How would Kirby fare in the DCU?
How would Kirby fare in the DCU?
He would eat everyone but high-tier reality benders.
What abilities would they give him?
Batman would make him Robin a la Jarro
Death battle?
Sounds about right.
Is befriended by the Green Arrow with his stupendous chili
>it's an eating contest
How much of it can he make for the little guy, though?
It would be a Mega Man kind of situation: he would have to eat specific characters in order to fight other ones with their weakness.
The obvious first choice would be to eat Zatanna as quickly as possible to obtain Magic and counter Superman and the likes.
That's not Kirby, that's Keeby
Both would crush everything
Isn’t most of Kirby’s final bosses based on biblical angels or some crazy shit like that? Kirby seems pretty OP, even by DC standards.
Shitty character gets stomped by Aquaman or Cyborg stop with the Kirby wank
Kirby is an OP joke character.
He's basically "what if Plastic Man had all the Lantern Rings without going mad"
Wait, how would Kirby wear a Lantern Ring?
He would eat it, of course.
Kirby bosses aren't anything noteworthy
Are you getting Kirby mixed up with SMT?
Not really. Closest thing to angelic is Zero Two, and it was still the core of an eldritch force of world-devouring darkness.
I don't get where the "Kirby is OP" joke even came from
The joke used to be that "Kirby is fucked up" because he literally consumes his enemies, not just the typical video game thing where you hit them and they vanish, he literally EATS them, and the basic enemies are stated to be Dedede's subjects, actual citizens, instead of like Zelda where they're just monsters made of darkness.
So the whole joke was that when you think about it, Kirby is a pink smiley face who casually eats cake but then sucks the minions of his rival king into what seems to be a magical black hole in his stomach, just eating Dedede's men by the truckload.
Power-wise, Kirby gets killed if he walks into a Waddle-Dee like five times. He can't even inhale an enemy if they're too big unless he beats them up first. There's nothing about him that seems especially more powerful than any other platformer character who can get powerups.
Well he's highly implied to be a fragment of a God of Destruction like most of his other final bosses
It's canon that Kirby's power is infinite.
It's just a power level thing ultimately.
Some of his final bosses are Galactus-level threats.
Plus it is implied that he is still a baby with infinite potential.
>biblical angels
They're clearly Lovecraft Old Ones, with the newest game in the series being the most on the nose with a cult of elder beings preparing for the end of days with the main villain at one point just straight up being a chibi Cthulhu.
I can't even imagine what things would've been like if they'd gone with that female Hyness design.
A lot more sexy fanart I'd imagine.
At least we have Susie Haltmann.
No you're wrong, Kirby doesn't "die" when he gets hurt. Like the implication in most games is that when you die, it didn't actually happen and you restart earlier to tell the story correctly in a way.
It's canon in Kirby that when he gets hurt he just gets mad and leaves because he's a toddler brain.
Don't even bother. It's the same day in each thread whining about "Kirby wank" and using the same shitty examples like "lel walk into a Waddle Dee five times xd." He won't ever listen to what you have to say.
The joke mostly comes from the fact that all his final bosses are meta reality bending world eaters.
Kirby's walking around, killing trees, eating fire to become fire, and then all of a sudden an eye opens from a rip in reality and Kirby beats it up.
He'd be a good guy
I think you mean he'd be a jolly fellow.
>Martian Manhunter
>Green Arrow
>Green Lantern
Swiss Army
>Red Tornado
Plot Armor
>Plot Armor
Sounds about right.
It's an easy mistake to make, honestly.
>Martian Manhunter
Nah, ESP man.
If anything, Deadman would give him Ghost.
He probably doesn't fuck with the heroes, since most of the time you never see him fight his friends unless they're possessed.
First thing's first, he probably cleans shit up. Fast.
Starro gets annihilated seconds before he has time to think about universal domination.
Brainiac gets defeated in a few minutes and all the cities he's stolen are given new planets.
Darkseid is defeated after a gruelingly long battle.
he gets told to not kill the joker by batman so instead he just teaches him a lesson and breaks almost every fucking bone in his body, leaving the joker comatose, but still alive
Gordon is probably immensely disappointed.
Logically with his powerlevel and all that KIRBY THE STRONGEST jazz he would do well without any issues.
