Walking Dead #192 Spoilers


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Dream sequence.

Jesus, people still read Walking Dead?

Wow someone get that kid some eyescream

Fucking finally.

The comica better end and or this better not be a dream

Press S to spit on this series

Is this shit going to end soon?

you have moar pictures of 192??

>Walker gets shot in the head but somehow ends up standing up again
What happened to this series

God yes. YES.

Please tell me that issue 200 is the last one

>Kill Rick
>Introduce a black Rick
What was the fucking point?

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literally who

i think kirkman once said it will go until Issue 300

main character of entire comic series

Who the fuck cares?
Kirkman is an idiot.

>send Negan away
>introduce female mexican Negan
What was the fucking point?

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Can you describe the plot of that Issue plz? OwO

rick dies
stuff happens
people talk a lot about it and other shit
life sure sucks wow! - the the driven home with a sledgehammer
issue ends

No goddamnit, it was Negan's turn to be the main character!

Hey don't insult Negan by comparing him to that ball of daddy-never-paid-attention-to-me. Negan does what he does because he loves to do it. Princess does her thing because lolXD

"stuff happens"
kinda sums up the last few volumes lol


I think #200 will be set after the time skip in #193 to when it will be an anniversary celebration for Rick's death.

Who are the candidates to become the new leader of the Commonwealth? They said there would be five people running against one another.

The last two compendiums.

Kirkman doesn’t know how to write women. Either they’re plucky badasses or they’re a bundle of angst. Actually that’s most of his characters lmao.

>Out in the countryside, trouble is brewing for a certain someone.
Kirkman wouldn't kill Negan right after killing Rick, right?

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"the the driven home with a sledgehammer"

what does this mean? i'm stupid

that's fanart, retard

Nah. Negan is too exploitable to die.

Maybe Old Man Negan visiting Carl who either fucked off on his own with Lydia and it is somewhere inna woods or maybe The Commonwealth's new leader arranged a safe house for them since they would no doubt have people who supported Sebastian and Pamela gunning for them too.

i typod

Speaking of which, Michonne has less character depth than DoomGuy.

looks like the comic panels mid touch-up

I enjoyed her single female lawyer issue

New Yea Forums is gullible as fuck

Basically that its themes are as unsubtle as getting hit with a sledgehammer

Is Sebastian dead or did he somehow manage to escape?

>kill off the main character of your series
>it's going to go till Issue 300
Are you serious Kirkman

ohh now i get it, thx

I thought he was Indian, since his name was Vindaloo, or something like that.

main character has always really been carl.

what happens with Sebastian?

He could easily drag it out for another one hundred or so issues if it is going to be about Carl and Lydia starting up The Whisperers again and launching some sort of revenge on the community.

They're desperately trying for gimmicks. The only interesting thing that can happen anymore is when a known character dies. They can't make interpersonal relationships interesting because everyone's a cardboard cutout. They're cardboard cutouts because Kirkman's writing TWD and two other comics, and a novel series with some guy, and working Invincible's animated adaptation...

Remember when Kirkman made the fandom think intelligent zombies were appearing by making the whisperers speak in broken English until their reveal? That was fucking retarded. What we got was far less interesting than if smart zombies started appearing.

That's because he was Rian Johnson before Rian Johnson. He loves defying expectations. The pro is that we haven't gotten a stupidly convoluted universe like the X-Men. The con is that we got a very boring universe instead.
I remember being in a few Walking Dead threads where other people, myself included, hypothesized about future events, and all of our ideas were ten times better than what we got.
The Walking Dead captures the essence of life in my opinion:
lots of meandering and slice-of-life bullshit with one or two enormous life-changing events that change nothing in the long run.

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Should have saved his death for 200.

I reckon a BIG time skip is coming after issue #192 and #200 will be some sort of anniversary memorial for Rick's death like I posted before. We're obviously getting another time skip after this the question is how long will this one be.

Is Rick the only death in this Issue?
Plz tell me Sebastian dies too

Welp guess there really is no reason left to give a shit about this series

Dude nobody cares about Sebastian. Not even his own mother.

Nope, it has a memorial variant and the TPB is titled "Rest In Peace"
He's dead

I commend you on finding the strength to give that many shits over nearly two decades, especially when so little happens from issue to issue.

i just want to see him suffer

But that wouldn't have been totally unpredictable bro! Just like In Real Life™!!

I wonder just how much of an effect Rick's death is going to have on the series sales wise? I've heard countless people say they would drop it if Rick actually died.

