never heard a Latin Americans use the term "Latinx" you sure this isn't a Chicano thing? Sounds fucking retarded too.
So it is a Chicano thing?

>t.seething latinx
Fucking learn your culture.

I am white as fuck, although l do live in south Texas but, even I know what that is. They are trying to change at least some of the gendered words into gender neutral.

I have mixed feelings on it. Part of me is annoyed because it feels like sterilization. The other part of me likes a way out of the stupid Latino/Latina trap. It seems to pedantic when people try to call me out on that.

I can't be sure since he seems a bit nutty, but he's probably combining both art history's focus on male artists and the samey 'house style' of capeshit.

If he'd written it, his comic self would be crying on every other page.

A good metaphor should be easily understood by the reader/listener. A good metaphor should also avoid confusing language or scenarios for the sake of clarity.
I've heard a constant narrative that schooling about [Medium/Genre] is all about learning from dead white guys. So trying to use that metaphor just reads as you speaking literally with the narrative

Ascender and Saga are space fantasy.

most Asian Americans don't like being lumped together with all Asians
They aren't like African Americans where they are united by a shared history
Or even like Muslim Americans where they are united by a religion

i really, really find "Agents of Atlas" really manipulative since it doesn't understand this. i mean there's something novel about the idea but we know what this really is

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>Business turns down a comic with a anti-capitalism message
Even Alan Moore work admit communism is bullshit and socialism only works with capitalism.

Bruh just start a web comic with an OG story. Before Murata even got involved in One Punch Man, the webcomic was getting millions of clicks. The art literally looked like an elementary schooler drew it, just make a good story.

>most Asian Americans don't like being lumped together with all Asians
I've felt like every Asian believes in this worldwide to a degree. Nobody can stand one another but I'm just making generalizations here.

The same applies to Skeleton-Head Bookseller Mr. Honda and My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness. Heck, even Isekai crap usually start as webnovels, then become LNs, then Manga and then Anime.

Asian Americans each have their own starting points in America and own history of oppression

thinking asians should all be lumped together is like assuming irish are "white"

My exposure to Japanese, Korean and Chinese people makes me think that they only tolerate each other because it's rarely legal to murder each other in the streets with knives.

>t. Josh Luna


hijo de mil putas

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The first sexy naked Asian ass we see in a Hollywood movie happened super recently.

This man's brain is operating in the tenth plane of irony

lol if you say so Lee Kun


Is Alan Moore the authority on communism now?

I don't use it, my niece does. A lot of college educated Hispanics seem to use the term. In my circle of friends abd acquaintance, females seem to use it more than men, but anecdotes don't mean much. Anyway, I'm "Hispanic" and can verify a significant portion of younger people use it.

It's filipinX now, silly

Up until recently, Latino was the default gender neutral term. I can’t even imagine how to pronounce Latinx.

“PoC Solidarity” is just woke imperialism. If there’s anything Luna gets right, it’s attacking this idea. The Japanese, the Koreans, and the Chinese all hate each other. My friend visited Thailand, and the tour bus guide openly mocked the Chinese as part of his routine. Religion and religious thought seem to be the only thing to bridge the gap funnily enough.

He's the one who invented it.

Attached: Moore.jpg (570x712, 104K)

>ugly, brainwashed progressive cunts use it
i knew that already, i was saying it is by no means common

From my experience as a fellow Hispanic, it seems to be a vocal minority confined to online and few places like certain libraries. Most people in my town have no idea what the fuck is going with that Latinx thing.


I freaking loved New Super-Man.

As in, rhymes with Kleenex?

>gentrifying spanish with white people shit
you'd think there'd be more awareness of how white trannies are essentially colonialising the spanish language.

>Asian Americans each have their own starting points in America and own history of oppression
I don't know about you guys in America but people in my part of Asia loathe Asians that live abroad because we see them as traitors to the nation. Because of that and Nationalism, nobody wants to leave the country except a few really rich guys or students.
I also assume that this is why Australians haven't turned 20% Muslim by now.

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That's because they're Americans and dumb. Just kidding. I guess it's a cultural thing. No Filipino outside of America calls themselves Pacific islander. And theres plenty of filam kids who refers themselves as asian

Expose what? That they didn't want to publish a comic?

That makes it sound like it is a Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters campus located in Mexico City

The people who care about this kind of shit are whatever suits them at the time. Asian when it's convenient, Filipino when it's not.

How exactly do they plan on getting Latin American nations on board with this anyway?
I can’t imagine the absolute clusterfuck it’d be trying to teach entire nations this.

what's your point because i think you missed mine


americans think being oppressed means having to look five extra minutes to find hair product that works for your genetic type

they are no to be trusted in any discussion about actual historical oppression

So, it's used by elitist degree holders to differentiate themselves from hard working Latino people?


It seems to be a college term. At my work, the old Mexican managers hired some ftm trans people and they all referred to them as girls still. One of the managers made one wear a hairnet because it’s restaurant policy for women to wear them even though they essentially had a buzz cut. My hair was longer then theirs at the time.

