Osborn is coming

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dark Avengers Incoming!


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God I hope MCU Osborn is sufficiently crazy. One of my very favorite things about Osborn is that he's not just "criminally insane," like your average comic book villain, he's actually legitimately mentally ill. It makes him terrifying and very entertaining to read about, and I hope the MCU version captures that.

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Another miscast to Mr. Kevin Feige coming, after MJ now we will have what?
A hawaiian Osborn?
What's wrong with being faithful and bringing Osborn with curly hair?

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I'm 100% sure it's this guy who's playing him

It's gonna be great

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and maybe a chinese Gwen

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Ugh, again?

Watch as they are gonna try and make him sympathetic

Disney iffy uh, Venom got the sticky, uh

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Osborn is clearly a half-white him and Harry
If they put Zendaya why they make a mistake with the actor?
And again? Three times?

If they aren't going to buy back Spider Man is a bad move

For me, I've never seen Norman Osborn on the big screen, not the right way

yeah again but this time he's going to be a big bad throughout several movies

Wow, looks exactly like the comics!!
These Sony producers have a great eye, right?

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Villain-led MCU movie would be new

it's been a rumor for a while that they want to make Dark Avengers and Thunderbolts movies

Who'd be on the team?

I hope Abomination

In Marvel comics or in the MCU would have made more sense to Obadiah Stane like leader of the Dark Avengers

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Cant wait to see Norman in the Iron Patriot just to troll Parker

But then the BLACKED aspect of miles would work against them in china

I'm setting my expectations to generic bad corporate buisnessman.
Not particularly unhinged, not even sympathetic.

Please surprise me.

Graces' thighs

Ideally everyone here except Daken

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Don't need a sympathetic version of Norman, we already got one in Insomniac Spidey.

I'd like something based on the Ellis Thunderbolts/Bendis Dark Avengers version, but I doubt Disney would be game to do a pretty blunt look at mental illness in a movie primarily aimed at 14 year olds.

Leave PETER PARKER to me

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I bet Norman and the whole Dark Reign Saga is going to be a trump allegory

blue eyes


straight hair

>perfect cast

you can now officially work on mcu, sony and warner.

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Blegh. Osborn is so fucking overrated and overused. Give me Hobgoblin any day instead.

I can just see the articles on Dark Reign-era Norman now


I want McConaughey but I don't think he'd commit to a multi picture deal.

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Justin Theroux or unironically Glenn Howerton

Ross, Frank Castle, Wolverine, Deadpool, Mordo and Sentry

How will they make him sympathetic so he can reach icon status like purple fornite man?

>ares barely keeping his balance and about to fall off

fucking kek

Hopefully they don’t and make him a full on psychopath

I know one fangirl who will be thrilled.

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>is this some tea
What the hell does this mean

He becomes Iron Patriot because he genuinely wants to protect the world but has messed up views. Just like Thanos.

They won't make him overtly batshit crazy because they'd get shit in the press for stigmatizing mental illness.

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What are the chances of Osborn being portrayed as a "dark" Tony Stark mentor for Spider-Man?

Dafoe was fine.

I just hope he wears a wacky goblin costume and throws bombs at Spider-Man, and none of this Iron Patriot bullshit.

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>Peter's greatest foe will parade around as his greatest hero.
I am now perfectly fine with MCU Peter's worshipping of Iron Man.

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Since he's pretty much going to be in several movies as a big baddie, what do you think his arc will be, I think

>create the dark avengers
>steal or get Iron Patriot armor somehow
>after all this is done and he's defeated he gets the Goblin serum and becomes Ultimate Green Goblin
>kills Peter and Miles takes over

and then I'm done with the MCU forever

they're asking if it's a just a rumor or not

"spill/pass the tea" is just the modern equivalent of "spill the beans" but nobody uses the latter anymore because we're not living in a disney channel original movie from 2004

Goblin Serum will probably be bootleg Super Soldier Serum.

it's like poetry

He won't be a mentor to Peter, but he's 100% being set up as a dark mirror of Tony Stark.

>except Daken
>yfw we're just a few years away from kids who grew up with Daken being nostalgic for him
>yfw Daken will be the MCU's way of doing Wolverine without Hugh Jackman

So if you trust the leaks, sony planned to have obcorp as in their shield in the venom universe, but now that Feige cucked them it might mean it will get canned after venom 2 or 3 . A shame for the big guy but then again wonder how far something with morbious and silver sable can go.

