Honestly, is this not the perfect Batman costume?

Honestly, is this not the perfect Batman costume?
Why do they need to redesign it a million times over?

Attached: BTAS.png (1440x1228, 2.3M)

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It is, but everyone wants to have their own take on the iconic Batman costume.

Some people think the oval is stupid and prefer the boring black bat

And of course the trunks argument is well worn road

But mostly

>not bat nipples
I wonder if it was Lucius playing a prank on him

Attached: sss.jpg (600x300, 34K)

Different costumes. More toys

Blue and grey are best.

Attached: dce7c0f1186e37569db60c2e9a6a3b0e.jpg (290x607, 37K)

It's perfect for its artstyle.

Once you get more detailed/realistic, you need to tweak it.

>Some people think the oval is stupid and prefer the boring black bat
It's supposed to be a kevlar-layered target for thugs to shoot, made redundant with how modern Batsuits are armored up everywhere.

>hide in the shadows

fuck off

I think the yellow is what you want to be complaining about, sir.
Blue is good for the dark.

I feel you need to retain the black in order to maintain the connection to Zorro.

Is there an official DCAU artbook floating around somewhere?

I like variety. I'm also not fixated on everything remaining accurate to a cartoon I saw when growing up. Some of us aren't slaves to our own nostalgia.

>the connection to Zorro
Which literally nobody gives a fuck about.

A very, very dark blue is preferable to black for moving through darkness. It blends into natural low light environments where a pure black silhouette would clash.

For serious too.

It only works in 2D just like the all red Daredevil. Comics can do things other media can't
and that's a good thing

A very dark blue will look black at night-time so your point is moot anyway

You're missing the point entirely.
There's a reason why there's an artist/design adage that states you never ever use pure black or pure white. Shadows aren't pure black.

So yes a dark blue is actually preferable to stark black. Unless you're in a place with absolutely 0 light, then you're not seeing anything anyway.

It kinda starts to look cheap after a while.

Leave the stagnancy for Supes. I like that Bats look evolves due to tone or era or whatever. Keeps him fresh.

I think some degree of thought on how you look to your enemies is extremely important. Because if Batman is getting up close and confronting his enemies, there will be times when they see him with a decent degree of visibility. He can't just look like a guy wearing grey tights and a cape. There has to be aspects about his look that forces you to take him seriously, to think "Shit, I really shouldn't mess with this guy". The entire reason Bruce picked his look is to scare criminals, but if you were to find yourself seeing something like up close, you wouldn't find that scary.

Of course, the argument goes that Batman should be trying to keep his enemies from seeing him properly in the first place, but that's actually not how it goes at all. Eventually, someone will see him, and if what they see is just a guy wearing grey tights and underpants on the outside, they'd probably struggle not to laugh or at least find it stupid. This is in fact the reason why, for the Burton films, they went with the all black rubbery armor, because they needed to make Batman actually look scary and imposing.

>Shadows aren't pure black
in animation they can be

I believe the word you're looking for is "agelessness".

So you would prefer this?

Attached: 1553395760376.png (453x640, 112K)

If it makes you feel better, fine go with it.

Not him but don't mind it with the blue accents and all

Because the general public doesn't understand FUN. While execs in Hollywood & hack producers/directors don't bother to pay attention to what came before unless it was a dark gritty movie. Because that's the stuff that gets remembered by the general public.

No, because in animation, you can't just wear Batman wear nothing but all black since that actually doesn't look very good at all. I'd wager that the grey is actually necessary in animation because when dealing with 2D characters, breaking up the colors in that manner is extremely important. I actually think that the design from Young Justice was pretty good. Face was a bit bland in that it seemed to convey no real emotion, and while some with argue that Batman's mask SHOULDN'T show emotion, at the very least, Batman should be able to express rage and anger since these expressions are necessary for the audience to better appreciate the character. But that aside, it was a good design.

When you try to translate Batman's design to live action, though, you'd need to take a different approach. A lot of people seem to love the Batfleck design due to how faithful it is to the comics, but to me it looks as though he took some bulky body armor and covered it up with grey cloth in an attempt to make it look as though he's wearing grey tights and I can't understand why he would do that.

When I was a kid, I had pajamas based on that iteration of Batman's costume, complete with cape, and I felt like a fucking 6-year-old badass jumping off my bed in them.

Best Batman. Best memories.

That's funny considering the turn the original Batman films took after Returns

>you can't just wear Batman wear nothing but all black since that actually doesn't look very good at all.

You're so right. That would never work.

