Is this technically hypercrisis

Is this technically hypercrisis

Attached: S symbol.png (650x362, 252K)

>Went to pick up my nephew from daycare
>they were drawing this on concrete

How did this spread

My interpretation of hypercrisis is that memes exist in the subconscious and spread like a virus in the thoughtspace of our reality. So yeah, I'd say this is pretty fucking hypercrisis. Even more so since it resembles an "S".

Like a virus. One ingenious kid thought of it in the 70s and it'll stay with us until the end of days,

Fucking stucci, its everywhere.

it's apparently a thing literally all over the world even in countries that don't use the arabic alphabet

It's the natural inclination for children to explore hard angle shapes

>when you realize it's a meme, an "S", and a Moebius Loop

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Did your group of friends also have a special name for this?
We always called it skater S for whatever reason

When Superman crosses over to our world, this will be his symbol.

when I was a kid we called it the Stussy S because - I'm not 100% sure about this - I believe in the late 80s/early 90s Stussy used it on some of their clothing.

In high school it was called the Slut S and was kind of a secret code a girl or guy would draw on their arms to signal they're DTF.

It's fun to draw, and eminently satisfying to draw correctly.
Diamond 8. Always looked more like an 8 than an S.

We called it the Superman symbol even though they look different.

Well, it's not Yea Forums that's for sure.

My friends and I called it "The S". We thought it had some kind of Mystical properties, even though we were only 10 at the time.

Attached: png-superman-logo-8.png (200x200, 14K)

"The Cool S" or "That one S"

some kid i knew called it the "demon S" for some reason

I called it the ghetto S in middle school

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That’s the one I heard.

It was Skater S for me.

The Mark of Gay

Most people just called it The S since really what else would The S be referring too?

That said I've heard others call it Ghetto S.

I'd never seen this before, and suddenly it's exploded lately as this thing everyone did.

They did not. Stussy has never used it.

You probably just weren’t cool

It's because everyone remembers it. I remember it from elementary and later. Unlike other pop-culture icons, it has no traceable origin. That's what makes it so mysterious.

>I'd never seen this before
How to spot an alien disguising itself as a human.
Seriously, I have a younger sister in middle school and they are still doing this shit to this very day.

There have been /x/ threads arguing about the origin of the "cool S". No one fucking knows where this started or what it "means"

The most likely explanation is that S is an easy to make letter and for some reason the one developing kids want to experiment with when drawing letters as shapes and outlines rather than memorized symbols. O looks too much like a circle, I looks too much like a line, and X looks too much like any number of symbols, but "S" is both something that can be easily stylized while still being unmistakeably identified as a letter.

Pretty sure it's an American thing. Kids in my school drew swastikas to try and be edgy lmao.

Meme magic Satanism. It is in the gestalt now

The holy tetrarchy of dumbass middle school doodles:
>Cool S
>perspectiveless "3D cube"

>dumbass middle school doodles
Dicks are a classic for all ages.

frog here i did the same thing

That kid's name? Grant Morrison

Steven S. Because the coolest kid in class was named Steven.

>perspectiveless "3D cube"
That's me

i learned about the s symbol from a random black kid drawing it in elementary i figured it was like a skate brand symbol or something

It's really an amazing thing, the term "hypercrisis", itself originally evolving to encompass Morrison's use of meme theory instead of simply his Crisis-inspired meta-epic, has now evolved, memetically, into referring to meme theory itself, almost entirely independent of Morrison and his work. People are discussing meme theory, calling it hypercrisis, without even knowing that what they're discussing is meme theory.

I know Grant is aware of hypercrisis on some level, but if only he knew how deep it goes, and that simply by him reading about memes, he inadvertently created a meme that itself describes memes.

I learned it from some girls in elementary school, I think in the school library. It's not a skate brand symbol. It's not a gang symbol. It just is.

Well, regardless we still called it that.

I did it because my uncle and our neighborhood friends drew it

Reminds me of that one penis graffitti drawn a specific way. Think it was called a penchenko maybe.

It's a white supremacist symbol. It consists of 14 individual lines, representing the "14 words", and can also be read as an 8, symbolizing the 8th letter of the alphabet; H for Hitler.

Attached: 320px-'Cool_S'.svg.png (320x949, 7K)

>/pol/ false flagging again

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We had it classified as a gang sign. That stood for Super Gang.