But here comes the crux: Kirby is at the core representative of Children and Innocence a quintessential "Sugar Bowl" character even with Powerlevel fags spouting shit about eldritch black holes of eternal consumption, Comic book writers into torture porn and "MUH DECONSTRUCTION" and shit would probably not be able to resist making "a example" of him and "put him down a notch" even at the expense of writing the story badly and ignoring how strong he is, unless the crossover is watched over and has mandates.
So it depends on who writes and how freely they are allowed to.
Its impossible for any comicbook writer to actually "make an example" out of Kirby, because 1) Kirby deals with shit worse than 90% of capeshit as a daily routine, and 2) anyone trying to fuck with Kirby would probably be eaten assuming the writer in question actually has even the tiniest amount of self-awarenesd.
>assuming the writer in question actually has even the tiniest amount of self-awarenesd.
That's the thing my friend, im saying they won't have that.
Not even Kirby can beat BAD CAPESHIT WRITING.
Sword, not whip?
>Not even Kirby can beat BAD CAPESHIT WRITING.
If Superman can endure decades of it, so can Kirby.
If Kirby was 100% immune to Bad Writing i wouldn't have had to seen BLORF comic.
And i wouldn't exactly say Superman endured it either, he had his HOT TAKE ON THE BOY SCOUT periods too when given shitty writers or ones with a chip on their shoulder about idealism.
DC writers would just make Kirby an actual eldritch abomination made out of black holes and a representation of the abstract concept of hunger. And he would fight the Green Lanterns because that's all Green Lanterns are about now.
>DC writers would just make Kirby an actual eldritch abomination
Kinda redundant, given what he is.
yeah no, he can die retard
>I don't get where the "Kirby is OP" joke even came from
It came from the World Of Light cutscene in Smash Ultimate.
Every fighter in the game was obliterated by Galeem (one of the bosses of the game) in the opening cut scene except for Kirby. Because of this, people began saying he's super OP and strong when the only fucking reason he survived was because the star rod is FTL and Sakurai bias
>It came from the World Of Light cutscene in Smash Ultimate.
t. normie
Kirby is op has been a maymay since Kirby Superstar came out, and it's only gotten bigger since Return to Dreamland now that the devs are giving Kirby bigger and bigger feats.
>when the only fucking reason he survived was because the star rod is FTL and Sakurai bias
Nah, he survived because he's literally made for new players thanks to his straight forward play style and multiple jumps, and unlike Mario, the only other good option, he actually has a reasonable way to survive something like that.
Note how Mario is the very first fighter you unlock in the mode.
A cute and innocent benevolent one who protects his friends, dreams and cake and is perfectly happy to forgive the people "beneath him" when it turns out they had good reason to inconvenience him rather then a uncaring one who doesn't even notice the existence of lesser beings, don't be obtuse and pretend you don't know exactly what user meant.
Kirby is nowhere near the monster in personality powelevel fags paint him as in the ELDTRITCH ABOMINATION narrative, he is a sweet and kind kid who trusts easily with plenty of FRIENDS who likes getting more unless you REALLY fuck up. Then he will probably murder you or watch your robot daughter murder you.
It was actually around WAAAAAAAAY longer then the WoL Murderfesta and been a bit of a running joke, The cutscenes was basically just the first time people who never actually played Kirby Games or never paid attention to the LORE found out about it, i'll bring up a Yea Forums relevant example with how Brawl In The Family gagged it semi-frequently.
Part of why it was popular back then was because people kept underestimating Kirby though, now people in general stopped doing it.
Didn't Shulk use his last moments to cast speed on Kirby/his Warpstar?
That's head canon
Around his arm, maybe? There are multiple lanterns that wear them without fingers.
In any universe he would be high tier at the very least.
a cute hat
There was that entire cutscene in Subspace Emissary where he literally zooms in on his ride and takes out the villains battleship in one swoop. Lots of people realized how OP Kirby was from that alone.
But it is straight up canon that Kirby is a baby elder god. Its even implied that the 'kirby' species is some off shoot of Dark Void.
Hell Galacta Knight might even be a future version of Kirby.
Kirby is a straight up monster, he is just an innocent monster.
I can see it.
"Kirby is OP" goes way back.
I'm not even sure when it started. It was always kind of an inside joke within the fandom and the series itself, until people started taking it more and more seriously.