Attached: batman_beyond_youtube.jfif.jpg (1200x680, 51K)

See, I'd argue that the Beyond suit has some hits and misses in it. For starters, the lack of a cape, I think, is a bit of a problem from a motif standpoint. Strictly speaking, Batman has nothing to do with bats beyond the fact that he literally dresses like a giant bat, and the cape is a necessary part of that as it's meant to emulate a bat's wings. I mean, if you think about it, Batman never resembled a bat that much to begin with since no bat has ears like that, but when you put the ears and the cape together you can kinda see what they were getting at and it all clicks together. When you remove the cape, he basically just looks like a goblin or a demon and he's barely really a "Bat" Man anymore. That said, the lack of the cape does help tremendously with the mostly black design.

But there's actually one other thing that the suit does well and that's the giant red bat symbol on the chest. The thing's pretty big and in-your-face, so it does kinda work a bit. That said, being so primarily black does make him look a little plain, so perhaps an argument could be said that he's less interesting to look at than the original design. Then again, on the hand, that face is great. It almost has this sort of inhuman look about it but it's also pretty expressive which is helped significantly b

>It only works in 2D just like the all red Daredevil.

I believe you need to reevaluate your opinion, citizen.

Attached: 1batman.jpg (800x1035, 85K)

Reality =/= superheroes.

fuckin' this!

Although it's good for nostalgia, I'm kinda tired of seeing Batman as just a guy in a bat costumes. I wish to see him play heavily into the theatrics and the ''urban legend'' aspect of him. Sometimes I think he should develop a high-tech facemask that makes him look like a demon. Couple that with something similar to Scarecrow's Fear Gas and you'll terrorize Gotham completely.

Pic related exemplify perfect what I think and mantains a not too far fecthed design.

Attached: 6a5ef57df793c0d1e9fc9895240e2e29.jpg (1280x720, 67K)


Attached: images.jpg (198x254, 6K)

No because his face would be CG all the time and I've had enough of that from Marvel. I think, instead of going that route, something more of a Phantom of the Opera aesthetic might work. I think Burton's masks almost hit that mark, almost. The sculpt of the cowl is the most important part here, really. Unfortunately, I feel like cowl sculpts have increasingly gotten worse over the years.

What if they just had Bruce paint his whole face black? Ya know, like they always paint around the eyes anyway

That'd just look silly.

not if the mask is black

Would look pretty cool for me

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That batman was a cop and 60s action hero cowboy, not really a stealthy ninja spooky shadowman who grunts "WHERE IS HE?" while dangling people from buildings.

Different aesthethics need different designs to be coherent.

Fun does not equal taking NOTHING seriously. What's fun is taking ridiculous things but treating them seriously. Not adding bat nipples, making the set look like a stageplay, or turning the camp up to 20 without the charm. Especially not if it's supposed to be in the same setting as a previously serious movies.

Eh, I think it works better in series form. 66 Batman tv show, Brave and the Bold animated show, certain comics. I mean the 60's movie isn't bad but I don't think it worked as well as it did on the smaller screen. Obviously Forever and B&R are a mixed bag to bad. So long as he isn't quipping around like some faggot disney superhero. Them talking about focusing on the detective side of Batman in the new movie is more interesting to me than it being "fun". The villains can always bring the fun and colorful to kind of contrast with him anyway.

My personal favorite
Also thread theme

Attached: batsuit-v743-post-arkham-city.jpg (1807x1080, 288K)

Fuck the trunks and fuck trunksfags

Objectively the best batsuit blending old and new

Attached: Rebirth Batsuit.jpg (800x764, 298K)

Based. I like this one also

Attached: breton_zbrush.jpg (191x263, 7K)


That's just a henchman's jumpsuit plus a baw-cowl

What in the ever living fuck does that even mean?

What did you mean by this?


Not until frank Miller said that.

Yeah we got that, genius. Your statement is still stupid

Make mine Batman Inc.

Attached: Batman Incorporated v1 006.jpg (1920x2914, 1.02M)

>The entire reason Bruce picked his look is to scare criminals,

You dislike Batman most of the time so how can you even claim to like the character?

Absolute trash.

He means it looks like someone dressed as Batman not like Batman. Batman wears trunks.

Strong man trunks make sense for superman.
They have nothing to do with Batman at all.

shut up

Attached: BatmanYearOne_04.jpg (550x864, 125K)

I disagree, Rebirth Superman was a great design just like Rebirth Batman. I'd like to see Rebirth Batman with a mostly yellow belt though.