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>Yea Forums after Endgame:
I'm so done with the MCU guys that's enough now. I'm glad its over.
>Yea Forums after the next trailer:

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But that's straight from Raimi Spider-Man.

>Feige cucked them

Not really, Sony would've gotten adequate "compensation" (i.e. $$$ or assurance of better terms come renegotiation time of the Spider-Man deal) from the Mouse for handing over Norman and consequently canning Silver & Black.

Osborn would only be featured in Silver & Black. Since Feige requested to use him in the MCU, they just redeveloped the project as separate standalone Silver Sable and Black Cat movies.

It won't affect Venom, Morbius, Kraven and whatever else they have in the pipeline.

>this caricature of an evil businessman with a daft haircut is obviously Donald Trump
Someone should inform the creators of It's a Wonderful Life that they're being disingenuous to the God Emperor, I mean, Zombie Emperor.

That game did pretty much every character perfect. Norman was a cunt but he still was sympathetic in spite of that.

You fucking anti-race changefags are so fucking obnoxious holy shit

worst case scenario he's just a big trump parody, but I have faith they'll make him unhinged

Calling it now, there will be no Harry in the MCU.
Doing things differently means not doing them at all.

If they where going with they should have Harry be dead and do the 'Son without a Father vs Father without a son' dynamic.

Norman was a corrupt businessman before Trump being a slimeball piece of shit was public knowledge. They could make a 1:1 adaptation of 616 Dark Reign and you fags will complain that it's about muh god emperor

>Villain kills Peter Parker in gory manner

FUCK, just let him retire. He's already died enough gruesome cheap deaths to mooks who could never take him in a fair fight. It's just sad at this point.

Yeah, the set up is too good.

I don't even care that we probably won't get Green Goblin (it's been overdone in the movies anyway,) Norman as Iron Patriot works better for the MCU

...but you know we'll have autists bitching every day on Yea Forums like they do about no on-screen Uncle Ben

Is there any confirmation of that? I don't see anything hinting Oscorp in that scene.

They won't kill Peter in the MCU

damn for real man thats great

Remember someone bought Avengers Tower back in Homecoming?

It's Norman. Movie ends with the public unveiling of the Oscorp Tower.

I'll pay to see it if Tobey Maguire plays him.

While we're in the subject, new stills.

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>Norman and Harry's relationship is just Michael Bluth and George Michael

I could see it.

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>Goblin being a split personality from Norman
It made for some enjoyable scenes certainly, but that's one of the lousiest interpretations of Norman.
The best Norman interpretations are when he's a manipulative, corrupt asshole who cares only about himself and will gladly throw his own son under the bus to get himself out of trouble.
>pic related

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so who are the members of the Dark Avengers/Thunderbolts going to be?
part of me wants Beta Ray Bill to join if this takes place after the events of GotG3 or Thor 4

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Abomination is pretty much guaranteed to be part of the team, beyond that I have no clue

Hard to say with most MCU villains dying.

I guess you could drag Blonsky out of retirement since he's officially just in prison (the ending with Hulk killing him was scrapped and even though it's non-canon, he's mentioned in AoS as still being alive).

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Honestly I wouldn't mind Norman's breakdown as the Iron Patriot leading to the birth of the Green Goblin as a Spidey villain.

It'd be a fairly original Supervillain origin for film, and we haven't had a proper Goblin since Defoe.

If they do that, the Arrested Development jokes would be endless.
>>Here you go Harry, your very own Goblin Glider
>>Beware of hop ons though, you will get hop ons.

You need to see it again.
Raimi's Spider is Overrated
And I'm already tired of they destroying the Spider in comics and movies

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god his costume is so good.

the best mcu villains

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>the ending with Hulk killing him was scrapped
Hulk never killed him in the film. He was about to, but Betty went "NOOOOOO!!!" and he stopped.

They should get Tom Cavanagh, he's basically done with flash at this point

So, in this world Gwen, Mary Jane and Harry Osborn don't exist?

I find it funny that this thread just thinks he'll make the Dark Avengers and not, you know, the Sinister Six.

Matthew McConaughey for Norman or don’t bother doing it.