No we don’t use that. We think it’s stupid.

>One of the managers made one wear a hairnet because it’s restaurant policy for women to wear them even though they essentially had a buzz cut.

Just saying.
Also, the fact that discrimination happens to most Asians even in their own country of origin.

I literally thought this was a Big Bang Theory parody. Fuck you, 4channel, for making me think like this.

I think people in Chile tried to make it a thing but I don’t think it went anywhere.

>Is Alan Moore the authority on communism now?
Alan Moore became very anti-communist after he realized occupy Wall Street was full shit and missed the point of V for Vendetta.

Our entire language is gender coded, whiteboy. We literally do not care because its the foundation of our language. You will not find a single person in a Spanish speaking country who thinks this.

Define "common", I guess. Usage seems to depend on demographic and generational factors.

The term apparently originated in Guatemala as an all inclusive term meant to be welcoming to non binary, gender fluid, etc. people. I simply use "Latin" and consider it just as inclusive. The truth is we would be more accurately classified as a kind of creole and "Latino/a/x" "Hispanic", etc. fail as a classification when you think about it.

i don't disagree
but that also supports my point
asians are different where ever you go
turns out having a generalization for over 2 billion people is kind of stupid

I'm curious of what he thinks of white passing Asians like Pashtuns,Khazaks and some light skinned Punjabis

Attached: Pashtun Fighter Outside Jallabad.jpg (806x1200, 1.4M)

The term actually originated in Latin America.

>Erik Larsen may have turned his comic into a cesspool of degeneracy
It's a vanity press project at this point because the man has literal FUCK YOU MONEY and gives exactly ZERO FUCKS.

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That’s actually disheartening

So Luna is upset he can't do the same?

>You will not find a single person in a Spanish speaking country who thinks this
Haha imagine being this sheltered. Go outside, take a stroll (and I can't believe I have to tell you this...) TALK TO YOUR PEOPLE! Seriously, man. Your people have changed since your mom powdered your ass.

by a group of leftist feminists guided by a fucking mexican-american bitch don't know shit about being latino other than tacos, viva mexico, arriba arriba andale!

Here is Burgerland, we don’t consider Middle Easterners as as Asian. They’re all just some form of Arab, and maybe you’ll get a guy that acknowledges the Persians and Pakis as different. It’s funny, Luna’s comics seem almost redpilled on PoC solidarity while also falling for the American centric ideas that made such an idea possible in the first place.

You seem to have some kind of chip on your shoulder. The term isn't meant to differentiate anybody, though demographic differences certainly play a part in who uses it. I don't use it myself, but I don't sport out when I hear people use it like some itt either.

>Haha imagine being this sheltered. Go outside, take a stroll (and I can't believe I have to tell you this...) TALK TO YOUR PEOPLE! Seriously, man.
Yeah I actually live in a town that’s 99% Mexican immigrants (border town, y’know?) and the Latinx thing has never come up. If anything, Mexicans at least are the most politically incorrect people in America.

who wouldn't honestly
but here's a point
comic companies have wasted a lot of money supporting other minority groups on rebranding characters for diversity points
but when an Asian American comes along with a point to make, he gets the curb?

i guess its okay to take a stand when you're trying to pander to every other group

You sound triggered we don’t care about your political correctness.

>I'm curious of what he thinks of white passing Asians like Pashtuns,Khazaks and some light skinned Punjabis
Literal whos.
Most people in Asia are ignorant. Though, I shudder to think what a Filipino-American would perceive them as.

Sure thing, user.

>The term isn't meant to differentiate anybody,
So why use it to begin with? Latino was perfectly acceptable until recent years and it just seems impractical for English and Spanish speaks tbqh.

>he thinks his college dorm is the world
that's pathetic.

>The term isn't meant to differentiate anybody
except everyone who speaks the fucking language, you idiot

no one is saying there aren't hispanics who find the term stupid
but you're saying there are no hispanics who hate the term

just saying Latin Americans is an easier term to use though

>but I don't sport out when I hear people use it like some itt either.
What’s sporting out?

nice use of US values applied to us without consent.

Alright, bud. I think we're done here. CLEARLY, someone is only interested in keeping their DELUSIONS alive while someone else simply wants for truth to rear it's blessed head. Peace, Latinx. I only hope peace upon you.

But you saying Latin Americans means you're giving away part of your Latinx identity and giving up your spot in the diaspora because you want to integrate/assimiliate into white culture!

At least that's what people that use Latinx pressume.

>but you're saying there are no hispanics who hate the term
Different guy. I’m the one saying it used but not as widespread as people believe.

so this was published in image?

It’s the most white way of saying “I don’t get mad when”.

>white people please let us immigrate
>haha, now that we've immigrated we'll destroy you

Chupar mi huevos puto.

As someone who actually is filipino I give absolutely no fucks about the ethnicity of a character so long as they're well-written. But all these whiny MUH REPRESENTATION cunts never seem to get that. God I hate other fucking filipinos, I hope a volcano swallows all the islands.

What white people say that?

