Still remember me Yea Forums ?

Still remember me Yea Forums ?

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I liked it, but what were they thinking releasing it when they did?

literally who?

It really was a fucking weird time. Still, got my 8 bucks and made a profit so I guess it worked out.

Sure do. Way better than that other Captain Marvel movie

Piss of Carolfag

WB only pays indians for two month top, so that's the reason no one is talkibg about it anymore on social and everywhere.

yes and i cant wait to see it

The fact Billy was straight up abandoned in the movie still fucks me up a bit

Of course.

Excited about Blu-Ray alternative ending

Yes and dearly. The best cape movie of this decade.

Who doesn't remember the movie that finally killed DC?



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Gotta admit it's certainly more interesting than another orphan story

His parents are just shitty white trash who didn't want him, they didn't die in a car crash

Wouldn’t it be WB’s fault for the release date?

Pedro a cute, Freddy a close second

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The film was just
>montage of him fooling around
>the scene where he finds his mother
>he fights and beats the bad guy, the end
There was no character development. He learns nothing on screen. He doesn't redeem himself. I can't believe people liked it. The film was soulless and superficial. The film should have spent some time with him apologizing, vowing to be a true hero, realizing how valuable his adoptive family is, etc., but all those were completely missing.

>You need it more than I do.

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>realizing how valuable his adoptive family is
But he did, was it too subtle for you?

This must be bait. No one is this obtuse naturally.

Imagine being so thick that a superhero movie goes over your head.

Do people actually remember comic movies for more than a month when the next easily digestible loaf is pushed into theaters?

Yeah, just wait for the Christmas season I bet you people are going to see it again.

I liked it, but it felt like it wasted Mark Strong a little. DC finally gets an actor pretty much everyone agrees can pull of great villains and then... they have him monologue at people?

Ladderbro pls

So when did he use the wisdom of Solomon or courage of Achilles?

Did you even watch the movie? There was a ton of character development for Billy, Freddy, a little bit of Mary and even Darla

I mean that was the character, a lot of grandstanding

That was BvS

You don't?

That was too real for a capeshit

Those latter things were definitely there, but even I thought they seemed kinda superficial. I honestly thought the dicking around with Super powers montage took away from the film more than it added. Surely Billy could infer what his powers are based on the acronym for SHAMZAM if he had the wisdom of Solomon.
Even the nu52 version did a better job of them trying to use the powers for fun but Billy kept stopping to do good deeds. The movie having him pretend to be a superhero while not really being one was really just not in Billy's character for me.

None of it was developed convincingly.
Billy suddenly decides to embrace his adoptive family with no transition.
The film's missing a scene where he thinks
>The adoptive family is nice to me. I should give them a chance.
>I really messed up. I should make amends and grow up.
>I have a superhero's power. I should start acting like one.
The film, as it was, just showed a guy fooling around and then fighting the villain, and then he's suddenly nice. He's not a superhero. He's just a guy with power.

Yeah I mean it's not like people would watch anything else like fucking Star Wars or anything

Back to Yea Forums with your retarded DC loving ass


shut up marvelfag

Heard a similar story just recently from a co-worker. Only worse.

I remember you beating the snot out of Superman. Pretty based desu.

>adapting the very worst version of Shazam
>movie wasn't successful and only championed by hardcore DCfags who are spiting the Snyderfans
>new ongoing comic also already suffers from numerous delay
it's a dead franchise, Jim, some cereal loving loser fucked it up forever


Used the wisdom to bait envy out of Sivana. Anyone with Biblical knowledge can tell that was a total Solomon move. Courage was willing to sacrifice himself for his foster siblings when they were taken hostage.

It occurred to me with all those recasting rumours the other day they'll probably have to do it for Billy as well. Since his actor is going to be 18/19 if the time the next one comes out on schedule. Unless they go for an adult Shazaming into an older adult.

honestly not seen it, but the dude they got to play Captain Mar--- Shazam just feel wrong.

And gives me bad flashbacks to Chuck

yeah. they never really said his name.

What's his name, anons?

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Zaptain America, wasn't it?

i just want her to be my gf

is that too much to ask for?!!!
*cries in basement

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Formerly Chuck

I actually forgot about Flopzam. It turned out to be just a stupid kids film anyway, not true capeshit.

>What is this?

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Wgy are Marvelfags such asses?


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It was a low budget film. WB has much more expensive movies to release in potentially more profiting slots. I mean, as shitty as the release time for it was, it'll still end up being way more profitable and much more of a hit for WB than Pikachu and Godzilla.