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That's Reed Richards

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Not him but imo Dafoe was the best part of SM1, he carried the entire movie


Although Remy's Brad character might turn out to be 'Harry Bradick Osborn', or even 'Brad Gwyn-Stacey'

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It's just that there's been rumors of Dark Avengers getting into the MCU

It could be that
>he tries Sinister Six and fails
>he tries Dark Avengers and fails
>goes crazy and tired of failing so he goes his way to create a serum to makes him powerful but he fucked up and instead created the Goblin serum

there's so many things they can do

Yeah, but I though maybe the Avengers Tower was going to become like Baxter Building, home of the Fantastic Four.

You thought wrong.

nigga the fantastic four are not appearing until like 2023 or something

The Sinister Six is what Sony are building towards in their own bootleg MCU. They want it to be for them what the Avengers was to Phase 1 MCU.

>Peter's greatest foe will parade around as his greatest hero.
>I am now perfectly fine with MCU Peter's worshipping of Iron Man.

Same. I hope this is what Marvel is going for.

>"Cisco is leaving!"
>Cisco doesn't leave.

>"Caitlin is leaving!"
>Caitlin doesn't leave

>"Wells is leaving!"

Yeah, no. He ain't going nowhere.

Would've been a kino Spider-Man movie in another time, though.

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Peter already died once in the MCU. They won't do it again. Peter will probably retire and mentor Miles in the MCU if they decide to do that but probably won't because he is in the animated films.

Is Dark Avengers #1 skyrocketing on eBay yet?

Dunno, but the Dark Avengers trade paperback seemed out of stock everywhere when the news emerged of Feige commissioned a DA script last year.

goddamn this will be awesome if true.

So, if this is going to be Oscorp, have we have to assume that Spider-Man's third movie will be like "Dark Reign"? I mean, Osborn recruits a team of villains and disguise them as heroes to usurp Tony Stark's place as leader of the "New Avengers"?

That could actually be a combination of two stories:
- Baron Zemo's Thunderbolts.
- Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers.

Do you think the Sinister 6 will usurp the Avengers' identities or they will be like a second team of villains, besides Osborn's "Avengers"?

Spider-Man's third film is most likely called Graduation Day, leading to an end to the High School years.

It's happening. I wonder if he will also get the Iron Patriot suit.

Shame they used it in Iron Man 3

Norman will be controlling his Dark Avengers, while also secretly funding the Sinister Six.

Create problem, fix problem.

well the Iron Patriot armor exists, and Norman buying the Avengers tower might give him access to some high level stuff, that or he gets it through other methods
You could have a post credit scene where someone says to Osborn that his "package" is ready and then it's revealed that it's the Iron Patriot armor
It's so obvious that they're setting him up as evil Tony Stark, it writes itself

>Peter will probably retire and mentor Miles in the MCU if they decide to do that

Interesting. What you think would get him to retire? Injury or Peter just gives up to save his social life?

>>kills Peter and Miles takes over

will never happen in a live action movie EVER


Killing him off to replace him with miles hell of a graduations

10-15 years from now, after Tom Holland has played him in several Spider-Man, Avengers and other MCU films he'll finally retire. Peter will be an adult and married to MJ by then.

Miles will never appear in a live action setting, and he'll never replace Peter.

Peter is Marvel's BIGGEST cash cow. Essentially their Mickey Mouse.

>Osborn would only be featured in Silver & Black.
Sony can always go with Tombstone instead.

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MJ just isn't good looking and I've dated black women. Plus take it from a non-white foreigner we do like it more when the actors look like the character.

>People excited for Osborn I’m the MCU
>It just ends up being a Easter egg teaser for a Sony stand alone Green Goblin movie to cash in on the Joker

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>Sony stand alone Green Goblin movie to cash in on the Joker
That sounds retarded. But believable. Sony picture once pitched a He-man vs Barbie movie and a aunt May prequel unironically.

Wouldn’t it make more sense for Sony to make a stand alone doctor octopus movie?

what if?
James Franco
and his reveal is of him eating some pie?

Miles is coming, but they will milk Spider-Man for all its worth. There is no point to have Peter die and then restart at High School again.

HD done that woman no favors

based grace randolph

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The mcu green goblin is probably gonna be reverse enginnered stark tech + super soldier serum.

Don't really like the idea of MCU Norman just being used as DUDE EVIL STARK LMAO when you already have Hammer basically filling that role. Though I guess you could argue the fact that Hammer's more just of a sleazy opportunist than outright evil, plus Rockwell's somewhat-comedic take on him makes him unsuitable for the next big franchise villain.