I doubt the impact will be that great. Most likely the sales will dip for a few issues and then get back to slightly less than normal and stay that way until 250 and 300.

i hope it doesnt end with some other kind of cliffhanger

192 is the end of compendium 4

Rick's funeral and time skip

oh, you got a pic of that?

Just my speculation. I think one of the reasons Kapoor, the character on #194 has Rick's haircut is probably because Rick's hairstyle becomes so iconic after his death people try and imitate it since it has become sort of an icon for them.

Why? I thought his death was perfect

It will no doubt piss a lot of people off but I think symbolically it is handled really well for the character and this is the right moment to pass things over to Carl. Rick walking back to his hotel last issue after his talk with Carl is one of my absolute favourite scenes in the series.

Same here. He died after preventing a conflict that would killed thousands of people, too. That's a hell of a way to go out. I reminds me of MLK and JFK's deaths.

A larger than life leader causes great positive change, then is assassinated by a coward.

Well the characters already look like they share the same shallow end of the gene pool.

>when the best characters aren't even in the comic

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The first season was so good, it's no wonder it was able to compete with triple-A titles of 2012. It was TellTale at their best in terms of graphics, writing, music and sound effects.

The question is where does the series go from here. There could easily be a civil war arc from opposition groups who want to go back to how it was under Pamela's reign or have different ideas of ruling, or giving that Carl is one vengeful motherfucker he might wind up holding some grudge against The Commonwealth for letting Rick die like that. Remember how he nearly bludgeoned a shit to death for what he did to Sophia?

>when the best characters aren't even on your picture

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Uh, Jane kept Clem safe and kept AJ safe from Kenny.

>people actually UNIRONICALLY chose jane over kenny

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look i know a lot can change over time but didnt Kirkman state that Rick was the focal point of this whole story and comic? shifting it now should deserve a new comic run & name imo

Entire last 100 issues will be Carl and Negan killing all of The Commonwealth together won't it? Ending with Carl killing Negan like promised either during the assault when he's injured or after everyone else is dead.

The Walking Dead: Dead Man Walking, Vol. 1: The Dead Walk.

He was prepared to kill Rick off as early as issue #6.

Are sales running low or something?

It was low for a while but last month's was #1 because of Sebastian shooting Rick. I think before that it was close to 40 or 50 in the monthly sales. So it has dropped a fair amount.

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>Do you want to go with the unstable control freak
>Or with the emotionally stunted emo twat
Independent Clem best Clem.

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Especially when she ends up independent anyway

I’ve disliked Rick since the end of All Out War. Good night formerly sweet prince.

I mean, if Kirkman does kill off Rick here then it would pretty much make his entire arc for the past twenty-or-so issues one giant shaggy dog story.

Which now that I'm writing it sounds perfectly in-character for Kirkman to do, so yeah, it's probably real.

I get the sense that was intended to be the "true" ending, but an 11 year old girl taking care of a baby by herself in the zombie apocalypse

reaaaaaally stretches credibility

Kirkman's always talking about killing off characters suddenly like it's real life (even though it's clearly fucking not and there isn't any point in handicapping your narrative like that) so yeah, he would absolutely do it.

So did anything get followed up on that story showing what happened in Europe?

Fuck you, Kirkman. Fuck you.

This was a one-off story by other guys

>Rick is better on TWD.
>Clem/Lee is the best thing to come out of TWD games.
>The comic is meh.
Why is this still going on?

It still makes money

Surely not the comic though. It'd have to stem from the TV show at this point and even then it's iffy.

I'd pair you up with Ben.

Kenny is a monster Im glad I got shoot him in the face

Not until issue 300

That was part of a deal between Kirkman and BKV, Kirkman got to publish The Private Eye via Skybound/Image if he let BKV make a Walking Dead comic.

>Surely not the comic though
It's one of Image's best sellers and has consistently outsold several Big Two titles for plenty of months, if not years, now.

People still read fucking spawn.
When is about taste, burgers prove time and time again, they have none.

This is the stupid kind of plot twist for the sake of shock value that ultimately kill series

>TV Rick didn't die but rather survived an epic explosion that saved all the communities while being sent off to film his own movie trilogy
>comic Rick gets shot by a literal-who son of the wannabee governor

God dammit man...

that is the trend


and adlard had to talk him out of killing Negan

>TV and movies just deal in meaningless fan service
>comics are daring and bold

He was gonna kill Negan? Now that's dumb.

Is The Walking Dead the most JUST franchise ever? Think about it.

>Comic went off the rails
>Main TV show went on forever and got stale
>Fear the Walking Dead was ass raped by Gimple
>TellTale game nearly never got finished
>amc plans to whore out the brand with multiple shitty spinoffs and enlisted Gimple the pimple to do it when he could barely run the main show without making it shit

I've never seen a spectacular franchise ran into the ground so hard.

