Why is Joker so beloved? Like I get that he's a great villain, but what elevates him above the dozens of other great villains in Batman's rogues gallery?
Why is Joker so beloved? Like I get that he's a great villain...
His just a dude with mental issues and an eccentric wardrobe.
He speaks out about the treatment of gamers in this society
>he's a great villain
he's not
>what elevates him above the dozens of other great villains in Batman's rogues gallery
batfags are retarded
Sometimes he's funny.
Basically, it's performances and key story moments in the Batman mythology.
Joker's the one that gets to kill Jason, shoot Babs. He outshines Bats in both Keaton's Batman and The Dark Knight. The animated show has Mark Hamill's voice, which is incredible. The Arkham games are at their best with Hamill's Joker.
He's just always there to be the face of villainy when Batman gets broad publicity beyond the comic niche.
>Why is Joker so beloved?
Edgelord 14 year olds.The main comic demographic.
The Joker's core concept is that crazy people are scary. That's something everyone can relate to.
>Uses OPM image
Faggot Weeb.
Seething Superman fag.
He contrasts well with Batman. Batman's dark, orderly, and serious while Joker's pale white, erratic, and based around a comedy gimmick.
Marvel and Dc work like this:
They have many characters that have existed for decades
These characters will only be remembered for theor very best works
Joker’s existed for nearly 80 years
Like Batman and Superman, Joker has a handful of amazing stories (KJ, serious house, DK eg) that wade amongst a sea of forgettable shit
People never remember forgettable shit, only remember the few meaningful stories
People think they’re good characters
That’s why Joker’s so famous, not because he’s that much better, he’s just included in more of the actually memorable stuff like The Dark Knight
>super genius is the most versatile kind of villain
>people like evil clowns
>complete insanity makes him even more versatile
He just fit any kind of tone and story, all you need to do is make him more or less violent what fit his character of always trying new things for fun.
Also people simply love characters who are having fun because the audience can relate to it.
relate to it? sick fucks
This, villains and nemesis work the best when they're opposites.
>Why is Joker so beloved?
Because deep down, humanity worships evil.
Just look at Yea Forums if you need any proof.
Because people are sleeping on Two Face
I personally love the Joker because people have fun writing him. Edgy Joker is easily the worst interpretation of him, while Mobster Joker and Trickster Joker are the best.
His tonal flexibility. You can tell a silly story with him about as easily as a scary one. And with him it can go from one to the other in a matter of panels and not feel out of character. Because, hes's a clown and they've been alternately amusing and unnerving people for centuries .
Because he cuts himself and goes to Hogwarts in England where he is a stanist and wears high heels.
They also have the common ground of being two regular guys that suffered some tragedy and were forced into what they are now and whoever they were before is long gone.
He's one of the few true "Arch nemesis" that is truly the exact opposite of their heroic counterpart, while also being entertaining to watch in their own right. He is also extremely malleable, with a tonne of different Jokers of various types (for better or worse), while most other villains are always basically the same.