Hammer is better suited for Thunderbolts while Norman is le ebil chess ruseman Thanos 2

Probably stumbled into it

Hammer in the mcu wasn't really competent.
Normal makes way more sense for that role.
He's incredibly intelligent and physically competent.

>we will watch Spider-Man graduate for the third time in 20 years


>Peter's greatest foe will parade around as his greatest hero.
>I am now perfectly fine with MCU Peter's worshipping of Iron Man.

>I've been like a mentor to you, be a student to me now.
>I had a mentor, his name was Tony Stark

You're acting like we can't have two spider-men.
They could just call miles the scarlet spider or something

>>kills Peter and Miles takes over
imagine thinking like this guy

Everyone's talking about killing peter for miles, but there's a chance they keep both.
As peter gets older he'll probably go full-time hero and stop being a "friendly neighborhood" spiderman.
Miles will stay in nyc and peter will go international/intergalactic.

I mean, at least this time is warranted.

Honestly not a bad choice for a race swap

Iron Man = Norman
Thor = _____
Cap = _____
Widow = _____
Hawkeye = bullseye
Hulk = Abomination
Nick Fury = Ross

Who will play Gwen Stacey?

Nornan Osborne had waves in the comics, might as well be black or mixed

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Thor = Ares or Hercules
Cap = Zemo
Widow = Ghost

Why zazie beats of course, did you have to ask?

>zazie beats
Not, Hailee Steinfield? Please let this be bait

I'd be okay with this

Her and Zazie look equally white.

She does though


Laurence Fishburne

As in, not white at all, in case you were confused.

>Miles is coming

I don't think the people in charge of the MCU are that retarded. They'll keep recasting Peter over and over again.

Ghost uhh yeah just ghost

Why would you think that nigga it was obvious it was gonna be Oscorp why else would they tell us Avengers tower is being sold in a Spider-Man movie

the resemblance is incredible

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We talking MCU or who is in the image?
Iron Man = Norman.
Thor = Ares/Zeus if they're going that route in Eternals.
Cap = Taskmaster (from the Widow movie)
Widow = Some Dot type chick from Agent Carter (From the widow movie also)
Hawkeye = Bullseye could be introduced without Daredevil being in the MCU.
Hulk = Abomination
Nick Fury = Ross.

Hailee isn't black

Osborn has never been white in comics

Sony producers are racist

There are other ways to not be white besides being black, user.

Who cares? It could've been in a thor movie and had the same outcome

It would be stupid they obviously were setting up Oscorp and you a dumb nigga for thinking otherwise

oscorp would already have a building by that point in the mcu

>Her maternal grandfather, Ricardo Domasin, was of half Filipino (from Panglao, Bohol)[4] and half African-American descent.
And the her father's half is pure jew.

Hes back every season as a new wells get out

But it is Oscorp they set it up in the spider-man films because it directly impact spider-man

Then what the fuck is he?

This is like saying Natalie Portman can't play a white character

Only guy I've seen with that kind of hair now is a Cuban Grandpa. Granted other than his Ricky Ricardo accent he's pretty white.

>>kills Peter and Miles takes over
>Peter already died once in the MCU. They won't do it again.
^ this

>What you think would get him to retire? Injury or Peter just gives up to save his social life?
Ultimate Peter was presumed dead but in fact was later revealed to have nabbed MJ and fucked off into the sunset shortly before DOOM Hickman'd the multi-verse.

MCU isn't going to do Miles Morales: Spider-Man.
They'll introduce Kaine, make him black and call him Ben Riley.

quarter black

> She is half Ashkenazi, 1/4 British Isles, 1/8 Filipina and 1/8 African American.

Is he really a quadroon?

Alright, fine. Honorary half white. Zazie is actually half white though.

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>The mcu green goblin is probably gonna be reverse enginnered stark tech
Armor Wars starts here.

Finger waves was a popular hairstyle forever the fuck ago just no one has any fucking idea how to draw it anymore.

Just update his hair. Damn.

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i'm talking about the MCU Avengers yes

Dude, they already have Uncle Aaron hint at him in Homecoming.

deleted scenes don't count

He is mentioning a scene where Hulk decapitest Abomination but it wasn't received well by test audiences so they let him alive in the final version of the film.

US Agent if the Falcon & Winter Soldier leaks are true.
Minn-Erva as a unexpected member but that is too unlikely

i'm assuming they're referring to this scene when Davis mentions his nephew

Miles is like 10 in the mcu, his uncle was buying him a toy. When his time comes Peter will be in his sixth movie or facing god Doom.