I think Death Battle is when it left the fandom and reached more mainstream circles.
This coincided with the games themselves taking it more seriously and the World of Light cutscene kind of cemented it.
Isnt Kirby a god that reincarnated itself as a baby because he got too strong for himself to even handle?
>Kirby seems pretty OP, even by DC standards.
That's part of the reason why Kirby games are so easy
You're playing the most powerful being in the universe on his quest to fuck up other less beings.
Unless you let Kirby's 'health' bar deplete, then he gets bored and goes home because he only enjoys steam-rolling over shit
>ITT: Kirby Wank
Why do people wank Kirby so fucking much? Hi villains barely scrape planetary levles. Kirby isn't OP at all
Where did this “Kirby doesn’t die he just gets pissed and leaves” thing even come from?
It's just fucking Kirby wank see pic related, Kirby can die in the games and dhis bosses aren't reality warpers
It's from Epic Yarn, where he just up and fucking leaves if his health completely depletes.
Bitch, Mass Effect is LITERALLY the story where an actual God of death comes the very closest to outright killing Kirby out of ALL of the games. And that's only because he vastly weakened him beforehand.
In my mind Kirby talks like Meatwad
he'd probably end up one of those buddy people like blue and gold, plas, or animal man and they'd have to kill a nightmare or something
in fact, thats the premise of the comic, all 5 of them just fuck around in space killing nightmares, its not out of character for any of them
IIRC you don’t even have a health bar in Epic Yarn. You just loose those bead things when you get hit, right?
>God of death
lmao see Kirby bosses aren't shit, it's literally all wank without anyone posting legitimate feats aside from that one screencap saying Kirby has infinite power which itself is bullshit
>Hi villains barely scrape planetary levles.
Nightmare, the weakest villain out of the entire franchise, blew up a moon during Kirby's fight with him. Marx had entire corrupted galaxies in his battle background as a setpiece. Galacta Knight has been confirmed for casually destroying whole planets. Magolor with the Master Crown could reality warp the entire universe and send it hurtling towards annihilation. Star Dream was an omnipotent wish-granting super computer capable of reaching into other realms and had universal/multiversal destruction in mind. And Void is Void.
Kirby probably fights these things more often than many capeshit heroes.
If they had self-awareness, they wouldn't be writing for the big2.
See , dumbass.
IF Kirby gives up he's lost though.
>lmao see
>lmao see reddit
You'll need a better source than reddit.
In the original, yeah. At most, damage would just reduce your overall scoring. Extra Epic Yarn gave a proper 'loss condition', but unless you're trying really *really* hard to do it to yourself, you won't ever see it.
I think I've seen faggots on there legitimately argue that Superman could solo the entire Digimon cosmology once. They have no idea what they're talking about more often than not.
>Thinking Kirby won't job worse than Martian Manhunter and lose against stuff he shouldn't have much trouble against
In the end the writer is god. If a writer wanted to publish a story where Superman got knocked unconscious by a street thug wielding a board with a nail in it and his boss was ok with it, it would become canon. Power levels mean nothing.
The director of the last few games said that the Kirby mini games are meant to showcase his power and capabilities outside of the main adventure.
Said mini game include Kirby punching a planet in half, and smacking a planet-annihilating meteor to the other end of the galaxy at FTL speeds.
All statements and no feats. Kirbytards are the gokufags of vidya
better than a co thread where there's infinite kirby wank
>The director of the last few games said that the Kirby mini games are meant to showcase his power and capabilities outside of the main adventure.
Nintendo would never allow it. They would go full DC on them like when DC went full DC on Marvel and demanded that Superman and Batman can't lose in the crossovers.
Spoken like someone that never played the games and only basing everything out of the contents they pulled out of their ass.
I'm 99% sure it started with the Megaton Punch minigame.
>They would go full DC on them like when DC went full DC on Marvel and demanded that Superman and Batman can't lose in the crossovers.
Got a source on that? That sounds like some serious bitch shit right there if true.
Yeah, Super Star started the whole thing of Kirby punching planets and blowing up the Death Star-equivalent and everything.
source 1: Video Unavailable
Source 2 implies more of what Kirby can do as a genre instead of the regular platformer action game. Pretty sure the devs aren't autistic powerlevelfags
source 3: Dead
Source 4: Dead
Source 5: Dead
NIce fucking sources you have there, jackass
Minigames aren't canon
see He means as what can they do in terms of a genre not powerlevelfaggotry retard
This is just someone ranting, not some organized article. The final boss from Kirby Star Allies is stated within the game to be a universe destroyer.