The term is designed to be as all-inclusive as possible, thus making it the absolute opposite of divisive in intent. It is both racially and gender neutral. I personally find the term unnecessary and no more accurate or descriptive than Hispanic or latino. Creole would be the most fitting term but most people know dick about anthropological terms. Anyway, get fucked.

Ey ey ey

chupa mis huevos puto**

This has the exact same energy as Americans travelling and expecting everyone they meet to speak English. You're in their country, you pay them some respect and learn their language. You come to America to learn, you learn American things. He seems bitter that his parents moved here and he wants an education from his heritage home, which isn't exactly a bad thing but it's not Americas fault at all.

Can we all at least agree that folx is pretty fucking stupid?

I had to read it in 8th Grade.
My favourite Graphic Novel at the time.

It's how most phones autocorrect "sperg out". Calm your hissy fit over it.


A good question user, it's why I don't use it myself. I'm Puerto Rican, you're not going to hear me call myself Hispanic, latino, or latinX when I can just say that.

if his identity so important to him, it makes me wonder why his not back in the Philippines, chilling with duterte

Different user -- I also live in a border town. Outside of only a handful of college students in social studies I've never ever heard anyone using Latinx unironically.

If you're gonna use spanish, do something better than that... maybe

Chupame la verga, pinche puto de mierda, nomas estas jodiendo con tu pinche "latinx" que nadie usa de forma coloquial al menos que se crean pseudo-intelectuales pero nomas son unos chairos que son mas NiNis que nada.

I mean yeah, but that's normally considered a subdivision of science-fiction. We're splitting hairs and discussing nuance here though.

>The term is designed to be as all-inclusive as possible, thus making it the absolute opposite of divisive in intent.
Again, Latino is a thing. It’s not the Spanish language’s fault that it’s heavily gendered.

Sperg. I'm phone posting and autocorrect is a bitch.

Agents of Atlas is one of the most condescending racist concepts I've ever seen. Frankly the whole thing kind of sickens me and makes me feel we're going backwards in some shocking and awful ways.

It's a shame, because I do actually most of the established characters in that book. But the entire concept is bizarre.

What hissy fit? It’s literally news to me what white people say. Border town, y’know?

He's probably never even been to the Philippines. If he had been, he wouldn't want to learn more about his heritage. The Philippines fucking sucks; I've been there only once in my life and it's such a goddamned culture shock that if any of these people experienced it they'd kiss American soil every day. Fucking trash beaches, squalor, people burning trash out in the streets, giant ticks and flying roaches, cobras, all kinds of fucking shit. In the provinces you can't even flush a toilet without throwing a bucket of water into it, there are no hot showers...place fucking sucks.

Yeah that makes more sense.

Occupy was sabotaged by plants because the mild-mannered protestors didn't savagely resist when white women started trying to show up and run the show into the ground. There's literally no reason to ever put women in charge of a social campaign.

Exactly. The dude snuck in discussing a few issues in that. Alluding to a few things. But he stuck to asshole kid learning to be Superman as the core of the book. That's a universal story. That lets other groups have a relatable lens into an "other".

Yang isn't an idiot about this shit.

Yeah that’s true. Latino/Hispanic is more of an American designation. Most people from Latin American just say where they’re from and leave it at that.

Some people don't start webcomic because that means you'll do alot of shouting into a void before someone takes notice of you. Getting published is a faster way of getting noticed and this guy looks like he just wants the quick path of attention.

More like Writing Wongs

What does Latino mean and how does it describe the people of the western hemisphere it's supposed to correspond to? I'll wait for a good answer on your part but I won't hold my breathe. Latino fails to describe what "latino" people are just like "latinx" does, which is why I'm not bothered by it (because I stopped being bothered by the problems with "latino" a long time ago, shit ain't worth the effort). We are all pretending at a racial group that doesn't actually exist. People say "hispanic" or "latino" or "latinx" because they don't understand what creole means.

Vete a la chingada pinche mamon, tu y tus pinches putas que nada mas vienen a joder cuando estamos hablando de este idiota flipino engreído, hijo de la gran mierda.

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>Yang isn't an idiot about this shit.
Honestly, Yang’s career is a huge middle finger to Luna’s philosophy and ideology.
I’m pretty sure Luna would find someway to discredit it though.


Because people like him who've probably never been to the Philippines can maintain being proud of their "culture" from a distance, so they don't have to face the reality that it's a terrible place and all the best culture there came from Spain or China.

I'm not white but carry on with your hissy fit.

>What does Latino mean and how does it describe the people of the western hemisphere it's supposed to correspond to? I'll wait for a good answer on your part but I won't hold my breathe.
It means person of Latin American descent, whereas Hispanic is someone with Spanish ancestry.
Adding o and a at the end of words in the Spanish signifies that you’re referring to a person (see negrito, chinito). X is completely meaningless.

a lot of the problems of the Philippines are also due to Westerners taking advantage though

Oh god it's this nigger again.

I mean, this is a guy who would have a following prior to starting one. His art seems to have improved quite a bit since Girls, and it’s technically sound. Quick path to attention seems right, successful web comics don’t have to worry about publisher approval, nor do they have to answer to people who say they just won’t sell. There’s no reason for him not to at least give it a shot.