Contrarians are the only oens who say that and some retarded Spiderversefags.

Feige is not dumb enough to kill off Peter and let Miles takes the role, this because it was already done in a (animated) film.

I actually am interested in seeing how they do Miles' electric powers. I'm assuming they will be nerfed and may actually end up cool.

Iron Man = Norman Osborne
Thor = Ares
Cap = Nuke
Widow = Yelena Belova
Hawkeye = Bullseye
Hulk = Abomination
Capt. Marvel = Herself
Nick Fury/Red Hulk = General Ross

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Carol is not dumb!

Here's your Dark Avengers, bro.

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Hasn't Miles been depicted as young as 13?

Oh shit

He could always say he got it through the black market

Norman really is some sort of future sight into Trump, if you put Dark Reign Norman in the movies people would say it’s a caricature of Trump

Im going to need my sentry film before that

God I wanna bend that ass over and fuck it

lol @ the people quoting you about MILES MORALES NEVER EVER when he's explicitly referenced in homecoming and probably didn't get snapped and is 5 years older now. They literally set the groundwork for him to appear, now its just a question on if they will pull the trigger


Since they are introducing “bad cap” in Winter Soldier and the Falcon I could see this happening

Maybe he didn't get snapped

>missing the chance to introduce miles
>have to wait 5+ years to get another chance

How do you go from this?
To this?

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>Spider-Man: Far From Home introduces Norman.
>Black Widow introduces Taskmaster and Yelena.
>Falcon & The Winter Soldier introduces U.S. Agent.
>Blonsky is already around.
>Sentry can easily be introduced in the Dark Avengers movie.

It checks out.

On screen uncle ben death is going hit right in the feels when he learned his uncle was murdered by someone who bought chitauri tech which part of the reason he wanted to prove himself to Iron Man.

One last parallel as where Tony had a change of heart over people he bantered with killed by his own weapons. Peter realize Norman was the buyer of Chitauri tech that killed Uncle Ben

Sentry is a huge can of worms, but MCU may change him a lot of course

Tony is Uncle Ben

I like TAS2 more than most, but fucking hell its version of Harry was terrible.

More like kill him off after one movie. The MCU is going to run out of villains in a decade at the rate they're going.

reminder Nuke was already killed off in Jessica Jones

>crazy train starts playing

No doubts about it. But having the event where Peter tries very hard not to give the Great Power comes Great Responsibility speech come as a flashback would be as damaging as the revelation of Bucky killing Tony's parents that destroyed the Avengers

It would be a soulcrushing revelation for Peter. His biological uncle indirected murdered by the so called successor of Tony Stark. And Norman is what happens if Tony didnt shut down the weapons sector.

Plus watching your uncle get zapped by a movie prop gun when you love movies so much is a hell of a way to go

Yeah they're not gonna do that with spidey villains, at least not so early

Uncle Ben hasn't even been mentioned or seen in the MCU. It's safe to say Peter doesn't give a shit about him

Non canon

Tom Hardy would be perfect for this scene.

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Eh it's been hinted at the at the very least. I think it's just the mcu way of skipping the origin and shoving spidey in at the last moment

Hercules is supposed to appear in Eternals, right? Maybe we will also get a glimpse at Ares. I can see him being the dark Thor.

I forgot to quote this user too

Do people honestly think that just because someone is the protagonist of a movie that means that they are supposed to be "Right"?
Obviously the Joker movie isn't going to be an abject celebration of his twisted world view.

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namedrops don't mean it will have materialize into anything. They will never replace Peter Parker with Miles.

There was a list of things for an on-screen Peter that said no gay, no race-swapping, etc.

they won't

>>Black Widow introduces Taskmaster and Yelena.

Taskmaster could also appear in Shang-Chi as a paid henchman of Zheng Zhu/Mandarin/Shang's father.

>The MCU is going to run out of villains in a decade at the rate they're going.

for every villain they burn, there's a lesser known one from the comics that can fill the void

>Beta Ray Bill

Cracker what? Bill is the greatest dude in the universe, he doesn't belong on either of those teams.