Looks more like Lee Everett to be honest

>tfw Kirkman is going to bring in the video game characters like Clementine because nobody likes the unlikable cunts Kirkman has written for years

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Oh no it's the retarded centrist

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cuckman said multiple times that videogames characters never will be in comics.
same with Daryl.

It felt like the whole of season 2 that the writers forgot that Clem was a 11 year old girl considering how she pretty much becomes the leader of a bunch of retarded adults.

From season 2 onward, TTG started writing what they thought the fans would like, not what made for a good story.
Oh no, it's the retarded two-party system supporter. If taking a third option is retarded, then why aren't you shitting over Image in general?

>choose Kenny to die on first playthrough attempt because "what if"
>Kenny dies of course
>regret this decision
>choose different path expecting Kenny to die because I played a shit ton of games that choice didnt fucking matter
>Jane dies

Too bad I don't want to go through all the crap of transferring my PS3 game saves to episode 3 on the PS4.

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Years later and Janefags are still seething that:

>Kenny objectively gives you the two best endings in the series
>Kenny objectively loved Clem and AJ and protects them for years, even teaching Clem a valuable life skill in automobile driving
>Kenny died heroically to save Clem and AJ
>Jane teaches Clem nothing but a knee kick and murders herself and an unborn baby without warning and leaves Clem and AJ alone to fend for themselves.


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the man who did nothing wrong

Why is this a suprise to anyone? Kirkman said in the first issues that he wants a zombie story to continue even after the main character dies. It was his main goal, to see a zombie story play out as long as possible. To continue after "the helicopter comes" so to speak.

The sad part is that the series has gotten boring and stale. They made Rick this lame zoned out dude before killing him. He became a generally passive character after the Governor got to him (something Kirkman has always regretted).

What they should have done was have Negan kill Rick on issue 100. It would have been ballsy. Brutal. And sad. Negan is also the perfect character to take over as protagonist. Almost the complete oppisite to Rick while being more entertaining. We would then have Glenn/Carl/Maggie take over and play as the role of Rick, but eith less focus so we can have more Negan and see his redemption and feel it out more. Then Negan leaves all the boring ass nature food co-ops and goes lone wolf and cub with Carl. The story naturally needs traveling for us to see the greater scope of the world.

Then issue 200 have Carl kill Negan (mercy or revenge for Rick) and then continue with Carl.

B-b-but muh Rick...

If Rick really dies it's not going to go much longer. Sales will tank

>What they should have done was have Negan kill Rick on issue 100. It would have been ballsy. Brutal. And sad. Negan is also the perfect character to take over as protagonist. Almost the complete oppisite to Rick while being more entertaining. We would then have Glenn/Carl/Maggie take over and play as the role of Rick, but eith less focus so we can have more Negan and see his redemption and feel it out more. Then Negan leaves all the boring ass nature food co-ops and goes lone wolf and cub with Carl. The story naturally needs traveling for us to see the greater scope of the world.
This is so bad it's almost Kirkman
Look, Walking Dead is over. As it turns out Crossed was the better zombie comic.

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>Crossed was the better zombie comic.
Unironically true. Si spurrier, Garth Ennis and Moore wrote some of the best stories.

Rick dying isn’t particularly surprising, since everyone falls all over his cock all the time. He has no room to grow and needed to retire as MC anyway. The real question is whether they have anywhere interesting to go after this. A LOT of characters are going to be pissed that Rick was murdered. How they handle that is the last bit to this arc before some other conflict arises.

Are these motherfuckers still not AT LEAST wearing armguards? You don't even need the blatantly overpowered swat suits, there are plenty of sports gear for your legs and arms that can't be biten through and would be abundant. Are all these dumb assholes really still walking around in just sweaty shirts?

Never read past compendium 1 because anything short of literal devine intervention to get them out of that prison would always have been bullshit. It was the perfect survival shelter and should have been the end of the series right there. TWD just feels like misery porn at this point

>Anything but bottom of the barrel shlock

Crossed is what finally convinced me Garth Ennis is a hack who just gets off to misery porn and excessive edginess.

And yet look at what TWD has given us since issue 100

They timeskipped? Been a damn while since I last kept up with WD

It's not misery porn because nobody cares about the characters' misery.

Time skipped after Negan was defeated. I sense another one coming up after next issue. #193 and #194 reek of having several years gone by.

Rick wasn't bitten, he got shot in the stomach and died, then turned

I wonder if this will send Sabastian's first appearance up in value.