>Power-wise, Kirby gets killed if he walks into a Waddle-Dee like five times.
Game mechanics don't often reflect game lore.
And yet the final boss is never shown to destroy a world or universe
The rant does acknowledge some planetry characters and that one universal guy but outside of that, Kirby doesn't fight multiversal 5D gods and reality warpers on the daily as wankers like to say he does
>Kirby isn't OP at all
I mean...
>And yet the final boss is never shown to destroy a world or universe
>implies more of what Kirby can do as a genre instead of the regular platformer action game
Kirby isn't a genre
The minigames are not furthering kirby gameplay
Nothing supports your reading of what was written.
Mini games aren't canon
And even that shit was that isn't shit compared to what DC characters can do, not impressive.
And your argument is invalid because the boss does fuck all and isn't even shown to destroy anything noteworthy
>The Empty Hand is never shown destroying a multiverse.
>The Empty Hand only claims he destroyed a multiverse.
That totally means that the Empty Hand didn't destroyed a multiverse despite the fact that he claimed he did!
It used to be a meme, but honestly Sakurai seems to be eating up the fan hype and putting in uncharacteristically serious/heavy lore shit in the games recently. Now he's actually putting in elder gods complete with their own cultists in the games and implying Kirby has a relation with them.
>Kirby isn't a genre
I didn't say it was retard
>The minigames are not furthering kirby gameplay
He means the minigames are there to add something more to the game other than just the regular action platformer genre Kirby is. He doesn't mean it as pure powerlevelfaggotry
user Sakurai left the series over a decade ago.
>its not canon because I said so!
Kirby isn't multiversal at all. But claiming he's a threat to universe destroyers isn't a stretch.
So what if they don't show it? It's stated.
Sakurai hasn't worked on a kirby game in years, also why is there literally one person trying to undersell Kirby's strength
Show me where the final boss in SA is stated to be a universe slayer
>Kirby isn't multiversal at all
Mirror Dimension
>Mini games aren't canon
Kirby is a largely silly children's game. There really isn't distinction between canon and minigames. See Gourmet Race.
That's him fighting things from other dimensions. That's not the same thing as having power on a multiversal scale. These kinds of things are why powerlevel folks seem to really get confused.
Oh I thought you meant that Kirby didn't have a multiverse which isn't true but that's fair
>Minigames aren't canon
Who told you that? Kirby isn't very strict with canon. Things like Canvas Curse and Epic Yarn are considered canon.
Lets say, even if it was canon, him hitting a meteorite and busting a planet aint shit compared to what all of DC can do. It’s unimpressive and adds little to his feats
He'd do pretty good. I don't know why people think you have to be Spectre to survive in the DC universe, or be an effective force for good. Most of the stuff outside of Kirby's league is busy with their own shit anyways.
>Kirby isn't multiversal at all.
Void implies otherwise.
That meteorite was hit with a fucking wooden baseball bat and launched 9999+ lightyears out into space, smashing through multiple planet's without even a hint of slowing down. That's well beyond most folks that aren't Superman or above in DC.
Because some people are personally offended when a non-Yea Forums franchise is linked with a Yea Forums franchise. See DB's Toph vs. Gaara, those retards legit thought Toph ever stood a chances.
>Void implies otherwise.
No it doesn't. Void is multiversal, in the sense that it exists in all universes. Kirby destroying individual instances of Void doesn't promote his own power to multiversal scale.
If he suddenly had the ability to destroy all instances of Void at once, that would be another story.
I'm going to come back and laugh at this very post when a new game comes out, and Kirby legitimately gets feats putting him at multiversal+ levels of power. You guys said this kind of shit prior to SA, and now look.
You'll have a legitimate point when that happens, but until them you're just misleading people.
I acknowledge all of Kirby's feats, even the mini game ones, but taking
Out of context, and concluding that Kirby being able to defeat one instance of Void = Kirby being Multiversal in power scale is such an obtuse stretch that I'm certain it's done as an attempt to confuse people less familiar with Kirby.