What hissy fit?

Considering these pages have tumblr watermarks, I'm guessing he tried having his webcomic on tumblr and didn't get enough likes/reblogs to his liking.

Hispanic merely means Spanish speaking, not necessarily of Spanish descent. Why is Latin America called "Latin" America? What does the term mean?

Doesn’t Creole mainly refer to people from the Caribbeans?

>Hispanics aren't a hive mind which is why I can say with absolute certainty that they all use latinx
I hope you realize the irony in what you are saying

You posts read rather spergy. I guess police your tone better if that's not what you're going for.

Las pendejadas con las que sale este puto.

>Only the Asian American female experience is of any relevance.
Especially if they have big knockers.

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Nope, don't know why you're advocating so hard for this term that most likely doesn't apply to your demographic, but lations don't use "latinx" like, ever. It's only uppity white people that live nowhere near any sort of border town that take offense that the Latin American Spanish language would even dare have gendered words. Grow the fuck up.

It can. It can refer to any culture or language formed from a blending of two or more existing cultures/languages.

You're not wrong. East Asians and Southeast Asians have exactly one thing in common and that's having had their history and culture influenced by ancient China, which is as much of a nonstarter as saying a Spaniard and an Englishman are practically the same because they were once both provinces of Rome. Personally, I hope to retire the term Asian as anything other than a purely geographic adjective. American identity politics is one half intellectual laziness, one half branding promotion.

Many European languages developed from Latin, with Spanish and Portuguese being the most direct descendants. As most of the colonies in South America were founded by Spanish and Portuguese countries, this became the language, thus becoming Latin America.
So basically Hispanic but also covering Portuguese speaking cultures.

Would America count as Creole? Even going back to the first thirteen colonies, it was a mess of different cultures.

I wonder how insulted Asian people who are already in the industry feel about this guy, he's basically calling all of them uncle toms.

That’s the thing; they’re in the industry while he’s burning bridges. They’re probably laughing all the way to the bank.

> I'm a disgrace to my race and it's all your fault

It absolutely would, but we're discussing Hispanic/ latino/a/x here. We can further derail and talk about how meaningless "white" and "black" next if you want.

>I wonder how insulted Asian people who are already in the industry feel about this guy
They’re probably thinking
>”What a fucking beta.”

Attached: DWBUGgOU8AADomG.jpg (1100x1700, 1022K)

Well your mom has some pretty outstanding taste in husbandos, my nigga.

Attached: RICED.jpg (634x951, 63K)

>further derail
Or you could just drop the conversation if it’s bothering you

They should have gone harder
>After careful consideration of Mr. Luna's material we cannot publish a comic containing such hatred directed at interracial couples and empowered women, and after the Elliot Rodger killings we believe it would be irresponsible and dangerous to do so for any publisher

But I like Asian men because all the black guys I know are thugs and all the white men I know are hicks. If I could bash my father's head in for an Asian guy, I would.

I was more referring to the comic where he says he wants to make more stories featuring Asian Americans. Like an brand new original narrative featuring an Asian protagonist. Not his borderline web comic he used to complain. Proving those stories could work could net some major opportunities. Yang’s successful stories about being a Chinese American have gotten him the privilege of defining how China fits into the world stage in the DC universe. That Sara Kuhn girl apparently started as a YA author writing stories about Asian protagonists that were apparently successful enough that now she has the privilege to introduce Cassandra Cain to a whole new audience. He just has to actually make those stories man.

Judging by the font, I can tell this is 'shopped

>We can further derail and talk about how meaningless "white" and "black" next if you want.
I mean, you could spun a beautiful yarn all you want but it’s pretty clear black and white mean things in America

It's not wrong though

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This alone shows how much of a trash artist he is. I've never let any art teacher who tells their students they have to learn to draw white people only and the only masters worth anything are white people.

In western culture and art, a lot of them will be white by the simple truth that the west is predominantly white. Beyond that, the masters tell you how to be an artist, typically through observation, practice, trial and error, and plane hard work.

When you go to classes, models are what's available, And not a thing where its about "picking white people". Most art classes have a pretty wide range of people based on race, sex, age, weight, and etc. Art teachers explain basic structure and form to help you visualize but expect you to observe and learn the nuance.

If he hasn't grasped that aspect, then hes not really a person who can call themselves an artist, but nothing more than a modern day race hustler more interested in pushing false narratives than creating art for the sake of art and story.

He can get bent, IMO, cause his stupid world view craps all over artists, no matter the background.

What I was trying to lead you to was "latino" fails to accurately describe the population of the western hemisphere. There is no accounting for the tremendous amount of native and African influence on the people and culture, nor the myriad pockets of influence from other European and even Asian groups. Latino is an inaccurate term people are married to simply because it been in use for a while. It is no more accurate or better at describing our people than "latinx". People clearly use the terms they want to use, there is not much of a reason to get bent out of shape about what other people call themselves. All you silly fuckers are doing it wrong getting mad at others for doing it wrong in different ways.