Read all the spidy comics, grew up on his cartoons, played every game.
Is by far my favorite hero, am a total fanboy for spidy.
Zendaya is not only hot as fuck, but she has a great take on MJ, and shes a model, which MJ was in the comics.
You all are entitled to your opinions but stop acting like you own spider-man and that youve been betrayed. A lot of his fans love this direction.
>Youngest avenger
>Hot aunt may only acceptable because Tomai is never wrong
>Great casting all around except
Okay they dropped the ball on flash. Anyone who thinks physical bullying isnt still a thing is delusional. I cant see this Flash as Flash. Ignoring Flash and the lack of JJJ im doing...okay no Bugle is fucking killing me. Robert Robinson! My fucking hero where are you?

Im good..other then Flash and no Bugle, which maybe theyll add the Bugle and Flash will beef up, they are playing the long game with spidy. Fuck it.
Mysterio looks bad ass and theyre DOING Mysterio. We won.
Zendaya’s hot as fuck I wish she’d return my calls! I love red heads but...theyre the rarest people on the planet.

Zemo is going to be the leader of Dark Avengers.

>MCU tv shows are bringing back Daniel Bruhl as Zemo for all 10 episodes of Winter Soldier show
>Feige keeps saying that the shows will "greatly impact" the movies
>Zemo has more back story and hate for Avengers
>hes already shown that he has the mind to orchestrate and fuck the Avengers

Screencap this.

>Do people honestly think that just because someone is the protagonist of a movie that means that they are supposed to be "Right"?

People gotta stop reading the opinions of nobodies as if theyre opinions matter. Its really starting to fuck up society.

Duh, they already have the dark version of Ms. Marvel in the MCU

>Osborn is the official leader of the team
>Zemo immediately starts undermining Osborn's authority and turns the team against Osborn
>Zemo takes the team and goes rogue
>Osborn is forced to put together an even more fucked up and evil team to stop Zemo's Thunderbolts

>Hercules is supposed to appear in Eternals, right?

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I fucking hope so. That'd be insane.

I'll watch it if Norman fucks MJ and gets her pregnant

Leave Norman out of S6, thats either Otto or Quentins

Speak suckin' English, Ivanobitch.

Why wouldnt they use the opportunity to introduce bootleg Superman, as long as Cavill is out of DC? Make Osborn discover him in the subplot of one movie and make him a Dark Avenger in the next.

This but unironically. He also has the maniacle eyes.

>wedding ring
Wasn't his marriage a plot point in one of the leaks?

In the comics, Peter didn't meet those three until college.

I want Willem Dafoe back

>MCU does daken
>comics follow
>daken comes back to life AGAIN without any explanation

I'm pretty sure Hercules is bi, and he's not the first gay superhero either.

But Peter can't grow up! That'd make him uncool with the kids.

... because spidey has been closely associated with the FF since ASM #1? Because Torch has always been his closest ally?

The most popular Peter is the colleague / graduated young adult Peter

Goblin isn't part of the sinister six, it's Doc Ocks team. I dont care whatever dumb shit Marvel did in the 2000s
The blonde is Gwen, she was outright named in Homecoming, watch it again

That's right user, we live in a society

>venom is labeled as spider-man

did i miss something here?

>pic related
God it was perfect
I need to rewatch it again

>There was a list of things for an on-screen Peter that said no gay, no race-swapping, etc.
No where on that list was there a
"No adding Miles to the cast" exclusion.
Sony/Disney/Marvel let Peter stay Peter (no Don Glover / Lil Wayne casting as Peter)

Miles is anyone's ballgame.

I think they mean in the movies.
People wanted Carol to be gay, but there's no chance Marvel would blow both their "first woman protag" and "first LGBT protag" in one go.

I'm cynical they'll ever even have an overtly gay protag considering how heavily Disney pander to the Chinese market.

Dark Avengers, Scorpion was the Sinister Spider-Man, Bulleye was Hawkeye, and Moonstone was Ms. Marvel

>leads into Sinister Six

wasnt he in black panther?

a gay greek? isnt that a little redundant?


Actually if Norman is showing up, that might mean they're not going to stick to that same interview that claimed he wouldn't and implied that they where going to keep Peter in highschool for as long as possible.

I bet spiderman unmasks before him too.

Tell me, asshole, which entity is more connected to Spider-Man? Oscorp or the FF?

yeah thanks

who will play gwen?

Attached: osborn fucks waifu.jpg (620x971, 595K)

Does this increase the chances of Moonstone being the villain in a Captain Marvel Sequel?

Attached: Carol vs Karla.jpg (600x315, 64K)

>I may have committed some light to minor murder
>There's always money in the Oscorp

>Updating perfect hair
Get out of here Stark.