It's the same shit as people claiming Simon Belmont is Multiverse +.
Kirby already took out Star Dream, which easily reaches into other dimensions and realms. That alone, is kinda evident that he's not dealing with your average universe wreckers anymore. And 'multiversal' as a term depends on the context of what's happening more often than not.
>can survive reentry on his own
>kills eldritch abomininations for sport
>fights planet busters when he isnt
>most games depict his "defeat" as him just getting bored and going to sleep, except when fighting said eldritch abominations
>canonically strong enough to punch a planet in half
he'd do fine, only thing is he wouldn't have a stake in 99% of the shit that goes down in DC verse. Most of the time he only acts because he had to, I think revenge of meta knight was the only time he actively went out of his way to push someones shit in
There was also Squeak Squad, which solidified the whole "don't touch Kirby's food" thing.
Pretty fair even if like a fair amount of anons say it would depend on the writer. Because if we're doing that instead of you know just in general you'd know Nintendo would be involved. They have a massive obsession with characters staying on brand and in a good light.
Let's set a story up so power level fags and dcucks can shut up.
>Lex is fucking with Multiverse tech
>winds up creating a portal to a field
>the field has a single slice of cake that he takes
>And that's terrible
>elsewhere in Dreamland Malgalor is fucking installing dimension warp drive on the Halberd With Dedede and Meta Knight supervising
>Suddenly BTOOOOMF Halberd is floating over Gotham
>Meanwhile Lex is trying to appease the angery Pink puffball, Hat goomba and Jester bastard that fell through his portal looking for that cake.
What happens next boys.
>Marx steals all the cake in DC. All of it
>Magalor starts trying to peddle gem-apples to literally everybody he can
He's a pretty simple individual so I always wondered how he would react to authority, regardless of it being good or bad. Like, If Batman asks for his help, would he listen? Would he have to use a cake to convince him to help? Could Lex get away with misleading Kirby and offering him a cake to bring him to his side? I mean he's managed to mislead other good natures people before.
you fucking idiot
As a crown/headband
surprise buttsecks
But Kirb has no dick tho.
Knowing his relatives he probably has some eldritch soul tentacle cock that he can cause to melt in and out of his crotch at will.
Clark gives him a pie. They become friends.
Kirby is void god, not even exaggerating, the last game confirmed, but he dosen’t seem to be agreessive unlike his “older counterparts”
I am no borb.
I think it comes from the Game Over screens, which imply that rather than dying, Kirby just fucks off and goes to sleep, until the literal hand of God either tucks him in and let's him rest, or wakes him up and forces him into action. This is 100% just a cute way to do a Game Over screen that fits the lighthearted tone of the character and doesn't show Kirby hurt, but people sometimes like to interpret it as being an indication of his power.
I feel like people overhype Kirby's abilities to an extent, though the eldritch abomination-slaying thing is technically true.
>launching a meteorite is impressive!
No, it’s not fucking all of DC can do it. They probably cant launch it with a literal wooden baseball bat because that’s impossible (even by DC standards) but they can launch it.
Also the planets weren’t even that big, most looked smaller than the moon
Considering how DC handles "cute" characters, he'd soon somehow revert/transform into a Void Termina-like destroyer of worlds.
>weakened him beforehand
No he didn’t bitch, he just split him up into 10 copies
What digimon could solo Superman? Which version of which?
Kirby doesn't just launch a meteor, he launches it, while it is accelerated towards the planet, away at superluminal speeds.
The fact that everything on his planet survived itself is a testament to the sheer resilience of everything living around Kirby.
Also of note is that Kirby didn't achieve FTL speeds with SCIENCE or hyperspace shenanigans, he brute-forced it.
>he just split him up into 10 copies
He was literally decimated with each portion having a fraction of Kirby's power.
Zeed millenniummon and Gaiamon. I am talking normal Superman btw.
>Dedede hears about a high ranking penguin in Gotham and sets out to take over his kingdom
>Taranza seeks out Poison Ivy to help him regrow the dreamstalk
>Mirror Master shenanigans involving the Amazing Mirror
>Catwoman and the Squeek Squad compete to see who can rob Wayne Industires first
>Implying they couldn't just write an "Anti-Kirby" device or something equally stupid
But how would the DCU fare against Kirby villains?