>He just has to actually make those stories man.
He totally could. Again you gave examples. But for some reason, rather than use his resources to create, he simply tears down things around him.

I'm not, this is just a wide ranging topic and it would be more than easy to lose our focus.

>there is not much of a reason to get bent out of shape about what other people call themselves.
You’re kind of the only getting out of shape at this point.

You'd be surprised how some Arts & Design Institutes have very rigid styles and denounce anything that cannot easily translate into Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks.

>All you silly fuckers are doing it wrong getting mad at others for doing it wrong in different ways.
That’s not a good argument. It basically amounts to “All language is meaningless so who gives a fuck?”
It’s pretty pedantic.

Oh it does, and has tremendous social consequences, but it's a big game of pretend we are all playing. Black and white are so nebulous in meaning they are almost meaningless.

Neither is he. The most insufferable kind of white is the so-called moderate progressive, the one that gets offended on your behalf (or not) depending on how much they feel like virtue-signaling that day. Malcolm X said as much decades ago.

>Your own women despise and belittle you

>be asian man with white wife
>don't have to deal with vapid, entitled first generation cunts with persecution complexes despite growing up in Berkeley
>most of them age like milk (especially SEAs)

Attached: 1353186552972.png (400x300, 91K)

I am a strong proponent of the idea that words have meaning, but people itt are railing against one term for its problematic linguistic origins while promoting another with just as many problems.

In the end, Latino is what the majority gives for, with Latinx being the outlier at the moment.
You could lecture about the nuances and technicalities all day, but if the native speakers themselves want to call themselves that, who are you say what’s right and what’s wrong?

Oddly enough, the white feminist panel is spot-on -- just look at Kate Leth, she abandoned The Valkyries the moment the complain about WoC being ignored or having their ideas stolen by white women in the group went viral

Also, it's funny how Asians are also attacking Affirmative Action even tho their representation in Ivy League schools is already overperforming their numbers vis a vis their demographics in the US.

Oh shit this is bad. This is actual real incel stuff.

guy almost makes a valid point, but he invalidates it by being such a petty douche about it

This thread is why nobody likes to talk to asiatics. Y'all are like black people with twice the persecution complex and four times the impotent rage over it.

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They’re really not all that nebulous. They’re short hand for “born with Western European heritage” and “born with African heritage”. It’s why you see the term African American more used these days

Someone who understands what words mean, but you make an excellent point. That's why I have said I don't care what people call themselves--regardless of meaning people do what they want to do. We all know what someone means when they say "latino" or "latinx".

"You're not totally wrong, you're just a cunt about it."

That looks cringey as fuck

I won't argue with you, but I'm sure you know there are people who would question your definition of those terms. But you do you, homie.

The sad part is the Filipino superhero designs like kind of neat (those sandals on the guy are pretty eh though).
If he just made a comic about these two fighting crime, everyone would be happier.

God, Maneaters is such a bizarrely shit comic. She had an entire issue dedicated to nothing but her shitty in-universe propaganda.

>but I'm sure you know there are people who would question your definition of those terms.
No, there really aren’t. You seem to be acting smug over nothing.

Asians are attacking Affirmative Action because schools are treating them like white people, ie their scores and merits don’t matter as much as their race when getting admitted.

TWO. Issue 4 and Issue 8. And the rest of the issues are no better. Full of graphic design filler -- I swear they're a graphic design portfolio/thesis more than a comic. In 8 issues published so far, there's only been story enough to actually fill 4 issues.

I know some Italians who would argue with you, and African Africans is a whole other conversation. Like I said, you do you, but maybe don't assume you speak for the entire world.

>Someone who understands what words mean
Acting like hot shit because you understand the finer details and history of linguistics.
At best, you look autistic. At worst, you look like a preening jackass.

>but maybe don't assume you speak for the entire world.
I never made that assumptions. If anything, you’ve been stuffing words in people’s mouths this whole thread.

>they make 11% of ivy league student population
>barely make 5.9% of the US population

That's fucking stupid.

You sound mad user, we are just talking.

Italians are white.

>"You're not totally wrong, you're just a cunt about it."
basically, and even that isn't necessarily the complete problem, the problem is that he's a cunt AND his content isn't entertaining or funny*

*in an unironic sense that is

Lol, read the thread again.

As an Asian American, the juxtaposition of seeing my mother be praised by my old high school for being such a hardworking, dedicated member of the community and beloved by the students, to hearing her talk about how annoying her Chinese immigrant neighbors are is really jarring. Asian American solidarity is a subgroup, where the Japanese Americans, Korean Americans, and Filipino Americans can join together and laugh at the white people, but the moment the actual countries get brought up, it all falls apart. It’s impossible to be inclusive of Asians with only a single character to represent them all, that’s why Sulu was named after the Sulu Sea instead of giving him a specifically Chinese or Japanese name.

>He’s not a bad artist
You're right, he's an awful artist.

Attached: can anyone speak retard.png (394x317, 193K)

Actually, I was wrong and underestimated their numbers.