For the MCU? that's kinda hard, since most of the antagonists are dead

We've got

That's not enough for a super team

>fantasic four

I just want to see Falcon and Vulture dogfight

>That game did pretty much every character perfect.

So you hate the source material? Got it.

The MCU is pretty good at following up on namedrops

>even the Green fucking Goblin will be a Stark orbiter

Attached: Tiresome.jpg (492x449, 48K)

The problem isn't who is closer to Spider Man, if I were Feige I'll reshoot to do the Baxter building because doesn't belong to Sony, what if they don't want to continue in the MCU, they could have to remove Oscorp ....

yeah cuz that was like so long ago, amirite fellow zoomers?

user, it's been 15 years

Attached: tick of the clock.jpg (600x399, 27K)

Attached: 31457hgxx.png (476x356, 108K)

Hulk is also owned by Universal and that didn't stop Hulk from being in the MCU, although it did stop them from making a second solo Hulk film

Who knows what will happen, Feige is smart, the guy got this far for a reason

Bulleye without Daredevil

>Moonstone was Ms. Marvel

Make no sense, because Carol Danvers was never Ms Marvel on the MCU

Attached: Moonstone.jpg (277x400, 57K)

Norman was sympathetic before they brought him back in the 90s.

>1st film: Homecoming
>2nd: Far from Home

The 3rd one should have Norman set up some sort of nefarious team of supers (Sinister Six, Dark Avengers, Thunderbolts, whatever) that usurps Spidey's NYC turf from him, along with the indirect help of a vitriolic Daily Bugle.

Call it Spider-Man: Homeless.

an asian gwen would be cute
They already ruined their first chance by making a girl who literally looks like Gwen into Betty Brant.

>You see Parker, time is a flat circle. And that circle, is Gwen Stacy’s ass.

Spider-man: Home Alone
Spider-man: Gone Home
Spider-man: Home Sweet Home
Spider-man: Homing Attack
Spider-man: Homer Simpson
Spider-man Origins: H0me

>Hulk is also owned by Universal
Only the distribution rights for his solo movies, that's why you see him in the MCU ....

>Using Ramos Peter as your base

Get a load of this faggot.

I'm still kinda sad that all the Spider-Man movies weren't in the same continuity, so the 6th film could have been SPIDER-MAN: SINISTER SIX!

>but she has a great take on MJ

Please direct me to a single comic where MJ was a cringy SJW. I cannot think of a single one.

>and shes a model, which MJ was in the comics

The character she's playing isn't. So that has fuck all to do with anything. Nice try, though.

>Julian McMahon
Yes pls

>Since they are introducing “bad cap” in Winter Soldier

You mean Brock Rumlow, aka Crossbones? Who died in Civil War?

Speak English motherfucker.

>On screen uncle ben death is going hit right in the feels when he learned his uncle was murdered by someone who bought chitauri tech

TFW when Uncle Ben was killed by Benny from Item 47 during one of their robberies.

>Uncle Ben hasn't even been mentioned

He has. He's referenced directly a few times, both in Civil War and Homecoming. But just like Spider Sense, people are too stupid to actually pay attention. Its been there the whole time.

>Obviously the Joker movie isn't going to be an abject celebration of his twisted world view.

Its not. Its going to be a movie that tries to manipulate the viewer into feeling sorry for the Joker and give him a justification for being a murderer.

Calling it now. It will end with a Tom hardy or Leto cameo

if that happens I'm walking out of the cinema and I'm never coming back ever again

There is a little problem with this, the film rights of all Spider-Man characters are holded by Sony indefinitely as long as they keep making movies with said characters, I doubt they'll give Norman to Disney, they want all the big characters for their SUMC-verse, and leaving the MCU to play with the "literally whos" for the general public.
Tom Holland will be either transfered to SUMC after 3 or recast for some other dude so Spider-Man can crossover Hardy's Venom.

>been happening for 20 movies
>now it's a problem

If some Sony movie interferes with the official MCU I'm done because that would mean Feige has no balls for his vision and it'll be the first time the MCU would enter a slippery slope phase and it will just end badly, I'm okay with stopping now after Endgame but I just want to see where it goes since I'm curious, if it goes that route then yes i'm done


Absolutely, from both the perspective of people hating or celebrating the protagonist. Think of the number of people who think that protagonists whose worldviews are refuted or shown to be hypocritical within their own media that are idolized. Tony Montana, Tyler Durden, Walter White, Don Draper, etc.