Is The Filth Morrison's best work? it was certainly prescient in a number of ways

is The Filth Morrison's best work? it was certainly prescient in a number of ways

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you're a madman, not only does Yea Forums not read comics but they have no clue what prescient means without google.

morrison best work always going to be animal man.

it is morrison before become a weird character of himself. all of the essence of his work is there and its brilliant.

his run of the justice league, in the 90s, was also very good.

his run on x-men start promissing and introduce a few interesting concepts, but didnt have appeal to me - specially when frank quitely was out, once he takes forever to do his job.

igor kordey did an amazing job at cable/soldier x and was fucked once it have to fill in for quitely.

them comes phil jimenez, wich is a subpar george pérez and chris bachalo doing that ugly art of his... a mess.

Flex Mentallo

if he had consistent art on new x-men I would've enjoyed it more, some of those fill in issues are just brutal to read

It's my favorite Grant Morrison comic, but people rarely agree with me on that here. In fact most people here seem to dislike The Filth if anything, I guess because the protagonist is a depressing mess and the adventures are grotesque instead of glamorous.

It's great, but Seven Soldiers is his best work.

The covers were also garbage.

Those traits are exactly what made my first reading so difficult.

I like that it was basically an inversion of the Invisibles. Like the Filth were the folks that King Mob and pals were trying to overthrow.

Igor Kordej was the only bad artist on the book

definitely better than the invisibles

I found Animal Man to be almost thoroughly mediocre. Far from his best.

Uh, you’re a prescient.

no, you are!

Yeah. For your mother.

Is this some sort of Basil Wolverton homage?

seaguy is his best. consolidates everything he's ever written into a cartoon fable for our times. unfortunately it sold like shit and we may never see seaguy: eternal

>I like that it was basically an inversion of the Invisibles. Like the Filth were the folks that King Mob and pals were trying to overthrow.
>I like that it was basically an inversion of the Invisibles. Like the Filth were the folks that King Mob and pals were trying to overthrow.
Speaking as this user:
My own preference with The Filth in particular compared to Invisibles is that it's a lot more compact and purposeful. Invisibles was kind of just whatever Grant felt like made up as he went along, which is cool but I prefer comics where you get the message well orchestrated in an efficient format with a plan in advance on how everything's going to come together and each part is going to play a role in an orchestral kind of sense.
Sucks how Watchmen is getting raped everywhere now between HBO and Doomsday Clock, but if that weren't going on I'd make an unqualified reference to Watchmen as another example of a really tightly done, perfectly orchestrated comic that gets the message across without meandering through random subplots for fifty issues.
I don't hate the more free form / probably less planned works like Grant's run on Doom Patrol, Invisibles, Gaiman's Sandman, etc. But given the choice I'd prefer a more purposeful injection of full formed story over a "it's the journey not the destination" smattering of fifty issues that eventually coalesce into an ending.

Listen guys, this is co. We’re all a little prescient here.


Your mother.
And your mother's mother.
And your mother's mother's mother.

>chris bachalo doing that ugly art of his
Imagine being this much of a pleb!

I don't get the love for this one. I found it incredibly bland.

i was prescient once, i think i liked it

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>Three eyes in mouth
>Easily accessible brain in mouth
>Teeth are placed in odd positions to bite and rip food
How the hell does this abomination actually eat any prey it captures?

it doesn't
it mesmerizes via flashing lights and audio sensation and liquifies the frontal cortex where it lays its eggs

>it is morrison before become a weird character of himself
>In a story where he writes himself as a weird character of himself

Attached: thinking but its an indian soap opera.gif (300x300, 892K)

>Upon arriving, Slade is confronted with giant mutant sperm, which Porneau has created as a weapon to kill any woman with a fertile womb. Slade's team manage to kill Porneau but not before hundreds are killed. Dimitri-9 shoots and kills Klimakks. Klimakks is killed for being an anti-person, but he lives on in the children of the 824 women he had sex with.
What the fuck

How would Morrison runs The Punisher?

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