Based on Ivy League demographic numbers, their lowest percentage at an Ivy League university is 14.1% at Brown and in several other institutions they make up at least 20% of the student population

But yeah, Asians are discriminated by Affirmative Action.

Outside of linguistic technicalities, there’s nothing problematic about the usage of Latino.
The problem people have with Latinx is that people are forcing it on a language that doesn’t really accommodate and without consideration for the native speakers, which is ironic considering it’s all being done in the name of PC.
It’s the equivalent of trying to tack on a wheelchair ramp to a building without anyone’s input.

Italy is southern Europe. Are Germans white? That's central. Dutch people, Netherlands? North. Eastern Europeans not count? Russia? How wide we casting this net? The bigger the group it contains the less meaning the term has.

>lol I am so trolling

>Are Germans white?
This has literally never been a question that’s needed to be asked.

Asians in a lot of schools now have to contend with the bar for entry being higher than even white people. Sure you could argue that they seem fine clearing the bar anyways, but it’s more the principle of it, and it is gaining a bit more traction now that more than just white people are getting mad at it. I think some Asian family was suing Harvard because their daughters scores were better than the majority of people who attend Harvard but she got rejected anyways. The claim being she was passed up due to her race.

I described the problem with the term here

>What about all these white people? Are they white?

So what I'm getting from this thread is that black people should be grateful that they lost their tribal identities over the course of decades of slavery because if they didn't they'd be just as divided, bickering, petty and ineffectual as Asian Ameircans and Latino Americans are today?

Don’t Africans despise black Americans?

Which is precisely why the statement "white is short hand for western European" fails.

It's more than that, we're playing with a handicap. Based King of the Hill had an episode about it. Kahn was talking to an admissions officer at Texas U and he was pointing out all of Connie's accomplishments, and the admissions officer flat out said it didn't matter because Connie was Asian.

Yeah my point still stands. It’s a social thing, not a linguistics things.


So we agree the term is inaccurate... Want some tostones?

Aren't Arabs and Persians considered white by the US Consensus?

People know what you mean when you say white. To say how it’s really a nebulous term that can be argument is pedantic and makes you look like a pseudo intellectual

I'm reminded of this meme(and the /pol/ original it's based on);


Attached: Purest Form of Elf.jpg (870x960, 274K)

If I remember right, the US Census has sub categories for White, like White Hispanic, so that might be it.

Nobody gives a fuck about accuracy. You can lecture people about all they want but people will call themselves what they will. There’s no one anyone in Latin America would agree to being called a Creole

Bruh, this has been my point the whole thread, and why I've been arguing getting mad about latinx is silly.

Benjamin Franklin diagrees

>actually it's an evil conspiracy I can't get a date

Literally the driving force behind all modern day ideologies from whatever flavor of racial animosity, trans shit, sjw shit, radfem shit, commie shit, christian fundamentalism, islamic extremism and obviously incels.

Attached: 1556723542523.jpg (800x448, 54K)

is that a reference to that fucking SpongeBob chicken meme nobody liked

Which is why it's silly to get mad about people using latinx. Did you guys see I was criticizing usage if "latino" and get so defensive you missed my point about usage?

And yet he somehow expects to be taken seriously.

You seemed to miss the point of the conversation and went off on a weird tangent that most people gave a shit about.
To some it up; people connect Latinx with SJWs. People don’t like SJWs. That’s literally it. It’s not that deep.

*most people stopped giving a shit about

Well, boohoo~ Many of these asian families with kids applying to Ivy league schools are affluent already and feel entitled to a spot simply because of the cram school mentality -- and lack the self-awareness they already have an advantage over the average american of any other race and are over-represented at the college level.

Then go back to where you came from

So to recap this thread I learned that
>Linguistics is a useless degree and the only job you’ll get is talking about it on Yea Forums
>Asians have somehow surpassed blacks in victimhood complexes
>All sects of humanity hate each other. Doesn’t matter the ethnicity, nationality or color, everyone gets shit

The posts I was engaged with were about how "Latino is the term, so why would latinx be used?" If you're so triggered by the idea of "SJWs" (i never used the term or argued about left-right politics) you're ridiculous and should find a safe space. You triggered as hell.

This is basically /pol/'s attitude, one of the most diverse boards unironically

Of course there's a not-Iron Fist in the cover

Fuck these whiny cunts

>If you're so triggered by the idea of "SJWs" (i never used the term or argued about left-right politics) you're ridiculous and should find a safe space. You triggered as hell.
I’m not triggered though? I’m just telling you the reason why it’s disliked. I have no stake in it besides finding the term a bit unwieldy.

The amount of butthurt and shitflinging one man can generate...is Yea Forums secretly tsuntsun for the Most Powerful Race In The World??

>you’re the triggered one here! go find a safe space!
Really? That died when South Park used it. Get some new material.

I don’t think Yea Forums would disagree with Asians being the most powerful race in the world.
Asian Americans on the other hand.

>Racism XDDD!!111!
Ebin meme dude

People who use Latinx unironically need a safe space.
They have to mangle a language just to feel olike they belong.