>14 words
... That You Can't Say on TV?


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Had some girl in my school in 5th maybe 6th grade call it this, can't remember anything else

Probably the best explanation, the swastika was a lot like that before it got coopted by the Nazis

What if this symbol actually comes from a different timeline?

And it wasn't an advertised product like tamagotchi and spread before the time of the internet. Each school only needed one kid drawing it in a notebook before it seemed like everyone tried it once

literally a meme
It is a classic case study for the spread of memes. Richard Dawkins coined the term about how ideas can spread similar to genes, but of course far easier.

I first read about it in a comic book.

Attached: gen-13 bootleg 43 cv.jpg (414x640, 60K)

I can't blame them when idiots in the media keep taking the bait.

A legitimately good explanation of memes.

Many people I know that know about basic meme theory learned of it from the mgs series

>88 get
I want kek out of Yea Forums

I thought the swastika was based on some constellation moving through the sky for different seasons?

Technically, but probably not the ones you're thinking of.

>some constellation
The Big Dipper.

It's really depressing to see write ups in the news and on websites like Wikipedia take everything at face value instead of realizing we're in an age of mass satire and trolling.

Nah, it started out as some Buddhist symbol, but Hitler stole it, flipped it, and rotated it 45 degrees - and now people in the West flip out when they see one in Chinese media. They're not the same swastika, bruh.

..All I can think of is "shit", "piss", "fuck", "cunt", "cocksucker", "motherfucker" and "tits", man!

>14 lines = 14 words
>S stands for Supremacist
That's good although the 8 doesn't really work since it doesn't really look like a 8

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Are we even sure it's not older than that?

There's some movie from I think around 1978 it appears in, which is its first appearance in pop media. So no we aren't sure it's not older, but it's a safe assumption.

I remember it from elementary school. I don't even remember where it came from, just that kids were doing it and so I started drawing it.


No, /pol/ please stop, don't ruin this too.

I first learned about itin that Gen13 isse, but also was huge into MGS2.

All flags are false, brother.

Ain't gonna fall for your tricks again, Alpharius!

>Buddhist symbol
Pretty sure it's older that Buddhism, or meant more than that since it appeared in cultures totally unrelated to Buddhism like Norse Pagans and Anglo Saxons who are about as far away from Buddhists lands as you can get without going to the New World.

my school called ' it the super s'

On my planet, we have to draw the whole word hope.

That's a myth, the swastika traditionally can be used facing both directions, and was, even prior to the Nazis.

If you imagine both of the ends of the S connecting behind the letter it could be an 8.

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Superman and the S symbol will always permeate from the Metaverse to the rest of creation.

I don't think anybody's not thought of Superman at least one time when they've seen the "S". Shit half of us are even calling it "the super S".

Superman exists in this world as an idea, a fiction, a meme. But he exists.

Maybe this a sigil. Maybe Morrison's magic is onto something.

Man hypercrisis threads finally started getting good again when Grant took on GL, I hope it continues when his next issue comes out given all the Doomsday Clock stuff going around too.

Where exactly does Grant's Green Lantern fit in with Doomsday Clock's timeline?

It was definitely a thing in just about every European country

The fuck is hyper crisis.

It goes way earlier than the 70s.

Go back to /pol/, you evil motherfucker! And take your Grade-C Bullshit lies with you!

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Same time as current King Batman and Bendis Superman. iirc the comics are only like maybe 6 months behind Doomsday Clock at this point chronologically

I should post this on /pol/ so CNN with act like it's really a white supremacist symbol

As much as I have some hatred for Dawkins (as a christfag) I admit I admire him for the idea of memetics. I just wish they were studied more properly.

>post ends in 88

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Same. It was because youd get in trouble if a teacher saw you draw it so we assumed it was gang related

Man, memes have always been around haven't they?

This shit is in OK K.O.

Prove it.

I missed out on the hypercrisis theory stuff. can someone give me a rundown? Does this mean that you think that this meme can tell us that this universe is another multiverse?

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How is this Yea Forums

It's a drawing dude. And it's a question of hypercrisis, which is a topic origonating from comics.

It's Yea Forums

It's the Superman in an adjacent timeline.


It's infected Yea Forums...

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Chris Chan is inherently a bringer of hypercrisis. Or, as most other people prefer to call it, meme magic.

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