>Surely Billy could infer what his powers are based on the acronym for SHAMZAM if he had the wisdom of Solomon.
Being wise is not just magically knowing stuff but being intelligent. He showed it on how he defeated Sivana by tricking him instead of just punching the shit out of him Snyder style.

>WB has much more expensive movies to release in potentially more profiting slots
Yeah like Shaft, Annabelle Comes Home, or Super Intelligence

>The film's missing a scene where he thinks
>>The adoptive family is nice to me. I should give them a chance.
>>I really messed up. I should make amends and grow up.
>>I have a superhero's power. I should start acting like one.
Imagine being retarded enough not to realize all of this actually did happen in the movie.

>Annabelle Comes Home
Christ! How many of these Conjure movies are they gonna spit out?

They still made movies after BvS set in this universe

This piece of shit killed everything

As somebody who actually likes movies, I surely do. It was the first superhero film that actually was a proper film in years.

As many as they can as long as they make money

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I already mentioned the kind of movies I was referring to. Shazam still made more than enough money given its budget, and those films would've probably done much worse in Shazam's slot. The problem for WB is not Shazam, 'cause it did well. The problem is Pikachu and Godzilla completely shitting the bed.
I still would've liked it had a spot where it allowed for more people to watch it since it deserved it, but I can understand why WB did what they did from a business perspective, even if in retrospective it ended up biting them in the ass.

You do know ww84 and Birds of Prey are coming right? (Tbh if any movie will officially kill the DCEU, it's gonna be BOP)

Wilson was pretty good as Orm

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Those movies have already been made. The announcement that WB is killing the DC movie universe happened now because Shazam officially bombed

It didn't

You can say it all you want but just like Godzilla fans you're living in denial

Every day

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be honest, you didn't even watch it

No one did that's why it bombed

How the fuck is Godzilla a flop? It just released a few days ago? Are you getting desperate, Mouseketeer?

>tfw more popular than Godzilla (except in China)

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Made more money than both Ant-Man movies where I live

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Opening weekends have determined the fate of Hollywood blockbusters for some twenty years. People extrapolate the potential earnings based on the first (and potentially second) weekend gross to determine if a film will succeed or fail long before it actually leaves the cinema.

There are exceptions to this, obviously, but that's the general rule of thumb.

No one cares about your third world shithole

and also Guardians of the Galaxy, but the dollar is stronger now so in dollars it fell short

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>What she told Billy, that kept him going for years to find her, were just a quick thought to shut him up

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samefag. Fuck off to Yea Forums, vermin

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What got deleted?

Isn’t it too early to say that?

This whole sequence was so good. Mark Strong is a brilliant villain. I'm glad that Green Lantern was shit so we could get him on this.


What the hell is that shitty ass art

>a close second

Lies, Freddy is the cutest.

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Typical shitty Captain Marvel art

Unironically the best cape film of the year so far.

yeah it was kino

Not even close.

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>tfw no Grace Fulton gf

Nice moving of the goal posts, user. Really makes you seem smart.

I don't remember Freddie being a Gypsy women.

>WB has much more expensive movies to release in potentially more profiting slots.

Super Intelligence is the perfect example. They could have released it in early November where they only have some horror movies or in December in place of Super Intelligence. McCarthy comedies have been hit or miss box office wise.

Stop having sex.

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It was my favorite superhero movie so far this year, up until the part where they all get Shazam'd

Well, you remembered wrong.

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>i stand

That was one of the best things about the movie though. It's not often that a superhero has to actually learn to share his powers in order to become stronger rather than the typical individualistic power fantasy than the superhero genre is, and it was the perfect inversion of Sivana, who became more powerful when all of the sins were inside him.

I know
But being wise means being able to infer further information by using what you've been told. Billy heard Shazam state that he would be granted the wisdom, courage power, etc. Surely a wise person would think "Power of Zeus" probably means lightning, and Strength of Hercules means super strength.

i loved that part. to me, darla stopped being the 'cutesy one' and started being genuinely adorable in that scene, i loved the bit where she talked to santa.

At least Billy's got a family that loves him now with a big titty mom and a hot sister

Don't you have a Carol thread to fuck off to?

Yeah, it's... What was his name again?

If it has no memes or shipping Yea Forums drops it after a few weeks

Honestly, that last bit was just a cheap shot.



Why the fuck do we still have Carol threads then?

Adults play teenagers all the time.