That's like telling black american people to go back to africa. Luna is an American. His culture is in America. "Burgerland" is only 200 years old, too young to be considered a whites only country. So when people like you assume America is for whites only everyone else needs to get out, it seems off and people naturally call people out on that

Well shit user, we can agree on that. Latinx is definitely more stupid than latino. From my experience, it seems to be what the kids are moving towards though. It is what it is. I had a philosophy professor try to push "latinoa" on me when I was younger and was similarly annoyed.

Yeah because the Koreans, Japanese, and Vietnamese do so poorly here

So is folx valid to use? Or is that actually horseshit.

You assume too much. Have you ever interacted IRL with people who use the term?

Who is this fucker, Elliot Rogers?

This applies to any fucking thing on the planet

Attached: 9B71B14A-1F02-4DDD-8DAA-B87446E51D60.jpg (904x749, 137K)

They tend to be the usual suspects; college aged, hang out at Starbucks, use tumblr, etc.

Latinx? Slightly more horse shit than latino, which is slightly less horse shit than Hispanic. Subjective opinion of course.

People like this?

I'm sorry you have to deal with those kinds of people. All the people I know who use it are college educated but are solidly working class and aren't the typical Starbucks drinking tumblerites.

The fuck? I wasn’t asking about that.
Reread my sentence.

Oh, like folks with an "x" subbed in for gender inclusion? Nah, that's dumb as fuck, "folks" is already inclusive.

Well there’s the other catch 22. Not only do the working class people in my area not use the the term they’re very...rough.
Different area, different kinds of people.

Why is it dumb as fuck?

It’s really no worse than using Latin@

Why does the cover look like a Kelly comic

Attached: Larson-Cartoons-1.jpg (767x620, 157K)

Language evolves

Yeah man, regions have a big difference. I live in the midwest where it's mostly Mexicans and Central Americans but I'm originally from the East Coast where it's mostly Caribbean. Very different cultures. The racist whites call me "beaner" out here, it was "spic" back home. Or they don't know what to make of a Caribbean and call me a nigger. Shit gets complicated.

And more often than not retarded flash in the pan slang happens.

Sadly you’d probably get called a nigger (well, negrito) by Mexicans in the American South.
It’s that kind of rough.

Because Latinx is totally just slang.
Fucking idiot.

I would say it's worse because folk has simple meaning describing a broad cohort, latino/a/x has a supposedly simple meaning that fails to describe a very complex cohort.

That's the end of the conversation. It's the "God can do anything and is beyond comprehension" argument in a theistic debate.

Change the roles. Make it an White guy learning art in Japan as taught by Japanese.

Now tell me he has a "valid point"

I have very close Mexican friends but have learned how racist they can be as a group. We are all just people, subject to the same flaws and failures other people are subject to.

>jargon employed by fringe autists influenced by white trannies
yeah, that's slang

Josh Luna is just a more asian Elliot Rodgers. I wouldn't want him on the payroll either


He has brought shame upon his family and clan

Were you dropped on your head or what

It is, it's only used by left leaning social justice types. Latinx isn't going to rewrite the whole gendered language of Spanish. Right now because you're young you think it's actually replacing the language and going to stick around. All fads seem like that when they're around.

Attached: i-used-to-be-with-it.jpg (627x472, 105K)

>grandpa was a poor white farmer who could barely makes end meet in the Great Depression
>his father was torn in half by a horse at the age of 12
>joined the Navy in ww2 and was shot multiple times
>was still poor even as a police officer
>His son didn’t want this for his children so he invested wisely and got educated
>I grew up in a middle class neighborhood because of my dad’s effort
So according to him my family is at fault for having some privilege

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That’s what I’ve learned over the years. Hispanics are racist towards blacks. Blacks are racist to Asians. Asians are racist to other Asians.
In the end, we’re all bastards.

>Dead white masters teach you to draw idealized and meaningful forms
>Dead POCs teach you to draw mustached women
Really not helping your case buddy.

>No user. I don't want to draw appealing, realistic images. I want to draw anime and if you don't pay me money to draw anime YOU RACIST!

Maybe it's the way Yang approaches the subject doesn't devolve to sperging?

>The market is so much bigger!
Filipinos have what, Darna?

Whites dominate the superhero comic market because surprise surprise, whites and jews made a lot of the first big sellers.

Apparently nowadays, being white is the same as having a superpower.

the problem is "privilege" as a philosophical concept is useful. it truly is. it has existed in western and eastern philosophy for millennia.

"social justice" became a thing and, as it tends to do, perverted the philosophy into something ugly and obscene. privilege is now equivalent to the religious concept of sin, which by nature is accusatory and shaming. it was changed in this manner to increase the academic authority of a few fringe racist professors, who've, in many cases, become the victims of their own ideologies (see: black harvard law professor kicked out for defending a rapist, i.e. his job).

like racism, the social justice fringe doesn't really understand privilege. just know that the concept of privilege, in its original intent, was only ever intended to highlight the limits of our own perceptions of ourselves and others. it is taking inventory of the things we've experienced and haven't experienced. it is not silencing people who are comparatively better off on some spreadsheet of goodguy/badguy.