This is in the letter hacks:

“And with Rick Grimes gone... who will be the focus of the series?! I’ll give you one fucking fuckity guess, you fuckers”

I kind of don't want Negan to return. Adds that much more symmetry between him and Rick and Douglas and Davidson. I'm guessing Alexandria, Hilltop, and The Sanctuary will now become one massive community with The Commonwealth once Eugene gets the trains up and running.

but... but... Kirkman said that we never will see Negan again...

>killing the main character off in bed is daring and bold

Nah bro its just shitty shock value. If anything the show is actually being more bold by sending him off the show. We already know he's not coming back, so its actually a bigger risk than just killing him. If the movies fail it was all for nothing, whereas comic Rick's death is pretty much already for nothing.

Giving that Dwight is on Fear now is Daryl getting Dwight's death and Rick getting his comic death or will they switch?

I'm out of the loop, where's my man Negan? Spoil as you please.

Maggie was going to kill him on his farm. Rick and Negan came to some sort of understanding after he helped them out in The Whisperer War and Negan killed Alpha. Maggie showed up and forgave him for killing Glenn. He hasn't been seen since walking off somewhere. My speculation is he went back to bury his dead wife who was still on the table if I recall.

Doomguy alone has more character depth than any TWD, Dork House or Image character


Anyone care to give a quick summary of the events of the issue, subsequent to The page shown above?


you guys should maybe take a look at this

>Shoots Rick clearly pissed off how he changed things and apologizes later

Fuck Sebastian. Hope Carl kills the cunt

Sheriff Kapoor, who is a Pajeet. Sheriff Ka-poo. Lovely.

someone that has read it send me this:

"Seb drops his gun after shooting Rick and runs, Mercer makes note of it and after 2 days links it to Seb, Pamela informs Carl it was Sebastian and throws Seb behind bars for life. Carl visits him and basically tells him that he’s not gonna kill him and instead is following his dads ideology of not killing to show humanity but warns Sebastian that if he ever escapes Carl will hunt him down, hurt him and throw him back in."

So a Negan type situation after All Out War.

Look, shitting in the fields is more sanitary in the zombie apocalypse. There’s science to prove it. Sheriff kapoo will be doing all the communities a favor by encouraging public defecation.

But it leaves you open to zombie attacks. Then again, the toilet witch is no joke either.

jesus, i haven't touched TWD since they hit the new settlement with the caste system. it became illegible, even more extreme masturbatory shit.

You're giving it too much credit. It became boring shit, and that transofrmation was around All-Out War.

Knowing Kirkman, it'll probably be in relation to Sebastian.

How many years has it been since the outbreak began?

Started the year the book began so around 2003. I think Kirkman might've just made it on purpose that we don't know what year it is currently in the comics for whatever reason, I'm surprised none of them asked someone in The Commonwealth how long it has been since it started.


Series ended with the villages shit. It's a post apocalypse horror, not slice of life.

>Rick dies on a random issues after being shot by a guy nobody cares about
wow Bob you really subverted my expectations!


why are you all such edgy faggots

Why are you such a smeghead?

I swear if he's doing a bait and switch Im going to go nuclear.

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What do you think #200 will be about?

Negan taking over the Commonwealth and becoming supreme emperor.
>is Daryl getting Dwight's death and Rick getting his comic death or will they switch?
That would only work if Rick reunites with the main group which we've been led to believe he probably won't.

It's like real life, bro! Totally realistic!11

Nah, Rick got bit, dude. Died and turned overnight.
*sigh* It's not manga, dude. Read it in the proper direction.

>Negan taking over The Commonwealth
Ain't happen. He's not coming back. Carl is the new Rick/Douglas and Sebastian is the new Negan/Davidson. Speaking of Davidson and Douglas do you think they knew about The Commonwealth somehow giving they were both government officials?

I'll laugh my ass off if the aliens that were promised to get the series greenlit finally appear...and they're Viltrumites, cleaning off this world (which actually hasn't been confirmed to be OUR Earth) to become Viltrum, their first homeworld, a millenia before Invincible begins.

It would be neat if Kirkman somehow tied The Walking Dead into Invincible. I just want him to introduce the damn aliens at this point. What else besides Carl building up his own legacy can he do for the next #100 issues?

why would the Commonwealth let Carl take over? they barely even allowed Rick to for like a night, lol

Relationship tension, loads and loads of people being in love, out of love, in hate, awkward, lying, backstabbing, cheating, manipulating, but in the most boring, static, slice-of-life way possible. This is our fate for the next hundred issues. To think, even the shittiest game season still had greater quality than a standard issue.

you have to go back