Yes I do, best modern DC movie

Carol actually has fans

>If it has no memes or shipping

But Billy/Freddy is a hit with the fujos.

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Formerly Captain Marvel

We do?

>Actual fans here

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That moment fucking shook me.

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Whenever I hear Brie Larson speak, I want to rip out her voice box.

>with all those recasting rumours

Wait, recasting rumors? But the kids were great and charming, I don't wanna watch a whole new cast of kids and pretend they're the same people.

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Well maybe they have finally stopped. But we usually have a "tuesday Carol" thread started by bots around here

Your opinion has been noted.
On an unrelated note, when the men with the white coats arrive, do not fight them.

It'll be better for you.

You know what, do try to fight them.


Yep. Still reading your current run.

What are you even fucking talking about?

user is talking about Batman and Superman being recast.

Nobody in Shazam is getting recast.

Then why won't they buy her comics?

Am I just a curmudgeon or was the humor really lacking? Like I saw every joke coming from a mile away and each delivery had me cringing.
>oh he's floating just above a road, sure hope a truck doesn't hit him.
>oof, a truck hit him. Who would have guessed?
That was a gag in Iron Man 3 for God's sake.

Real talk, if Pedro did turn out to be gay, would it really come as a shock?

Sure idiot

Eh, just seen a lot of films and media. The kids in the theater I was in ate it up. It's a memetic thing, the more often you see something the easier it is to spot the set up.

It honestly wouldn't matter.

I remember your sister

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Unpopular opinion!: Older Mary>Younger Mary

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*wrong opinion

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Yes! You are Flynn Ryder!

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>he wants Superman's sloppy seconds

Did they make her college so her fighting the tentacle monster at the end less weird?

We aren’t talking about Lex though

They made her college age so it wouldn't be weird to think she's a qt.

I can't wait until you get released on Blu-Ray so I can watch you again. Fucking great movie. It's a damn shame WB did you the way that they did.

Second best after Endgame.

32nd best after the straight-to-dvd shit

seek therapy if a human woman existing drives you to this amount of pain, user

>The movie having him pretend to be a superhero while not really being one was really just not in Billy's character for me.
This is what put me off seeing it. Seemed like a movie about a completely different guy that they just called Shazam.

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nice to see another spin off

An absolute shit load because it's a very profitable franchise. The conjuring universe is more profitable than Blumhouse now

requesting crocmen stills.

Did not happen.
They did the set up:
-disabled kid yells at him
-he discovers that his lifelong dream of finding his mother is a lie
-bad things happen
They did the results:
-he comes back to fight
-he shares his power
-he beats the villain
-he joins the family
But nothing in between. They didn't deliver on the character having the epiphany and turning 180.
The audience, seeing the residue and the formula for the cliche hero redemption, is left to imagine the rest. And maybe they did.
I don't know what you mean. Maybe you misunderstood what I said, or maybe I wasn't clear. I don't care. I'm not here to have an arguement or win one. I'm just sharing my thoughts.

At least Pedro is barely legal, well his actor is anyway

>They didn't deliver on the character having the epiphany and turning 180.
Are you fucking stupid or were you texting during the whole scene with his mom?


What did his mom have to do with changing his mind about his siblings?

His mom didn't want him but his siblings are the ones who helped him find his mom, even though he had been a total asshole towards them. So when he gets the call for help, right after his real mom rejected him, he realized who actually cared for him and went back to help and actually start acting like a hero. That's why he gives the compass back to his mom, 'cause she's the one who's lost. He finally found his "North", which is his newfound family.
Should he have given a speech or something for you to get it or what?

So an unrelated event made him stop finding them unlikeable?

Again you didn’t watch the movie, right after he met his mom he got a call from Freddy/Sivanna finding out that his foster family all are hostage because of him. He rushes to save them and does his best to protect them

So, off screen development?

>Second best after Endgame.
I concur.

In Aquaman

Except it's not unrelated at all. As I said, it was them that helped him find her, therefore it shows they care, and his real mom didn't. He thought he didn't need a foster family because he had a "real" mom, but his meeting with her made him realize that his "real" family was the one that actually acted like one and not simply the one that he had a blood relation with.
It's so simple and clearly shown that you have to be actually making an effort to miss it. I don't think anyone can really be this stupid, so you're probably just a fanboy trying to shit on a DC movie.

of course he didn't

because gays have fantastic taste in music

>it's so simple
Yes, that's the problem. He didn't care for them, then he did because they were good!