Watch, it’s going to blow up big time

>Sorry bro you can't make your Flip superhero
What the fuck?

Marvel and DC will suck your dick for a minority character. The modern Agents of Atlas are just a giant Pan-Asian circlejerk. Any character created after 2000 is probably minority.

I'm pretty sure the conversation wasn't "Asians don't sell in the market" but instead "No I don't think people want to read your self insert Super Filipino fighting White Devil and Ronald Drumpf."

We have real problems to deal with (poverty, gangs, drugs, trafficking, etc). We don’t have time or care about being politically correct. It’s very low on our things to do list.

>We don't see his character drawings
>Instead of creating his own superhero he tries to published a comic about bitching how he doesn't have his own superhero
Really makes you think.

>his father was torn in half by a horse at the age of 12
He had a 12 year old father!?

Marvel alone has been introducing more and more Asian heroes on the market. DC isn’t a slouch in that department either. What exactly is he talking about?

Fucking this.

yea, it'll be as ubiquitous as xer

I think he meant he lost his father at age 12. It’s a fucked up situation either way (seriously, how does a horse tear you up?)

>Mom I need those bell bottoms! I swear I'll wear them forever
The passage of time is always an interesting thing to watch

Attached: TBOnI-1452179778-940-list_items-bell_bottoms.jpg (962x962, 135K)

>mfw brown people think they are people

On a serious note, is this real or fake outrage

Attached: tfwBrowns.png (142x156, 58K)

How would any of you go about making a Filipino superhero? I’m genuinely curious to hear your ideas. Certainly better than what Moon Boy can do.

Aren't a lot of them from abroad, like China, instead of American citizens though? I.e. they pay a shit ton of money to study there.

Having grandparents and parents that made smart decisions and invested in your future is "being privileged."

It's just because his comics suck and don't sell
By the standards of mid-00s Image the Lunas were worth keeping around but nobody cares about them in 2019 and rightly so

But he IS totally wrong.

What was their biggest works back then?

Horses are dangerous motherfuckers, they can weigh up to a ton and are built out of pure muscle and their feet are borderline weapons.

I'm watching and waiting.

>Under the guise of racial preference
Did he...did he just admit asian women prefer white men?


Girls, which is a mainstay storytime of pain around here, and The Sword, which is almost good

>They didn't want to publish MY superhero so they clearly hate all Asians!
No dude, just you.

There a lot of stories of magic kris knives in Indonesia, so make a legacy superhero who passes down a magic superpower granting kris from father to son. The last guy had the misfortune of having TWO sons and now they not only have to team up to fight evil together but compete for who gets the kris and all of dad's power because there can only be one champion at a time.

A story that uses Flip culture without being a cirlejerk and that focuses on universal themes of brotherly love and competition. I feel that's something all brothers can relate to--loving your brother but also seeing him as a rival.

Are Filipinos the niggers of the Asian world like how Hondurans are the niggers of the South American world?

>There a lot of stories of magic kris knives in Indonesia, so make a legacy superhero who passes down a magic superpower granting kris from father to son. The last guy had the misfortune of having TWO sons and now they not only have to team up to fight evil together but compete for who gets the kris and all of dad's power because there can only be one champion at a time.

>A story that uses Flip culture without being a cirlejerk and that focuses on universal themes of brotherly love and competition. I feel that's something all brothers can relate to--loving your brother but also seeing him as a rival.
Well user, now you’ve made me sad. I would buy and read the fuck out of this but it doesn’t exist.

I have to thank him for one of my favorite reaction images.

Attached: Laughing in American.jpg (274x266, 32K)

No the stereotype is Sea Mexicans. Every Mexican stereotype generally applies with a Pacific Islands flavor.

I’m trying to remember exactly what my dad told me. I think my great grandfather was working on something involving the horse(like horseshoe replacement or something) or was tied to something that the horse hooked onto. Either way, my grandpa was working on something and saw it all happen before his very eyes. Also held his dad in his arms as he died slowly. Grandpa never really liked to talk about it

Attached: E7E44E01-EF26-41B2-9C25-77648CE8335E.gif (353x200, 1.85M)

>My face as I'm fucking China in a trade war

Jesus Christ...
Sorry to hear that user. Just...fuck.

So what I’m hearing is the Chinese are do nothing wrong brining in millions of women and raping them.

>Are Filipinos the niggers of the Asian world

Yup, they're part of the group that is commonly known as SEAniggers.

what voices are asian americans even allowed to have?

Who are the other ones?

>get pissed at guy for pointing out racism
>be racist

Her big outburst was over Vision, not Mockingbird. Vision was cancelled before release (with enough art for a issue or two done), so she went berzerk

isn't he like super racist

Who, Erik Larsen?

Wanna bet that this guy doesn't realize how similar he sounds to the Supreme Gentleman.

Attached: Elliot_Mlady.jpg (710x532, 39K)

That's probably how I forgot that "Vision" was going to be a thing.