Kinda was, no one usually expects the fat guy in Hollywood movies to like dicks

He didn't care for them because he was too focused on his real mom. Once he realized his real mom didn't care for him, he also realized that his foster family did. That is exactly a 180 moment like the one you claimed the movie didn't have. Now you're implying that the fact that he made a 180 is bad.

I'm not even the same guy you were discussing with. You sound awfully defensive. Tell me, do you usually have thoughts of the entire world being against you? That you're backed off against a wall?
About the movie, yeah, that was a pretty artificial development. You don't warm up to people suddenly, away from them, off screen. Life's not a series of twists.

Carl Danvers

Life's not a 2 hour long movie either, and even less so one with superpowers and a villain. If you don't know how to watch a movie, don't blame it on the movie itself.
And I don't know if you've noticed but this is an "anonymous" board and you stepped in a discussion I was having with another guy and started raising similar arguments to his, so it's only sensible that I would mistake the two of you without any noticeable indication of you being two different people.

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Why are you so aggressive? Did you attach yourself to the movie? I KNOW its genre trappings doom it, you don't have to explain it to me. Glad we agree on why it's forced shit.

Everything is "forced" in any piece of fiction because it was made to happen that way by whoever wrote it. Life is not fiction and vice versa. Complaining that movies aren't like real life is just as stupid as complaining that real life isn't like the movies.

>Everything is "forced" in any piece of fiction
Except for when things happen naturally, organically, inevitably. Start with Shakespeare.


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Yeah, all that poison switching on Hamlet and Fortinbras arriving right after everyone dies is 100% natural and inevitable. Have you actually read Shakespeare? It's full of conventient stuff happening at the right time for the plot to develop in the way Shakespeare needs it, and that doesn't make it any worse. They were accepted narrative conventions, just as specific events producing significant changes in a character is an accepted convention in movies that have around 2 hours to tell you a whole story, specially in plot driven genres such as action and fantasy.

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Yeah that was a lot darker than I expected from the movie.

i read it was going to be 30 mins of extra footage but i don't know if that was offical

is this the same poster that always wants characters to literally say exactly how they feeling? Ive read very similar criticism before on this board before I thought it was just someone being a goon
but Now i wonder if its the same person.
>Superman should have said "I'll have to go super fast to turn back time and save lois" because just spinning the globe in a circle wont cause time to reverse

He would have been a 10/10 perfect Lex, why the fuck wasn't he?

He was, Orm might be my favorite capeshit villain of the past few years. They did a good job of striking a balance between menacing and sympathetic.

I keep waiting for the definitive date for the blu ray release; I want to rewatch it so badly.

Best cape film of 2019

Name 1 villain in a superhero movie that doesn't "monologue at people". Do you think he wouldn't have done it if he were playing Luthor? By throwing his own brother out of the window, he's better than 90% of recent cape movie villains.


Irritated it hasn't leaked yet. Captain marvel leaking is pointless since it sucked, but this I would actually rewatch.


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Is Carol still talked about?

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I did love it but I don’t know if I liked it more than endgame, it was super fun and cheesey(in the best way possible) but endgame did end far better than I thought it would’ve.

Though I will be buying Shazam on Blu-ray but I’ll be waiting for the mcu boxset to come out to get endgame

>bullying a cripple

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Keep in mind, that cripple is Freddy Freeman

Should Mary replace Freddy as the deuteragonist for the second film?

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2 for 2 on DC wasting Mark Strong

Ew, no, she was shit.

Billy, Freddy, and Darla should be the main trio.

Yeah, I'm interested in the dynamic with her being the oldest and the college stuff.

Id say Darla


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>didn't even make it out of JUST

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I'm sure with DVD/Blu Ray sales and streaming he will creep to 400 million.

And HOLY GOD, Hellboy never made it past 20 million.

Shazam>Captain Fungus

Except most good films manage to do the transition better and more gradually.
What would Toy Story be like if Woody remained hostile to Buzz the entire film until they make it back to Andy, then suddenly they're great buddies? That's what this film felt like.

>Everyone treats me like I'm invisible.

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so is it gud or wat

Yes, you were a fun, great christmas movie that should've been aired at cristmas.

it was good. what he said. it's gonna be my annual christmas movie from now on

>Just say the word


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>I am the only Pepe that gets posted in Shazam threads. I name the memes, poster, not the other way around.

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Captain fungus?

Of course I do, one of the comfiest capefilms we've had in a while

This is.... hilarious. Are you just not very intelligent?

The movie so unliked that Disney had to completely change her personality for Endgame

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